My Name Is Kasper & I'm A Time Traveler


Temporal Novice
It's been a while and I have even contemplated on talking about this to others other then my mother. She knows though more than I will tell here and though she doesn't know all that I know.

It's strange really I will probably have many debunkers this I know, I have considered it and feared it because I don't wish to go to war with what I am telling you or about too in prefix notation or then trying to understand me through zeroth logic.

All I can say is what I say is true and for the intelligent I know that you will know it is this that will be true.

I have not read up on all the literature on the now subject here & now. I don't really have to because I know what is real and what isn't because I myself am real.

There is so much to say yet so much not too because all the things and questions I'll answer will have things hidden like what lay behind the iron veil.

This is about my own protection nothing about you. Things I kept hidden like technology well I know these, how they will play out I have even considered not telling you all of them or most to say the less. I am not a rich man, I am not even middle class. I've lived a hard life and it shows on my face which I will not show you now but maybe later under my own context and contract. I will not say much more in that and I will not say much more now. I would rather have the curious ask their questions I will find this more easier to comprehend. I will not answer until I feel fit to others I will not answer at all.

Some of the things I say maybe strange.
I'm very familiar with how time travel works. And I don't have the ability as yet to travel to a point in time of my choosing. But you claim you are a time traveler. And by definition, a time traveler does possess the ability to travel to a point in time of his or her choosing. So, you still haven't enlightened me yet on how you are able to do this. Are you just another hoaxer? Or are Your thoughts not right?
I'm very familiar with how time travel works. And I don't have the ability as yet to travel to a point in time of my choosing. But you claim you are a time traveler. And by definition, a time traveler does possess the ability to travel to a point in time of his or her choosing. So, you still haven't enlightened me yet on how you are able to do this. Are you just another hoaxer? Or are Your thoughts not right?

What time travel have you experienced as a basis for your said familiarity?
By whose definition is a time traveller defined as one whom has "the ability
to travel to a point in time of his or her choosing"? Provide a source. And,
being that you've insinuated Kasper is a liar, why pretend he has any chance
of enlightening you?
Greetings, Kasper.

I will suspend doubt, and listen to what you have to

Please tell us about your most remarkable experience
as a time traveller. Did something trigger the event?
Where did you go? For how long? Were you aware
of any purpose for your being there? Was anyone
with you? What about the incident most impressed

Those are sample questions. Tell what you choose in
regard to any or all of them.

Thank you.
What time travel have you experienced as a basis for your said familiarity?
By whose definition is a time traveller defined as one whom has "the ability
to travel to a point in time of his or her choosing"? Provide a source. And,
being that you've insinuated Kasper is a liar, why pretend he has any chance
of enlightening you?

Kasper hasn't as yet provided anything to support his claim. I did gently insinuate that he might not be truthful in his claim. He still can correct me on that if he so desires.

Here is the definition I used.

Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space.
Time travel could hypothetically involve moving backward in time to a moment earlier than the starting point, or forward to the future of that point without the need for the traveler to experience the intervening period (at least not at the normal rate). Any technological device – whether fictional, hypothetical or actual – that would be used to achieve time travel is commonly known as a time machine.

And the source for that definition.

Time travel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am familiar with the physical observations mother nature provides as clues to how we might develop time travel technology. There also are two individuals that have had some success with time travel that I have been observing. Doctor Z and his Brossard experiment.


And there is Madman Marcum who claims to have successfully built a time machine and transported himself two years into the future. He is staying out of the lime light. But I found an update on him in the August-September 2011 Nexus magazine. I believe you can still purchase the magazine or the article from Nexus.

Currently I am carefully pursuing a version of Doctor Z's approach using a rotating electromagnetic standing wave. By varying the intensity of the electromagnetic field, I hope to elicit an observable time wave phenomena. But the work goes slow. The amplifiers I am using tend to self destruct at higher power levels.
Nowhere in the definition directly quoted by you is a time traveller
defined by his or her ability to thereby control his or her destiny,
destination or whatever.

The reason I do not quote your reply (#11), Einstein, is because the
Wikipedia definition that you claim to use isn't the same as that of
your second source, 'Timenomore,' in hypertext. According to the
former "Frequency refers to how often an event occurs within a period of time,"
whereas the latter asserts "time could be described as a frequency."
That something is measured in increments of another thing doesn't
make the two things synonymous; an interval of time is no more time
itself than a season is eternity itself. However much a season may seem
never-ending doesn't make it endless.

