Morphing Puzzle Model Of Time


Temporal Novice
Morphing Puzzle Model Of Time
Dan Perez
Copyright - 2004
[email protected]

This model will explain how time corrects itself to avoid time travel paradoxes and will explain how temporal causality loops can exist.

1. Suppose the current status of history is a puzzle made of 100 pieces for simplicity's sake.

2. Suppose you take a piece of information or an object from 50 years in the future and deposit it here in the present.

3. Let's label the current status of history here in the present as "Puzzle A", which contains 100 pieces.

4. Let's label the status of history 50 years in the original future as "Puzzle A-Prime" which contains 100 pieces.

5. Lets label the future object or piece of information as "Component A-prime".

6. Lets label the Time Traveler as "Component A1-Prime"

7. When deposited into the present from 50 years in the future, "Component A-Prime"(piece of the future) as well as "Component A1-Prime"(the Time Traveler) are absorbed by "Puzzle A"(the present) which consists of 100 pieces.

8. "Puzzle A" absorbs "Component A-Prime"(information, object or action) and "Component A1-Prime"(the Time Traveler) and metamorphasizes(changes) itself to become a puzzle of 102 pieces known as "Puzzle B".

9. "Puzzle A-Prime", consisting of 100 pieces, ceases to exist 50 years in the future and is replaced by "Puzzle B-Prime", consisting of 102 pieces.

10. The creation of "Puzzle B", from the absorbsion of "Component A-Prime"(the information, action or object) and "Component A1-Prime"(the Time Traveler) by "Puzzle A", avoids the creation of the "Time Travel" paradox where if a Time Traveler(Component A1-Prime) accidently killed his own parents(Component A) he would disappear and if he disappeared he wouldn't be able to accidently kill his own parents in the first place.

11. A Time Traveler(from Puzzle A-Prime) accidently killing his own parents(in Puzzle A) would become part of a new timeline of history(Puzzle B & Puzzle B-Prime 50 years in the future) created by his actions. Although there would be no record of the Time Traveler's existence in "Puzzle B-Prime" in regards to birth records, family records, school records or income records, he would still be part of the "Puzzle B & Puzzle B-Prime" timeline because he was absorbed by "Puzzle A" and his presence helped create "Puzzle B" in the first place.

The Time Traveler's new "point of origin" for existence would be the exact moment "Puzzle A" morphed into "Puzzle B", as if the Time Travelers existence had appeared from nothingness at the beginning of the "Puzzle B & Puzzle B-Prime" timeline. This is how time corrects itself in the Morphing Puzzle Model Of Time in regards to the classic "Time Travel Paradox".

This correction of time could be referred to as the "Conservation of Temporal Continuity".

12. This model also shows how time could be re-written at will by multiple time travelers. Suppose a Time Traveler, from "Puzzle A-Prime", goes back in time and accidently kills his parents, in "Puzzle A" and ends up creating "Puzzle B".

Suppose a second Time Traveler in "Puzzle A-Prime" was protected from the disappearance of the original future, "Puzzle A-Prime" and saw the new future, "Puzzle B-Prime" created by the first Time Traveler.

When the second Time Traveler goes back in time and stops the first Time Traveler from accidently killing his own parents in the past, "Puzzle A", the future, "Puzzle A-Prime", would be restored and both Time Travelers could return to their own original future, "Puzzle A-Prime".

13. If the second Time Traveler isn't careful in preventing the first Time Traveler's altering of history and somehow alters the past, "Puzzle A", a new state of history would be created; "Puzzle C" and the new future "Puzzle C-Prime", would be created, especially if both Time Travelers radically altered history in "Puzzle A".

14. There is also the possibility of a "temporal causality loop", where an attempt to prevent an event causes it to happen. Suppose a Time Traveler in the year 2051 goes back in time 50 years to the year 2001 in order to prevent the 9/11 terror attacks by giving information to the authorities.

Let's say the authorities dismiss the Time Traveler as crazy and fail to act on the information. The 9/11 attacks take place because of the authorities failure to act on the information due to the interference of the Time Traveler. In this case, the Time Traveler ends up creating his own future.

Why would this work? Suppose the year 2001 was a state of history labeled "Puzzle A minus 1" and the Time Travelers original time of 2051 was a state of history labeled "Puzzle A-Prime". Suppose "Puzzle A minus 1"(Year 2001) contained 99 pieces and "Puzzle A-Prime"(Year 2051), the Time Travelers original "point of origin", contained 100 pieces.

Logically, the Time Traveler's information(Component A-Prime) from the future would become the 100th piece absorbed by "Puzzle A minus 1". "Puzzle A minus 1" will morph into "Puzzle A" when the authorities disregard the information(Component A-Prime) and fail to prevent the 9/11 attacks. This creates the 9/11 event the Time Traveler from the future(Puzzle A-Prime) tried to prevent in the first place.

CONCLUSION: The Morphing Puzzle Model of Time fixes classical time travel paradoxes and explains temporal causality loops while preserving the continuity of time itself.