New Big Bang Theory & Man-Made Heaven theory


Temporal Novice
Suppose in the future scientists design and develop a Big Bang Generator, send it back in time to the beginning (year dot), trigger it, thereby creating the Big Bang, from which stars and planets form, on which life evolves, including intelligent life, who end up producing scientists, who eventually design and construct a Big Bang Generator. So, without intelligent ilfe the universe would be non-existent.

Now suppose in the distant future scientists design and create a man-made heaven and eternal bodies, and them transfer the consciousness of every conscious being that ever existed to these eternal bodies in the man-made heaven at their time of death for eternity. In order to transfer consciousness, live volunteers would be required to donate themselves for mind/brain research which would no doubt involve surgery. A small price to pay for eternal life.

I have thought long and hard about this,and i even posted something simarlar in that religion and science thread.

I made a mention that "what if we created ourselves?"
people really dismiss the idea that our universe is a sort of paradox created out of future science.

Ive thought about the fact that before the big bang there wouldnt have been atoms and particles as we know them now,it may have only needed someone from the future to send back some matter to the past before the big bang,then it creates the big bang,its an unknown region.

The reason it gets dismissed is cos it means there isnt a god,
in otherwords people dont like it so they dont believe for a second that it is true.
Seems more likely than god to me,but there you go thats just my opinion.
You still end up with unanswerable questions,like where did whatever there was before the big bang come from,even if we made the big bang,it dont explain everything else.

BUT,there is of coarse string theory,which to give it huge credit
does do a good job at handling the possibility that there were once 10 dimensions and the 4 we know of broke off(big bang)
and the other 6 work within the 4,its shrunk down very very small.
Look it up!,get some books on string theory,its very interesting stuff.

Your theory isn't possible because :
Without the big bang there wouldn't be intelligent life at this moment and then we wouldn't live now there would never be scientists who could invent such a machine.

Bryan Onel
>Your theory isn't possible because :
>Without the big bang there wouldn't
>be intelligent life at this
>moment and then we wouldn't
>live now there would never
>be scientists who could invent
>such a machine.
>Bryan Onel

No, what hes trying to say is he is entertaining the idea that we created ourselves by producing the big bang that has made us exist in the first place,
in other words he has the idea that the past we know is made from the future in a paradoxical way.
Hi Yzend1,

You posted above,

<<Now suppose in the distant future scientists design and create a man-made heaven and eternal bodies, and them transfer the consciousness of every conscious being that ever existed to these
eternal bodies in the man-made heaven at their time of death for eternity. In order to transfer consciousness, live volunteers would be required to donate themselves for mind/brain research
which would no doubt involve surgery. A small price to pay for eternal life.>>

Its a catch 22! No matter how you look at it, or how far you go back in time there still has to be a eternal creator. A point in time in which everything came into exsistance! A conscious creator of sentiant light.

No your logic tells you there has to be a creator because that is the only solution you can find,
it is still hypothetical,god is a hypothetical being that the minds of believers created as a solution to the problem of creation,a simple observation from the automatic assumtion that the universe could not exist without a trigger factor,that trigger factor being assumed as god.

However you have no undeniable proof of his existence;
i can deny his existance by merely doing the exact opposite of what you believe,by not being 100% sure god exists.

You therefore are agnostic if you are less than 100% sure of gods existance,
even if you are 99.9% sure of gods existance you are still agnostic!!!,
0% is atheist,100% is religous/spirtual believer
and agnostic is anywhere inbetween that figure,do you see?.

I can be unsure of all things,how many things are you 100% sure of,can you say you are 100% sure you are awake right now?
maybe 99.9% but theres still doubt!

And if theres doubt,that person has to search to either strengthen that doubt or get rid of it,and some people like me like to use science and philosophy to make an assumtion,A NEW ONE
on existance and reality itself,of coarse people including myself may doubt our own explanations,
all part of the coarse for an open minded sceptic!.
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 06-Aug-02 AT 07:39PM (EDT)</font>


What you say about a creator could inevitably hold some value as to GD being a hypothetical being that the minds of believers created as a solution to the problem of creation.

