You know how different countries periodically print new dollar/euro bills, supposedly to stop counterfeiting? Well what if it's really to make it harder for time travelers? You might say, "well then the TT can just carry gold", but gold is worth less cash in the past because of inflation. This could be a simple way to try to keep time travelers from altering the past.
You know how different countries periodically print new dollar/euro bills, supposedly to stop counterfeiting? Well what if it's really to make it harder for time travelers? You might say, "well then the TT can just carry gold", but gold is worth less cash in the past because of inflation. This could be a simple way to try to keep time travelers from altering the past.
Maybe, maybe not. Your gold idea could work like this (ignoring taxes and brokers fees for the gold and stocks):
The gold price in 1986 was about $333.00/oz. Microsoft was trading at about $1.00/share. You want to buy 1000 shares so you need 3 oz of gold. But you buy it today at $1,500 oz. Your investment is $4,500.
You go back and sell your 3 oz. of gold in 1986 and buy 1,000 shares of MSFT at $1.00/share and let it ride until today. Today's price for MSFT is about $30.00/share. However, between 1986 and 2012 MSFT has had 7 2:1 splits and 2 3:2 splits. You would now have 288,000 shares at $30/share ---> $8,640,000. And this does not include the average of approx. $0.15 per share quarterly dividend MSFT has paid out 30 times since 2003 (which coincides with the last stock split so the divident applies to your entire 288,000 shares). That's an additional $43,200 per dividend ---> $1,296,000. Total before taxes and fees ---> $9,936,000.
I think that you've beaten inflation even if you have to pay out 50% in taxes and fees.
In the real world (and we assume the "real world" includes this sort of time travel) it won't happen. In such a world where not just one
but an indeterminate number of TT's could do this from any time in the future, and even loop back with today's yield made from an earlier time trip in order to "double down" on a sure bet, the market collapses. It's all buyers and no sellers in 1986 if an indeterminate (and large) number of buyers already know what the future holds for MSFT and every other stock, bond, precious metal, farm futures, etc. Markets are driven by uncertainty.
One could argue, "Well, I just won't tell anyone what I'm doing so it will just be me. The market is safe." Forever is a very long time and in a time travelling universe that's precisely how long people have to make the investment in 1986 - forever. Secrets last for months (the Manhattan Project for example), maybe decades (the Russian's WWII holocaust for example) but they eventually leak out. And the idea of using time travel as a means to get rich on a sure thing is certainly not a secret.