New Ideas about TT..the answer ?


Temporal Novice
I have studied them for awhile an documented , I ask you to look at the Aural sense ?
Looked at African witch doctors ,Native American doctors , an European so called Witches ..
I need funding, but from what the great Internets say , the Chant /Aural can send folk ..

Throwing that out to you guys .. ;)
GLaDOS, being that you're feeling inventive,
please model some avatars for us ...& maybe
put your trademark comments in hypertext.
That way people can better play along with
your character. And, for times when you are
feeling especially creative, find a way to
indicate when you are just being yourself,
e.g. GLaDOS | Time Travel Institute.

Thank you.
I have on first accounts Most *TT* was drug induced not reality on young South American Jungle Kids the witches was Phantom rages after a hard caning by abusive fathers /elders ..:(