New class of time machine


Epochal Historian

Like many time machine models, the new proposal requires gravitational fields that curve spacetime in ways that allow observers to travel to their own past. However, unlike previous proposals that have typically required exotic and improbable forms of matter, the new time machine core would consist of a toroidal vacuum embedded in sphere of normal matter.

Important questions remain, but at the very least the material required to make the machine exists in our universe.


Amos Ori
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 021101 (2005)


Class of Time-Machine Solutions with a Compact Vacuum Core

We present a class of curved-spacetime vacuum solutions which develop closed timelike curves at some particular moment. We then use these vacuum solutions to construct a time-machine model. The causality violation occurs inside an empty torus, which constitutes the time-machine core. The matter field surrounding this empty torus satisfies the weak, dominant, and strong energy conditions. The model is regular, asymptotically flat, and topologically trivial. Stability remains the main open question.

I don't understand about the new class of Time machine so what does it have to do this the first time travel machine that they will build it?? don't understand about it so write back.. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be my time machine blueprint idea. I do believe I am the only one to propose dual rotating gravity fields as the time machine engine. But we'll just have to wait and see.
is this the first time travel machine that they will build it??
People like Amos Ori and many others investigate "time machines" for years. It's not that they want to build one, but because theoretical time machines produce extreme situations which can be used to investigate spacetime, closed timelike curves, gravity, causality, etc. These topics still keep a lot of "mysteries" which can be studied that way.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be my time machine blueprint idea. I do believe I am the only one to propose dual rotating gravity fields as the time machine engine. But we'll just have to wait and see.
Ori and Soen have proposed a time machine based on a torus, much like the ring-singularity of a Kerr-Newman black hole. It still violates the weak energy condition and needs a negative energy density, although the torus needs less exotic matter than other models. In Ori's new variation the time machine satisfies the weak, dominant and strong energy conditions. No exotic matter is used at all.
Hi Einstein,

I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be my time machine blueprint idea. I do believe I am the only one to propose dual rotating gravity fields as the time machine engine.
Actually, I was about to chime in that this sounded pretty close to our Merkaba work as it creates a closed-off space. The differences are that I am predicting a spherical shell as the proper space to create this enclosure, whereas they are defining it as a torus. (I am of the increasnig opinion that our perceivable portion of the universe lies inside the throat of the 3,10 torus knot figure shown in my Inward/Outward Spiral posts...thus, the universe itself is torus-shaped, yet we see everything as spheres) If you accept Milo Wolff's Wave Structure of Matter, then a spherical shell that is based on wave interferometry would be the only way to modify matter both inside and outside the shell.

And... I don't think large gravity fields will be necessary since, again, based on Wolff's theory, gravity is simply an effect of in+out waves. I think it is a matter of closed-loop control of specific light frequencies. The way I explain it in prose would be think of a ring laser gyro as a device that only senses time (rotation rate). The Merkaba will be a vehicle based on similar (but extended) principles as the RLG, but it will actually be a control device.

These kind of claims need to be sent to the makers of star trek were I have seen more convincing solutions.

It is not about matter. Matter acts in a way that matter acts. It is constrained by the rules of all thing material. The rules are very stringent. The answer is in those indestructible elements. Energy, space and time itself. We can build machines here that can be controlled from the future. And I absolutely know they are building them so any would-be genius that can tune in - can also go ride.

It’s about being here and there at the same time. I can already be in England and Canada at the same time. This is not about rocket science. It’s about SPACE AND TIME 2 of the same. We’re already there people.

Build the receivers their waiting!!

This signal was sent from a place in the future using a transmitter, received by a receiver in the present. Think about it!!
I know I'm not making any friends here. But I didn't come here to make friends. I came to get some real work done.

Build the receivers! It will take another 2000 years to solve the problems you're all pondering.

Why wait, the time is now. Just build them and they will come! Why try solve a problem that they have already solved in the future they just need landing sites /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I know I'm not making any friends here.
One could also claim that you are not making much sense either. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I think you need to do a little bit better in the explanation department, if you please!