Your definitions are contradictory. Moreover, implied in 'Timenomore'
is the falsehood that one cannot be a time traveller and not assume
aliens visit and are amongst us. Also, in regard to "How can we time
travel?" therein, how supposedly "effective" and easy to maintain is
anything that requires an unknown amount of energy?

Nowhere in the definition directly quoted by you is a time traveller
defined by his or her an ability to thereby control his or her destiny,
destination or whatever.

The reason I do not quote you is because the Wikipedia definition
that you claim to use isn't the same as that of your second source,


The "Timenomore" link is to reference Doctor Z's Brossard experiment. But I suppose you could trace the definition back to H. G. Wells. I would tend to think he would get the credit for the invention of the concept of time travel. Although I'm not a historian, so I could be wrong on that count.

Occasionally I see someone claiming we are all time travelers because of our motion through time. But I have yet to find any reputable source to support that claim. I think the problem with that claim is no one can know with any certainty the destination point.
Greetings, Kasper.

I will suspend doubt, and listen to what you have to

Please tell us about your most remarkable experience
as a time traveller. Did something trigger the event?
Where did you go? For how long? Were you aware
of any purpose for your being there? Was anyone
with you? What about the incident most impressed

Those are sample questions. Tell what you choose in
regard to any or all of them.

Thank you.

I am supposed to be 28 years old at least that's what my Social Security number and birth certificate states but in fact I represent a much higher age, this is why I appear older. I do not know exactly how old I am anymore.

A traveler which from this point on I will refer to as 'other' or 'others' when speaking plural befriended me. I will not lay claim of any reference to when though it seems much longer in memories now. This relationship or should I say in an awkward scene forecasting the strange meeting all together. I will not tell because the actual encounter's pauperism and strange environment to how we met would void as backlash on my part to the circumstances around these envisage events.

I will state now for what I've seen I have no overall cares about the future or the past.
Did you take a vow of poverty such as might a monk?
If your pauperism is by moral choice, on what grounds?

You "have no overall cares about the future or the past,"
owing to faith in your salvation?--or, disregard for
your own life?

Is your deceptive age, you initially seemed younger than 28
to me, due to a long stay in another time? Please be more
specific. And, being that I am not in the habit of asking
directed questions for not wanting to pry, I would very much
appreciate your telling one, at least, coherent story. Tell it
however you are comfortable telling it, but give it a beginning,
middle and ending--a chronological sequence that TTI members
can logically follow. Otherwise, readers feel strung along in a
guessing game that is devised to create more questions than
impart meaningful information.

Thank you.
The notion of time travel predates H. G. Wells.
How long man has wished he could go back
and undo his mistakes or glimpse the future
as a means of reducing uncertainty is moot,
since all of us recognize things we could have
done in the past to better prepare for the future.
That's where from the saying "hindsight is 20/20"
comes and this is where I am tempted to sit up
overlong, philosophize about the meaning of life,
speculate about death, acknowledge the hereafter
as the great unknown and--

Is anyone in the mood for a bluesy song followed
by something upbeat?
Did you take a vow of poverty such as might a monk?
If your pauperism is by moral choice, on what grounds?

You "have no overall cares about the future or the past,"
owing to faith in your salvation?--or, disregard for
your own life?

Please be more specific.

A chronological sequence that TTI members can logically follow.

Thank you.

I am not a monk I am far from that understanding.

My mother and I had a long conversation about your request over some milk and so I decided not to talk about where others sanctum.

At least not right now

Traveling is proceeded through the actions of the body and mind. It is in turn pliable, the utmost natural occurrence and does not feel remotely strenuous or restraintful. Like astral projecting in the physical form.

You are new here; therefore, know that my music
selections were solely in fun and not meant to be flirtatious--
I've been happily married longer than you've been on Earth.

It is well to respect your elders and seek their counsel.
Given your age, however, it's unusual for a man to require
parental permission to post in thread of his initiating.
Strange, too, is it for a time traveler to so designate himself
for the purpose of discussion at TTI mainly to refrain from

Nonetheless, if your interest is in giving others tips on how
to become or improve as time travelers, you have a potential
audience here. That potential audience might better place
their trust in you as a worthy instructor had they a clue as to
what is your background and the basis of your knowledge.
If experience, then be so kind as to share a morsel of it.
Folks, I am new to this forum, so I apologize if I'm too blunt. But any one who starts off with" I shouldn't be telling you this but I'm going to, or maybe not going to". Sounds like kasper is going to string everyone along and not going to say anything. To me, he is no longer credible. You all can continue to play his guessing game. I'm not playing. Keep drinking milk with your mom kasper and don't forget the cookies.