New schedule for JT's predictions?


Temporal Novice
New schedule for JT\'s predictions?

Hello, I'm new to this time travel thingy and became interested in John Titor mostly because I wanted to read what he has to say about the physics of time traveling (I'm a future student of theoretical physics) and wanted to see if it could be done the way he says... I see no reason why it couldn't.

Anyway, it seems that some of the predictions that John made (like the civil war of US) have not yet been observed, and I think I maybe know why.

Something caught my eye in John's postings:

"The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online."

This was written in 31/1/2001... but then again, CERN was no near of planning to initiate the Large Hadron Collider in 2001; it was far from being even built!

Then I remembered this piece of news:

LHC due for 2007 start

So it seems to me that, in somehow, our worldline differs from the original world line that John came from in a sense that our 2007 is John's 2001, even though he was born 1998 in both worldlines (how can this be is a different story). This means that if we want the actual year of the prediction, we need to add six years to the original year.

Do I make any sense? In my POV it's either like this or JT is a hoax... or then our worldline just differs dramatically from his.

Anyways, heres a nice piece of news about the possible "multiple histories of the universe".
Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?

Hello thereisnoflow:

Check out for an extensive and seemingly endless blog about JT.'s civil war. I believe that he said that it would be at around 2008 that everyone would become aware that the ciivil war was occuring. At the time of Titor's posting, the idea of a civil war seemed remote, but now it doesn't seem so remote. If there is anything that would generate such a war it would be the question of illegal immigration. Various scenarios have been proposed, for example, on Coast-to-Coast AM. But the general idea is this: it would not be a war between the states as much as between the western states and the American government. Also, from the future, history looks a little different. A historian might say that a war really had its inception not when the first shot was fired, but when a decision was made that effectively made the result unavoidable.

The Titor thing has many twists and turns. JT could really be from the future, but much of what he said could be BS:Maybe he wouldn't want enemies of his government to know how to make a time machine so he would throw in a lot of plausible science fiction. Another point to keep in mind is that we don't know that the woman posing as his mother was known to him. She might be an imposter.
I must say that I am undecided about the whole thing and the easiest thing to do is to just write it off. But there is something about the case that is intriguing. At any rate we owe JT a debt of gratitude because without him many sites, like this, would not exist. Packerbacker
Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?

Search first for love --- from God!

The key of "time"!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................excuse me.

Search first for Love --- from The Lord.

The key of "Time".

Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?


At any rate we owe JT a debt of gratitude because without him many sites, like this, would not exist.

I think that you have that one backwards. Larry Haber and Group Titor probably owe sites like this a debt of gratitude because without them Titor wouldn't exist.

This site and many other TT sites existed several years before (and obviously after) TTO/Titor started posting.
Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?


I wanted to read what he has to say about the physics of time traveling (I'm a future student of theoretical physics) and wanted to see if it could be done the way he says... I see no reason why it couldn't.

If you've come to the conclusion that you can't find any reasons why he couldn't do what he said using the methods that he claimed you haven't looked too deeply into the problem.

Start with the mass of his black holes...maximum 100 kg each (according to his post the entire gadget, box, components and two black holes weighed in at 500 lbs...~225 kg). What theory of black hole mechanics allows for a 100 kg black hole to have an event horizon of several meters (sufficient to engulf an entire Chevy pick-up truck)? What is the theoretical radius of the event horizon for a 100 kg mass?

The story pretty much comes to a dead end right there.
Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?

interesting. is the "two black holes" you are mentioning mass? or what is it? does it have weight? what is it used for? how is it related to the machinery? (hi, Darby I really am curious to learn)
Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?

Time Traveller,

interesting. is the "two black holes" you are mentioning mass? or what is it? does it have weight? what is it used for? how is it related to the machinery? (hi, Darby I really am curious to learn)

A black hole can be completely described by just three metrics: mass, angular momentum and electric charge. So, yes, I was refering to the mass of his black holes.

Don't confuse "mass" with "weight". The two terms are related but not the same. We generally think of weight as the effect that a gravitational field has on a ponderable mass. It is its "heft" or how much it depresses a spring on a scale (not a scientific definition). Mass is defined as the characteristic of a body to resist a change in velocity (somewhat a scientific definition but not very precise).

In Titor's Saga he said that his gadget (the box, components and the two black holes) weighed about 500 lbs. That's approximately 225 kg.

If we look at his photos and schematics its reasonable to put a lower limit of mass on the box and components as being about 25 kg. That leaves 200 kg for the two black hole masses. Divide by two and you have about 100 kg each.

According to his story he spins up the angular momentum of his twin black holes by injecting charged particles (specifically electrons). By doing so his black holes absorb both the charge and angular momentum of the electrons.

By definition, because he has added charge and angular momentum to the black holes which already have mass, he had a Kerr-Newman black hole solution.

This, in theory, leads to the formation of a twin event horizon and a wormhole. Some wormhole solutions include solutions that lead to instant travel to distant locations within the universe, to other universes and to reverse time travel.

So far, the story has some (tenuous) scientific back-up if we ignore the problem of scale (and all other problems). But this information is and was readily available on hundreds of Internet science sites. Kerr's black hole solutions date from the 1960's.


