Name: Clorrick From the year: 3087


Temporal Novice
Hello, my name is Clorrick and I am from the year 3087. I am currently 25 years old right now. I know you have many questions for me, I will try my best to answer them all. First off, why did I come to the year 2006? When I studied ancient history in my time, this year seems perfect for me. It is not too dull and not too intense. But the real reason is, the world was ending in my time. I knew if I stayed at that time, I would die. So I traveled to this time. First off, I studied your ways. Your language, your culture, almost everything about you. There is a book in my time, if translated in english, it would be called "Guide to the Distant Past". It teaches you everything, so you could be viewed as a normal person in 2006.

My "time machine" is rather complicated. It uses a advance "satellelite" that speeds up and slows down time. When it was first developed in 2658, the concept was to speed up or slow down time by seconds and minutes. It was successful. Then technology progessed, in the year 3012, they were able to slow down and speed up time by seconds, minutes,hours, days, months, years, decades, and so on.


Transportation has change greatly from your time. There are no more "cars". The everyday transportation deive is nothing more than a magnetic atom teleporter (MAT). I do not have pictures of it, apologies. But, it's shape and size is similiar to a typical refrigerator, but to fit your body. You stand in there, and wait for the machine to charge all the atoms you have, the time it takes for it to charge all your atoms in your body varies on how much atoms you have. When it is done charging, the machine executes a command based on which location you have chosen, and it will transfer your entire body to the location you have chosen.


Many new advance weapons, I will only name some.

Schrockite: In english, this means "de-existing gun". It will destroy all the atoms in your body, causing you to not exist.

Kelemarihsk: In english for "contamination gun". This will shoot a needle to your body, armed with a virus that will contaminate your blood and cause you to lose blood cells and die.


Buildings will be made mostly out of metal, to protect you from an attack which can occur at any time. If you are rich, your house will be tall with protection. If you are poor, your house will still be made out of metal, but smaller and less protection.

If you are still curious, ask me questions.
Another TTer. Ok If your a real time travler then do some simple things like go to 2008 and tell us exactly what will happen month by month (sports wins, news events ect ect) or ill assume you have a computer much more powerful than now so then factor a 500 digit number.
Dont know what factoring a number is but it seems theres many smart people here i seen talk about it once saying factoring a 300 digit number or more would take months for us with our current tools but should take seconds for future technology.

Why do i agree and believe it would take seconds to acomplish?
Last 100 or lets say 75 year there has been a quantum leap in technological advancement.
Its a lil strange i might add that before we were still with the very basics but in one phaze the door flew wide open incredible standards.

So its 2006 now and in 100 years from now (if we dont kill ourselves) i bet science understanding will be further than now of course but in the year 3000 +? Man it should be outstanding.

Of course your just another fake as usual so i guess this post ends now.

Good day.
Buildings will be made mostly out of metal, to protect you from an attack which can occur at any time. If you are rich, your house will be tall with protection. If you are poor, your house will still be made out of metal, but smaller and less protection.

So the Schrokite can make all the atoms in your body "disappear"? How come you buid metal shelters? Won't the Schrokite "disappear" the shelters too?
My "time machine" is rather complicated. It uses a advance "satellelite" that speeds up and slows down time. When it was first developed in 2658, the concept was to speed up or slow down time by seconds and minutes. It was successful. Then technology progessed, in the year 3012, they were able to slow down and speed up time by seconds, minutes,hours, days, months, years, decades, and so on.

The technical aspects of the actual device may be complicated, however, I am curious as to how difficult the device is to "use".

Are you stuck here in 2006 ? or can you shift to another time and place rather easily ?

How did you prepare for the biological hazards that your body obviously would be subjected to upon arrival in our era ?

So you saved yourself from "the end of the world", what about the others in your time ? Didn't they make an escape from certain doom as well ?
What I find depressing is that there are still people named Clorrick in 3087.

What would be interesting is a Clorrick from 1087 who was sent ahead in time by an
evil wizard. Then you wouldn't have to invent any technology and have to satisfy the RainmanTime's in this forum (although, from his last postings, I suspect Rainman has flamed-out in cyberspace). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Sorry for the long reply. I told you that I studied the year 2006 and it is the perfect time/environment/climate for me. I do not need to prepare. Also, others have tried to go to the past, like me, but they might not have found this website like me.
First, why should I go to the year 2008 and tell what will happen months by months just to prove to you that I am real? If you don't believe it, then don't. But i am telling you one last time, I AM REAL.
Clorrick Said: First, why should I go to the year 2008 and tell what will happen months by months just to prove to you that I am real? If you don't believe it, then don't. But i am telling you one last time, I AM REAL.

Well obviously you are real because you are a person that typed this but i was referring to doing some simple task that would prove that you are indeed a real time travler.

You most definitely must have some knowledge of our earth's history so ill explain again.

