More MJ12 Documents...Or Hoax?


Temporal Novice

More MJ12 Documents...Or Hoax?


New postings at website:

*CIA Concerned that UFOs could Trigger WWIII

*CIA Advocates Briefing the President on UFO incidents

*Edward Teller Advocates release of UFO information

BROOMFIELD, Colorado, 29 August 2002. The Majestic Documents

investigation team has just posted a set of four, leaked MJ12

documents to

These documents arrived anonymously in Tim Cooper's Big Bear CA

mailbox in July of 2001.

The first document is a two-page Secret memorandum FROM President

Dwight D. Eisenhower to the Director of Central Intelligence dated

4 November 1953. The document deals with Eisenhower's comments on an

"MJTWELVE Operations Plan of June 16, 1953 on the subject of

instructions for the expenditures of the National UFO Intelligence

Program, and more specifically, the Special Operations instructions

to be issued to Unified and Specific Major Commands and Commanders."

Eisenhower (a) expresses concern about inflaming the UFO situation

with the Soviets; (b) reiterates that both the CIA and the NSA had

leading roles to play in the UFO program; and © confirms that both

Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein (described as the director of

Project JEHOVAH) were involved in research relating to UFO physics.

Both original and replica documents can be downloaded at:

The second is a seven page document attributed to the Office of

Scientific Intelligence in 1976, this is a photocopied onionskin

document is titled UFO Sovereignty Over Air Space: A Defense

Intelligence Problem. The document is signed by LCR – the initials of

an astronomer attached to the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence

in the 1970's.

LCR talks about the way in which UFOs have violated U.S. airspace on

numerous occasions; the way in which Top Secret UFO DATA has been

withheld FROM elected leaders by the CIA; the recovery of a crashed

UFO in New Mexico in 1947 by the Armed Forces Special Weapons

Project; the fear of a nuclear confrontation with the Soviets being

prompted by UFO radar tracks; President John F. Kennedy's involvement

in the UFO controversy; UFOs and the Cuban missile crisis of 1962;

and LCR's initiative to begin reintroducing presidential briefings on

the UFO subject. The discussion of organizational slowdowns, denied

information and management dilemmas are typical of bureaucracies,

irrespective of topic. Such references in the discussion are

consistent with a pragmatic working document, not for sensationalism

or public melodrama. The document in both its original and replicated

form can be downloaded at:

The third paper is an Executive Briefing document for the Director

of Central Intelligence titled "Unidentified Flying Object

Implication for Nation Security and Human Survival." It provides a

three-page Introduction to a paper of undetermined length written by

LCR in December 1976. LCR reveals that between 1946 and 1955 he

compiled information on UFOs and the U.S. intelligence community that

was included in his book Central Intelligence, UFOs and National

Security, published in 1956 by the CIA. It reveals the surprising

fact that many secret documents concerning UFO encounters at Los

Alamos and the White Sands Missile Range in the period 1944–1949

were destroyed and also reveals how this caused problems in trying

to evaluate the true picture FROM a historical perspective. The paper

also touches upon the CIA's role in espionage and UFO investigations,

as well as LCR's examination of the CIA's historical UFO studies.

The original and replica documents can be downloaded at:


The fourth paper in the LCR collection, titled "UFO Technology and

the Imbalance of Power," is attributed to Edward Teller and is a

five-page photocopy of onionskin paper. It goes INTO great detail

about the nature of official secrecy and the benefits and hazards of

secrecy both in the Cold War and in the present day. Teller proposes

that official secrecy surrounding UFOs should be lessened for three

prime reasons: (a) to stimulate research in the field of military

applications of UFO technology; (b) to promote cooperation between

the U.S. and its allies around the world on the UFO issue; and

© to inform the U.S. public of "the true state of UFO reality."

Teller also proposes that the majority of classified UFO documents

should be declassified. In addition, Teller discusses the use of UFO

technology integrated INTO the U.S. military's remotely piloted

vehicle (RPV) program and maintaining an adequate defense against

"UFO nuclear weapons." The original and replica documents can be

downloaded at:

We encourage you to explore our website, our documents, products and

efforts. We welcome comments and suggestions and especially

intelligence about Majestic's history or current activities.

R Y A N S W O O D & R O B E R T M W O O D

Majestic Document Investigators

Email: [email redacted]

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Mr. Daniel E. Lauirer

aka: Commander Zxavier :devil:

Just came across one of the MJ12 docs that the FBI declassified. I find it funny that someone took the time to literally write "BOGUS" over most of the documents. At least someone in government must have a sense of humor.


Illuminati Conspiracy Arvhive
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Mr. Daniel E. Lauirer

aka: Commander Zxavier :devil: website:Thanks for the link above! I did speak with Leo Zagami the head guy in the Illuminati about the alien connection to humans.

He is for sure a non fiction fellow. The strait up truth is that aliens have been here much longer then humans?
