

Temporal Novice
I have read all three of the Nichols books about Montauk as well as Commnder X's about the Philadelphia Experiment. According to Nicholds there were coutless boys abducted FROM the area surrounding Montauk to be used as test subjects in the Montauk Experiments. Is there any credible information to corroborate these claims anywhere, that anyone is willing to share?

Also, I know that I was outside the Montauk light at least twice between the spring of 1959 and fall of 1960, and slept on the beach underneath the lighthouse one weekend. That was when I was between the ages of eight and nine. I recall nothing specifically being said in any of Nichols' books about the light itself being used as a part of the exeperiments as a transducer or tranciever of the time/space phase shifting energies that
were alleged HAVING been created there, but it would make some sense since all sci-fi references to teleporter/transporter use modulated light energy in some form.

Has there ever been documented humans that are gifted with natural phase shifting abiblities to partially to entirely move themeselves forwards and backwards through time and space without the aid of technology, both on this and other time lines? Is it conceivable that such a person triggered by the energies of the Montauk Project being in the close proximity thereof while the devices were in operation, could have been inadvertantly shifted inside the complex, but slightly out of phase with what was happening just enough to be unnoticed?

Anyone have any comments or suggestitions?

Curious about many things.

Daniel Laurier

Codenamed: Zxavier
Zxavier, nice name by the way
, my name is Javier. But you can call me TTA.

You said:
<<Has there ever been documented humans that are gifted with natural phase shifting abiblities to partially to entirely move themeselves forwards and backwards through time and space without the aid of technology, both on this and other time lines?>>

. But that was along time ago... If you can read through some of my old old posts, I mention how I was constantly feeling shifted and phased (bleeding through) other realities. I haven't been getting these feelings as great in frequency as in the beginning (but more in other ways and means). I am more grounded (dull) and more human (reasonable) now then ever
not to mention those responsible know better then to make me an even bigger adversary


Ok, cool! What is your opinion of such an individual HAVING been in the external proximity of such an experiment as Montauk, HAVING been inadvertantly shifted, or at least triggered INTO an constant ohase shifting/splitting mode?

Have have you ever been in the immediate area of such time/space phase shifting tecdhnology activities, and if so what happened with you? I was in the vicinity of Montauk at least twice between spring 1959 and fall 1960 when I was eight and nine year old.
. When I years later read the Nichols & Moon books about the Montauk experiments and saw those, now other alleged pictures of the innards of the site and some of the equipment, it gives me the creeps in deja vu, if you will.

BTW, I cannot truthfully say where the name Zxavier came from, but I am persuaded it isn't imagined.

Still digging,
Other sites with information about Montauk or PX: - Interviews with those reported to have been directly involved with the work of the Montauk Project and Philadelphia Experiments. - Interview with Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols - Purchase books about Montauk Project by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon - Purchase books about Montauk Project by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon - The Montauk Project Exposed !!! All kinds of info that can be purchased on videos - Purchase books about conspiracies conscerning UFO's, goverment projects and more. - Purchase books about Montauk Project and PX by Nichols, Moon and Alexandra Bruce - Stewart Swerdlow alledgedly is one of the "Montauk Boys" abuducted inhis teens to be used as a test subject in the Montauk Project. - Purchase book about Montauk Project by Nichols, Moon, Swerdlow Et al. - Interview with Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols - The Conspiracy COnnection: Conspiracies, aliens, Illuminati, UFO, Underground Bases, Branton, Phil Schneider, Montauk, DIA, MIBS, Area 51, Grays, etc . . . - MONTAUK BOYS & GIRLS, MONARCH PROGRAMMING - Al Bielek & Preston Nichols - Updates to above information.

This is just about 25 items in a hit list of 33300, just for Preston Nichols alone. I haven't even looked for Peter Moon, Al Blielck, Swerdlow, Cameron or any of the others.

Daniel E. Laurier: [email protected]
Codenamed Zxavier: [email protected]
There are thousands of sites to be found on the web that boast either firsthand information about the Montauk Project and Philadelphia Experiment, ranging FROM alleged interviews with serveral of those who are claiming to have been the primaries opratives in the Montauk Project, audio and video interviews with Preston Nichols,Duncan Cameron , Al Blileck, Stuart Swedlow, and books by these and numerous others about Montauk, PX, and other similar "conspiracies.