In the last 100 to 75 years (from currently 2006 to going back) humans have made a ridiculas quantum leap in technological advancements. I dont recall no other time frame in our known recorded history to advance so fast and so much as we done in the last 100 t0 75 years.

You dont say your from the year 2040, nor from 2200 and not even close to 2400 but from year 3087.

Surely in 200 years from now (if human are still alive) technological advancements must have reached unimaginable hieghts.
That would only shy and look dull in comparison to 1000 plus years from now.

This is what i dont understand:
Why would a time travler come from so far ahead in the future and not want to prove if he or she could convince anyone they could prove they was from the future?
Anyone could simply do and say what you have done here, so if you was a real time travler then you are doing nothing but wasting time iteslf for just a mere online chat that will do nothing to help anyone.

I mean, so far back one would travel to use such a very primitive way of electronic interactive socialism which uses text words that have (should have) an awful delay response effect when compared to future social communications.

This (your) topic stands out as a shout for attention and so far i dont see the purpose for such a topic other than a attention response excitement rush.

Enlighten us with some information you would like to share with us then or by all means humor us.
You cant be sure about that in 200 years there would be advances in technology? Just because you compared yourself with people from the time, lets say, 1800, then you think it will be the same 200 years from 2006? What if, for example, there was a huge war and every resource was destroyed? Then how can we advance in technology?
(although, from his last postings, I suspect Rainman has flamed-out in cyberspace).
Spleens are not forever what we ring!

Clorrick Said: You cant be sure about that in 200 years there would be advances in technology? Just because you compared yourself with people from the time, lets say, 1800, then you think it will be the same 200 years from 2006? What if, for example, there was a huge war and every resource was destroyed? Then how can we advance in technology?

The reason why i cant be sure of the future is becuase your knowledge of what you claim does not hold water.
Meaning, your just a fake and are here for attention.

You can even examine every 10 years back. 2000, 1994, 1988, 1982, 1976 ect ect and notice the difference.
Lets use a popular home video film media format:
Hi8 MM, Betamax, VHS, Laserdisk, DVD, HD-DVD/BlueRay-DVD ect ect

Why would'nt there be BlueRay-DVDs 200 years from now?
BlueRay looks very promising and a supurb invention that hold about 25 gigabytes (TDK Develops Blu-ray Media with 200GB Capacity) or more. At the moment it looks like the media choice of the future and might stay around for a while.
But seriously, will it still be around for the next 200 years when it took almost less than 10 years for it to manifest?

Lets take your scenario then.
War kills almost everything and much knowledge is lost. We start over then.

What im seeing here is that you just happen to come from an exact time where you can relate to our current stage in technological knowledge but simply not mention any understandable information that will coincide with our currently growing technologies?

Meaning you cant submit any information of any difference we will have in a mere 10 years from now becuase the technologies we will have in 10 years from now is most likely percived now.
I can mention dozens of new technologies that will be the normal of the future and so can many people too.
We are in a vital stage of growing and not just technologically.
Thats why i asked if you can head to 2008 and tell us what is most likely in our future.
What is 3087 going to do for us? Its useless.
Tell us a important but not time altering informitive revelation that is within our grasp to witness before we grow old and die.

Example: Earthquakes, Discoveries, Breakthroughs, Entertainments, ect ect ect.
So much is going on now in all directions and will keep happening so 3087 wont help at all. Tone it down a bit to a 2007 to 2010 time frame.

Fancy words and useless information you have provided here so far.

You are a fraud.
Clorrick....I asked you some questions, of which I guess you missed. So, I will ask them again.

The technical aspects of the actual device may be complicated, however, I am curious as to how difficult the device is to "use".

Are you stuck here in 2006 ? or can you shift to another time and place rather easily ?

How did you prepare for the biological hazards that your body obviously would be subjected to upon arrival in our era ?

So you saved yourself from "the end of the world", what about the others in your time ? Didn't they make an escape from certain doom as well ?
Boo Clorick!! You’ve posed as too many Travellers already which is just another sidesling’n angle for “Group Titor”.

For all newcomers to the forum that aren’t aware that Titor has been revealed:

This game is gett’n fun’r and fun’r!! Screw the IP addresses now, I’ve got money bets going here, so keep em com’n Fester!!

Whoo hoo money money money!! Oh lets see Clorick you are undeniably posters: Prayer, butterfly17, concrete buffalo, Qronos16, justhere, PhoenixProject, IgnorantSentient, POPS, GoogleRules and DS638, Alpha Romeo, and of course TimeTravelActivist and all his posy.

And Scannell scores a big one!!

Bring em so I can ring em!!
hello, i am back.

The above poster seems to mistaken me for many characters in this forum. I am not anyone of those characters except myself, Clorrick. Check the ip address again please.
I am not anyone of those characters except myself, Clorrick. Check the ip address again please.

Oh come on already, just admit it, the kitty is out of the bag!

IP address’s don’t mean anything. For can’t you see? Scannell has hit the nail right on the head and unmasked us all?

Or has he
