Natural Time Distrortions Where? How?


Temporal Novice
Is there such a thing as natural time distortion capable of moving matter through space and time. If so where and how would such an anomaly exist?

I'd also like to know if its worth speculating that people could willfully, without a time machine, travel through time?
Is there such a thing as natural time distortion capable of moving matter through space and time. If so where and how would such an anomaly exist?

Yes, absolutely. You just need two things: mass and acceleration (or gravity - the Principle of Equivalence).

Accelerate a massive object with respect to some other object, let it fly around for a while, return it to the object and compare their clocks. The clock carried by the object that left and came back will show less time ticked off than the clock that was at rest. Its clock ran slower - time and every thing else ran slower for that object (the Special Theory of Relativity - SR).

You can duplicate the effect by placing the two objects in unequal gravitational fields but at rest with respect to each other. The object's clock in the stronger field will run slower than the other (the General Theory of Relativity - GR).

You can even duplicate the effect by placing the objects far apart from each other. Their clocks will not run at the same rate (failure of simultaneity at a distance - SR).

But it's not anomalous behavior. It's a fact of physical reality.

I'd also like to know if its worth speculating that people could willfully, without a time machine, travel through time?

That probably depends on how you define "time machine" (other than as described above). It can be defined as any volume of spacetime that contains closed timelike curves without making any reference to what mechanism created the CTCs. A CTC is an area where spacetime loops back on itself, i.e. you can move forward in time based on a clock that you carry along with you and still revisit a point in spacetime that exists in your past.

The CTC could be created by a electronic/mechanical gadget, a black hole or some other object.

Can you create this sort of spacetime with your mind alone? Never say never - but probably not. Creating a gravitational field that strong takes huge amounts of energy. Let's look around us and see what might be useful.

The two densest "things" that we know of in the universe are black holes and neutron stars. Neutron stars are the final stage of a burned out star that didn't quite have sufficient mass to collapse into a black hole. But it did have enough mass to cause all of the protons and electrons to fuse into their neutrally charged companion, neutrons. Stars are huge and they also spin. When they collapse into neutron stars they have a radius of a few tens of kilometers instead of their original 300,000 - 500, 000 kilometer radius. What they lose in radius they gain in angular velocity - like a spinning skater who pulls his arms in close to his side. Spinning neutron stars not only warp spacetime in their area, they literally drag spacetime around themselves ("frame dragging").

In theory, if you could fly a specific path around the neutron star that is very close to its surface you could time travel to the past or future.

Now, neutron stars sound like they are made of really weird and exotic material. Fact is, they aren't. They're made of really ordinary stuff - neutronium. Ordinary vanilla flavored neutrons and protons are about as dense as a neutron star - ~2 X 10^17 gm/m^3. And they have equally huge angular velocities.

Things made from ordinary matter, matter composed almost entirely (by mass) of protons and neutrons, don't up and disappear into time even though they are made from the same stuff as neutron stars and have relatively equal angular velocities. They should in theory, at least to a first approximation, warp spacetime around themselves somewhat equal to a neutron star. The volume of spacetime around them that is warped is incredibly small. But there are a whole lot of protons and neutrons hanging around - about 1839/1840ths of the mass of your body is made from the them. Yet you're still here. The particles that make up the extremely compact nuclei of the atoms in your body doesn't fly off into the future or the past on a whim. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

So, if the actual incredibly dense stuff that makes up your body - stuff much like a neutron star - can't force the issue of time travel, your mind-power isn't likely to be of much assistance.

An aside and a condundrum regarding the failure of simultaneity at a distance: If the clocks don't run at the same rate, yet the two objects that are far apart appear to be equally at rest with respect to a third object, thus at rest WRT each other, and you couple them together with a taught string - will the string break?
An aside and a condundrum regarding the failure of simultaneity at a distance: If the clocks don't run at the same rate, yet the two objects that are far apart appear to be equally at rest with respect to a third object, thus at rest WRT each other, and you couple them together with a taught string - will the string break?

Another scanario:

If you couple the same two objects together with the taught string from the tail of one to the nose of the other and accelerate both objects, equally, to near the speed of light even though they are still at rest with respect to each other (one is following the other along the same path at the same velocity) will the string break?
Scientists Create Artificial Black Hole in Lab

what about this scenario:

Scientists Create Artificial Black Hole in Lab

The mysterious properties of black holes can be recreated on a tabletop, scientists now reveal.

Solving mysteries concerning black holes could yield key clues toward a "theory of everything" that unites how we conceive of all the natural forces.

Black holes rank among the greatest enigmas of the universe. Scientists theorize black holes have gravitational pulls so powerful that nothing, including light, can escape after falling past a border known as the event horizon.

Direct experiments with black holes are unlikely, due at the very least to the distance any are from Earth, not to mention how difficult these warps in space and time would be to work with.

Instead, researchers are searching for ways to create lab models of event horizons.

Now scientists have created an artificial event horizon on a tabletop using fiber optics.


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Nibiru Picture :oops: