My theory of time travel


Temporal Novice
I think that time travel is possible. The thought has crossed my mind on many occasions, but the way i see it being is a little different to wat i hav read before. To my knowledge if u travel somewhere near to the speed of light then time comes to a virtual stand still, ie: if u travelled once around the world at this speed u wud return to ur starting point at almost the same time as u left, or very shortly after.If u travel faster than the speed of light, time actually is supposed to start going backwards, so, if say u travelled that distance at 15 times the speed of light, then u would end up getting back to ur starting point before the actual time that u left it, how much earlier i don't know. Therefore, returning to the starting point for example 30mins before u originally left, u would be able to watch yourself in the 30mins prior to your departure. This to me seems like a pretty straight forward situation if u had the means to perform the act. But with what im saying here i beleive that returning before u left is what i would call a visual effect rather than a physical effect, and as you return to normal human speeds on your return, time would then gradually catch up on u as when u watch yourself leave, u would see yourself leave at 15 times the speed of light or whatever speed u went, therefore the "you" of the past who u are watching would catch up to u on his return. So rather than actually travelling back to the past and interacting with or altering events, you would only be travelling purely to observe, as you are not actually there, though it looks to you that you are, therefore, there being no way of interacting because the people u are watching cannot see u, as you are not there in the first place, but u would know that because when u actually were there, when u left to begin with you coulnt see yourself. This is why i think time travel when possible to acheive will be a visual experience and not the interacting and event altering experience most seem to beleive. We all know how light effects human vision, you can be visually tricked by light at anytime, and everyone will have experienced that at some point, and when involving humans or objects with light speeds of this magnitude, the type of time travelling experience i have just explained, in my opinion anyway, would occur, i think somewhere along those lines!