NASA to search files on '65 UFO incident


Rift Surfer
NASA to search files on \'65 UFO incident

NASA to search files on '65 UFO incident
Government agency fought the move in federal court

Updated: 7:05 p.m. ET Oct 26, 2007
WASHINGTON - NASA has agreed to search its archives once again for documents on a 1965 UFO incident in Pennsylvania, a step the space agency fought in federal court. The government has refused to open its files about what, if anything, moved across the sky and crashed in the woods near Kecksburg, Pa., 40 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

Traffic was tied up in the area as curiosity seekers drove to the area, only to be kept away from the crash site by soldiers.

The Air Force's explanation for the unidentified flying object: A meteor or meteors.

"They could not find anything," one Air Force memo stated after a late-night search on Dec. 9, 1965. Several NASA employees also were reported to have been at the scene.

Eyewitnesses said a flatbed truck drove away a large object shaped like an acorn and about the size of a Volkswagon bus. A mock-up based on the descriptions of local residents sits behind the Kecksburg Volunteer Fire Department.

UFO enthusiasts refused to let the matter die and journalist Leslie Kean of New York City sued NASA four years ago for information.


The East Coast "Roswell" with many many witnesses. They should really focos on RADIO REPORTER who was THREATEN in the stations by "GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS"...

Don't you just love the History Channel...
