My name is anon ymous

Anon ymous

Temporal Novice
Tangohe Human Resurrechoction Recovery Agency wasierra created during mankind's existangoence durindiang the "Age of humanovember Resurrections." I am lookingolf to demonstrate "remote host telepathy technology" with somebody.

I work for the existential intelligence service and must remain anonymous. The EIS provides the RRA or Resurrection Recovery Agency with "existence intelligence."

Please take your laptop to a location where you are standing up with it level to your chest and in front of a mirror. So a reflection of your face is what you see looking back at you when you look just above your screen.
Do this I will wait.

Yes I see some of you waving.
If you type a response to this message, please do it with your computer in this exact position and location. When ever you do this you will be on my telepathy channel.

I spoke one word in code during the beginning of this post. That word is my transmission. Please respond stating the word back to me and I will continue this correspondence.

Whenever communicating with me please have your computer on my telepathy channel so I can see you.

Please read the following sequence of words out loud so that you can be identified.
Echo x-ray india sierra tango echo november tango idia alpha lima India november tango echo lima lima india golf echo november charlie echo Sierra echo romeo victor india charlie echo Mike echo sierra sierra alpha golf echo
What does the existential intelligence service do? I saw on the internet that you provide images and evidence of people for their descendants for future resurrection in the distant future.

What is remote host telepathy? Who was the first to use this technology?
I know what he's talking about. I'll see if I can do this correctly. This wouldn't be the first time. Don't now if it's working. My telepathy is limited. Hopefully it worked, but I'm not sure exactly. If it is Skarpz (again, I use his name), then it's just a form of possession.
Maybe, but the spirit goes through the 5th dimension to travel here, but I understand what he is saying and maybe I am an Android?
Most possibly we all are, at least at a very complex biological level. I understand too, what I would like to know is why be ressurected at that year
The Existential intelligence service provides critical information called "existence intelligence" to the radically distant future (usually with digital photography via a permenant residence on the internet) to post the "age of transmission correspondence" and "age of human resurrections" for the purposes of acquiring a continual existence once again in their time.
To answer your question Transcient001 Remote host (chemical) telepathy technology was developed during the "age of "transmission correspondence" and it enables telepathic links between persons existing in two different times to occur, (this only works that way if remote host photo telepathy technology is used first) I cant give out names directly so the man most responsible for using this technology first was Doctor Foxtrot Romeo alpha november charlie india sierra tango oscar romeo Foxtrot india oscar romeo alpha

