My Theory, although i consider it a fact


Temporal Novice
This may seem long and winded but please read it all i do come to a point.

Hi, i am very interested in this website and found it very enjoyable to read.
I have been htinking of theories myself for years now. probably not nowhere near as accurate as the theories yourselves are producing.
However, i truely believe that time travel is possible. We measure time by our own existance. What happens if you can slow one persons mind down? Lets assume for instance we build a robot, which has every sense, every function of a live being? But we put a slow processor in the robot? When the eye of the robot sees something it has to travel to the processor where it will work out what it has seen. But because the processor of the robot is for example 1 day slower than our 'processor' it would not be able to compete with us. So in theory we would see things and feel things much sooner than the robot, but the robot would not know this, Even if it was put in the same environment as us. If we had a conversation with the robot it would still be speaking to us after we left. It would always be one day behind and it would not have a clue. Bearing in mind we would have to make the robot move 1 day slower aswell. Everyting would seem normal to it. Yes, asking a question to the robot would take ages for a reply. BUT, what if we make a robot capable of feeling things instantly, seeing things instantly etc etc. We would think it is communicating to us instantly but really, maybe our minds are extremely slow in comparison to it, we dont know how long it really takes us to process information unless we compare it to something else, and in absolutly every case we have compared it to another being so everyhitng seems normal. Because after all we measure time in our own existance. The point i am making is that if other species are out there, they could be moving so fast (or so slow) that they may have already been here but we would have only processed the information in our brains maybe 10 years later in comparison to their brain power/processor. That would make us in the past in comparison to them. So lets assume an alien is stood right infront of my face already, but my brain power is much slower than the aliens. I will not see the alien for another 10 years in comparison to the ultra fast brain power of the alien because my brain would not have processed the information. Even though it seems instant to myself. The point i am making is that time is variable. Why not travel in the future? Just because we think it is the future it doesnt make it so. I believe everything has happened. It may not have happened billions of years ago but what about 1 hour ago? its still happened so we are in theory stuck in the past because of our own brain power. Whatever happens we are always in the past because it takes time for information to reach our brains, nothing is instant. We can test this by creating 2 simple with a low speed processor and one with a high speed processor, which willl be the first to respond if you poke one in the eye? the one with a high speed processor obviously. So if you do want to time travel it really is simple, but nobody will ever know of you have done it, therefore we are all travelling in time at different rates. we can only go as fast as we want to go but because we can only measure it with beings like ourselves with the same speed processor absolutly nobody will know you have, because you would have time travelled, yet you would never about it, or for that fact anybody else. If you did go in a time machine or a black hole or whatever you would remain still becauseif you do want to come back you would have to come back in exactly the same time. but in another diamension time will move faster aswell. (time will speed up with you) so in fact you have not moved atall, you would just end up in another universe without a clue what has happened, you will have no memory of travelling in time because time itself has gone faster aswell. therefore you can only say you time travelled if you could get back to the diamension you came from, but that is absolute impossible because time moves with yourself only. If it was actually possible to travel in the future/past you have to consider that you have to get back aswell. So you could leave dead on 12am on 01/01/06 and you get to the future in for instance....12 hours. But you have to remember it will take 12 hours to return. Therefore you have seen the future but you cannot share it with absolutly anybody. The only possible way of seeing the future would be to tell the robot as soon as you get back...then he will process the information faster than anybody else (assuming we think slower) which would result in seeing the future a few minutes earlier. That is if the robot can think faster than ourselves. and even once the robot has spoken it would take a long time for the being to hear him because our minds are slower, i truely believe this is the only way. and the more powerful the robot at thinking, the faster we can hear the future also. but we also have to remember that whoever travelled in time has to tell the robot aswell which could take a long time in opinion of the robot. So it may seem we can actually only get to the future but never ever know about it. This does not work if you travel in the past. You would not be able to return if you killed your grandmother, and if you did you would just dissapear instantly and so would everybody else in connection. But only on that universe. You probably wouldnt even have to kill your grandmother. just touching an object could erase youself.
I honestly could explain my theory in much much more depth, but i would end up writing a book. Im hoping you will reply with lots of arguements, because i really want to believe that time travel is possible. Even me sending this email is time travelling...when i click this send button. where is it at the moment between my computer and you're computer? I know this email exists but you dont until you read it. I know i have already written it, but if i send it to somebody else aswell who reads it 1 hour before you, that would make you in the past because you are ignorant to it. This proves my point again. Unless wecan be everyhwre at once, thats the only way time travel can exist in our diamension. Whos to say somebody else in another diamension has not written this already? Im also in the past. Unless ofcourse we are in absolutly every universe at once, and if that is so, time travel is not possible because it has never happened before. Also i have never thought of this until now... but because we do move with time itself, if we did go to the past we would become younger on the way so once we did get to the past we would be born again...everything would seem normal in that diamension wouldn't it? And we would have no memory of our existance back in the diamension where we were actually born, we wouldnt know we time travelled. I dont think travelling in the past is possible tho, unless we go in the future to see it. I really must stop typing now. If you get back to me and you're interested i will carry on.