I did a quicky search for the primary operatives of Montauk and these are the preliminaray results in number of hits searching a simple name search FROM Yahoo:

33300, just for Preston Nichols
Stewart Swerdlow = 1180
Al Bielek = 1
Duncan Cameron = 129000

Currently, I am following Montauk/PX discussion forums at,, and Anyone here who is interested in these things is always welcome to join in. I will provide infomration for more forums and live chats about Montauk/PX as I learn of them.

Still searching,

Daniel E. Laurier: [email protected]

Codenamed: Zxavier: [email protected]
This received today from: "Larry Jamison" <[email protected]> on the mailing list to: [email protected]

Hello Mr. Daniel - I just wanted to make you aware that Al Bielek will make a rare appearance at the 4th Annual Bay Area UFO Expo., Sept 14 - 15, at the Santa Clara Marriot Hotel.

I will be there. My name is Larry Jamison, host of "The Larry Jamison Show." heard here in San Luis Obispo on KGLW, 1340 AM.,

Al Bielek will give his free lecture 2:00 to 2:45 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14 and his workshop is 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. that same day. I will be at the David Icke workshop which over-laps Al, so I will have to buy the tape FROM his presentation. I hope to see you there.

best always, Larry Jamison, host, "The Larry Jamison Show"


Way Cool Larry`s Web TV Home Page:


The Bay Area UFO Expo

Hear many of the world's best experts as they tackle some of the most provocative issues facing humankind today. Find out about UFOs, Planet X, the truth behind 9/11, crop circles, paranormal phenomena, conspiracies and much more. Be prepared to witness the best videos and slides you've ever seen. Experience this amazing evidence first hand.
If you have questions, now you can get answers! This is your chance to see and interact with the people who have made and continue to shape UFO history.

The Expo is proud to announce the surprise guest appearance of Dr. Roger Leir; who will be giving a special presentation to a limited number of invited guests. For more information on Dr. Leir's program just click here.

David Icke to present Saturday and Sunday!

David Icke
David Icke says"When you are constantly moving forward, searching for the cutting edge, everyone behind you always believes you have gone too far. The further back FROM the cutting edge they are, the more extreme and, indeed, insane, you appear, to them, to be. In this way, one person's "madness" can be another person's commonsense. David's presentation picks up where talk radio leaves off! ORDER And the Truth Shall Set You Free, The Biggest Secret, and more FROM

Special 8 hour event, including the true background to September 11th, with David Icke. Part I on Saturday, part II continues on Sunday.

Using hundreds of visuals, video footage, and lots of humor, David Icke will present more than ten years of research INTO the secret manipulation of the human race going back thousands of years with a detailed and extensive section about the real background to September 11th.
Icke, the writer of ten books, including The Biggest Secret and the latest, Children of the Matrix, reveals how the same interbreeding bloodlines going back to ancient Sumer and Egypt continue to control the positions of power to this day as royalty, US presidents, banking and business leaders.
His stunning information also exposes the subtle and less subtle methods of mass mind control which lead the human race like sheep in the direction the controlling few desire. This is leading to world government, world central bank and currency, a world army, and a microchipped population. This has long been predicted in his books and now is on the very brink of happening.
Also included is suppressed information on humanity's ancient extraterrestrial origins - the origins of the bloodlines that continue to control the planet. No one who hears Icke speak will ever see the world in the same light again.

Linda Moulton Howe
“Mysterious Lights at Hessdalen, Norway”

Emmy Award-winning TV producer, and radio investigative reporter and author, Linda Moulton Howe, will UPDATE her own August 2002 field research with an Italian and Norwegian team of scientists who are studying the mysterious lights that continually move in the Hessdalen Valley of Norway. Slides, videotape & audiotape presentation.

“Latest News about Crop Formations, Animal Mutilations, Government Knowledge and Cover-Up”

Emmy Award-winning TV producer, and radio investigative reporter and author, Linda Moulton Howe, will UPDATE her investigations with slides, videotapes, and audiotapes.

Colin Andrews
For nearly two decades Colin Andrews has traveled the world and appeared on numerous television programs in his efforts to communicate the mystery of crop circles to the general public.
Because he is widely recognized as the world's foremost authority on the subject it came as a great shock to millions when he was seen on national television last year stating that only 20% of the crop circles researched during the years of 1999 and 2000 remained a mystery, inferring that the remaining 80% are man made!
He has made numerous recent media appearances including with Sally Jesse Raphael, Art Bell and Dan Akroyd.