A black hole mass of 100 kg or even 10^6 kg has an event horizon radius on the order of a subatomic particle. Its just a tad too small to fit a Chevy pick-up through. In fact, its too small to put a single oxygen atom through. If we collapsed the Earth into a black hole it would have an event horizon radius of less than 9 mm.

And after that we have dozens of unsurmountable problems with his mass that involve the Uncertainty Principle, Coulomb Efftects of the charged particle injection, Pauli's Exclusion Principle not to mention that the wormhole solutions are unstable, requiring the injection of huge amounts of matter with negative mass. The wormhole solutions that theoretically allow "safe" passage down the throat (while ignoring the instability problem) have throat radii on the order of 10's to 100's of kilometers and masses on the order of multiple stars.

Now, some day we might overcome these problems. But we won't be overcoming them during the next 25-30 years to have a working, fully tested model to put into active service. And we surely won't have it during that time if there is a nuclear holocaust that destroys every major city on the planet, kills off 50% of the population, leaves the "survivors" in poor health who are virtually sterile with a population growth near zero.

Note: I did relate "mass" to "weight" above. Given the order of magnitude for the actual tiny mass relative to a star or planet this isn't a problem. In the gravitational field we can use weight to make a good estimate of the mass even though it isn't precise.
Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?


So it seems to me that, in somehow, our worldline differs from the original world line that John came from in a sense that our 2007 is John's 2001, even though he was born 1998 in both worldlines (how can this be is a different story). This means that if we want the actual year of the prediction, we need to add six years to the original year.

This "solution" to the Titor history timeline problem is something that I predicted would happen several years ago. I suppose that if someone wants to arbitrarily inject criteria into the story to make the lack of results fit the story that he or she can do so. But you're offering Titor an "out" that, given his claimed occupation, he would have had available for himself. He didn't use it.

I do agree with you that there is no reason to assume that some specific local time in another universe is simultaneous to the time anywhere else. That's basic Special Relativity.

But for Titor to navigate from his universe to this universe with the intent of arriving at several specific spacetime coordinates (Florida 1975, 1998 and 2000) he would have to be aware of the off-set because according to his story he arrived when and where he was supposed to land.

He gave us specific years when events were to occur. It wouldn't make much sense to give us dates for some alternate universe if he was going to carry out his personal mission to warn his parents. According to "Mom" Titor's book she was given the same dates that we were given.

So within the context of the story as told by Titor I think that we can safely assume that the dates are local - not for some other reality.
Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?

hi Darby, thank you for the explanation. I wonder whether these theories have ever been tried to put into practice. has someone created a blackhole yet? or any (abortive) time / space travel attempt (you know of)? do you have such long term projects? space travel seems different from time travel. how do they differ? (by the way, how can I quote someone's writing?)
Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?


(by the way, how can I quote someone's writing?)

First, hit the "Reply" button on the post that you are responding to. That takes you to the posting input box. Below the box are several Instant UBB click codes. Click on "Quote". That will insert the UBB code into your post.

Next, scroll down to the bottom half of the page. There you'll see a copy of th e post that you're replying to. Click and drag to hi-lite the text that you want to quote. Copy the text (Ctrl+C). Then scroll back to your post, put your cursor between the open and close UBB code and paste the text (Ctrl-V). Then type your response.
Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?


I wonder whether these theories have ever been tried to put into practice. has someone created a blackhole yet? or any (abortive) time / space travel attempt (you know of)? do you have such long term projects?

So far, no one has created a black hole. Its believed that when CERN brings the LHC collider online that it will generate sufficient energy so that protons can be accelerated to very near the speed of light, collide, fuse and form a micro-mass black hole. If that occurs they will only be able to tell indirectly if they were successful. The hole will evaporate (Hawking Radiation) in about one billionth of a second. The decay particles will be the only clue. If LHC comes online next year and they perform the experiments in 2007 their results probably won't be published for 3-5 years. It will take that long to analyze the initial results, perform follow-up confirming experiments, write it up, get it refereed and then published in Physical Letters. So we're looking at 2010-2012 (of course, if Titor was really a TT then it would be a bit longer considering that Europe will be glowing in the dark circa 2012

Successful time travel experiments? That depends. Time dilation (Special Relativity) - absolutely. For example, all GPS satellites have to be recallibrated frequently because of the effects of time dilation. Reverse time travel - no. There is a lot of well founded theory based on multiple mathematical solutions to General Relativity but in practice those theories require a lot of additional "stuff" that we either don't have, can't produce or which is itself only theoretical, i.e. stable matter with negative mass/energy.


real and respected physicists are working on the problem. Frankly, if we are ever going to get off of this rock and travel beyond the Solar System such theories will have to find a way to do it. The speed of light is an absolute limit- and its not going to change. Therefore, we will have to find and develop real physics theories and make them engineering problems rather than theoretical physics problems that allow us to take short-cuts through spacetime.
Re: New schedule for JT\'s predictions?


hi, Darby. Thanks for answering. what do you mean by "online"?

Start it up and put it into operation. Sorry about using a term that means something entirely different here than in the real world.