But I still beg to differ for the simple reason that whatever we are? we are capable to our knowledge of comprehending some sort of reality that we exist. Therefore we are made up of atomic particles that we notice everything else is also made of and realizing that we are a form of energy (which is life giving.)

Therefore WE ARE!!! and whatever we are, we had to come from somewhere whether it is a form of X-rayed transmitted consciousness from another place in the universe or beyond anything we can comprehend!

How could we have evolved or lived as human beings without some sort of HOPE of a creator?


No my mother did not create me,my mother had sex with my father in her parents bedroom.

You see its always baffled me how you lot dont look at basic science,i can be compared to the moss on a bumper because thats what ive evolved from,
everything started out as single cell carbon compounds from the amino acids developed from a combination of gases,ultra violet radiation and warm oceans in the beggining of the earth,when it was forming,its merely by pure chance that we are here at all,the condition were never and not perfect,but good enough for life to form.

The amino acid chain,which is the building blocks of protien has come from a result of these conditions,years and years pass and different species evolve from the chaotic mix of chemical reactions and different conditions,everything to a certain extent has intelligence,ours is realised from the simple fact our brain has evolved to a condition that is right for it to do so,that is why i can talk to you now.

Get over self importance,you are insignificant,see that ant that walked along the pavement yesterday?
yeah well he/she is the same as you,except the ant doesnt build bombs that could annihalate the earth,the ant doesnt argue endlessly about politics,it doesnt worry about bills and where the next bit of money is gonna come from,it doesnt shoot a fellow ant over some pointless fight,it doesnt pollute the atmosphere with its daily routine of driving to work,nah it goes about its natural business...harmlessly,
you wanna know what the enemy is?
take a look in the fucking mirror!<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Who are you?" ...
"We are explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others."

I'm sorry, I don't know how to deal with you, I'm a comic not a proctologist. My best bet would be to diagnose you with a classic case of cranium rectal inversion!

You posted above,

<<its merely by pure chance that we are here at all,the condition were never and not perfect,but good enough for life to form.>>


There is perfect formation to all life, which does show proof of a creator! Start off with the teachings of the basic atom!


"im a comic"

Indeed,and quiet obviously a good one at that by ALL accounts.

String theory is probably better than your example in fact,cos string theory is even more closer to the possibility of god than anything else,
the theory goes along the lines that underneath every atom,the real intense inner workings of that atom is a string vibrating,the different vibrations is akin to playing music,like how a violin has a limited amount of strings but can play a harmonous sound with different vibrations.

You see i can see and indeed understand the logic of assuming a creator,cos we can quiet safely ask "who is vibrating the strings?"
or metaphorically "who is playing the music?"

if we consider our universe like a long piece of music being played by something with intelligence outside time,outside our known dimensions then indeed this would be god,

but who made him,whys he playing the music,and does he know hes created intelligent life?.

If hes outside our 4 dimensions then for him this piece of music may be short,to him hes playing it for maybe 3 minutes of his time but seems like billions of years to us.

Anyway,even if i accept a creator,it dont mean i accept the religion or christ or any of that.I do like the big questions though

Did god have any choice in creating the universe?,what if he had to do it to support himself.

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Who are you?" ...
"We are explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others."
Well it is only a theory,i mean even the most powerful particle accelerator of today cant smash the atom so much to see if it were true,not yet,but it is still the closest weve come to grand unified theory.

Now obviously we are all part of this string theory,we are after all part of the universe,then obviously our strings are being played too.

Thing about death is, well its never happened to me so far so i cant comment,im not too concerned with it for i can do nothing about it,even if there is no afterlife it dont matter,
what was it like before you were born?
well if theres no afterlife then its exactly like that when you die,just non-existance,thats nothing to be afraid of!!!
how can you be afraid of something you are not aware of,
it is not a matter of concern,
if there is there is,if there isnt well you wont know about it to care.

Again its a theory,but i feel it is born from psychology of mans desire for immortality and the fear of death.