45- Minute Lecture: Crop Circles Intro: Anyone who has studied this subject will know that in the past 24 months we have witnessed the most extraordinary crop circle patterns ever. In the last few months we have seen, and in upcoming months we will continue to see that "someone" has decided now is the time for the crop circles to be placed center stage. This free intro sets the groundwork for Colin's workshop, which promises to be one of his most riveting presentations ever!

90- Minute Workshop: Crop Circles Intensive: Someone has decided that this is the year! Colin has worked as hard as anyone alive to convey the importance of the crop circle mystery. Most notably he has assisted Disney with the movie "Signs" (starring Mel Gibson) and a new British movie " A Place To Stay" for which he acted as chief consultant and appeared as himself in the movie. Rumors he has been bought off by the CIA or The Rockefeller's are simply not true, as you will find when you attend this workshop. Workshop will offer the latest slides and videos of the 2002 crop-circle season!

Stephen Bassett
Stephen is a political activist/lobbyist and founder of the Paradigm Research Group, and Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC); author of the Paradigm Clock website; and political columnist/commentator for numerous websites, publications and radio programs. Presently he is the only registered lobbyist in the U.S. representing UFO/ET research/activist organizations.
On April 19 he announced as an independent candidate in the 2002 congressional campaign for the 8th District of Maryland. X-PPAC (pronounced expack) is the first political action committee in history to target the political implications of UFO/ET phenomena.
Since 1996 Mr. Bassett has assisted a number of organizations and initiatives, which have been making the case for 1) an end to a government embargo on the truth surrounding an extraterrestrial presence and 2) the need for open congressional hearings for government witness testimony to UFO/ET events and evidence.
He has spoken to millions of Americans about the likelihood and implications of a formal disclosure event.,

Keynote Address at the Banquet Saturday Night: Stephen will use the Keynote Address to make an important policy statement relating to the Disclosure2003 congressional campaign. He will raise issues never before presented in U.S. politics. The Keynote will take place four days after the Maryland 8th District Democratic and Republican primaries completing the November congressional ballot.

Al Bielek
45- Minute Lecture: The Philadelphia Experiment: The Philadelphia Experiment denied by the US Navy to this day, involved notables including the Nicola Tesla (originator & first director), Dr. Hohn Von Newmann, Albert Einstein and others including this lecturer. The history of the experiment: The 3 tests involving the USS Eldridge, The disastrous August 12, 1943 test and its consequences, and the nature of the cover-up and later "resurrection" of the program will be discussed.
This lecture explains Al's family history and their involvement will be covered, as well as how the cover-up was effected.

90- Minute Workshop: The Philadelphia Experiment and it's Legacy. (What it means today) The workshop will cover a number of elements involving WHY the cover-up, and the consequences of the ill-fated August 12th test.

Medical aspects: Including the involvement of the Dr. Oscar Schneider
The "Alternate Realities" problem.
The TWO DE-173's.
Involvement of other ships.
Project Re-exposure in 1955. The "Varo" edition.
The USS Eldridge to the Greek Navy (in 1995) The Greek "Playboy" edition.
The conversion of Capt. Edward Cameron, USN, to Al Bielek.
Slides and other documentation will be presented.

Shurlene & Earlene
Shurlene, born in Wichita, Kansas, now resides in Dallas, Texas. She holds an Associates of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts and a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management. She embraces life and feels particularly grateful to have had such unique experience as the ones shared in her book. Her desire is to help others who struggle in silence with traumatic abduction experiences. Her twin sister Earlene is intimately linked to the phenomenon as well. She has maintained an incredible interest in the subject of UFO’s and abduction stories since she was in grade school and maintains a large library on the subject. She has provided unwavering support to Shurlene and has helped unravel many of her experiences. They both believe that it is time our government exposes the truth about alien abductions and other cover-ups that exist where this phenomenon is concerned.

Author, Shurlene B. Wallace, with her twin sister, Earlene Carr, discuss their new book, “FROM THE MOTHERLAND TO THE MOTHERSHIP.” Shurlene will discuss their shared bond in this phenomenon as well as her experiences with various races of ET’s. Their experiences include travel to different planets and interesting revelations. Earlene looks at the phenomenon FROM a cultural perspective.

