My Time Machine Blueprint


Dimensional Traveler
The principle behind a time machine would be the easiest to understand. I always look to mother nature to answer these types of questions. On the Earth we know that the gravitational field of the Earth has a slowing effect on time. So you could say that objects with weight experience the flow of time more slowly. On the Sun the same object weighs close to 30 times what it weighs here on Earth. We know that time flows much more slowly on the Sun.

But conditions on the Sun are much different than here on Earth. Because Hydrogen is being converted to Helium on the Sun, some of that weight disappears. A source I found says that four and a half billion tons of weight disappear every second on the Sun. Now pretty much all the stars in the universe do this. But not just with Hydrogen. All the elements up to Iron cause weight to be lost during their formation within a star. The formation of elements above Iron take more weight to form and would cause a star to go cold if this was taking place.

So I equate all this disappearing weight as a dominate one way direction in the universe. Do you notice anything else going just one way? Time seems to have a one way direction too. And the flow rate of time is tied to the force of gravity, which also influences an objects weight. These three things, gravity, weight, and time, all change in a proportional relationship to each other.

On the Sun there is a ratio of weight disappearing to weight remaining. On the Earth, you could say that doesn't occur. Unless you add up all the weight lost due to fission of the radioactive elements. I suppose that could be calculated based on estimated quantities of the known fissionable elements present. But it does appear that the Sun is the dominate source for the creation of the flow of time here in our neck of the woods.

But that is the mechanism mother nature uses. So all we have to do to control the flow of time, would be to either create weight or destroy weight. So a matter-antimatter annihilation or creation event would work to change the flow of time locally. But maybe we don't need that much power. That's what I'm willing to bet on. A machine that simulates the emissions of a matter creation or annihilation event.

Just by creating what I call weight fields. Years ago I did some experiments with a Tesla coil, and discovered the moving electric fields created by the Tesla coil cause objects to attract. Just like gravity. Its not gravity. But it has something in common with gravity. The electrified objects develop weight. An attractive type of weight. I also did some experiments with moving magnetic fields, and discovered a way to make a repulsion field. Kind of like antigravity. But not, because it was magnetic repulsion. But the moving magnetic fields created an opposite type of weight. A repulsive type of weight.

This research has been sitting still until just recently when I came across a Chladni plate demonstration on YouTube. The demonstration was done with a circular plate. When I looked at that, I saw a model of the Bohr atom. It was so simple. The sound waves would resonate at specific frequencies which depend on the size of the metal plate. To me it looks like a mechanism to hold things in place with standing waves. The concentric rings on the Chladni plate looked like the atomic orbital rings in a Bohr atom. This was done with sound waves.

This made me wonder if something similar could be done with weight waves. By creating standing waves of weight that increase in intensity for moving in one direction in time. Or decreasing intensity that would cause a reverse direction in time.

This is pretty simple. I think a 10 year old could understand it. Of course engineering the concept into a working time machine might be a challenge. But at least I'm working with a blueprint, borrowed from mother nature.

By the way, in case nobody noticed. No black-holes or wormholes were used in my time machine blueprint. Just facts.
You know guys, I haven't built this yet. But someone else did. Doctor Z's Brossard Experiment.

I examined the way he put his machine together this morning just using the facts I posted above. It does appear to conform to my analysis of how a time machine should be put together.

So lets take a look at what I think happened with Doctor Z's time machine design. All of his magnetic coils are wound with speaker wire. On the last coil he connected the two ends of speaker wire together. All his coils were connected in series. And they were powered by a 700 watt inverter. So basically any power he applies to the coils cancels itself out, because the current flows in the opposite direction in the adjacent wire. But the inverter puts out 60 cycle pulses at 120 volts. So there is pulsed current going through those coil wires in both direction. You could say that both electric and magnetic waves are moving in equal but opposite directions. So there are standing waves of both electric and magnetic waves. Just like in the Chladni plate demonstration which used sound waves to create standing waves. The car motor is at a cruise rpm. So it is unlikely that the inverter was putting out full power. When Doctor Z applied full throttle to his car down the road, the power inverter went to full power. Both electric and magnetic standing waves increased in intensity. The increase in intensity is synonymous with motion. Thus, standing weight waves increasing in intensity would be present. The car should have moved through time at a different rate. According to Doctor Z's assistant, on the outside viewing the experiment, the car vanished, went invisible. It came back into view further on down the road. I suppose when the car motor rpm slowed down, a reverse time direction occurred. Of course Doctor Z claimed the car caught on fire at that point. He had to pull off the road and exit the vehicle.