Im a strange individual as i am not scared of death,mainly cos i see it too much(well like we all do,sept 11th being a good example),ive actually become switched off,im emotionless at funerals,even though they were mostly family members,i went to a psychologist and he told me that i had come to the conclusion the absolute conclusion that there is nothing i can do,so my super strong helplesness has switched off my brain in that region of thought,like i have litterly blown a fuse,happened after my dad died when i was 14 he reckons,he told me that he even reckons i tattoo my body because of the permenence of death(trying to compensate by giving my life something permenent),he also said thats why i choose skull and demon related desighns for the subject material,i cant express the feelings by emotion so psychologically ive etched them permenently on skin.
Thats amazing,how the mind makes use of different things to cope with inner turmoil,thats why there are drug addicts,alcholics etc
cos for whatever reason they do it to deal with there problem.

I dont know whether he is right,you know what they are like,just after money most of the time,and could just tell you what you want to hear,i still found it interesting what he said though,i never thought of it like that.
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Who are you?" ...
"We are explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others."
What was that we always seems to see and say happens to rookies who come here with the mindset of thinking they can’t be wrong in what they believe reality is?

Not once, but a couple of times now it seems, that NATAS has come to experience something that is say, physically impossible.

Only possible through a means of a consciousness leading him to it, wouldn’t you say?

Here we go again CAT. Shall we refer him to every post every poster made in doubt of it happening to them?

I still get a kick at how it doesn’t fail to happen to them everytime
, they invited it themselves?

NATAS, you are just at the threshold of realizing something bigger and far more truthful then the cold reality you think there is nothing more to. I would advice you to take SonofBabylon’s advice, and open your mind. You’ll need to... Trust me.

Get ready.

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 07-Aug-02 AT 00:46AM (EDT)</font>

Oh i can be wrong but so can everyone else,
making the assumtion knowledge is the same as intelligence is like saying a cup of milk is the same as a cow!<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Who are you?" ...
"We are explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others."
<<Oh i can be wrong but so can everyone else,>

Yes perhaps we can be wrong, but not likely. This has pretty much remained consistent to all rookies coming on here with your similar attitude

You can go back and look at the usual patterns; maybe you can make sense out of it. But plainly, it’s there whether you wish to believe it or not. That you are playing their pawn, and that you must open your mind now to things that you have yet to conceive.

<<making the assumtion knowledge is the same as intelligence is like saying a cup of milk is the same as a cow!>>

I don’t follow your logic. What did I compare in my last post, that indicated this? And explain.

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 07-Aug-02 AT 07:45AM (EDT)</font>

In light of my above posting, I am now looking for a brain scientist to study my brain/mind, even if surgery is required.
You see there are three possibilities:- heaven, death, man-made heaven. We should take the worst case scenario, hence donating ourselves to mind/brain research in order for scientists to be able transfer the consciousness to eternal man-made bodies.

Best to play safe. It's worth a try.

As for creation. It was either God, a natural phenomena, or the new big bang theory posted above. (The generator would have to generate the universe from absolutely nothing, and perhaps could create it with designed properties allowing time to be travelled and from which the Big Bang Generator could be constructed from, and creating the human/alien intelligences in the process). If I am right it is our destiny to design/build a big bang generator.
Anyway, the odds of eternal life are looking better.


Check out
I joined and got my certificate. Hoping they will oil the wheels of capitalism, encouraging research in time travel, and get the ball rolling.
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 07-Aug-02 AT 12:37PM (EDT)</font>


Are you CRAZY! you sound like a brain sucker starving! Do you have any clue what the web site you listed above is really all about?

NANTAS, you posted above,

<<Im a strange individual as i am not scared of death,mainly cos i see it too much(well like we all do,sept 11th being a good example),ive actually become switched off,im emotionless at funerals,even though they were mostly family members,i went to a psychologist and he told me that i had come to the conclusion the absolute conclusion that there is nothing i can do,so my super strong helplesness has switched off my brain in that region of thought,like i have litterly blown a fuse,happened after my dad
died when i was 14 he reckons,he told me that he even reckons i tattoo my body because of the permenence of death(trying to compensate by giving my life something permenent),he also said thats why i choose skull and demon related desighns for the subject material,i cant express the feelings by emotion so psychologically ive etched them permenently on skin.>>

Well let me first say that TTA is correct! Almost every new person that comes to this board and posts for the VERY FIRST TIME, is subject to the double digets either in the posting number or the time posted. I have been watching this unfold as I've been here on the forum for almost a year and a half. I cant explain it? Its definetly temperal manipulation!