Thank You Very much for reading.
The Purcell Theory 2004
Welcome to the boards. I have been visiting for a few months now and have finally decided to register so I can comment on your post.

It was a facinating read and a breath of fresh air from many of the other posts I have been reading, which seem to be getting a little out of hand now.

from what I understand, your theory is based on the fact that time is an absolute constant wherein someone wishing to travel 1 year into the future will be 1 year old when they arrive but have no knowledge from the year they have passed. If this is incorrect please shout!! You'll agree that this subject can get a little confussing at times.

To travel time, one must put themselves out of time in order to travel. While reading through your posts I came up with a little theory of my own. I'm not very good at getting my point across but i'll give it my best shot.

The universe is measured in what we believe to be 4 dimensions (w*h*d*t) and a 5th dimension which keeps these 4 bound together. What about if we could find a 6th dimension which we could enter to escape the laws of the first 5 in order to re-enter them at any given point?

You would need some kind of device which would copy the 5 dimensions in order to keep the traveller alive/saine and then enter the 6th dimension. The machine could then plot a new travel plan by altering the 4th dimension which would give you time travel. The traveller would re-enter the new set of 5 dimensions (with the new 4th) and find themselves either in the past or future.

When they wished to return they would simply enter the old settings from when they left which would get them back to the point they started.

This sounds all well and good, however to make this possible you have to state that time has already been written in order to go towards a future set point. If I were to travel 40 years into my future I could see myself as a grey haired old man which would indicate my life is being played out within a pre-determined set of rules. I don't like that idea. It would mean that someone/something has already set the wheels in motion and knows the end result. I'm not a religious man, but if time travel is possible it could also mean god is too.

or does it....

If I were to travel 40 years into the future would I find myself at all? How could I be an old man if I jumped time 40 years earlier. I would probably find my family had declared me missing 40 years ago and have gotten on with their lives.

If I wanted to see myself as an old man, could I possibly move to another timeline? Well possibly however it wouldnt be my timeline so not much point in travelling at all then!!!

I suppose I could travel back in time as that has already happend...or has it? Say I was to go back 10 years and give myself this weeks winning lottery numbers? If you agree with that theory you must also agree that the same thing could happen right now! Myself 10 years in the future could have the same idea and go back to now to give me information on the future. But that isnt possible because I am sitting here now and the future hasn't happend.....has it?

Knew it would sound crazy!!! (and Im giving myself a headache thinking about it all)

I think what I'm trying to say now is the idea of going into the past to give yourself some "relevant" information, or a future self doing the same thing is absolutely impossible.....but then again hundreds of years ago man thought the earth was flat so who am I to say if it's impossible or not.

Nice to meet you all, btw
Ok, Lets start with the problems with the Purcell theory.

How about it completely lacks an understanding of Relativity. You are talking about the speed of human brains then the speed of computer brains, then slowing down the processing power of a computer, then you side track on some other meaningless tangents.

at one point you talk about leaving dead? I'm sure you could end up writing a whole book about your theory, except it would be not very scientific, not very accurate, and not really ever read by anyone. You do have a lot of enthusiasm about it, but you really lack the basic understanding of time to understand why the theory is so flawed.

Also how about some Paragraphs from time to time, they make Sentences easier to read.

I would suggest reading and comprehending Einsteins relativity theory. Then I would suggest doing some research on space/time as well as quantum mechanics for an understanding of chaos theory.

Time in its simplest form is Cause and Effect. Where each effect happens after its cause. That is the current order to the universe.

with many of the current theories out there, even if you go back and kill your own grandmother (or grandfather) you could still be living in many other timelines. I am not saying I believe in this theory however.