new Time Travel page


Temporal Navigator
Hello all, there's a new time travel page in the works. I like to attempt to prove claims with solid evidence, or at least give credit to and cite sources of information. It won't be another clone page with pasted garbage. I just got the idea to create the new page yesterday, so only a sketch-version of the framework exists, but I'm just announcing its existence.

I originally had a time-travel page back sometime around 1997-99, well it's back, this time I will not remove it (even if the MiB ask me to) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

The page: [Time Travel Investigation].

- Razimus

PS... yes... my avatar picture I touched up in photoshop, it is a picture of Milla Jovovich, not myself, it’s fun being anonymous. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Mmmmmmm..? I took your virtual tour and you did say that while you were in the car, that you did see a guard by the treeline, that when you saw him, he kind-of faded into the background.(somthing to that effect, but guard, fade into the background, when you saw him, did register.

Yes this is on record, as having you say this on your pages.

This is over a day old now, so I wouldn't doubt that you could have erased this by now?

2.. Ya did honey, you came right at me and pegged me as your foe, even before I had made any decision about you.

I'm sorry, but I have it on record that this is what you said, probably because you are either building me up to be this great figure that you have to come at with full, force, or you perceive me as a threat.

I don't care. But for the record, you did,.turn on me first and I would be willing to swear to this.

FYI, you can encode a virus in just about any form of picture.

It's with the pixel rate and placement of how the composition is put togeather and this has been even advised of, on a number of the big homepages, such as MSN, Yahoo and so-on.

Yep, the sys, reads this and you've encoded a virus, right into the system.

Could have gotten it from somewhere else, but the jpeg of Milo, was the only photo I had current sent to my phots.

Hey' I don't hate you and I'm not a threat to you.

I just plain don't care and I don't see why you are so nervous, that you must do all of this posturing to defend what might seem like the public seeing your slip showing?

If you say you were here at the beginning, then more than likely you were?

If you say John Titor is really the cartoon character, Donald Duck, then who am I to argue?!
Always good to hear about a new TT web site. Good luck!!


" <font color="red">Never argue with a crazy person [/COLOR] "
Mikebo, thanx. Those are cool words of wisdom. Reminds me of the time I met this guy who claimed to be a time-traveller, he had a skull tattoo, and when we asked him about it he said he got the tattoo to distinguish himself from his other time-travelling self that didn't have a tattoo, he was an interesting guy.
To Mikebo, I'm not crazy.

To poster Razimus,..I never said anything negative about your new posting board, nor any attempts in you still posting here, if you want.

:oops: :oops:
I must apologize. I did not mean to imply you specifically.

My "words of wisdom" was meant to be taken by everyone, myself included.
PS... yes... my avatar picture I touched up in photoshop, it is a picture of Milla Jovovich, not myself, it’s fun being anonymous

Well, Gee whiz !! I took the risk and used a real picture of myself in TTI, why can't you ? was only that was airbrushed in. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I heard her in an interview about 1 week ago, she pronounced her own name, "Me-Law" or "Mee-la", I assume her way is correct.
Yes Raz, Lude-me-lla, is the full text of the pronounced name.

Lude-me-la, I'm sure is formal Russian.

Reference early Berlitz books, on Russian Languages and how to get around in Russia, by Berlitz.

In the then Soviet Union, everyhting is modern and there is little to worry about.

Keep away from military bases and don't accidently wander into any restircted areas.

The hotels are wonderful, people careing and Russia is very beautiful.

The modern Russia, is a little more terse.

There are allot of weridos around Mscow and you don't want to be there at night.

In some places in Russia, is someone is killed, they might lay there most of the day, till soeome one decides to pick them up off the ground.

Spasee-bo, is thankyou in Russian.

The pleasure S is let slide out, in an almost seductive way.

Russian Launch vehiles are wonderful, when they dont blow up!

They can place a big payload in orbit, cheaper than anyone else.

That son of a gun who spoke up for Bonnie Dunbar, when she had her accident in Russia.

NASA was going to scrub her from the mission and this Rus spoke up for her.

In the capsule, after she made the flight programs, she looked at that cosmonaut with tears in her eyes and said,"I will never forget you, for you doing what you did for me"?

Very, very, uncommon people.