And... I don't think large gravity fields will be necessary since, again, based on Wolff's theory, gravity is simply an effect of in+out waves. I think it is a matter of closed-loop control of specific light frequencies. The way I explain it in prose would be think of a ring laser gyro as a device that only senses time (rotation rate). The Merkaba will be a vehicle based on similar (but extended) principles as the RLG, but it will actually be a control device.

I don't think large gravity fields would be needed either. But I do see it will take some effect that we can control that alters the properties of spacetime. Gravity distorts the flow of time within spacetime. That much appears to be so from observation. But if the observation is flawed, then of course anything we derive from our flawed observation will be flawed.

It has occurred to me that maybe one of the four forces might have a reverse time flow bias. Gravity seems to fit, but for every plus there appears to be a minus. If gravity retards the flow of time, then what overpowers it and pushes time forward? My candidate for the forward time flow rate is the decrease in mass on the sun. So to me it appears that maybe mass and gravity will have to be manipulated. But then the Merkaba seems to depict all four forces in our universe and four anti-forces in the anti-universe.

Learning to create and control some of those anti-forces may be a key element in a time machine. I know everyone has their pet theories. Mine is rotating gravity fields. But I wont have a problem in discarding it in favor of something that has a better chance at success. I have entertained the thought that the four forces actually create independant reference frames. That means four types of space. 4-D spacetime will go out the window real fast if it turns out that our reality is based entirely on dimensions that exist outside what we believe to be real. The dimensions of time and length may just be holographic like projections emmanating from an interplay of the four forces. I like this concept and there are observations that would support it. But at this point in time I believe this particular idea would be tossed out as being too fantastic to even be given another thought. Of course I'm busy figuring out how time and length could be made this way. So it's a different approach altogether.

I have given some thought to the rotating light beam concept as well. But I feel the light would have to follow a circular path because of a local spatial distortion. Distorting the space is how I would approach this. Since electrons are capable of absorbing light completely right out of space, I would look toward the electric field itself to accomplish this. But can electric fields bend light in this manner? To me this is an avenue open to exploration.
Hi Einstein,

I have entertained the thought that the four forces actually create independant reference frames.
It is my firm belief that the four forces are effects, not cause. And I do think most cosmologists agree with this in that the four forces resulted from symmetry breaks as the universe expanded and cooled.

4-D spacetime will go out the window real fast if it turns out that our reality is based entirely on dimensions that exist outside what we believe to be real.
They went out the window a long time ago for me! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I'd bet you several cases of beer that science will continue to validate the ancient, esoteric texts (of which you know Qabalah is my fave). I'm laying my money on the 3x3 = 9-dimensional Matrix that describes our isolated perceptions of the universe, with an all-encompassing 10th dimension within which our Matrix is curled up.

Hyperdimensional geometry (and the area of knowledge currently being called hyperdimensional physics) is already pointing the way through simple geometric extensions...such as:

1) When two 1-dimensional lines intersect, they yield the 0-dimensional point.
2) When two 2-dimensional planes intersect, they yield the 1-dimensional line.
3) When two 3-dimensional spheres intersect, they yield the 2-dimensional surface.
(And pause here to make the connection to the "Hubble Bubble" explanation of why light speed is squared in E=mc^2, which I have discussed before)

And all of this leads to our old friends the countermanding spirals. If you can envision these as two 4-dimensional spirals, when they intersect you will see that they define a 3-dimensional sphere. And HERE is a good link to help further explain what I am getting at.

And yet, this only gets us to the 4th dimension! If I am correct in what my Qabalah research and correlation to science has revealed to me, and the 3x3 Matrix is correct, then by mankind reaching BEYOND the 4th dimension we will be able to engineer the things we only dream of today. Because each higher level dimension exerts creative forces on the dimensions below it.

The Kerr's black hole and how it sets, functions in its natural setting, if one could be near this, would be an odd apparition.

The gravities might cancel each other out.

This would be due to dynamics of the surface tensions, flowing into one another?

If you could sit out away from this phenomenon and say inject facts from your reality, one second to the next, all events recorded on the surface of the Kerrs, would not have a definite timeline..
The Kerr's black hole and how it sets, functions in its natural setting, if one could be near this, would be an odd apparition.
This is how I understand Ori's proposal. The torus would not be like the Kerr-Newman black hole. That black hole has 2 event horizons. Anything entering the outer horizon will be devoured by a spacetime singularity. The inner one, resulting from the ring-singularity, may not be quite as dangerous as the Schwarzschild one. The time machine would get rid of the outer horizon and entering the "hole in the donut" would be possible. See: Black Holes, Singularities & Wormholes.

