New Time Dialation Video!


Chrono Cadet
June, 2006: Inventor Mike Windell joins us to talk about a series of cold-plasma beam experiments that he performed with Warren York that led to both time-dilation & materials-effects anomalies similar to the Hutchison Effect. Windell describes these anomalies in detail, providing insight into high-voltage resonant scalar-phenomenon.

Click on the "Time Dialation" Video Here...

Format & Size: WinMedia 10 Streaming (340kbps)
Run Time: 5 minutes, 38 seconds
Link: Warren York Time-Dilation Video Documentary


Here's my thoughts on this...

We'll never hear another word about this gadget again. You'll move on to yet another wonderful over unity power invention and, after all of these gadgets that you've told us about, we will still not have an over unity gadget.

After all of these years can you show us just one such gadget that can be demonstrated to work first time, every time, as advertised, in undeniable violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, out in the open, while being operated by someone not the inventor and who is in no way associated with the inventor? Someone unrelated to the inventor such as UL Laboratories.

No excuses, no glib pseudo-science double talk. Jjust have one gadget that they say can violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics submitted to UL so they can test it and verify that it does what it is supposed to do.
Spoken from a balanced scientific view, as always, Darby.

I must say, I am quite apalled by the number of people who think all they have to do is put out a video, CLAIM that something anomalous is going on, provide absolutely NO analytical backup, and then think the world is going to beat a path to their door. Moreover, I am also a bit disappointed that there was not so much as a WRITTEN explanation of this issue. A video and an audio interview is all we get? THAT is science? I didn't even bother to listen to the audio interview after watching the video, because even in the video there is absolutely NO indication of what they are doing, what they are testing, or what anyone should look for. Is there even a written experimental protocol for the setup, what steps were taken, and what results were EXPECTED? I mean honestly, this is undergrad experimental protocol... is it so much to ask for?

This is the pseudo-scientific approach at its very worst. And I must point out to all of those folks who jump on bandwagons like this (Gary? Tim?) that you are likely doing more HARM to the possibilities of achieving your stated goals than you are doing good. Whenever you present a result, and then do some handwaving about what you THINK it is showing, this is a sure way to be labeled by the scientific community as a crackpot. And once labeled as a crackpot, it is a bit like the boy who cried wolf... good luck in getting people of science to listen to you ever again.

This has been my constant caution to our friend Einstein (are you reading?). I like Einstein a lot, he seems to be a very sincere guy and I applaud his willingness to do "trial and error experimentation". But once the experiment is done, and captured on video, one must resist the temptation to now make pronouncements about what you THINK is happening. Instead, it is time to break out the math and physics books to see if EXISTING knowledge can model the result you have captured. And if you cannot attribute it to existing phenomenon, then it is time to go back into the lab and add COPIOUS amounts of instrumentation to collect real data (a video is still considered subjective data by science, as you cannot quantify any dynamic states of the test subject).

Back to this "time dilation video"... Is there even a circuit diagram to show what the setup was?

Let me tell you... this kind of "publicity hype" REALLY makes practicing scientists and engineers angry and "sick". Why? Because such hype is a vehicle that chips away at all our hard work to provide sound science to back up our own work. Such hype is what begins to lull the "average guy" into believing that the rigorous approach to science is "not really needed." And THAT is a danger to our entire society, because at some point those "average guys" may make the decision in their own head that they don't need to listen to the REAL scientists/engineers (who follow accepted norms and provide significant amounts of data), and instead start paying homage to the pseudo-scientific hypists. And THAT could spell the death nail to our technological age of enlightenment.


If you want to "See" any of the devices I've mentioned then I shall tell you (again)
(like I've told many others) who often smurk about these things while some have nothing better to do than ignore it, or talk 'smack' when all one has to do is "come and see" for themselves these such "working devices" at our annual TeslaTech Conf. FYI

You can review our current program containing speakers & demonstrators here...

Your either part of the problem, or part of the solution - so either lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!

This has been my constant caution to our friend Einstein (are you reading?). I like Einstein a lot, he seems to be a very sincere guy and I applaud his willingness to do "trial and error experimentation". But once the experiment is done, and captured on video, one must resist the temptation to now make pronouncements about what you THINK is happening. Instead, it is time to break out the math and physics books to see if EXISTING knowledge can model the result you have captured. And if you cannot attribute it to existing phenomenon, then it is time to go back into the lab and add COPIOUS amounts of instrumentation to collect real data (a video is still considered subjective data by science, as you cannot quantify any dynamic states of the test subject).

