

Quantum Scribe
Mysterious "ORBS"
Are they UFO's, or are they us? are these orbs FROM alien craft, or are they reversed engineered FROM downed or captured alien craft? are they some sort of "Spy" probes watching & recording us? what are these mysterious orbs?

There appears to be two seperate types of these "Orbs" floating about our environment, one belonging to the "Etherical Realm" QSE,
(Quantum States of Existance)...and the
"Physical Realm" QSE.

Here is what I've managed to dig up over the www thus far...

Mysterious "ORBS"
Are they UFO's, or are they us? are these orbs FROM alien craft, or are they reversed engineered FROM downed or captured alien craft? are they some sort of "Spy" probes watching & recording us? what are these mysterious orbs?

A UFO, Photographic Phenomena, energy fields, orbs, UFO's ghosts, spirits
About a month or so ago I was in my yard here in southern Virginia taking pictures of aircraft making chem/contrails. I took several shots, and came in to download them INTO my computer. I have a Polaroid PDC640 camera, and had no problems...

Earth Lights
The Earth Light - Ghost Light - and Spooklight Resource An 'earth light' is the name given to a mysterious light of no apparent origin other than perhaps the earth. More frequently they are called 'spooklights' or 'ghost lights', as some people believe that these strange lights are actually ghosts... in addition, there are other similar related forms of ALP (Anomalous Luminous Phenomena), for example: Will-o'-the-wisps, ball lightning, & EQLs, all of which are explored further on this site.

Orbwatch Index
The ORBWATCH website comprises written and/or visual reports pertaining to Unidentified Submerging Objects, and, at times, Unidentified Emerging Objects.
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."