90- Minute Workshop:“ MOTHERSHIP and MOTHERLAND”
Mothership means nourishes, to hold close, provide shelter and teach. Many motherships exist as do many mothers. Motherships like mankind are well seeded. Motherland means origin, start of all life and civilization. The land nourishes cares for, honors and provides sustenance for life. The Motherland is sacred in origin. Therefore, these two words are powerful in conveying man’s linkage to the stars. Honor Africa! Do not look at her as that which houses savages, but as a continent steeped in tradition and spirituality. Bring her back to her full glory and she will facilitate your linkage with the universe. Earlene shares a rich history of Africa and her oral traditions of alien visitations. Shurlene revels her personal path of spirituality, which facilitated her interaction with extraterrestrials. Attendee will be guided in defining their own personal path with the objective of achieving a greater understanding of their link to the cosmos.

The twins share a song that they wrote which captures the phenomenon and man’s expanding consciousness of his galactic heritage, titled, “Galactic Hymn of Earth’s Emergence”

John Greenewald, Jr.
John Greenewald, Jr. has been programming web sites and using computers since around 1992, when he was only eleven years old. Now, he is 21 years old, and for the past five and a half years, has been programming a web site (The Black Vault) which has not only caught the eye of the UFO community, but has caught the eye of international television audiences. John was born in Tarzana, California, April
17, 1981 John’s fascination with UFOs began at a very young age, with the love for comic books. “Never seen a UFO, and have never had any type of experience,” says John, leaves him with a raging curiosity. Armed with the Freedom of Information Act, John slams the government with requests for information, which many they do not want to answer. Over the past four years, he has done hundred and hundreds, if not thousands of Freedom of Information Act requests to every corner of the government. The Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, countless offices in the Pentagon, all have been John’s targets. John now works full time at home, on his websites, and growing his online business. Past employments include running an entire internet division, and coordinating and building extremely high traffic websites.

45- Minute Lecture: Join John for his 45 minute lecture, he will explore the path he's taken for the past 5 1/2 years. Researching the UFO phenomenon. He will talk about just how he got started at the age of fifteen, and why. The road was long, the path was hard, but the end result was 100% irrefutable proof we are dealing with a phenomenon that is not only real, but a very big research subject of the U.S. Government.
He will talk about "The Black Vault" site, and the community of over 20,000 members of that site!

90- Minute Workshop: Join John for his 2-hour workshop, and he will take the lecture to the next level. He will dive deep inside the research he has taken in the past five and a half years. Detailing government agency by government agency, you will see the exact road he took to reasearch this phenomenon, and you will see exactly what evidence is truely there. See irrefutable evidence that the U.S. government is investigating this phenomenon is a heavily guarded, heavily Top Secret subject that the government DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW!

Steven Halpern
Steven is a recording artist, sound healer, and author, and he is fervently devoted to making a contribution to humanity through the medium of music. One of the fathers of new age music, Steven's recordings goes beyond other entertainment-oriented music because of his use of tone, space, and silence (among other techniques) which triggers a deep-relaxation response. Scientific studies have shown that when people listen to Halpern's music, they move INTO meditative alpha and theta states, which enable them to experience healing and peace. Steven will preform a special concert at the banquet on Saturday Night! You can learn more about Steven's music and ORDER his recordings online @

Bill Hamilton

Bill Hamilton has had a lifetime of interest in UFOs since he read the book, “Flying Saucers FROM Outer Space” at an early age. He attended the famous Giant Rock Conventions in the 1950’s and became acquainted with many of the early contactees with over 100 personal sightings of his own. He is educated in Psychology, Physical Sciences and Information Technology and served in the Air Force for five years with a top grade in Electronic Technology. He worked as a Senior Analyst at UCLA for over 30 years while continuing his interest and research in spacecraft propulsion systems and underground bases. In addition to contributing articles to many Science and UFO Journals he has written several books, including “Cosmic Top Secret” and “The Phoenix Lights Mystery.” He has appeared on many radio and TV programs, including Art Bell, Jeff Rense and FOX’s Sightings. After years of being actively involved in Skywatch International and MUFON with key responsibilities as a field researcher and Assistance Director, Bill continues to this day researching UFOs and is currently working to make Skywatch International a premier UFO network.
Skywatch website:
Bill’s website:

45- Minute Lecture: Cosmic Top Secret: The continuing saga of UFOs and the National Security State. The U.S. Government has been engaged in a conspiracy of silence, secrecy, and UFO black projects since 1947. What is the Truth and what are the Consequences?