I read all your posts everyday. Just that I don't have a lot of time that I devote to posting. I too listen to what you say. Currently I am using an analog scope to gather data on this gravity like force that is exhibited with my tesla coil. Not all directions that I explore bear fruit. But the scope has yeilded new information that I couldn't have gotten elsewhere. There was one day while watching the trace patterns on the scope that stands out in my mind though. The usual gravity spike was exhibited. But there was something odd about the trace pattern. The entire spike was displaying a rapid horizontal zigzag pattern which peaked at the spike tip and then zigzagged back down to the zero voltage potential. At the time I seen this the trace pattern didn't register in my mind what was appearing on the scope screen. Three days later I woke up with that scope trace on my mind and a realization of what just might be going on. The zigzags were horizontal on the scope screen. The scope measures time in the horizontal direction. If I were to envision this the way we currently understand time, then that zigzag scope trace would actually be comprised of multiple events diverging and converging in time. But I have to ask myself, could this be just one event zigzaging back and forth in time? At any rate not all the scope traces look like this. I still have to retrace my steps to duplicate this again. It wont be that hard. Not more than fifty combinations to retry. But this phenomena is even more interesting than the gravity output. It almost looks like, there is one combination of the tesla coil configurations that I tried, that appears to be a time force oscillator. I definitely want to gather more info on this. This could be the key I need to control time.

Have you read the material in the Key Of Time Thread?

I believe you are on the right track, but are treating "time" as an actual "thing". This is a mistake I believe many make when pondering the manipulation of something that is merely perception.

Have you considered applying combination(s) of the frequencies you are working with... and frequencies of specific colors, and sounds ?

Consider this...

if you asked 99.9 % of the people in the world today, if there is "any" place where the Laws of Physics don't apply and are completely null and void...what would the response be to such a question?

It is within that answer, your solution is embedded.

...and I know how much power a Tesla Coil can produce, but would you be suprised to learn that maybe it doesnt require all that much "power" to achieve what you seek ?

Its not a question of power, but of balance and equilibrium.

Your either part of the problem, or part of the solution - so either lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!

Which is why I started with a request for no "glib" answers. No one has to "get the hell out of the way". You posted the message and therefore you're responsible for the content. This is a discussion forum and we reserve the right to question a 2nd Law violating gadget considering that not once in all of history has there been a single instance of such a device working nor do I expect that there ever will be such a device.

None of which addresses my original request. Show us just one such gadget that works first time, every time, in the full light of day and with absolutely no intervention or manipulation by the "inventor" or anyone who is in any way associated with the inventor. (NOTE: Scare quotes on "inventor" were placed because the U.S. Patent Office no longer issues patents on any device that appears to claim to violate a conservation of energy law of physics, i.e. perpatual motion gadget, over unity output, etc.)

Submit it to UL Laboratories, let them test it to see if it provides "over unity" power output.

Frankly, Gary, you worry me. Over the past six years it has been the very rare case where you have ever actually joined in a discussion. I think that I've mentioned this before.

Instead of joining a discussion you name drop money making schemes for 2nd law violating gadgets and that's the last we hear from you on the subject - until the next one comes along. Then about a year ago came "The Ranch". That one really concerns me.

From all appearances there is no ranch. There might be some undeveloped property out in the desert. Beyond that there are drawings of some futuristic buildings that are supposed to depict a research "campus" coming soon to a desert in our area.

From what one sees in the drawings a conservative guess might lead someone to figure $10 $20 million to build the depicted buildings. My guess is that you're about $9.95 million short of the lower figure.

I have this feeling that someone associated with this venture will step over the line between Internet fantasy/fun and begin soliciting unregistered equity shares on the Internet for a shaky business venture and will find themselves talking to the FBI and SEC investigators just before talking to the U.S. Attorney's Office and a Federal Grand Jury.

Its just a caveat, Gary. Internet fun is Internet fun. But this ranch/research facility in the middle of the desert has all of the earmarks of a scam. Maybe I'm wrong and I can be directed to the proper agencies to verify that a business exists, that the principals can be identified, that they own the property, that they have a business plan, are properly capitalized with their own personal funds significantly at risk, that they are (or aren't) soliciting venture capitol investors and that shares in the venture are properly registered with the state securities commission where the business offices are located and that this isn't just some pipe dream (or something far more ominous).

All that just to get you to come to our conference? You sure drive a hard bargin pal! (LoL)

FYI - This conference is videotaped during the speakers addressing their research and explaining "how" their devices work! which is also accompanied by a Q&A session for those in the audience who choose to attend. I never see people like you ever show up to address their comments as reflected in in these boards, so what gives?

Yes, I have read the Key of Time thread.

I believe you are on the right track, but are treating "time" as an actual "thing". This is a mistake I believe many make when pondering the manipulation of something that is merely perception.

Now on this particular matter, I prefer to maintain an open mind. Apparently I am presented with an opportunity to investigate time possibly as a separate thing. I never really gave it that kind of attention before. And of course having an open mind I will have to admit that my interpretation of the zigzag scope trace patterns could be incorrect. But the stone has been unturned! I am going to investigate this further.

Have you considered applying combination(s) of the frequencies you are working with... and frequencies of specific colors, and sounds ?

Currently I am exploring the relationship that capacitance and the surface area have with each other on the primary coil on my tesla coil. the rule so far is that as the capacitor gets smaller, the surface area of the primary coil has to get larger. I did push this all the way till my gravity output disappeared. The pulse width from a small capacitor is very narrow. I believe I could now try increasing the frequency of my tesla coil with this smaller capacitor. Hopefully getting my gravity output back. And maybe a little extra too.

...and I know how much power a Tesla Coil can produce, but would you be suprised to learn that maybe it doesnt require all that much "power" to achieve what you seek ?

I am exploring this avenue currently. I am not tuning my coil for maximum spark length as other tesla coil builders do. Mine gets tuned for maximum gravity output. Although it does work better when I use more power. But I just may be able to do it with a lot less power. But only if I can get my operating frequency up. Of course this zigzag scope trace pattern has peaked my curiousity just a bit. Just maybe one side of that pyramid is supposed to represent time.

All that just to get you to come to our conference? You sure drive a hard bargin pal! (LoL)

FYI - This conference is videotaped during the speakers addressing their research and explaining "how" their devices work! which is also accompanied by a Q&A session for those in the audience who choose to attend. I never see people like you ever show up to address their comments as reflected in in these boards, so what gives? answered my post yet you sent me an email in 32 pt bold stating "STOP!". I guess it was some sort of a warning to me. So which is it? Do you want me to stop or do you want to have a discussion?

Gary, I listened to the tape. And it was a bunch of crap. "Tapping into the zero point energy - sorta like an over unity machine" - I think that I got that correct.

As I said, show me just one of these gadgets that you've shilled for over the years that works as advertised - first time, every time, in the light of day. Surely one has worked and the inventor is now a neuvo billionaire. Yes?

But what the hell. You don't even need to show me a techno-gadget. Just accomplish this:

Take two cups of water at thermal equilibrium. While maintining the thermal equilibrium (which means neither adding nor removing any energy whatsoever) get the water in each glass to move to the other.

These glasses are to be as identical as possible and filled with the same amount of water. Put the glasses on a level table next to each other.

If you can get the water in each glass to move to the other glass then you can violate the 2nd Law of thermodynamics.

BTW: Syphoning, for instance, violates the premise of "no additional energy". The glasses can't be at thermal equilibrium if you move one glass to a higher elevation to get the syphon working. You then have to create a vacuum (suck on the syphon tube). Both acts add external energy to th system. Same-same pouring the water from one glass into another. You have to lift one glass higher than the other.
FYI - This conference is videotaped during the speakers addressing their research and explaining "how" their devices work! which is also accompanied by a Q&A session for those in the audience who choose to attend.
What is most noteable is not what happens at such a conference, but what DOESN'T happen at such a conference. Instead of just EXPLAINING how their devices work, why not actually provide a LIVE DEMO of it doing its thing? Seems like that is all Darby is asking for, and it is certainly a reasonable request that ANYONE should make if they are going to invest $ in it.


why not actually provide a LIVE DEMO of it doing its thing?

Oh, they do provide demonstrations. That's why I required a demonstration "that works first time, every time in the full light of day" and performed by someone other than the inventor - someone who is not associated with the inventor and who understands physics and engineering (has an MS or PhD from an officially recognized and accredited university).

I actually have been to a few of these "shows". They explain, they demonstrate, but they don't let you look inside the box, get too close and they don't answer direct questions with direct, lucid and intelligent responses. The guy on the taped interview is pretty typical.

So, how do these people make money on a 2nd Law violating product that can't be patented and which won't ptoduce more energy output than what is input? They hold seminars. And admission isn't free. The price of admission to the Tesla Conference (to get to ask these questions) is $249.95 - the spouse is "only" $199.95.

