Quantum Scribe
I've seen.....and reported......a UFO myself in 1977. And I mean something that was sufficiently unusual and dramatic for me to fill in one of the standard Ministry Of Defence ( in the UK ) UFO observation forms. So....somewhere in the official files is my own sighting.
As a keen amateur astronomer at the time....I knew that what I saw was not a star, or a planet, or the Moon. It was not something for which a person might have said ' ah, that was too small or far away or starlile....was just a distant plane or something '
My sighting occured shortly before sunrise.....the sky was already quite bright. There was just a thin layer of cirrus cloud moving in from the NE......but the whole south of the sky was totally clear. As I left the house to go to work, and turned into the side passage that faces south, there in the sky at an angle of about 45 degrees up was what can only be described as a large 'pearl' in the sky. A bit smaller than the Moon ( the Moon itself was below the horizon at the time ).
It was definitely not a balloon, but instead had an almost ethereal appearance and the edges were not sharp. Whatever it was had an irridescent a pearl. I've seen 'mother of pearl' clouds.....and this object was not like was clearly spherical in nature, and the only object in that part of the sky.
After about 5 minutes the object changed shape....become more the classic disk shape. And orange lights appeared around the edge of it. Thin clouds passed both above and below it. I would say this object was huge....and quite high up. I watched it for about 20 minutes......then it slowly just seemed to disolve away and was gone.
Well.....I have no idea if it was aliens, but it sure as hell was something unusual the likes of which I have never seen before or since. The fact that I filed an official 'UFO' report with the MOD shows how impressed I was.
As a keen amateur astronomer at the time....I knew that what I saw was not a star, or a planet, or the Moon. It was not something for which a person might have said ' ah, that was too small or far away or starlile....was just a distant plane or something '
My sighting occured shortly before sunrise.....the sky was already quite bright. There was just a thin layer of cirrus cloud moving in from the NE......but the whole south of the sky was totally clear. As I left the house to go to work, and turned into the side passage that faces south, there in the sky at an angle of about 45 degrees up was what can only be described as a large 'pearl' in the sky. A bit smaller than the Moon ( the Moon itself was below the horizon at the time ).
It was definitely not a balloon, but instead had an almost ethereal appearance and the edges were not sharp. Whatever it was had an irridescent a pearl. I've seen 'mother of pearl' clouds.....and this object was not like was clearly spherical in nature, and the only object in that part of the sky.
After about 5 minutes the object changed shape....become more the classic disk shape. And orange lights appeared around the edge of it. Thin clouds passed both above and below it. I would say this object was huge....and quite high up. I watched it for about 20 minutes......then it slowly just seemed to disolve away and was gone.
Well.....I have no idea if it was aliens, but it sure as hell was something unusual the likes of which I have never seen before or since. The fact that I filed an official 'UFO' report with the MOD shows how impressed I was.