My name is Kyline. I’m a history professor from the year 2713, at a university which is in 2016 called Yale University. My specialty is in the history of the early 21st century, from 2000 to 2030. I’ve visited multiple time periods in my life time, most often 2006, 2012, 2021, 2003, 2016, and 2025. I can’t tell why I’m here, but I will say that every time I come to any of the time periods I’ve listed, I’m shocked at the amount of sexual degradation of females. By the way, that will take about 100 years to finally (mostly) get over. Gender roles are completely different in 2713 than today, in fact mostly opposite. I’m also shocked at the prematurity of 21st century education. In about 400 years, classes will all be in universities and each one only will last about three weeks. Anyway, I just came to tell you that most of the “time travelers” here are fake, because an actual time travel mechanism was not invented until 2591, and not fully developed until 2636.Common question: How do you speak 2016 English? Well, I do study this time period as a career, and have been here several times, so I have fully adapted to your English.
Also, watch out, because the next U.S. President is going to be a huge instigator of the 2062 economic depression, and the President in that year was even worse than the 2017 President. I hope you voters are happy.
The reason that women are perceived as being sexually degraded, has to do with the decline of the Heira top social hierarchy established 23,000 year past, in the area now known as ancient Sumeria. The Heira manifold was established upon in intangible sexual social innuendo, which sprouted from male to male semi-platonic excitation.This social factor made society work better.
IN THE GLYPH AS SHOWN IN THE BOOK, It is not known as if by Zachariah Stichin, if this was a downsized Anunnaki Hybird, or a modified by gene insert human?..However the aura of non-clarity was an unanswered question to the worshiping masses.This intangible was a biological luster ploy, which kept everyone guessing and so was the stem of the mystery of faith in years to come.*See glyphs in original book by Sitchin, or two males, undefined mutual operation?
What occurred with time, is the intangible sexual aura, had worn off and this was replaced by truth faith, as the Anunnaki left at about the latter part of the 23,000 year ago level. These Anunnaki were more similar to what one in this time period would describe as a traveling salesmen, rather than any type of social traveling rulers that would be termed as austere.
What had occurred in time, mainly to the sexual revolutions incurred starting in the 1970s, is that the sexual act as this would be coupled to the authoritarian rule, became maligned. So what women, some men and gay people did was turn into biological act repositories, instead of retaining qualities of social cohesivity, such as in the earlier parts of the 1920s through the 1950s.
Due to electric media, or virtual gratification, the social situation de-evolved back to an almost chimpanzee status, to where one female would attain up to five suitors. However the flaw, since these people had forgotten the original Heira, the sexual actions had become brutal and apparently without sexual purpose.*Pregnancy, family, etc.*Note the use of some sexuality was tastefully used during world war two as bomber emblems on Allied aircraft, however this use would not then be termed as sexual exploration, as these illustrated captures of attractive women served a unification purpose, not an advertisement for monetary exploration.
The term later became coined on the world wide web, in the example use here, is "She's just an organic portal".
The original Anunnaki, had grown of their past gene stance as the collective Telomerase viablity for their genes and were no more.These beings had to re-engineer and are now known as the Els.*Source, Contact said met by radio talk show host George Noory, in his Els abduction encounters.
Book source, The Twelfth Planet by Zachariah Sitchin.
*Note for time travel legality. This question is answered with double parody, in case of any level of credential misrepresentation.