They sell books and audio tapes. And they aren't cheap either. They don't sell ZPE machines, reversible Carnot heat engines or time machines. Seminars, tapes and books.

He tapped into the zero-point energy.

Well, let's energy. It does exist. That much has been theorized since about 1906. Einstein himself suggested that even a vacuum should act as a harmonic oscillator at absolute zero in 1910 - before the advent of quantum physics. Heisenberg made it the cornerstone of quantum physics (Uncertainty Principle). Its a fact - every system, even a "perfect" vacuum has some minumum energy...the zero (Kelvin)-point energy.

If you take the absolute values of the energy present - its infinite. But the quantum foam fluccuations produce particle pairs - not single particles. They are particle/anti-particle pairs and one particle has positive energy, the other negative energy. One has positive angular momentum, the other negative angular momentum, etc. They are created so close together that they mutually annihilate before they can seperate from each other sufficiently to avoid that energy is zero.

There is no free lunch in ZPE.

I'll even add one more requirement to the demonstration: if the gadget is truly outputting work "over unity" let it run, not for a a few minutes (because the system can be arranged to have an initial state that is not in thermal equillibrium), but for several days under the observation of the people requested above.
So, how do these people make money on a 2nd Law violating product that can't be patented and which won't ptoduce more energy output than what is input? They hold seminars. And admission isn't free. The price of admission to the Tesla Conference (to get to ask these questions) is $249.95 - the spouse is "only" $199.95.
Yeah.... it seems I am in the wrong business.

Of course, I can already hear the excuses: "It isn't cheap doing ground-breaking, earth-shattering, paradigm-shifting research and development!"

Sadly, while information is certainly approaching "commodity" status, market forces have not yet figured out a way to separate useful from useless information! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

in reply to: "Gary, I listened to the tape. And it was a bunch of crap"...

Darby, I could say the same for many of your own discussions (including those from your website) however I won't go there for now - as to answer your question to why I asked you to stop! I think you get the picture. if not, click here to view...

What sort of power source do you presume our planet to run on? moreover, how do you presume it continues to refuel itself? (I'll answer that one for you), Perpetual Motion! Dugh!

"BTW: Syphoning, for instance, violates the premise of "no additional energy". The glasses can't be at thermal equilibrium if you move one glass to a higher elevation to get the syphon working. You then have to create a vacuum (suck on the syphon tube). Both acts add external energy to th system. Same-same pouring the water from one glass into another. You have to lift one glass higher than the other".

The following are not my own words peray, but rather a good example as to answer some of our questions here...

The atmospheric pressure on Earth is 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. If a sheet of paper is placed over the mouth of a glass full of water and turned upside down, the atmospheric pressure on the paper will prevent the water from being subject to the force of gravity and spilling out of the glass, therefore it is also possible to use this natural atmospheric pressure as a "propulsive force"

If you maintain this pressure underneath, and bring about a decompression on top, you can create an enormous upward thrust which no known force can match.

With an atmospheric pressure of 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. we can calculate that the force operating on whatever is subjected to that of 20 m. diameter is equal to 3,278,272.8 kg.

Since this vacuum can be moved in any direction. For example, if the atmospheric pressure developed on a surface of 65 ft. diameter is over 3,000 tons; in the case of a surface 'with a diameter of 200 ft. the pressure developed would be some 30,000 tons. This, therefore, is a tremendous source of power, unequalled by any other natural phenomenon.

Friction, however, does not arise as we are always moving into a vacuum. And without friction this surface does not heat up. We often need extra heating to keep ourselves warm, because the vacuum causes a drop in temperature.

There are no technical difficulties involved in producing an external vacuum. You know that cathode rays have the strange property of decomposing the atmosphere through which they pass. Under the action of these rays, the elements of the atmosphere revert to their etheric state. In addition to this we make cathode rays intersect the anode rays at an angle of 45 degrees. This can be achieved by using high voltage and current. (same thing happens in a Crookes or Geissler tube.)

Note: A diminution of the pressure in cathode ray tubes causes the light in them to disappear. Light therefore is an atmospheric effect, and if it were possible for us to live in a vacuum we would be in darkness.
To Darby,
"BTW: Syphoning, for instance, violates the premise of "no additional energy". The glasses can't be at thermal equilibrium if you move one glass to a higher elevation to get the syphon working. You then have to create a vacuum (suck on the syphon tube). Both acts add external energy to th system. Same-same pouring the water from one glass into another. You have to lift one glass higher than the other".