I'm just a bit skiddish to put something together that size. I've been working on a much smaller more compact design in the 100 watt range. But trial and error takes time.
I've always wondered what would happen if everyone on this forum just stuck their heads together and decided to create a time machine. Not some "hoax" or pretend machine, I mean a real-life time machine.

Ah, well. I guess this blueprint is cheap enough for me to try out as well. Might as well test it out. Any additional information on the parts needed, Einstein?
What other condition's do you suppose may have caused the event as experienced by Dr. Z ?

One of the reasons why I ask this question, is that Dr. Z wrote that he tried numerous times to re-create the device ( and/or event ) and failed.

Another reason why I ask, is because I agree with what you wrote regarding "nature". My time traveling experiments revolve around the telluric currents. In reading about Doctor Z's Brossard Experiment, has me wondering what were the conditions of the telluric currents at the time Dr. Z conducted the experiment?

Although usually opertating a very low level of strength, the telluric currents can be affected by magnetic storms, variations in weather-environmental conditions, and man-made objects.

It has been documented that in several incidents that strengthened telluric's have caused power outages :

" An extreme example of one of the largest geomagnetic disturbances of the twentieth century. Rapid geomagnetic field variation during a magnetic storm led to the induction of electric currents in the Earth's crust. These currents caused wide-spread blackouts across the Canadian Hydro-Quebec power grid, resulting in the loss of electric power to more than 6 million people (Allen, 1989; Czeck, 1992; Boteler, 1998; Kappenman, 1996, 2003; Thomson, 2010). If a similar storm-induced blackout had occurred in the Northeastern United States, the economic impact could have exceeded $10 billion (NRC, 2008; Baker et al., 2009; NRC report, 2009) not counting the negative impact on emergency services and the reduction in public safety associated with the loss of electric power in large cities. "
Is it possible that Dr. Z's device interacted in sync with specific conditions of the telluric currents, which contributed to his original success, however, since the state of localized currents are time dependent, changed sufficently to cause failure when the experiment was attempted again ?

Would be nice to know exactly where he did the original experiment and what the readings of the telluric currents were at the time the experiment was done. A term mentioned in the study of telluric currents is "Temporal Fold"; however, this term was never defined in depth as to what the author meant when he wrote it describing the attributes of the currents.

From your description above of Dr. Z's device, has me puzzling over the possibility that he was able to create a Temporal Fold, perhaps by coincidence, and due to changing conditions of the telluric currents, is a possible reason why he hasn't been able to duplicate the experience.
I've always wondered what would happen if everyone on this forum just stuck their heads together and decided to create a time machine. Not some "hoax" or pretend machine, I mean a real-life time machine.

Ah, well. I guess this blueprint is cheap enough for me to try out as well. Might as well test it out. Any additional information on the parts needed, Einstein?

The engineering part is up for grabs. You can go to Doctor Z's website and read how he put his machine together. But anything else you try, and you're on your own.

The approach I'm presently pursuing is to use a pair of sine waves. One wave will be 180 degrees out of phase with the other wave. I've decided I want to try two large diameter coils facing each other. I'll feed the sine wave signals into each coil. That should create the standing wave relationship. I'm presently building a two channel amplifier with 100 watts per channel capability to use in feeding the coils.

In addition to that I need to increase power to each of the coils in a repetitive fashion. That will create the electromagnetic weight pulses in either an increasing or decreasing direction. To do this I've been using ramp waves to modulate the ground plane of the sine waves. So one sine wave will be raised above the ground plane potential, while the other sine wave will be lowered below the ground wave potential, all in repetitive synchronous ramp wave pulses.

This past couple of weeks I've been bread boarding the electrical circuits together that I want to use for this project. So far I've finalized the amplifier and sine wave generator circuits to use. But I still have to fiddle with my ramp wave generator circuit some more.

The thing about the ramp wave approach is that there are four different ways to set up the ramp waves. It's my suspicion that two of those combinations will produce either the forward or reverse thrust through time. But I have no idea what the other two combinations will do.

And then there are other standing wave arrangements to try as well. So I wont be giving up. If mother nature uses standing waves in her scheme to create reality, then why not give it a try, to see what she has been up to all this time.
Kerr Texas

From your description above of Dr. Z's device, has me puzzling over the possibility that he was able to create a Temporal Fold, perhaps by coincidence, and due to changing conditions of the telluric currents, is a possible reason why he hasn't been able to duplicate the experience.

I've talked to Doctor Z extensively on the construction of his device. He can't duplicate the experiment because he had help from some knowledgeable folks that were willing to partake in the construction of his device. There is one component that he can't duplicate. The pulse generator in the circuit with the inverter, was made for him by an older gentleman. I think that man is deceased. And that pulse generator burned up in the car fire.

The only thing odd that I originally noticed with his construction was the way he wound the coils. The current running through the coils cancels out the velocity component because the coil is wound in a bifilar configuration. That also means no detectable magnetic field or electric field. But I never realized that could be a standing wave condition. At least not until I watched that demonstration of sound waves on a circular Chladni plate. On the Chladni plate the sound waves are moving in both directions, but cancelling out the velocity component, leaving just a standing wave. The same thing happens in the coils Doctor Z made. But what kind of standing wave is it? Electric and magnetic fields are no longer detectable with this type of coil configuration. But the intensity of that standing wave increased when Doctor Z romped down on the accelerator. That's when the weird phenomena occurred.

I want to go with the facts that mother nature provides. That will be my baseline.
I've always wondered what would happen if everyone on this forum just stuck their heads together and decided to create a time machine. Not some "hoax" or pretend machine, I mean a real-life time machine.

You have one (maybe two) post graduate engineers and one BS degree in experimental science on the forum. Add all of our education together and we don't have one theoretical physicist equivalent. So the results would be as expected - nothing. Not one of us here has even a slight clue about what a time machine is, the theory behind imagining a theory of time travel or how to begin to construct a time machine. "Stick our heads together" and you'd have a heady mess but no time machine.

Michio Kaku probably has it correct. Buiilding a time machine will likely require a Type 3 civilization - a society advanced enough to harness the energy of entire galaxies. We are currently a Type 0 society at least 10,000 years away from Type 3.
You have one (maybe two) post graduate engineers and one BS degree in experimental science on the forum. Add all of our education together and we don't have one theoretical physicist equivalent. So the results would be as expected - nothing. Not one of us here has even a slight clue about what a time machine is, the theory behind imagining a theory of time travel or how to begin to construct a time machine. "Stick our heads together" and you'd have a heady mess but no time machine.

Michio Kaku probably has it correct. Buiilding a time machine will likely require a Type 3 civilization - a society advanced enough to harness the energy of entire galaxies. We are currently a Type 0 society at least 10,000 years away from Type 3.

Obviously I'm more optimistic about this than you are. I've been down the theory road many times. It's really funny how all my theories end in failure. So you could say, just based on my experience, that using theories to explore reality is a dead end approach. Yet I was schooled to use theories and was taught that this was the correct approach.

Of course I did have tremendous success in formulating a theory to construct my Lorentz force generator. That was about the only time I ever constructed something from a theory that worked. But then that theory was constructed out of known facts. No assumptions were used. So the art of constructing theories appears to be something other than what is taught in schools. Using facts to formulate theories appears to produce theories that turn to facts.

So the fact that there doesn't appear to be a theoretical physicist on the board is probably a plus. And I would direct everyone to use mother natures facts instead of any theory out there.

Remember I keep alluding to what we are being taught in school, as being an altered version of the truth. Altered to the point, that the knowledge we are taught, becomes useless. I did point out the similarity between the Chladni plate demonstration, and the model of the Bohr atom that we all were taught in school. But the Bohr atomic model we were all taught about, lacked the knowledge or understanding of why or how it worked the way it did. The Chladni plate was around in Bohr's time. It's my assertion that Bohr merely borrowed the standing wave concept from a Chladni plate demonstration. Which does lead to a strong possibility that he suspected other types of forces could be used to make standing waves. So this would be a point of alteration in the text books. Apparently to move students away from the standing wave concept. I must say, I never looked at it that way.

Of course there must be a reason why standing waves weren't used as the glue for everything. Something being hidden. Something we aren't supposed to know about. So this has really got my curiosity going. I can actually build electromagnetic standing wave generators. And of course the big question comes to mind. How many parameters are there to manipulate, to make that standing wave move?
It's really funny how all my theories end in failure.

That's the problem. None of your "theories" have been theories. Unfounded guesses, conjecture and opinion - yes. But not theories. You are absolutely entitled to them.

But the term scientific theory has a very specific definition that has little to do with how alternative "theories" are discussed here. Stating that one has an idea is not a theory. Explaining the idea is not a theory even if the explanation is well stated. Taking a position contrary to accepted scientific theory without justification is not a new theory.

People like to justify their unsupported conjectures by quoting some off the cuff statement made by, usually, the real Albert Einstein as if that justifies the conjecture. What they fail to realize is that new theories always (and must) explain why the old theory came to the same conclusions as the new theory within the limits of the domain that both theories cover. The real Einstein did that WRT Galileo and Newton when he proposed Special Relativity. He explained in detail what they observed and theorized and why his theory expanded and more generalized their views of mass, space, simaltaniety of events and relativity.

Any new theory has to consider that what others experimentally observe about reality to be true, at least within a limited domain. Newton and Galileo were generally correct in their theories but they were not able to view the world at high velocities, high gravitational fields or at the microscopic or atomic level. By the time that Einstein came along the world had changed and we were able to view the world at those levels to some degree. It became obvious (initially to him) that the old theories, while very accurate, did not correctly explain extreme situations. So Einstein reformulated the old theories so that the extreme situations were incorporated into a new more general theory. Einstein's equations work out to the same solutions as Newton and Galileo when the situation is confined to the domains that they were able to observe. Their equations were so close to reality that in every day situations we still use their math to solve problems. The errors are so small that they are irrelevent in most cases.

What really sets scientific theory apart from opinion is that proper theory makes specific predictions. Proper theory is stated such that it is falsifiable. Proper theory is also stated such that it is subject to experimental verification. Proper theory does not propose new ideas while ignoring what has been previously observed and verified as fact. Last, proper theory recognizes that all scientific theories are approximations of reality.

Absent a new theory that totally invalidates the core of quantum physics the previous statement is not only true today but is a fundamental fact of reality that can never be overcome, even in theory. As far as we know, and what we know has been verified millions of times, the uncertainty principle of QM is a fundamental part of the laws of physics in this universe. Uncertainty is not an issue of observaional errors or inadequacy of measurement equipment. We aren't prevented from discovering the ultimate detail - the ultimate detail does not exist. Thus every observation is limited to an approximation mediated by some random factor that cannot be predicted by any means.

That is scientific theory.

What really sets scientific theory apart from opinion is that proper theory makes specific predictions. Proper theory is stated such that it is falsifiable. Proper theory is also stated such that it is subject to experimental verification. Proper theory does not propose new ideas while ignoring what has been previously observed and verified as fact. Last, proper theory recognizes that all scientific theories are approximations of reality.

It's almost as if my whole education is just a test. So am I the student taking the test? Or the instructor grading the test? Or both?

One thing in the above quote that caught my attention this time around was the falsifiable statement. It does make me wonder if a lawyer was involved in helping to create the concept of scientific theory. It's like an escape clause that must be included with any scientific theory. This part was not made clear in my education. In fact that one clause invalidates every scientific theory out there. Any embodiment of facts based on a false premise would basically be false. But apparently the scientific community considers a falsifiable peer reviewed theory as a successful theory. That's almost political.

Yet I was schooled to use theories and was taught that this was the correct approach.

It has become apparent that my above statement is a scientific theory. It's falsifiable in that it states that theories are the correct approach to use. This statement turns out to be false. It is obvious to anyone using this approach that a predictable outcome will be the result. Failure.

So the path that I am choosing to use to build a time machine is not political in nature. It's not theoretical. In fact you could say I'm not even using the scientific method.

But it is an assemblage of known facts about our reality. And I do suspect that I am not the first to assemble these facts together.
More fuel for the fire. This is a page out of an article from Popular Mechanics May 1934. I read about this article years ago, and found the actual magazine on eBay. So naturally I had to have it.

Hi Einstein, I would like to share some ideas on building a time machine. I'm totally new here but not new to physics, electronics and energy research. I've been researching alternate energy (some call free energy or overunity) for over 20 years and have helped out some prominent researchers. I'm far from knowing a lot about time travel but have also looked into it on and off for some 20 years too. What I've read indicates you need a Caduceus coil as they generate scalar waves. I've come across numerous accounts of unusual time effects when scalar waves are involved. I've also thought about the idea of introducing the Mobius shape with a Caduceus wound coil. Bifilar coils have interesting effects but I believe a bifilar Caduceus or Caduceus will give you much better chances at time manipulation than just a bifilar coil. I think a toroid shaped Caduceus might also be worth trying. I read a report of some one using a toroidal Caduceus that had objects disappearing (never to return).

I'll add that the constraints many feel from 'laws' of physics are in my opinion only laws until someone breaks them. I've seen reference here to the second law of thermodynamics. That's a law most people think is solid and unbreakable but it has been shown to be wrong a number of times through experiment as well as mathematically wrong. A person I've been in contact with for over a year who was a senior physicist for one of the world's largest corporations (he is now retired) has told me the 2nd law of thermodynamics is wrong and he has conclusive proof and has broken it himself. In fact he was working recently with some people at Stanford University to refine the nanotechnology needed to build a device that can provide a huge amount of energy from ambient heat ... even with temperatures far below freezing. I think the potential of his device is so big that he will be up against the powers that be (big oil and other big energy companies) that I believe his biggest challenge in getting it into the hands of the public will be getting it by those who would lose big when it becomes readily available.
BTW you may already know about the Caduceus and scalar waves but since I didn't see any mention of it here I wanted to share that. While I spend most of my Internet time on a few energy forums I'm finding the TTI a refreshing change and hope to check in here fairly often. There is a well known physics professor I know well from one of those forums who is a great person to talk to. While I don't think he's dabbled in time travel he has a very strong background in cold fusion and I believe particle physics. He did work on cold fusion before Pons and Fleischman and when they came out with their experiment he was strongly advising them of some mistakes they were claiming. I think I might be able to get some help from him with some ideas since I see mention above that there aren't a lot of degreed physicists here. This person was a physics professor at BYU.
Hi tmatrix

I haven't come across anyone lately really interested in developing a time machine. Although there are lots of people that would like to time travel. But it is my belief that time machines were developed and were used to modify the knowledge base we are all taught from. The very knowledge that it would take to reinvent a time machine appears to be deliberately missing. But whoever altered this knowledge base has no control over mother natures classroom. She leaves observable facts for anyone who wishes to be her student. So my time machine blueprint is based on a direct transference of observable facts from mother nature.

Now you mentioned caduceus coils. They don't produce standing waves. There is no documentation of any type of factual database to draw from concerning their use. So I don't doubt there is something to learn from caduceus coils. But everything I can find out about them appears to be unverifiable hearsay. Possibly there may be something there to assist in developing free energy technology.

Scalar waves aren't even recognized by the scientific community. I don't have a clue as to what they are either. Is there a way to produce them? This to me appears to be something someone cooked up to throw everyone off track. Kind of like Jack's magic beans. I have had to learn the hard way to separate the facts from the fiction.

The free energy concept is real. I'm sure you are well aware of the homopolar generator. There are many other devices out there. One of interest that caught my eye was the Floyd Sweet vacuum triode device. But the fundamental principles behind how and why these devices work the way they do is not there. I believe that it will take a fact based understanding of how these free energy devices work, before any of them ever get off the ground. Of course that shouldn't stop anyone from building a tried and true free energy device for home use. And anything mechanical will require maintenance, which wont be free. Another one I have my eye on is the Motionless Energy Generator, or MEG. I kind of see one of those devices as a power source replenisher for my battery operated time machine design.
Okay I've tried repeatedly to post a reply but I keep getting 'server error' so I'm trying this one line post. Well that worked. But when I try posting the message of several paragraphs I still get 'Server Error'.
Well let's try one paragraph at a time:
I don't have the time at the moment to get into all the info on scalar waves or fields but I am positive of their existence and also sure they have been minimized in importance due to their power i.e. certain PTB don't want you to know about them IMO. I've got lots of technical papers on them by real scientists but just for now I would suggest looking here: Tesla's Scalar Waves Still Beaming On!
Next :
Nikola Tesla used them and I believe it is one reason JP Morgan drove Tesla into obscurity. Tesla's wireless transmission of power plans were related to scalar fields or waves (slight difference but related). I know very skilled electronics people who have built scalar transmitters and receivers that work. I know another electronics genius who has built an earthquake early warning detector based on scalar waves and is continuing to test it's accuracy at this time.

I would have probably built a scalar wave device but I know I have a tendency to ignore safety protocols when dealing with potentially dangerous devices.... so mostly for that reason I have not built one. I build a lot of electronic devices and I know when one is ready to run I get too impatient usually to keep things completely safe. So if you don't see me here again you can assume I was determined to prove their viability and probably zapped myself into an alternate dimension LOL. BTW I didn't say Caduceus coils produce standing waves - they produce Scalar waves or fields depending on whose definition you want to follow. While it takes considerable digging to find good valid info on them it is out there. I'll also try uploading a file here I found on my computer by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl on scalar waves.
Not bad I snuck in 2 paragraphs - LOL. But this seems to be the problem paragraph so cutting it down
Yes I'm very aware of all the energy devices you mentioned. The MEG has proven very difficult to replicate and get any real useful power output although I believe Bearden and most of his info.
More: Or not... What the Heck. I can't post the few sentences below and I don't see what the problem could be (well I do now know part of the issue).
If you are interested in energy devices I would recommend Patrick Kelly's free 2500 plus page ebook : www dot‎ if you don't already know Patrick's book. BTW I think Floyd Sweet's device is one of the better potential free energy devices but also one that will be difficult to replicate. Floyd was a real genius on such things and little details were likely left out in describing his VTA. It is interesting you mention him since Scalar phenomenon is often tied to his work and device. On this page: www dot rexresearch dot com/sweet/1nothing dot htm

You can find this: Utilizing Scalar Electromagnetics to Tap Vacuum Energy
Floyd Sweet
(Association of Distinguished American Scientists)
I guess this forum software doesn't allow dot com in a sentence (replace dot with '.') Okay continuing:
I don't really want to get too much into energy as there are forums full of info dedicated to that which I've been on for many years and I could get carried away with discussing energy concepts. I think a time machine which could transport a person likely needs considerable energy but something that can possibly move a very tiny item may be possible with simple home based power. So for real world purposes and to avoid getting off topic from TTI's general intentions I will likely avoid getting too much into energy discussions unless you or someone has specific questions.