Napoleon Dynamite, Stephen Gibbs Time Machine


Temporal Navigator
Hey... I just saw napoleon dynamite the other day, I enjoyed the time travel part,
perhaps they randomly built a prop time machine but the fake time machine in the movie
resembles a supposed "time machine" sold by an actual guy on the net, He's been selling
them for a few years now, I remember Art Bell the radio host had him as a guest over 5 years
ago, probably more like 7 years ago. Art Bell had one of his "time machines" and back then
Art had pictures of the device on his webpage, the pictures are no longer up, but I do remember
that they pictures looked almost exactly like the fake time machine in the movie napoleon dynamite,

I wonder if that segment of the movie besides being entertaining was an actual knock at the guy who actually sells em on the net, his name is Stephen Gibbs, his website is: I notice he doesn't have any pics just a crude drawing, but the one he sent Art Bell looked just like the one in the movie as I mentioned. I don't endorse buying one, they are like $350.00 as I recall, this Gibbs guy has no guarantee, and he said on the radio, a loose paraphrase of a quote "If you don't travel through time, it means your intentions are not right, and God won't let you time travel if you have bad intentions". Sounds like a really cheesey fraudulent way of admitting it's a piece of garbage and won't work (unless your dropping acid).

I found somethin from google looked funny check it out, Russian time travellers:

- Razimus
I thought i should just let you know that the schematic that you saw of Stevens HDR unit was an illustration. You can get a proper schematic from elsewhere. I can provide you with one if you wish. The reason why the device might look 'fake' is because it is basically a radionics box. you can find full [photo] pictures of one of these devices at a number of sites including the inside of the box. The unit itself as with all radionics looks pretty un-spectacular. However the reason why it in theory at least 'should' work is that radionics is based on frequency. Time/space and individual reality are also based on frequency - in other words frequency is reality. Radionics practice in the US is hard to find. There are certain laws with regards to radionics in the US (you can go to jail). In Europe, radionics is actually popular as an alternative medicine. In short people know it works but not how. This probably makes the US government twitchy. Not to mention the Multi-billion dollar pill industry - hence the laws

You cannot simply through a switch on the Hyper Dimensional Resonator unit and physically travel - its not that simple. first you have to find a 'grid point'. What Steven means specifically is a 'Ley line'. Whether you believe all the implications of a ley line or not, the fact is they exist and are areas of Electro-magnetic anomally - this is fact. These can be tricky to locate. If you activate the HDR in one of these 'grid points' (an interesting fact: many military bases are built along this earth lines - and actually line up with each other) the EM anomally in theory via the radionics box allows a warping of the time feilds in that localised area. In other words it changes the frequency of the time feild around you to the one you want to travel to. This is horribly simplified, my apologies. But the atmospheric fields in the Ley line (or vortex as some people call it) allow for the frequency/vibration within to be manipulated. This is the (very basic) basis on the theory behind the HDR unit (which is atually a little more than a radionics box). Any radionics unit in theory could be amplified and utilised in this way. Though i wouldnt suggest it - it could be alot more dangerous. perhaps its the simplicity of the basis of radioinics, which incidently does require a certain openess and awareness to/of a universal mind - steven may choose to call this good - thats his choice of words, that makes people so skeptical. Just remember that time and space live in unity they cannot exist without each other. As a manifestation in the material universe these too, with be locked into their own frequency.
Hi Creedo,

Yes and No. I've spoken to steven over the phone in the last couple of weeks. He's a very nice guy, down to earth (whitty at times). I think the problem is with him, is that a lot of what he says is open for interpretation therefore gets taken out of context.

I have said this on another forum - you're better of thinking in Toaist/buddhist philosophy (not religious) terms on this subject. Especially radionics. Even on projects like Montauk Al, preston, duncan etc all have stated they ended up coming to a point where those involved had to come to realise that there are much higher levels of conciousness.

The idea with radionics and the HDR is that you link up your mind with the mind of the universe. You are a fraction of this mind. It is you. however in the material state - while still being a fraction of this universal conciousness - you are experiencing separation. The HDR (similarly radionics in general) is sort of a 'prompt' that helps to allow access to this mind - though technically, gifted and VERY advanced individuals might not need such a prompt (this does not include timetravel, however). I know steven Gibbs likes to describe it as the mind of god. Thats ok for him - but it does tend to leave a sour taste in the minds of people that don't get what he is saying. I can understand this.

As you are part of the universe conciousness (god to some people) you too are 'god'. In other words theres no god sat on a cloud helping some 'christian' guy win a baseball game at the same time as letting some kid die from famine in Suddan. God (the universe) is impartial. you have free will to do what you want. By tuning into the mind of god/universe and asking for certain things ie time travel you are using your free will. However if you have negative intentions. Its most likely that you will prevent yourself from TT. Perhaps not even detecable on a concious level. but you won't go. Perhpas this is why some have used the HDR and also not returned.

I.E. THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. You travel with bad intention. Create an effect - then you have to say and learn from experiencing your consequences. Perhaps anyway. Even he admits theres alot on this he doesn't know - just like the rest of us.

to give an example of my point before that last statement;

I know Al bielek on one interview spoke of how in the montauk project they used antenas/comupter code etc and phychics to manifest objects into reallity. He said that theres probably Tibetan Monks that could do this with no equipment at all. This i also believe, and is more than possible is also done in the same matter. Linking your mind to the universal intelligence and realising as a fragment of it you can do this. To understand it on one potential scientific level you should read quantum physics, how conciousness may effect sub quantum objects. Then read up a bit on basic 'String theory' (if thats possible)
. Not imagine that the intelligence that governs Sting theory, is linked to you. The entire matrix of our reality has and origin. You are part of that origin.