The following are not my own words peray, but rather a good example as to answer some of our questions here...

Well, this was addressed to you, so I suppose I should give you the first crack at pointing out the flaws and weak/unsubstantiated arguments in the "science" that follows:
The atmospheric pressure on Earth is 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. If a sheet of paper is placed over the mouth of a glass full of water and turned upside down, the atmospheric pressure on the paper will prevent the water from being subject to the force of gravity and spilling out of the glass, therefore it is also possible to use this natural atmospheric pressure as a "propulsive force"

If you maintain this pressure underneath, and bring about a decompression on top, you can create an enormous upward thrust which no known force can match.

With an atmospheric pressure of 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. we can calculate that the force operating on whatever is subjected to that of 20 m. diameter is equal to 3,278,272.8 kg.

Since this vacuum can be moved in any direction. For example, if the atmospheric pressure developed on a surface of 65 ft. diameter is over 3,000 tons; in the case of a surface 'with a diameter of 200 ft. the pressure developed would be some 30,000 tons. This, therefore, is a tremendous source of power, unequalled by any other natural phenomenon.

The "missing" parts in this analysis are quite amusing to me. But I will hold off and let you go first, Darby.

Unsubstantiated RMT?
Me thinks the "pressure" may have gone to his head~ need some asprin Darbs?

"Amplitude pressure" can also be effected via random bombardment of phase congegational waves, provided that the oscillations of ulf, or uhf frequencies are in synch with the harmonics of the pressure variances upon the surface of whatever is in flight.

These so called "Laws" of Physics you mention are not only misunderstood, they have been manipulated by others to create a 'biased perception' to conclude that anything outside of this misconception of how they function, are being sold as in violation to anything related to antigravitic propulsion concepts which demonstrate overunity and reated concepts when describing their power source.

Again there are no "Laws" of physics being violated at all, (on the contrary) in fact, it appears that you simply refuse to accept this. I'll give you that, since you might have difficulty wrapping your brain around all this (sigh) Moeover, it seems as if what you are describing according to your own limited perception of these laws are not only incomplete, but are always being rudimentionaly challenged!

As for "Confronting Gravity." Krauss intended to have "a meeting where people would look forward to the key issues facing fundamental physics and cosmology".
This EDGE edition, which contains photos, is available on the EDGE Website at:

Darby, as you know,
an electron is an integration of electro-magnetic waves. But an
electro-magnetic wave can be of positive or negative polarity. If we were to
send electro-magnetic pulses between magnets, the waves thus produced
would create an ether different from that on Earth. A variation in the
distance between the plates would bring about a modification in the ether

There are various means of producing more powerful energies, It can
be obtained by turning hydrogen into helium at low temperature and
bombarding deuterium with heavier mesons, releasing a fabulous amount of
energy; or by using ultra rays in an acid solution saturated with helium
nuclei. The latter process is the most usual.

How does the transformation of ultra rays into useable energy take

If you allow radioactivity to pass through a magnetic field you will
get alpha, beta and gamma rays. The first are helium nuclei, the second
are electrons and the third are gamma rays which are similar to ultra
rays in their electro-magnetic content. These three components of
radioactivity are related. The ultra rays, or gamma rays, on passing close
to helium nuclei, bring about a deformation of space and give birth to
electrons until their wave energy is expended. Thus when gamma rays
pass through an acid solution saturated with helium nuclei, the newly
created electrons gyrate around the nuclei, but the acid prevents them from
joining up with the nuclei, and they are collected on plates at the
bottom of the apparatus. This provides an inexhaustible supply of energy
which requires nothing more than a little acid solution and some helium

If you were to travel in a spacecraft that contained an artificial
etheric atmosphere and not the ordinary Earth atmosphere, Note that your
eyes are accustomed to seeing the terrestrial ether, the artificial
ether would appear to be luminous inside.

Without this artificial ether no interplanetary voyage is possible.
If you tried to make a journey without this precaution, you could face
certain death. The fluid which binds you to your physical body would
leave you, and your body would instantly be crystallised. This is the
mystery of the crystallised bodies which reach the Earth in the form of
meteorites, (inclding the deformaties produced from the hutchinson effect experiments that
changed the molecular structures of materials subjected to this HE field)
thus any body travelling throughout interplanetary deep space without ether undergoes this process, whether it be made of carbon, calcium, iron, nickel, or any other element!

After passing out of the magnetic field of the Earth, all we need to
do is to create an ether similar to that of the planet to which we are
travelling, and we will then be attracted by it. We can create this
ether of another planet even on Earth, so that we will be repelled from
Earth and attracted to the other planet whose ether is contained within
our spaecraft.