90- Minute Workshop: The Search of EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) A slide presentation covering the search for life in the universe, Astrobiology and NASA programs in the White world and revelations FROM informers on EBEs and the top secret sequestering of the EBE known to insiders a JAROD at Site-4 on the super secret Nevada Test Site in an underground facility. Also included, a slide presentation on underground facilities including the infamous DOE Dulce underground site.

Budd Hopkins
In March of this year a man with a history of UFO abduction experiences was taken to the emergency room of a New York area hospital, bleeding FROM three places in his body - including his bladder - after at least four hours of missing time. A later regression revealed the content of his harrowing abduction. What makes this case so uniquely important is that he received immediate medical attention and ongoing examinations of the anomalous injuries he suffered, and the involved doctors are so genuinely puzzled that they are instituting their own in-depth study of the phenomenon.. This is the first time that Budd Hopkins has been contacted by a GROUP of medical personnel to aid them in their investigation of an alleged UFO abduction.In his lecture he will detail his ongoing investigation of this this extraordinary case and will present several other similar cases he have dealt with which also involve bleeding FROM the bladder, apparently as a result of the aliens' invasive, quasi-medical procedures.
You may learn more about Mr. Hopkins and his work at

90- Minute Workshop:ARE YOU AN ABDUCTEE?
In this highly personal workshop we will examine many of the often subtle emotional, psychological and physical aftereffects of UFO abductions. Slides will be shown of the characteristic scars and marks associated with abductions, and a psychological profile of the typical abductee will be presented. Budd Hopkins will discuss the process of hypnosis and in demonstration an audio excerpt of a hypnotic session will be played.
The central purpose of this workshop will be to aid those attending in deciding whether or not they, themselves, may have had a series of only partially recalled abduction experiences, and if so, what options exist for their exploration of these recollections. In his twenty-six years of working with over six hundred abductees, Hopkins is widely regarded as the most experienced abduction researcher
in the world today, and much of his workshop will be devoted to a productive, therapeutic dialogue with the participants.

Dr. Roger Leir
The Expo Is proud to announce the surprise guest appearance of Dr. Roger Leir; who will be giving a special presentation to a limited number of invited guests.

PLEASE NOTE: This presentation is not for the squeamish. Dr. Leir will be talking about the tenth surgery for removal of a suspected alien implant. He will be showing video of the surgery and the OBJECT MOVING of its own free will below the surface of the skin.

Dr. Leir will also discuss the latest aspects of the Gary Lowery abduction case. He will SHOW slides of the alien creature taken FROM the video and discuss the latest DNA DATA pertaining to the "CLAW"

Please ask the registration personnel for your ticket to this special presentation. Tickets will be on sale for $40.00. The seating will be limited so please get your tickets early at the conference or when you pre-register. Visit Dr. Leir's web site at

Jim Marrs
In 1989, Marrs book, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, was published to critical acclaim and became a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK. In May, 1997, Marrs in-depth investigation of UFOs, Alien Agenda, was published by HarperCollins Publishers and in 2001 he published "Psi Spies" in a paperback form. Rule by Secrecy, in which Mr. Marrs traced the hidden history that connects modern secret societies to the Ancient Mysteries.
Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, The Discovery Channel, History Channel, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montell Williams, Today and The Larry King and Art Bell radio programs.

45- Minute Lecture: RULE BY SECRECY: Award-winning journalist and New York Times Best-Selling author Jim Marrs brings together two heretofore unconnected concepts---Secret Societies and their control over our lives and the idea of Ancient Astronauts.

As more and more archeological discoveries come to light, it becomes very clear that humankind's evolution has not been a slow advancement to our present state, but rather a slow and painful regaining of scientific knowledge following a "fall" FROM a great planet-wide, highly technological civilization in the distant past.

Marrs connects the modern secret societies with the Ancient Mysteries of the past.

90- Minute Workshop: THE WAR ON FREEDOM: This workshop will SHOW the connections between the agenda of the New World ORDER and the current War on Terrorism.

America's first war of the 21st century has quickly bogged down in suspicions that the full underlying truth of the attacks of September 11, 2001, has not been presented to the public.