Sorry to get bogged down in this. Its just the simple questions often lead to the most longest of answers - this is probably the reason why Steven Gibbs finds it so hard to exlain the HDR. Its very hard trying to condense this into a reply on a forum. If anything Use String theory to speculate and theorise. This is a place if any where science and 'religious' philosophies will merge. Radionics is one such area where this happens. Radionics is the basis of the HDR unit.

Hope this hasn't caused more confusion. I fear it might have. I hate the term religion Biblical religions are very primal and offer practically nothing truly profound to say on the subject they claim to talk of.

Kind regards,
The Montauk people, are in another TTI subject heading.

This is time travel general discussion.

Two, there is a strong evidence of not only a God, but a god's union as well.

I have noticed that you do not correct most of your spelling, before you post?
all have stated they ended up coming to a point where those involved had to come to realise that there are much higher levels of conciousness.


you link up your mind with the mind of the universe. You are a fraction of this mind. It is you. however in the material state - while still being a fraction of this universal conciousness - you are experiencing separation.

Precisely our situation. Although some will deny it to the day they give up their mortal form.

I know steven Gibbs likes to describe it as the mind of god. Thats ok for him - but it does tend to leave a sour taste in the minds of people that don't get what he is saying.

Indeed. The timestream we live in has been severely polluted when it comes to the use of the word "God". You mention this word and those who have a level of militancy against the possibility of a unified Supersystem immediately wish to force the word to mean that which world religions have perverted the concept into. There is a much broader truth about what constitutes God than any single religious tradition has been able to describe.

As you are part of the universe conciousness (god to some people) you too are 'god'.

Correct. And thus the greeting "Namaste" is quite appropriate: The God in me recognizes and salutes (bows to) the God in you.

He said that theres probably Tibetan Monks that could do this with no equipment at all.

Frequency-based technology of their chants... points of resonance are points of concentrated power. The stuff works, if you understand how to use it.

you should read quantum physics, how conciousness may effect sub quantum objects.

The eternal interaction of "IT" (matter) and "BIT" (mind). See the works of John Archibald Wheeler and Jack Sarfatti. IT creates BIT, and BIT creates IT. The unbroken circle.

If anything Use String theory to speculate and theorise. This is a place if any where science and 'religious' philosophies will merge.

Right again. This merging has been happening for many years now, and it is becoming self-evident to those of us who can connect the dots. There will come a point where those who deny it will no longer be able to function in a world that has achieved this level of integration. Some refer to them as those who will be "left behind". Sad, but true... just as those who continue to sleep, while others embark on a journey of discovery, are also left behind.

I hate the term religion Biblical religions are very primal and offer practically nothing truly profound to say on the subject they claim to talk of.

I agree. Most religions have warped and twisted the highly scientific information they were entrusted to keep and to pass-down. The reason? Those who formed the religions saw that they could hide these truths from their "sheep", and twist them to become a means of control over said sheep. But we now live in a time when science will strip away the "false savior" of controlling religions, and restore the scientific basis to the knowledge of spirituality...while blending the two into a Grand Unified Theory.

Kind regards right back atcha!
There is no proof of god. Only suggestible implications.

The Montauk 'people' were used in regard to my 'discussion' on time travel. The post was not speciffically about the Montuak project. Therefore i think it was a little picky to single that out.

As for the spelling. I am guilty of this i must say. While i generally give a quick once over for sentence/paragragh structure, i usually glance over my wording and don't check specifics - especially on long posts. My apologies if it has caused confusion. I will read the past 2 posts and check for inaccuracies.


Sorry your reply must have gone up while i was replying to creedo.

I'm glad in your response to my posting. You are right about this new trend of people finally thinking this way. It seems like the philosophers are no longer dismissing the scientist and the scientist the philosopher. They if anything are starting to become each other and develop into more balanced and (advanced) indivduals.

Don't get me wrong i'm no physicist or anything. If anything its the philosophy that has brought me round to science. The more i read though, the more i realise that to get the best (most detailed) view, you need to be adequately minded and open to both.
Re: Napoleon Dynamite, Stephen Gibbs Time Machine

Thank for the reply, I have to admit the changing of frequency is a theory that could go somewhere in time-travel research. As in String Theory we're vibrating at a certain frequency etc... as I'm sure everyone here is aware of. Reminds me of the original story for the Invisible Man, the original story goes, how I heard it anyway, the Man was messin in some expreiment and he was blown half-way into another dimension, causing him to be able to still interact with this dimension but not be visible, like he was blown half-way into another frequency. Just stories and theories, I'm sure your aware of, hey! go and see Napoleon Dynamite, ah I think it may be too late for you to see it in the theatures, it's a hillarious movie, I even saw Paris Hilton on Lenno the other night say how it's her FAVORITE MOVIE, not that that says much, but you know she wouldn't endorse a movie she had nothing to do with unless she liked it, she even named her wild cat tiger thingy after it she named it Liger.

About Stephen Gibb's HDR UNIT aka "Time machine", while searching google I found the picture Art Bell had on his site long ago, someone copied it, here it is:

- Razimus

ps... thnx OllyB, I look forward to your hdr findings.