My future self hacked my blog -


Temporal Novice
I posted an email by Zeshua Alpha and my blog was hacked and the message was removed. Suddenly someone started posting these messages claiming to be me in the future // I don't believe it is actually my future self who did this.

But - they haven't said anything a friend wouldn't know (or someone who has access to my hard drive) and the predictions about the future are specific but probably have a lot of holes

Go here my friends - believe it or not I have been hacked. Personally, I don't think it's someone from the future - I think it's someone from these very forums.

Go here my friends - believe it or not I have been hacked. Personally, I don't think it's someone from the future - I think it's someone from these very forums.

I was reading those forums...

As always (lol) I could be wrong...
but "if" "someone" was able to travel consciously back in time...
anything changed would only be recognized by them - the one whom consciously manipulated space/time...
Any changes around others ....they should not be aware.

That's also "if" you believe in parallel universes.
-An infinite amount of possibility where those possibilities where meant exactly as they "were"/"are". Just because of the theory to change the shift of one's own consciousness (parallel universes applied again) - where you would theorectically travel to - would be built around the whole premise it was "meant" to be that way, and carry on ...

Haven't others already brought this up with different wording???

If i stand to be corrected, then I stand to be corrected :oops:

Deja'vu for me is NOT things in "memory" changing;
it's knowing what "will" happen and watching it unfold just that way ...
Not present -2> past with alterations observed in the present. (IE; altered memories).
Current -2> future observations. (watching what you know will happen in the current unfold).

IE; talking to someone, and then being filled with an adrenaline like feeling where you feel slightly seperated/tingly and just knowing what will be said/done in the "next" few moments.
Nothing to do with changable "RAM" memory
or in human terms, "broken memory" lol ^^

How could deja'vu ever describe "knowing" something "used to be" a different way...
When life only moves -> forward?

(well barring the whole idea behind the holy grail of science here).
