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...model for revamped Space Exploration Initiative.
"Spiral Development Approach: risk management largely drives the spiral software development approach. It recognizes there may be many uncertainties in the project and works to reduce the probability of negative impacts due to those uncertainties. The spiral development approach is a further refinement of the basic waterfall approach. It starts with a series of learning cycles that begin with defining the objectives and then performing a risk identification and analysis to uncover areas of greatest uncertainty in the project. The number of iterations through the cycle varies based on the uncertainty of the problem. Simple problems take one pass and look very much like the standard waterfall approach. More complicated problems may involve several passes through the cycle to resolve uncertainty to an acceptable level. Risk management is performed to identify and analyze risks. Risk mitigation plans identify corrective actions to be taken to reduce the probability and impact of the risks. The mitigation plans are monitored to determine if they removed or reduced the risks as planned. The spiral life cycle approach is appropriate for large, complex systems with very significant risks and systems where all the requirements are not known at the beginning of the project."
"Spiral Development Approach: risk management largely drives the spiral software development approach. It recognizes there may be many uncertainties in the project and works to reduce the probability of negative impacts due to those uncertainties. The spiral development approach is a further refinement of the basic waterfall approach. It starts with a series of learning cycles that begin with defining the objectives and then performing a risk identification and analysis to uncover areas of greatest uncertainty in the project. The number of iterations through the cycle varies based on the uncertainty of the problem. Simple problems take one pass and look very much like the standard waterfall approach. More complicated problems may involve several passes through the cycle to resolve uncertainty to an acceptable level. Risk management is performed to identify and analyze risks. Risk mitigation plans identify corrective actions to be taken to reduce the probability and impact of the risks. The mitigation plans are monitored to determine if they removed or reduced the risks as planned. The spiral life cycle approach is appropriate for large, complex systems with very significant risks and systems where all the requirements are not known at the beginning of the project."