To reach another planet, we need only to change the ether again to
propel ourselves once more into space.By this means life can be
maintained inside the craft whatever its construction, and at the same time it
provides us with a means of locomotion.

Ref: *The Hunt for Zero Point

Although this very recent book (August, 2001) is not yet available in the US, it contains some of the strongest evidence yet for major efforts and success in the field of antigravity technology. The author, Nick Cook, who for the past 15 years has been the Aviation Editor and Aerospace Consultant for Jane’s Defense Weekly, spent the last 10 years collecting information for the book. This included archival research on Nazi Germany’s antigravity technology and interviews with top officials at NASA, the Pentagon and secret defense installations. He shows that America has cracked the gravity code and classified the information at the highest security levels. Because antigravity and its allied zero point energy technologies potentially offer the world a future of unlimited, non-polluting energy it has been suppressed because of the "huge economic threat". His findings support those reported by many of the Disclosure Project witnesses cited above.

*Antigravity Technology Demonstrations

Although T. Brown reported many of his findings nearly a half century ago, other experimenters have just recently begun to reproduce his work and report it in the open literature and on the WWWeb. For example, Davenport published the results of his work in 1995 supporting the findings of T. Brown. More recently, Transdimensional Technologies in the USA and J. Naudin labs in France have posted on the WWWeb: diagrams, web videos, and data on their versions of antigravity "Lifters" based on an extension of Brown’s work. It is a sad commentary on this whole area of research to see that public science is requiring us to demonstrate principles that were demonstrated nearly fifty years ago.

There have also been a number of other demonstrations of "antigravity" phenomena by researchers throughout the world. This includes the work of Brazilian physics professor, Fran De Aquino, and such devices as: the Searl Electrogravity Disc, the Podkletnov Gravity Shield and Project Greenglow, the Zinsser Kineto-baric Field Propulsion and the Woodward Field Thrust Experiments on Piezoelectrics. All of these are described in more detail by

Souce: Theodore C. Loder, III

Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space

University of New Hampshire

Durham, NH 03824


*Challenging Newton

In her book Gravitational Force of the Sun,1 Pari Spolter criticizes the orthodox theory that gravity is proportional to the quantity or density of inert mass. She goes as far as to argue that there is no reason to include any term for mass in either of the force equations. She points out that to deduce from the earth-moon system that gravity obeys an inverse-square law (i.e. that its strength diminishes by the square of the distance from the attracting body), Newton did not need to know or estimate the masses of the earth and moon. He needed to know only the acceleration due to gravity at the earth’s surface, the radius of the earth, the orbital speed of the moon, and the distance between the earth and moon. And as already said, a body’s gravitational acceleration in free fall is independent of its mass, something that has been verified to a high degree of precision.2

Spolter rejects Newton’s second law (F = ma) as an arbitrary definition or convention, and maintains that it is not force that is equal to mass times acceleration, but weight. Her equation for ‘linear’ force is F = ad (acceleration times distance). Her equation for ‘circular’ force (including gravity) is F = aA, where a is the acceleration and A is the area of a circle with a radius equal to the mean distance of the orbiting body from the central body. She holds that the acceleration due to gravity declines by the square of the distance, but that the gravitational force of the sun, earth, etc. is constant for any body revolving around it. In newtonian theory, by contrast, it varies according to both the mass of the orbiting body and its distance from the central body.

Spolter’s theory contains several flaws. First, her attempt to deny any link between force and mass is unconvincing. She does not question the equation for a body’s momentum (momentum = mass times velocity), yet momentum with a rate of repetition constitutes a force, which therefore cannot be independent of mass. Moreover, weight is a type of force, rather than a completely separate phenomenon. Second, Spolter would have us believe that there are two types of force and energy – one linear and one circular – with different dimensions: she gives ‘linear’ force the dimensions metres squared per second squared, while ‘circular’ force is given the dimensions metres cubed per second squared. But there is no justification for inventing two forms of force and energy and for abandoning uniform dimensions in this way.

Third, defining ‘circular’ force in such a way that the gravitational force of a star or planet remains exactly the same no matter how far away from it we happen to be, is counterintuitive if not absurd. Furthermore, it is disingenuous of Spolter to say that her equation implies that acceleration is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. If it were true that a = F/A, with force (F) proportional to r3 (see below) and area (A = πr2) proportional to r2, acceleration would in fact be directly proportional to r3/r2 = r!

Spolter believes that her gravity equation solves the mystery of Kepler’s third law of planetary motion: this law states that the ratio of the cube of the mean distance (r) of each planet from the sun to the square of its period of revolution (T) is always the same number (r³/T² = constant). Her gravity equation can be rewritten: F = 22π3r3/T2. As explained elsewhere, the factor 22π3 is entirely arbitrary, and Spolter has merely obscured the real significance of Kepler’s constant.3

Gravity does not involve some (mean) area being accelerated around the sun, as Spolter’s equation implies. Rather, it involves a coupling of the mass-energy of the sun and planets, along with their associated massfree gravitational energy. And it acts not through empty space but through an energetic ether – something that is as much missing from Spolter’s physics as from orthodox physics (see section 3). As shown in subsequent sections, the net gravitational force need not be directly proportional to inert mass, as characteristics such as spin and charge can modify a body’s gravitational properties.

Spolter proposes that it is the rotation of a star, planet, etc. that somehow generates the gravitational force and causes other bodies to revolve around it – an idea advanced by the 17th-century astronomer Johannes Kepler.4 But she does not suggest a mechanism to explain how this might work, or what causes a celestial body to rotate in the first place. She shows that the mean distance of successive planetary orbits from the centre of the sun, or of successive lunar orbits from the centre of a planet, is not random but follows an exponential law, indicating that gravity is quantized on a macro scale, just as electron orbits in an atom are quantized on a micro scale. There is no generally accepted theory to explain this key fact either.

The Devil’s Dictionary defines gravitation as: ‘The tendency of all bodies to approach one another with a strength proportioned to the quantity of matter they contain – the quantity of matter they contain being ascertained by the strength of their tendency to approach one another’.5 Such is the seemingly circular logic underlying standard gravity theory. The figures given for the masses and densities of all planets, stars, etc. are purely theoretical; nobody has ever placed one on a balance and weighed it! It should be borne in mind, however, that weight is always a relative measure, since one mass can only be weighed in relation to some other mass. The fact that observed artificial satellite speeds match predictions is usually taken as evidence that the fundamentals of newtonian theory must be correct.

The masses of celestial bodies can be calculated from what is known as Newton’s form of Kepler’s third law, which assumes that Kepler’s constant ratio of r³/T² is equal to the inert mass of the body multiplied by the gravitational constant divided by 4π² (GM = 4π²r³/T² = v²r [if we substitute 2πr/v for T]). Using this method, the earth’s mean density turns out to be 5.5 g/cm³. Since the mean density of the earth’s outer crust is 2.75 g/cm³, scientists have concluded that the density of the earth’s inner layers must increase substantially with depth. However, there are good reasons for questioning the standard earth model.6

Source: Gravity and Antigravity

David Pratt
Feb 2001, Feb 2005

*[url="http://ROSCHIN & GODIN: Searl Effect "]ROSCHIN & GODIN: Searl Effect

* SEARL: Searl Effect

Note: In the Searl and Godin & Roschin SEG - an inner stator is rotated at speed to the point where the outer rollers start to self rotate in a cycloidal action around the stator. The stator is itself made up of layers of iron, titanium, nylon and neodymium, with the inner layer of iron then being magnetised in a fairly complex way.

"Consider the bottom section of the UFO as an enclosed circular cavity wherein the energy fields can be developed into fields of high permittivity.

The group velocities of the electromagnetic waves will consequently be slowed down. A packet of such electromagnetic waves when ejected tangentially out of that cavity will be a stretched wave-packet. When it leaves the rim and rounds the upper dome shell that stretched wave-packet begins to compress as it curls around the dome through smaller curvature toward the dome's apex. Magnetic pads situated around the apex by working on both the radial element of the electromagnetic wave-packet and on the craft's magnetic flux lines will allow the craft's flux lines to form into a collimated helical filament-tube with pre-designated trajectory. The wave-packets curling round the dome can then curl round the apex and into that collimated filament-tube, and be accelerated ahead of the craft along a pre-designated trajectory.

The geometry of the upper dome and the inhomogeneity of the craft's flux lines will work in concert with the geometry of the filament-tube to compress the envelope of that wave-packet in a way analogous to a chirped circularly-polarized field. Back-scatter could also be envisioned to act as an additional compressive mechanism to further amplify the amplitude of that moving field. Either way, the much amplified wave-packet will be sent ahead of the craft.

