Moving Archived Posts


Rift Surfer
I was looking at archives. When I view an archived post, I see this, for example:

View attachment 115

Well, when I move the post, nothing happens. So, it appears they are already moved to the correct spot.

Am I making any sense? And what am I doing wrong? They don't go away out of the archive, basically.


I've got to admit, I've moved a whole bunch of archived articles to the appropriate forums. Isn't that what we're supposed to do? I hope you guys won't be frustrated with me over this.

Shit, I started writing this three hours ago and then got distracted. LOL

The ones that look like this...

View attachment 116

...were already moved, but have a "redirect" placeholder left to show people who were looking for the thread in that forum that it was moved elsewhere. I had a do a double-take too ;) We probably don't need to leave redirects in this case I guess. Set your options like this:View attachment 117

No biggie :) You guys are helping me out and I appreciate it.


