New Time Traveler here! And a few questions.


Temporal Novice
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If time is not something that flows and time is only change, then time does not really exist. How is it possible to travel through time?

Also I'd like to ask if anyone has used the Hyper Dimensional Resonator to time travel as see on
And if so, Did it work?
i can't imagine that anyone who has physically travelled using the hyper dimensional resonator, would actually openly admit it on a public forum in front of every-one. Do you?

I won't induce a heart attack, perhaps quite the opposite if you used it correctly.

Don't buy it from future horizons. Get it from Gibbs directly - its also cheaper and better built. Future horizons only want funding for their future products. Gibbs will be more interested in giving you a quality safer product than the money.

Roel, have you used one - to be 'quite sure', Or is it infact purely unsure opionion dressed up in unfounded confidence?

&gt;&gt;"If time is not something that flows and time is only change, then time does not really exist. How is it possible to travel through time?"

Its possible in the same way that it is possible to pick up a solid object that at its fundermental core is not solid and should [in scientific terms] have no reason to even exist let alone be picked up.

If space is an illusion (as this would show), then for time to 'exist', time must also be an illusion. It would probably be better to say, you are navigating or manipulating the illusion rather that the actually 'thing' itself.

kind regards,
"If space is an illusion (as this would show), then for time to 'exist', time must also be an illusion. It would probably be better to say, you are navigating or manipulating the illusion rather that the actually 'thing' itself."

Good point Olly.
I actually should have thought about that before I posted.
We are IN the illusion, or should I say matrix? Therefore as you said we are not actually traveling through "time" but only manipulating the illusion and traveling through that. Or in it?

And why wouldn't someone admit using the the HDR? I just wanted to know someones experiences, be it astral travel, OBE or physical time travel. If it worked on me, I'd come on to the forum right away and share my experiences. Heh. Even though judging by some of the posts I've seen no one would believe me.

You should carefully read the description of the HDR there. They make only one (somewhat) factual claim for the gadget:

It is primarily designed as an astral projection/time machine and unlimited white light generator.

I added the emphasis on "and unlimited white light generator." That's a true statement - at least in theory. The "witness light" will output an unlimited supply of white light (well not really "white" but close enough) so long as
<ul type="square"> [*]You never turn it off [*]You never forget to pay the electric bill [*]The light bulb never burns out [*]Something in the gadget itself doesn't burn out [/list]

Since I started putting out caveat emptors on my TT forum a few years ago they have at least dropped the reference to Radionics on Future Horizons. Radionics is a subsidiary of the Tyco Corporation. Its both the name of one of their medical/surgical machine manufacturing companies and a trade name used for the machines.

So, caveat emptor. It's an expensive gadget that now costs $590.00 (it was $375 when I first looked at it). And as was pointed out above, putting a 110 volt coil on the noggin might not be the most healthy thing to do for the brain cells or the heart muscle.
you sure its not that Future Horizons just want more money for it.

Gibbs has always maintained at its core, its a radionics machine, he even says this on his webpage. Are you sure that Future horizons also didnt give in to the narrow minded view of radionics in the US, which i still believe still has major laws against the technology for very little reason? I still think certain radionic research in the US can still see you put away (in the US). At least this was still the case a while back.

Gibbs sells if for $360 with coils and EM. there is another site that also sells them for $299 though i'm not sure if this is standard and with out EM and coils. Incidently i should say, the EM manget and the coils are actually where most of the money goes. They are expensive. Taking up well over 50% of total cost of the combined package.

If you buy a resonator that is without a large EM or coils for either $299 or an horrific $500 + (future horizons) ... In short, you are being totally screwed over!

It is more powerful then regular radionic units. Most of which don't use electricity anyway. Its plain for all to see that it has been designed in mind of the Electromagnet, and coils. I think this is telling for what it is designed to function in/as. Even if its not claimed (which obviously has to be the way).

On the packaging, it not even reffered to as a radionic unit purely described as a 'stress relief machine'.

Which was a good low key description. Especially for the US side of things.
I should also say,

Their operational procedure which claims (can/may cause physical travel over a vortex or 'grid') Won't work. I also don't understand why exactly it has two copper plates rather than the EM. this part looks more like George Nordahl's IDR, with chakra plates. It won't work especially even without the chakra plates, which they don't include. For $590 it should come with a free car.

The coils also read the brain rather than feed it. You don't leave the coils on when you if you use it for astral travel, they arent responsible for it. The user and EM magnet is.

From their description (which i hadnt read in ages), i would suggest you buy it off someone who knows at least the operational procedure or process at the very least.

kind regards,
Roel, have you used one - to be 'quite sure', Or is it infact purely unsure opionion dressed up in unfounded confidence?

I guess what Roel means is, that if someone tries to sell you a "time machine" for money, then he is obviously a con artist rather then a real time traveller... A real time traveller won't sell time manipulation devices over the web. Nor would he need your money, when he can simply bet on the outcome of sports events he already knows the outcome of.

There is nothing wrong with using a little common sense, you know. Especially when dealing with people who are trying to sell you something...