If there is one thing I have noticed is that you spend an awful amount of time justifying your beliefs by disputing your opponents on every negative comment they may have on one of your theories. What I have learned is that you cannot convert everyone. Some people are so wrapped up in their own interpretations of the world they cannot escape them, regardless if they are wrong or right. People, like you and I, who reason by the Scientific Method and its ways usually have the insight of being educated enough to know to use it as a basis of discussion. Regardless of that, well educated people are like everyone else, they still hate being wrong.
Just because one uses the scientific method to justify their beliefs does not make them right because the belief could still be falsified or changed at a later date like anything else. Also, just because one does not use the scientific method does not necessarily make their views of the world wrong, it's just that there is no justification. So when someone with a questionable belief makes their case, the best you could do is find falsehoods in the logic, make your case and move on. As I mentioned earlier you cannot convert everybody. Come up with a theory for your observation, debate on it, and if people can't reason with your logic despite the fact that the theory answers it, just move on.
For the better part of 4 years I have been paying as much attention to the news as possible, reading up on all sorts of issues and advancing my knowledge in the field of work that I do. Despite the fact that I feel more enlightened and more rounded in a discussion than I did 4 years ago, and despite the fact that I make more money now and I am a different person, there is a part of me that feels dead. I've been learning to just let certain things that are currently out of my control go, and to try and live a little.
That’s it for my ramble; I’ve been listening to the Modest Mouse Album “The Moon and Antarctica.†It takes awhile, but if you could get into their style of music, you’ll find that their albums have some of the smartest lyrics around. This particular album mentions a little of everything from the Big Bang, Science, antisocialism, God, to reincarnation and the negative aspects of having a developed Super Ego. It’s one album that came at just the right time for me.
So my advice is to relax, take your new call sign literally and let your hands rest a little!