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Temporal Navigator
[09.27.04]Napoleon Dynamite & the Time Machine Spoof
[09.26.04]The True Identity of John Titor Revealed?
[04.20.04]Gravity Probe Launched - To Test Space-Time
[03.24.04]Watch Out: Time Flies - Or Not
[03.13.04]World's Fastest Electric Car
[03.01.04]Time Can be Turned Back
[01.14.04]The Montauk Project & Camp Hero's Buried Secret

Some stories are old, some are new, and some are really new, as I wrote some of em.

Check em out if ya like.

Space Time News is Up... Space Time News -
Interesting - -not sure though about JT, although it seems close.
Interesting - -not sure though about JT, although it seems close.
Interesting - -not sure though about JT, although it seems close.

Read some other comments by that person, and still thinking about it!
Probably a way to further check is to send it over to Anomalies and have the lingistic analyser put on the writing by that person. There may be enough writing there to do that, although right now, they seem to think it is someone else and Celebration, Florida.

Sort by author to see other posts by same person.

Anything else, I have not gotten that far yet!
[09.26.04]The True Identity of John Titor Revealed?
Space Time News is Up... Space Time News -
Interesting theory. But sorry, I'm not him.

Perhaps he read the same references that you found and modeled his posts from them.
Interesting, I doubt your Gerald, but if you are, why go to all the trouble of making an account just to reply to my post? The facts are that the Gerald e-mail is dated in the archives, (Tue, 05 Jan 1999 23:20:12 -0500),

The archive of this email is not wide spread, I had to do this search on google to find it: "time travel" "gravity lock" "local gravity" "super universe"

I doubt even you knew this archive was there.

I know the odds, they are extremely slim that this is a coincidence.

My story stands.

If you have any proof, please be my guest and post it.

- Razimus
A member of this forum emailed me to ask if I was John Titor. This led me to investigate who the hell John Titor is which of course quickly turned up this web site and yours.

I feel it is easier to quell the rumor here rather than just notifying you privately.
Creating an account gives me the ability to correct anyone here who may have been convinced by your speculation.

Of course I have long been aware of the Keelynet archives. I wrote those messages now didn't I?

You can email Gerald (I'm sure you can figure out how to do that) and I'll confirm.
Razimus and Creedo outside of New York.

Razimus,...Dammed' Dan! I'm hungry.We've been going through this for quite some time.
What's your point here?

Dan,...Raz,..Those boots will limber-up when you do. Use saddle soap like I asked you to?

Raz,..I can't tell the difference......?

Dan,...They're both thoroughbreds, aren't they?

Raz, taking the muss out of her hair, Well' yeah Creedo, they are but I can't tell which is which?

Dan,...Look' I've got crotch burn too.Many miles of riding will do that to you. let's at least look at them side by side?

Raz stroking her chin in the hot, sunny afternoon.She, being completed in an English riding outfit, looks at both horses and says; "You know Creed' they both look as if,....well, they're both mirror identical.

Dan,...That's what I'm trying to tell you.If you make something, even a fake over there, the copy will show up here?

Raz,..I think I see what you're trying to get at?

Creedo,..Dr. Peper' cold one, for you go to see your old man?

Raz,..Yeah for the road, will the stable people service my mount?

Creedo,..No problem, thanks for the outing.You ride well.
Checked it out, Razimus. I like it. Let me know when the forums are up and running. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Gerald, denying it is exactly what you would do if you were Titor. I still think the connection is strong, but I admit the case isn't closed. It doesn't suprise me that you'd reply this fast though, as I assume Titor would regularly visit these boards to see people talk about his great hoax.

If your not Titor I have no problem with that, but I can't take your word for it. Most of the similarities that can easily be dismissed.

*Same viewpoint on how time travel works.
*Describe this viewpoint in a similar way.
*Both are fans of alternative media.
*Both share view on time travel as if they have time traveled themselves.

Many people share these things with Titor, long before he began posting.

The one thing that stands out is that you both use a very unique vocabulary when talking about time travel. If you are not Titor I will help you 'clear your name' so to speak. If you are Titor it's not a bad thing, it's not illegal to stage an elaborate time travel hoax. It's actually quite creative. Hey maybe you can even write a book called, "I'm not Titor I swear!".

One way you can possibly be cleared is if you can share where you got those unique terms. The terms: "gravity lock" & "local gravity" specifically. I have heard of "super universe", but I haven't heard of the other two on the topic of time travel. Did you make up these terms or did you read them from a book, if so which book?

- Razimus
I have been busy reading up on 'John Titor' now. My impression is that he is a young guy, probably college age. I suspect he created the time traveller hoax to create a soapbox to express his philosophical and political peeves. John's time travel discussions seem to be a bit shallow. I doubt he really understands the principles that he is obviously parroting, probably having stumbled upon them on the net. Too bad I didn't know about this Titor fellow 'til now, I would have fried him.

I had been involved in the study of gravity and 'unorthodox' science for about 25 years. I have corresponded with innumerable people on the subject over the years even since before the www, and would not be surprised that some of my style has gotten noticed by someone.

With respect to terminology, I try to use conventionally accepted jargon when possible but often there is no adequate word to express a particular concept. So I often make up phrases on the fly. I honestly can't tell you whether I coined those terms you find so interesting or simply borrowed them unconsciously from a variety of sources. I will say that I speak from my own understanding. I do not need to make up stories or feel the need to gain attention for myself.

It was probably about 1999 that I gave up on caring about alternative science. That is likely about the timeframe when you will not see much further public discussion from me about the 'unusual'. I think that enough seeds have been planted that certain ideas have taken root in the culture now and it is no longer necessary for me to push.

If you prefer to believe that I am Titor then I don't really care to beg to convince you otherwise. But I am a bit insulted that this amateur is being given credit for my work.
Thanx, well, my server doesn't support cgi or perl script so I'll have to find one that does. I have one on a free server, at the time they didn't have any banners, but over the years I see they've automatically added like 3 banners per page, and I hate big blinking advertizements, so I'll have to find another server, it could take a while, but I don't expect it would be as organized as this one or anomalies.

- Raz