About this switched off feeling after your fathers death. I completely understand what this is! I HAVE IT TOO! So many unbelievable things have happend in my life that fear it seems doesnt exist in the way it used to in my youth. I almost feel like I have survived and conquered the inevidable and nothing can hurt or penetrate me anymore, everything else is small and menial. I realize that my concience is the only thing there is! Its seems sometimes I can run for miles and the frame of mind that I'm in (as well as good physical shape) I never get tired! I just keep on running and breathing, never hurting. I don't get tierd of running, I get tierd of going to far and realizing I have other errands to do in the day. Strange?

In respects to your father telling to you get a tatoo and marking your body with skulls. I think it was his way of putting his mark on you! even if other people view these signs as demonic when they look at you, it means nothing of the sort. Sometimes fate is not without a sense of irony! meaning perhaps it was his way to bring you to understanding his death and your conciousness and down the ultimate path of GD! Sometimes inbetween life and death in ones last gripping moments their soul is lucid and can see into the future!

I feel that you coming to this web site was NO MISTAKE! Yes there are answers here for you that somebody has deliberatly guided you to.


Later for now,

<i can be compared to the moss on a bumper because thats what ive evolved from>

Can you be 100% sure of that? Were you there? Did you watch these events come to pass? No-one was. This is just an alternative religious theory - not real science based on unbiased observation, repetition and fact. In fact this theory flies in the face of a lot of solid science - such as the notions that life comes only from pre-existing life and that the universe always tends toward increasing entropy (dissarray) rather than increasing levels of complexity (statistically there are more possible states to move to with greater entropy than there are possible states to move to with grater complexity) - just to name a couple of really obvious ones.

If you can't ever be 100% sure of your past (because it is ultimately beyond the reach of science) can you affort to so easily dismiss the idea that there may be a God and that you may interact with that God at some point in the future?

In Darwin’s famous book, “The Origin of the Species”, he wrote: “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”

In biochemist Michael Behe’s new book, “Darwin’s Black Box” is illustrated Behe’s concept of “irreducible complexity”. His definition of this concept is: “By irreducibly complex, I mean a single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning.” He goes on to ask: “Are there … systems in the realm of nature that are irreducibly complex?” The answer is a resounding YES. He then goes on to mention several systems such as the simple cilia, the eye, the bombadier beetle, blood clotting and many others that are irreducibly complex. Remember, this is being written by a scientist who has changed his mind on evolution on the basis of the molecular evidence and has abandoned the theory that irreducibly complex systems can change gradually, or evolve. He now realizes that these systems must have been designed and placed into operation complete and functioning by something or someone. All this is based on single cells (Darwin’s Black Box) because when Darwin was alive, he could not penetrate the deep secrets of the complexity of life—the technology needed to study the microscopic biochemical details had not yet been developed. Out of 10,000 research papers dealing in some way with cilia alone, only two of these attempt to discuss the details of the evolution of cilia on the molecular and mechanical levels, and these two papers disagree!! The amount of scientific research that has been and is being done on the cilium—and the great increase over the past few decades in our understanding of how the cilium works—lead many people to assume that even if they themselves don’t know how the cilium evolved, somebody must know. But a search of the professional literature proves them wrong. NOBODY KNOWS!! There are literally hundreds of examples of this simple concept alone. Many other concepts such as the layers of the geologic column which are the vertical sequences of rock and sediment in which fossil remains are found—are similarly found to be wanting. There are other explanations just as—if not more so—valid. Therefore, the assumption of evolution to explain origins are simply falling apart. Even some of the so-called “links” are being found to be totally false yet are still being used as examples of evolutionary theory—even those proven to be frauds!! This is what I mean by having an open mind. Check and double-check those assumptions that are “a priori”—every premise, every presupposition. Scientists are placing every possibility on the table now—including a creation event.
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zerubbabel--The Seed of Babylon