My Own UFO Sighting


Quantum Scribe
I've seen.....and reported......a UFO myself in 1977. And I mean something that was sufficiently unusual and dramatic for me to fill in one of the standard Ministry Of Defence ( in the UK ) UFO observation forms. So....somewhere in the official files is my own sighting.

As a keen amateur astronomer at the time....I knew that what I saw was not a star, or a planet, or the Moon. It was not something for which a person might have said ' ah, that was too small or far away or starlile....was just a distant plane or something '

My sighting occured shortly before sunrise.....the sky was already quite bright. There was just a thin layer of cirrus cloud moving in from the NE......but the whole south of the sky was totally clear. As I left the house to go to work, and turned into the side passage that faces south, there in the sky at an angle of about 45 degrees up was what can only be described as a large 'pearl' in the sky. A bit smaller than the Moon ( the Moon itself was below the horizon at the time ).

It was definitely not a balloon, but instead had an almost ethereal appearance and the edges were not sharp. Whatever it was had an irridescent a pearl. I've seen 'mother of pearl' clouds.....and this object was not like was clearly spherical in nature, and the only object in that part of the sky.

After about 5 minutes the object changed shape....become more the classic disk shape. And orange lights appeared around the edge of it. Thin clouds passed both above and below it. I would say this object was huge....and quite high up. I watched it for about 20 minutes......then it slowly just seemed to disolve away and was gone.

Well.....I have no idea if it was aliens, but it sure as hell was something unusual the likes of which I have never seen before or since. The fact that I filed an official 'UFO' report with the MOD shows how impressed I was.
That's a really interesting account. I'm personally still waiting on the day I have a UFO sighting. I've been witness to some strange things once or twice, but never anything I didn't think my mind was playing tricks or something. I'm almost 100% sure other intelligent life exists outside our own planet, and fail to see how the general population does not realize this. I don't understand the government cover ups and non-disclosure on the matter, but whatever. When you look up in the sky at night and realize all those stars you can see with the naked eye are only a drop in the bucket of how many stars are in the entire universe, and then you realize each of those stars more than likely have planets around them, then it's not a long shot to know that life exists out there somewhere. Why would they visit earth? Why not. Why do we want to visit Mars? Because we want to know what's there and all those type of things, and you know what, if we could right now, we would. Who's to say an intelligent life form that is a few billion years older than us does not posses that technology? Is it really that hard for people to believe that? I just don't get that people can believe in God, or that the universe started from a big bang, but can't believe something that just seems to be common sense?
I've seen some strange objects in the sky and most of them were near military bases so I'm not suprise if they're making new planes every year.
When you look up in the sky at night and realize all those stars you can see with the naked eye are only a drop in the bucket of how many stars are in the entire universe, and then you realize each of those stars more than likely have planets around them

Yeah, which makes it all the more odd that Seth Shostak of SETI Institute accepts that there is intelligent life out there ( after all...he is looking for it ), but is always denigrating reports of 'little green men'. Why are we listening in for radio signals...when it's quite likely any truly intelligent and advanced civilization is already here.
I don't think it's likely that any inhabited worlds will be nearby. But I'd argue that they don't need to be. After all......any space journey that is longer than a creature lifetime would effectively put the entire universe beyond maybe 100 light years out of reach for all but the most commited space travellers. So if aliens are coming must be via some method that makes 1000 light year jump a piece of cake.

Am interesting note on 'super-earth's though. Some scientists believe they are more likely to have life. The problem is, when any life on them develops intelligence.......they may not be able to develop rocketry ( and ever get into space ) because their gravity is too strong !
I believe that the mistake that is often made is that we ( as a species ) have a tendency to think of almost everything in "human" terms. That it IS possible that another lifeform exists amongst the numerous galaxies, seems to be a given.

How long they may have existed, might go beyond our conceptions of duration. And IF this race of beings developed with more focus on specific endeavors...who knows what technologies they would have created through-out their ( as pointed out ) billions of years of existence ?

IF humanity somehow continues to exist for a few million years more...who knows what we will develop, from a physical perspective and from a technological persepctive.

We already are in the first stages of experimenting with nanobot type technology...and who knows where "that" type of technology will take us in a few hundred years ?

That we are in a state of self-creation is evident.

Where would we be IF people such Ezekiel, Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, Einstein, Tesla ( to name just a few ) had been able to live in a time where they're lifespans extended into who knows how many additional years ?

If they had a few hundred years more to work on their 'projects' ?

The man truly "born" 1000 years from this generation, at this time WE probably have little idea as to what or who he will be AS a human, if he is still "human", at all.

In our current generation, we already can specify the gender of a child we wish to have born, and are on the threshold of being able to pre-determine what qualities that child will have...that we are also entering into an age of replacing biological components of nature's design with our own, where is this going to take us as the new generations come into existence through-out the coming millenia ?

To contemplate another species of intelligence that may be "billions" of years older than we...?

As far as the UFO's that some people witness, such as you did, Twighlight...I can only imagine what some of US ( TTIer's ) would be capable of deveoping IF "we" had an almost unlimited source of funds, equipment, laboratories, and the best minds on hand to help "us" with the contraptions "we" envision.
believe that the mistake that is often made is that we ( as a species ) have a tendency to think of almost everything in "human" terms. That it IS possible that another lifeform exists amongst the numerous galaxies, seems to be a given.

There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth. Other intelligent life out there is virtually a certainly. So the only real question is not do they exist.....but how far away are they.

The irony is that if civilisations are on the low estimate....say 5 or 10 per galaxy.....we might never know as the nearest would be too far away to detect. And yet....even with such a low estimate there would be over 500 billion civilisations in our universe.
Hmm.. could it possibly be a military object? A test conducted by some military power or base on earth? We still do not know what most of mankind is up to these days.