My hope to travel in time!


Temporal Novice
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My Honest Wish...

Written by Paul Martin Thomas Curran

Copyright (c) Paul Curran 2000

The right of Paul Curran to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988

First produced in Ireland by Curran's Press 2000
All rights reserved

"I had days of hell and moments of fun"

"This book tells my story about how I struggled to travel back in time and cope with the pain of being bullied"
To all those who have wished to travel in time and want to understand what time is


Thanks to all my friends who have helped me over the years. I had rough times and needed all the help I was given

This book is dedicated to attempts of travelling in time



2:Summer holidays



5:St Mary's



8:My interest in time-travel


10:Plans to time-travel

11:My film

12:My Crime Traveller

13:Time Science



Note: Like a broken time machine my work needs more attention. If you want to know why time-travel has been on my mind since 1993 read on. I have plans to make a trip back in time to 31/October/1983. I believe wormholes will allow me to travel back to that day I was born. Time is cool! Having looked at Kip Thorne's research on wormholes I'm very excited about the possibility of time-travel. I'm not going to lie by saying that I have built a time machine already.
But I am serious about trying to do it.

What happened to events that have already happened? Are those days passed lost in the past? If the past no longer exists then no one could go back there? But what would destroy history?
In this exciting book, physicist and writer Paul Curran decides that he might later be able to travel in time. This book reveals why Paul really want to travel in time. It's isn't to change the past.
Curran's Press

Written by Paul Martin Curran


I thank the people that have been of great help to me over the years.

Time( which is what most of the book is about) is introduced. The possibility of time-travel, time dilation and other issues are explained.

I generally describe what my life has been like so far. Briefly the high and low points are mentioned.

Chapter 1:Birth
I reveal when I came into this world and some of the things I remember about my childhood. I discuss my primary school.

Chapter 2:Summer holiday's
I recall the summer holidays I loved as a child. I convey my excitement about the free swimming pool, cinema, amusements and much more! I note the weather I had some summers.

Chapter 3:Christmases
I remember the great Christmases I enjoyed throughout childhood. From playing with Lego to videos and computer files. I describe the feelings I had on Christmas mornings. I look back on Christmas dinners.

Chapter 4:11+
I explain how difficult preparing for the 11+ was for me. I describe the unpleasant tests and long homeworks. I hated and couldn't do a lot of the work.

Chapter 5:St Mary's
I recall the five years I spent in St Mary's. I found the work very hard to learn and remember especially science. There was a huge amount I had to learn. I express how I hated being in a low class.

Chapter 6:Bullied
I recall painful memories of being laughed at. Many other kids treated me differently. I reveal why I couldn't have many friends or stop the bullies ruining my childhood.

Chapter 7:Camp
I remember how I used to hate summer camp but now I love it. I express the fun and pain I had there. I describe the thrilling discos and why I loved them!

Chapter 8:My interest in time-travel
I express that I have become crazy about time and seriously hope to time-travel! I explain that I have long been interested in the theme since early childhood.
Chapter 9:NWIFHE
I describe my further education choices and what I think about the NWIFHE.

Chapter 10:Plans to time-travel
I reveal the time I really wish I could travel to telling the reasons. I describe the methods I plan to use to move my awareness freely in time and another plan for my physical body to time-travel! I show the results of sporting and lottery events which would be useful to me if I managed to travel back in time about two decades.

Chapter 11:My film
I show the unproduced fiction movie script I wrote about a teenager who commits suicide because of bullying. After six years of work on temporal physics his best friend uses a wormhole to travel back and meet his friend again. My story is very emotional and conveys a lot of pain!
Chapter 12:My Crime Traveller
I show a script continuing the science fiction BBC series Crime Traveller. I set some of the scenes before the time machine was built. Another character becomes a time
traveller. Due to Holly's amendments to the machine it becomes capable of sending
a person back ten years in time.
Chapter 13:Time Science
I explain a lot of science terms which can be difficult to understand such as what a tachyon is.

I wait for my lifetime dreams.