The result of this action will of course be fully dependent upon what energies the wave-packets will be comprised of and too their repetition rate. It will be sufficient to say here that if these factors are dialed-in correctly the wave-packet will become the most intense field of energy (of that particular kind of energy) in the immediate vicinity of that craft, succinctly more intense than when they left the craft's rim as a lowly stretched pulse. So therefore that craft would have no choice but to be dragged in whatever direction those compressed and intensified wave-packets were sent.

Travel in space would be easy as the craft would be buoyant and would have no gravitational weight. But so too would it be easy in earth's atmosphere if inside the craft there were means by which a horizontal gravitational center were in operation providing a more powerful attraction than earth's vertical gravitational field"

---Paul E Potter


Unsubstantiated RMT?
Yes, that's what I said. Would you like just one example?
If you maintain this pressure underneath, and bring about a decompression on top, you can create an enormous upward thrust which no known force can match.
That is an unsubstantiated claim.

And since Darby has not answered back yet, perhaps I should address some of the other implications from your post (whoever's words they are) which are fallacious. First of all, the statement above to "bring about a decompression on top" means adding energy to the aforementioned system which is in stasis (the glass of water turned over onto a piece of paper). So the implication that this is some sort of "free energy" is incorrect:
This, therefore, is a tremendous source of power, unequalled by any other natural phenomenon.
That's another unsubstantiated claim, BTW.
Moeover, it seems as if what you are describing according to your own limited perception of these laws are not only incomplete, but are always being rudimentionaly challenged!
If you want to talk about incomplete, one need go no further than the words you have supplied in your earlier post that I am saying are unsubstantiated. BTW, if these are not your words, whose are they?
therefore it is also possible to use this natural atmospheric pressure as a "propulsive force"
The incomplete thought here is that nowhere is the issue addressed of how much energy one must put into the system to use atmospheric pressure as a "propulsive force." But that is not where the incompleteness ends, by any means...
With an atmospheric pressure of 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. we can calculate that the force operating on whatever is subjected to that of 20 m. diameter is equal to 3,278,272.8 kg.
That's wonderful, and also misleading, because nowhere does this person take account of the mass (or weight) of the object that has a surface with a 20 meter diameter. Someone who is not schooled in statics or dynamics could easily be fooled by these words (no doubt the INTENTION behind them). This is a perfect example of why people should listen/learn from scientists and engineers because they can dispel such fantasies with COMPLETE analyses. In this example, the tool that dispels the unsubstantiated claims is called a Free Body Diagram (FBD). When you draw a proper FBD of this situation, and label all the active forces, you will see that it is incomplete to ONLY speak of the atmospheric pressure acting over some surface area as creating a "propulsive force". The complete FBD needs to account for the weight of whatever this atmospheric pressure is acting upon. IOW, the words you present are bunk and I seriously wonder at the intention of whoever wrote them.
Since this vacuum can be moved in any direction. For example, if the atmospheric pressure developed on a surface of 65 ft. diameter is over 3,000 tons; in the case of a surface 'with a diameter of 200 ft. the pressure developed would be some 30,000 tons.
And yet again the author is only talking about the atmospheric pressure and not talking about the mass (or weight) of the body this pressure is acting upon. Honestly, Gary, I don't enjoy making anyone look foolish, but when they continue to spew pseudo-scientific crap with the intention of getting unknowing people to (literally) buy-into it, someone with some ethics has to step up and say something. That someone is me, in this case.
The atmospheric pressure on Earth is 1.033 kg. per sq. cm.
And in the interest of making my rebuttal COMPLETE, I should also point out the seemingly innocuous error in this statement. Pressure is defined as Force per unit Area. Technically speaking, your unidentified author has not identified atmospheric pressure, but rather the airmass per unit area. This neglects gravity. It's not a big deal, and does not affect the analysis if you assume "g" is constant, but it does show a lacking of technical accuracy in the author's statements.

As usual, you have followed-up your post with unsubstantiated claims with a HUGE amount of additional information that I don't think you can defend... much of it so laden with pseudo-scientific "gargon" (my word for garbled jargon) that there is little point in me doing an itemized debunking of that body of information. Given that you have not been able to substantiate the claims of your unidentified author that I have quoted here, why should I even bother to put any creedance in the new flood of information?

Show me analysis, with equations and diagrams, and THEN we will see if you or your friends "have something". But as long as it is words only, it is pseudo-science.


Assume Nothing For I Have Conceeded Nothing!

Have you ever lost somone close to you?
Did you "Love" them?

Prove it!

Provide me with "Substantiated Evidence" to support that!