I'm laying my money on the 3x3 = 9-dimensional Matrix that describes our isolated perceptions of the universe, with an all-encompassing 10th dimension within which our Matrix is curled up.

Lately I am moving toward a more fluid multidimensional model. This holographic effect that seems to create the dimensions of time and space has got my attention. I can turn on and off the effects of gravity using my tesla coil. So locally I have a small pocket of manmade spacetime. Superimposed over existing spacetime.

This does suggest that mother nature also is keeping spacetime turned on. So spacetime appears to be an effect. The dimensions of time and length could just be a transitory state in the universe. It also suggests that the 4-D spacetime we exist within may not be necessary for the existance of the forces that create them.

So while everyone else is trying to explain the universe with more dimensions, it appears that I might be getting away with less. But if the dimensions are being maintained, it might be possible to create extra dimensions, once we learn how the ones we have are enabled.

I think I mentioned that a gravity field changing its rotational rate would create a local time field changing in flow rate. That would be an extra time dimension. So a rotating gravity field losing or gaining rotational speed could be viewed as a 5-D spacetime model.

I'm still looking at the four forces as the root cause of everything. The two methods of acceleration proposed by Newton appear to be a valid way that the forces interact with each other. But this does suggest to me that quite possibly there is a third and fouth type of basic acceleration that we just don't see. And just maybe this third and fourth type of acceleration is actually what gravity and nuclear force are.
Hi Newbie,
Hey don't leave me hangin, what's the geometry for dimensions 5-9? Have they been figured out yet?
It's probably quite obvious that trying to describe higher dimensions from a physical/scientific standpoint gets increasingly difficult being that we are locked into 3 dimensions by our physical senses. The best example is the description of 4th dimensional geometry we call the hypercube, also called a tesseract:

What needs to be understood is that this is a 2-D picture of a 4-D object. Thus, what you are seeing is a distortion of the way a tesseract would appear in 4-D. Even if you were to build a 3-D tesseract, that would still be a 3-D view of a 4-D object, so it would still be distorted from its 4-D reality. However, even in this view, one can see how the opposing faces of the interior cube give rise to the expanding manifolds away from the faces. These manifolds can easily contain the 3-D inward/outward spirals I discuss in other threads. Furthermore, if you allow the size of the interior cube to approach zero (take the limit of the cube as the length of the sides approach zero) you will see that the exterior manifolds of the tesseract form the shape of tetrahedrons.

My point in relating all of this is that any kind of physical visualization of 5-D or higher is going to be even more distorted in its physical 3-D reality than the tesseract. So trying to describe these higher dimensions in 3-D terms is almost futile. Instead, we need to understand that descriptions of higher dimensionality within our dimensionality will be increasingly NON-physical from our standpoint. This is what has lead theorists to ponder whether non-physical things that we all know about and possess within ourselves might be clues to higher dimensionality.

For one example: We all know and agree that human beings have non-physical traits that we call EMOTIONS. You can't draw a physical picture of what an emotion looks like, as it is inherently non-physical. Yet we know they exist, and they are a major discriminating factor between living humans and things like non-living rocks. Thus, one could posit a theory that rocks exist only in 3 dimensions, while humans have the ability to live in 3 dimensions as well as the ability to exist in higher dimensions.

These theories are the ones that tend to lead to research paths that attempt to tie-together science (which is concerned with 3-D physical reality) with spirituality. In fact, it may very well be that all of the non-physical traits we associate with being alive (ability to ponder one's position with respect to the universe, ability to feel emotion, ability to choose one action from another) could be representations of that part of ourselves which exists BEYOND our limited 3-D realm. And it is my belief that this is where the next phase of human evolution will occur... We will come to understand that we ARE beings that exist beyond this 3-D realm, and that spirituality is a concept which is really related to understandings of the science of higher dimensions.

Just my own thoughts and theories here...