220715 is the target gathering point for persons recovered from the 20th and 21st centuries to reacquire a "self-awareness experience", mainly because of the resources that are available to that society regarding it's capabilities in accommodating a perpetual reunion of "combinations" either through Uni-web resurrection (virtual self-awareness experience on what is the future version of the internet) or through a resurrection infant (living self-awareness experience which begins your new life in a genetically designed human infant.) Each version of resurrection has it's advantages and it's drawbacks, but are all intended to occur during the year 220715.
I will lose my connection with my host this Sept 20th 2012 and won't be able to re-acquire a broadcast again until Oct 13th 2012. 12:37 am Central standard time.
Of the very little information that I do have from this period, I can only provide you with one piece of "existence intelligence" that I am aware of to be certain (from my education.) Oscar Bravo Alpha Mike Alpha Whiskey india lima lima Bravo echo Romeo echo - echo lima echo charlie tango echo delta in 2012.
incorrect. my host is not my future self, though I am told by host that future self is present and accounted for including children, and immediate family. Some exist on Uni-web in web location titled "The kingdom of Heaven" because some are catholic, my sister and some friends are among the web location, "resurrected society of Agnostic's" I however, (meaning my future self), was brought back as a resurrection infant in December of 220715, or so I have been told. Would you like the official declaration of the EIS? It won't be released to the public for another four years.
And just to make something clear. I never said that they are escaping the death of the sun in the year 220715. The EIS and the society at that time simply recognize the importance of outsmarting the death of our sun, and the importance of aggressive RRA Recovery efforts to preserve the history of the earth. It is all explained in the Declaration of the EIS.
The Existential Intelligence Service it will be officially established on the internet in the next three or four years. Would you like to see their declaration?
1.The EIS is an optimistic, faith based, non-religous, seceretive spiritual-organization that offers all of it's members the most honest and intelligent conclusive answers to all of the "big questions" that are posed to us at some time in our life
2.The Existential Intelligence Services designates one of the true identities belonging to God to be our Sun (our local star and creator of all life on earth) The EIS does not acknowledge that the Sun is God, it only recognizes that the Sun has some characteristics which resemble what people identify as belonging only to a God. The existential intelligence services encourages all members of it's organization to establish a correspondence with the Sun. Using your imagination, place your self into the center of the sun in your mind, then try to imagine yourself shine back out of it, and down onto yourself at least once a day whenever it's sunny, regard it as a unique newly discovered approach to daily meditation.
3.The EIS also recognizes intelligence it's self to be a characteristic that belongs to a God, and because of this, we believe that the always evolving Human Race, could one day be capable of possibilities that should only belong to a God. This organization also wants to remind all of it's members that the Human Race has already demonstrated some of these possibilities.
4.The EIS "core message" to all the people is that technology will prevail, and we must protect and ensure that humanity successfully learns to peacefully co-exist and persist long enough into a far reaching and distant future, that it arrives to a predicted period of time during the evolution of the Human Race which is simply called the "age of Human Resurrections", this will and can be eached by the human race and is a consequence that is believed can occur when radically vast and distant periods of time are crossed, allowing for a more advanced evolution of our intelligence to grow. Paving the way for remote Host (chemical) telepathy technology to emerge, and be capable of identifying the physical and physiological combinations that make us who we are. We place all of our hope and faith, and prospects of an afterlife experience into this one possibility, our ability to one day arrive at the ''age of human resurrections'' and be recovered through remote photo telepathy technologies.
5.All religions that actively preach and advocate the posibilities of experiencing a soon to come apocalypse, or Rapture, or end of all days scenario, should be considered foolish, dangerous, reckless, and counterproductive to the natural progression of Human Evolution.
6.The Existential Intelligence Services encourages all of its members to seek out legitimate supernatural experiences, acquired through the use of thought experimentation, hypnosis, ritualistic states of trance, and code transmission communication, all of which we encourage, advise and recommend to each of our members to use when pursuing intelligence gathering operations and legitimate supernatural experiences
The point of our existence is to one day become capable of Human resurrections, time travel, and ultimatly, successfully escape from the death of our Sun. It is important that each of us believes this to be the answer to the question, "what is the point of our existence? "
8.Finally as an active member of the existential Intelligence services you will always provide your intelligence to those who require it in the distant future. The most preferred platform being digital photography and its permanent residence on the internet. We believe that through digital photography, the unique combinations that make each of us who we are, can be acquired, or extracted, and re- configured through a future technology known as remote photo telepathy technology.
9.It is our belief that if you actively pursue and experience any spiritual connections either with the Sun or any encounter you have with another intelligence, you will become certain of mankinds abilities to one day gain entry to the "Age of Human Resurrections" and thus you will discover personal salvation without having to use the outdated belief systems of an unbelievable religious organization.
Excerpt from the book "age of human resurrections." Still being written.

India alpha mike Juliet alpha mike echo sierra Hotel echo november echo sierra Alpha november delta India Alpha uniform tango hotel oscar romeo india zulu echo Tango hotel echo Romeo echo lima echo alpha sierra echo Oscar foxtrot Tango hotel india sierra India november foxtrot oscar romeo mike alpha tango india oscar november
please email digital photo of yourself, state your name, age at time photo was taken, and religious affiliation, send information to [email protected] and when notified, observe photo/video posted to You tube channel existentialintelligenceservice properly catagorized.
Our organization would be best described as Unitarian Universalist (meaning accepting of any and all religions).
Mike yankee Hotel oscar sierra tango India sierra Hotel uniform mike alpha november Foxtrot romeo oscar mike 220715.

Why not try code transmission communication with me on my telepathy channel? You may enjoy conversation more. Code is the standard military alphabet code, which will not change for centuries.

EIS currently has a presence on the internet.
You tube channel

Would love for more to join, or participate.