My Understanding of Sarfatti's Theories


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My Understanding of Sarfatti\'s Theories

I have been following the work of Dr. Jack Sarfatti for several years now (since before 9/11). He was talking about topologies of Mass, Space, and Time that aligned with Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and Baryonic Matter well before the NASA WMAP probe provided verifying measurements for these segmentations of energy in 2003. His work also does not seek to throw away Einstein's, but rather builds upon and extends it... much as Einstein's work did for Newton's.

If I am correctly understanding his work, what he is also saying aligns with something I have known intuitively (and talked about on this forum) for several years: That is that what we perceive as "reality" is actually only existant on the surface of a 2-dimensional "bubble of lightspeed". This is why "c" is squared in Einstein's equation for energy... because we are measuring Energy on the surface of a sphere of perception that is proportional to the speed of light (c). We perceive this surface area as a "flat" (linear) 3-dimensional Space.

In Sarfatti's work, the scaling factor for Einstein's lightspeed-based "reality vacuum" is Lambda (/\). That which Einstein called the cosmological constant, which he eventually came to think was a mistake, due to Hubble's measurement of "constant expansion" (redshift) of the universe. But recent measurements from NASA have shown us we are NOT in a constant-expansion, but an accelerated expansion. Hubble simply perceived it as constant because he did not know, nor could measure, Dark Energy nor Dark Matter.

Sarfatti claims that /\ = 0 for the "flat", spherical, 3-D reality that we perceive via our senses. For this segment of reality, E=mc^2 defines a spherical energy bubble with radius "c". I call this the integrated reality of Massive SpaceTime that we perceive with our limited physical senses.

When /\ is not equal to 0, it can either be positive or negative. According to Sarfatti (as I understand him):

-/\ = Dark Matter, which gravitates (pulls towards) with a stronger force than the normal, baryonic matter that we observe in stars and planets. The shape of such Dark Matter would then become a compressed ellipsoid that exists inside the spherical light-shell of E=mc^2 where /\ = 0.

+/\ = Dark Energy, which anti-gravitates (pushes apart) with a MUCH stronger force than the normal, baryonic matter that we observe in stars and planets. The shape of such Dark Energy would then become hyperbolic in nature... in other words, the 3-dimensional opposite of the ellipsoid of Dark Matter. It would curve outward from the E=mc^2 spherical surface. And it is the major force of nature that is pulling the /\ = 0 (E=mc^2) universe towards it.

Sarfatti is also showing how this work of his correlates to the Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) work of respected physicist Ken Shoulders. What I am doing is drawing the obvious connection to Qabalistic knowledge and the mathematical "story behind the story" told in Genesis 1.

I could always be shown to be wrong, but things seem to be aligning with respect to scientific understanding and ancient mystical/spiritual understanding....yet again! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: My Understanding of Sarfatti\'s Theories

Note, dark matter may be radioactively hot, however in an inverse manner, over how other forms of radiation have been perceived.

I feel that dark matter, is post compressive matter, from giant cataclysmic explosions, which tear, or have torn apart giant sections of outer space.

The pressures involved here, are so immense, that a new type of matter must be created opposite, of conventional matter.

This matter stays hot and active, however in inversed proportionally active, within its own matrix.