Time…(a very strange thing)
Of course we all move forward in time every second of our lives. Newton thought time was absolute i.e. that it passed at the same rate regardless of anything. This simple common sense idea was believed for centuries…
Until in 1905 Albert Einstein came to the conclusion that time must be relative.

If you would like to read my whole book "Hope to time-travel" simply e-mail me [email protected] with your e-mail address and I will send you a free copy within weeks.

Paul Curran

<This message has been edited by Paul (edited 12 January 2001).>

<This message has been edited by Paul (edited 12 January 2001).>
I'm glad pamela already would like to read my book Hope to time-travel...
Remember I need your e-mail address to send you a copy of my book. I have it notepad with hyperlinks to each chapter. I also have it in the a Microsoft Word document, about three hundred pages long. I could easily send anyone these for free. However if you want a hardcopy of it the book is split into two books. IF I'm able to produce them they would cost eight english pounds each, I'd also need you postal address.

Paul Curran
wow! 300 pages? I dont know if I can handle that much of a download at one time. that would all have to go through my security system.
I usually dont give out my physical address over the internet.
Can I ask you a serious question?
How is it you have become a physicist before completing Highschool?

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 20 December 2000).>
My book HOPE TO TIME-TRAVEL is all in Microsoft Word, with few graphics. If you would like I can remove the four scanned images of me so it takes only a few seconds to e-mail it to you.
I DON'T NEED your postal address. All I need is your e-mail address to e-mail it to you.
How is it I become a physicist before completing Highschool?
Well I just studied the physics of time-travel on my own. I think Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is so cool! But at high school I was in a low class and hated that. I'm not smart at everything but I can certainly understand difficult concepts of physics.

Yours faithfully,
Paul Curran,
For those interested this is an extract of my book...

