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Temporal Novice
Hi I am new here and do not have much "time" pardon the pun to post today. I am interested in others experience with visitors from the future and what the experience felt like. If I could be steered to the right post or given personal accounts it would be nice as I work 12 hour days 6 days a week and need to get to bed so I can work tonight.Could it be possible that some people are interdemensional portals or beacons that assist in time travel and the info is passed down thru each generation in our DNA? I seem to have the uncontrolable condition of being able to communicate with others without speaking and other things I do not have time to discuss right now, but I can say the it has caused others to take a great interest in me and they are not from here or now.except for our local Fish and game dept who thinks I can light up 1000 acres of field to poach deer lol! I told them I thought it was the national guard looking for pot plants, they came back later and said they were sorry to have bothered me and that they were told by their superiors to stay away.and that the guard was not looking for pot.and thet they were told to tell me they would not be back.
I am interested in others experience with visitors from the future and

what the experience felt like

Experiences are varied. With most cases you would probably not even

realize you were communicating with a time traveller. They are usually

very discreet about revealing themselves. They confide only with those

they can trust, family, close friends, or those with open minds to

such things. One prime reason for this is they have to be very careful

about causality violations. For example if I were to travel back in

time and I somehow prevented my own birth, what happens to me? Nobody

knows for sure. A TT's agenda in the past is most likely to collect

information or to solve a problem from the TT's own time rather than

alter events.

In other cases they might just come right out and tell you. They could

also appear very angry, or distraught, usually speaking of pending

doom. The first reaction to this would probably be "this person's

lying". Or if you keep an open mind, a TT could experience

psychological troubles when moving from one time to another. It's

unknown what kind of mental impact this could have. Worrying about

causality, for example. I kind of compare it with what we would

experience with jet-lag, but on a grander scale. My uncle works for a

global communications company and is always travelling across regional

time zones. Between the physical trips from one point in the world to

the other as well as strict schedule he is on, the physical and mental

can be harsh. He told me once he woke up in a hotel room in

Austrailia, disoriented still thinking he was in Europe. He was easily

angered, and sometimes said bizarre things. So you can imagine the

impact traversing through time would have on someone. Thank you for

allowing me to share. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif