My Theory On The Russian and Norwegian Spirals...!


Temporal Novice
I have a theory on the Russian and Norwegian blue light night sky Spirals I believe they maybe truely "Flying - Time Travelers" into creating that effect on to which creates that spiraling rotating vortexing effect within to which the "Interdimensional Subspace Field" onto which created a Space/Time-link between two points within Space/Time itself. If a Flying Craft were to use a Time Machine it would indeed create that spiraling rotating vortexing motion and effect if it were a "Time Traveling Aircraft" an Aircraft that has a Time Machine built within it, it would be the first of its kind a "Time Traveling Aircraft Machine Vehicle Unit". Basicly an Aircraft capable of both Flying and Traveling through "Air/Time" simultaneously at once while the Pilot flies the Aircraft he or she could Travel back into "Time" at the same time itself while he or she is in flight this would mean that it would be multi-capable of two kinds of travel simultaneously at once.