I don't think the idea of time travel is stupid. It's
] certainly not something you could say is impossible
] without covering a lot of material and raising a lot
] of points. I find some of the objections without] foundation.]] THEORIES
] Time-travel to the past is impossible because if it
] was possible we would be invaded by time travellers] from the future.]
] COMMENT: What's makes you think time travellers are
] not here already. A lot of them probably came back
] for the year 2000. There is evidence that suggests
] someone was around when dinosaurs were alive. Maybe
] they are hiding. Imagine if time travellers came back
] from 289 117 608 AD to spy on us! This could be a
] primary source of reference for an ancient history
] project. But with all of space and time to go to why
] would they come here in particular. There have been
] reports of claims of successful time travel. The] answer remains inclusive.
]] Time-travel to the past is impossible because if it
] was possible we would be able to go back and kill our
] grandmothers which creates paradoxes that are] impossible and cannot happen.]
] COMMENT: It is true that paradoxes cannot happen as
] they don't make sense. But lets define a paradox. It
] is an event that contradicts and destroys effectively
] the same event. Why would you think travelling to the
] past would allow you to change history. Maybe time
] will protect the past preventing anyone from making
] changes. This means if you time travel back it all
] already happened. You could find out about what you
] are going to do before you leave your time.]]]
] Physics has a lot to say about the possibilities of
] time travel as shown in the Back to the future movies,
] Timecop, Twelve Monkeys, The Terminator, etc. The
] movies are great and some of them explore the
] paradoxes involved with moving back in time.]
] In reality time travel is much more than just science
] fiction. Some physicists are seriously saying it
] might be possible. Time travel to the future has been
] experimentally proven to be possible. In 1905 Albert
] Einstein had his time dilation at high speeds theory] published.]
] It was understandable for there to be doubt then since
] it was only some clerk at a patents office(Albert
] Einstein) who revealed this idea. He didn't break
] into fame until 1919 when Author Edditington proved
] Einstein right about gravity bending light.]
] But as time passed the ability to doubt was slowly
] destroyed. In 1941 biologically scientists showed
] that time slowed down at high speeds. The life of
] muons which was very brief was made longer for those
] who moved very rapidly. This showed that a living
] thing's body slows down and it's not just clocks or] even just a theory.]
] A physical experiment was later carried out in 1971
] when atomic clocks which were very accurate were flown
] very fast. Another clock was left on earth so there
] would be something to compare the flying clock to.
] After days the flying clock was brought back and
] although it was only slightly different, the
] difference was the exact amount demanded by special
] relativity. The time dilation effect became a fact in] science.]
] This effect has been tested again several times and
] reconfirmed again and again. After all this there
] exists no doubt with foundation about the reality of
] time dilation. There are two ways of slowing time
] down i.e. making less time pass so that the future
] comes faster, moving quickly(as special relativity
] shows) and strong gravity (as general relativity] shows).]
] In 1907 Einstein worked out that moving through space
] and gravity pulling you is pretty much the same thing.
] He thought what someone would feel like falling off a
] roof. Travelling through space at a constant speed
] would feel exactly like being on earth with our
] gravity pulling you. Of course you probably know this
] already from common experiences. While you in a lift
] are moving up you feel a force pushing you to the
] floor as if you suddenly gain weight.]
] When you are moving down floors you feel as if you
] have been lifted and it seems like you suddenly lose
] weight. Your weight is therefore relative and it can
] be changed although your mass is not. These forces
] feel exactly like gravity pushing and pulling you. If
] you closed your eyes you could not really tell the
] difference between gravity and speed. Therefore
] speed=gravity. Since speed can dilate time, gravity
] must also dilate time. This became general] relativity.]
] In 1915 Einstein was working on his more general
] theory of relativity. He developed a very different
] idea of what gravity was compared to what Newton
] thought. Einstein told us GRAVITY TELLS SPACE-TIME
] In other words gravity is a warp in space-time.
] Gravity would not exist if space-time was rigid like
] Newton imagined. Gravity does not just exist. It is
] there because a dent in space-time is there.]
] Imagine a large piece of fabric. After placing a
] large ball to represent the sun in the middle a large
] dent occurs. It's almost like a hole. This cause
] distortion which is easier to see if there are squares
] on the fabric. Other bodies in space, that is planets
] orbiting the sun are forced to follow this curved
] path. You can test smaller balls falling towards the] curve in the fabric.]
] Later using the general theory of relativity Einstein
] thought that gravitational waves might exist.]]]
] Studying the geometry of space-time
] Time and space can easily be measured using simple
] methods. In some cases different clocks disagree
] between the amount of time that passed.]]
Advice from the cosmic beyond:

Paul, get a job and forget about the past. Your past REALLY sucks, leave it behind. Right now and the road ahead is more important. Pursuing your dreams and going back in time are NOT the same things.
I'm Physicist Paul Curran's biggest fan. His book is so exciting as he's serious about his attempt to time-travel! I'd like to quote my hero.

"I have gone mad with the thought that I might be able to move back in time to 31/10/1983 at 00:00 when I was born."
Paul Curran
(in his Physics book Hope to Time-travel...)
Paul Curran,
I don’t know you man. I don’t know where your from or where your coming from. Or know why you want to Time Travel. But I do know of what you speak of “Hope to Time-Travel.” Trust me, that would be a big mistake. Take it from me, you don’t really want to… Check out my website, and think about the implications this will mean to innocents.

Why would you want to be an accessory to exploitation?

That’s exactly what it is, once you break it down and get rid of all this glamour and excitement you may be putting into it. It’s not pretty, nor happy, it’s not the right thing to do, or an exciting adventure how you may see on television either… It’s violating a person’s freedom, by over stepping yours, in the pursuit to cheat life, to get an advantage at it that most of us will not have. Or if they did, would do the same.

It’s unethical.

Maybe you’ll see it that way too when your life is taken from you, and you become a puppet to someone else’s will. Check out my website, and then get back to me with a responds.

Thank you,
Javier C.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 08 July 2001).>
Paul: The key is to keep the faith. As we visualize and hope and pray and accept our dreams will become true. I hope to join you on your quest! Thanks for sharing your life story.

Your Friend,

Harry Petersen
on't try, distract people from their goals.