The many serious questions concerning who was actually behind the dastardly attacks of 9-11 will be examined and the connections of those involved with secret societies with a global agenda will be examined as well as the possibility of extraterrestrial involvement.

Jason Martell
Jason's research first started 8 years ago where he became fascinated with possible artificial structures on Mars, and NASA's explanation for these objects.
As well as the theory that there is another planet in our solar system, known as Planet X or the 12th planet. This planet is being actively search for by modern astronomers, because it does exist. The Sumerian culture, 6,000 years ago were also aware of this planet. And described a race of "GODS" that lived on that planet, and have visited us in our past.
Jason Martell has given several lectures to MUFON about his research and appeared on many radio shows. Jason derives his information FROM a vast network of skilled researchers and sources, which can be accessed at

45- Minute Lecture: The Search for Planet X
Does NASA know about Planet X?
Ancient Astronauts in our past?
Will Planet X be returning soon?

The 6,000 year old Sumerian descriptions of our solar system include one more planet they called "Nibiru", which means "Planet of the crossing". The descriptions of this planet by the Sumerians match precisely the specifications of "Planet X" (the Tenth Planet), which is currently being sought by modern astronomers in the depths of our Solar System.
The Sumerians state that PLANET X, (Nibiru), collided with our primitive Earth in the past, creating the asteroid belt and forever becoming another member of our solar system in a comet like 3,600 year orbit around the sun. The technology we have today allows us to view events described by the ancients in a new perspective.

90- Minute Workshop: Modern Science confirms Ancient Knowledge
Will Planet X return in 2003?
Has Planet X passed by Earth in the past?
NASA and Planet X?

The writing of the Ancient Near East include a profusion of astronomical texts that clearly speak of a planet FROM which Ancient Astronauts or "GODS" had come from. However, when scholars 150 years ago deciphered and translated the ancient texts, our astronomers were not yet aware of Pluto which was only located in 1930. How could they be expected to accept the evidence of yet one more planet in our solar system?
But now that we too, like the ancients, are aware of the planets beyond Saturn, why not accept the ancient evidence that there is a 10th planet in our solar system?
As we ourselves venture INTO space, a fresh new look and acceptance of the ancient scriptures is more than timely. Now that astronauts have landed on the Moon and unmanned space craft explore the outer planets, it is no longer impossible to believe that a civilization on another planet more advanced than ours was capable of landing its astronauts on the planet Earth in the past...

Sean David Morton

In the fall of 1989 Sean David Morton was a member of a team of scientists and researchers that ultra-sounded the Dulce Archaleta Mesa in New Mexico proving beyond any doubt that an underground base exists in New Mexico.
Sean achieved national recognition when his expeditions to Area 51 made front-page news in the Los Angeles Times. Since then Sean has written, directed, produced and consulted for such programs as Hard Copy, Strange Universe, Sightings, Now It Can Be Told, Unsolved Mysteries and many more.
Currently Sean is the director of the Prophecy Research Institute and publishes the monthly Delphi Associates Newsletter. He will be making his feature film-directing debut in a few months with a horror thriller he has also written called Hellion.

45- Minute Lecture: Information to follow

90- Minute Workshop: Information to follow

Robert Short
Bio to follow.

45- Minute Lecture: UFO’s: The Giant Rock Story, First Contact.
It was through his extraterrestrial sources that Bob was told of a location in the high desert of Southern California. These ‘sources’ led him to a gravelly, dirt roadway, and ultimately to the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Tassel, who own & manage the airport called Giant Rock - where the first well-known and very large Flying Saucer Conventions took place.
Many speakers at this event claimed actual physical contact with extraterrestrials, and Bob was no exception. His extraterrestrial contacts continue to this day…
This lecture will include many slides of the early days of ufology- don’t miss it!
The history of this particular area is one of the cornerstones of the UFO phenomenon.

90- Minute Workshop: Giant Rock and Beyond.

After the early years in which Bob was involved in early ham radio "contacts," and FROM that to developing communication with extraterrestrial sources Short was led to the location of the Giant Rock Airport where he experienced more contacts. It was also during this period that he had his first physical contact. This was soon followed by several close encounters in which Bob and his family were involved. They were also privileged to see demonstrations of various spacecrafts in many different locations. Bob is now based in Arizona and his UFO encounters and space source communications are in their 50th year.

Douglas Taylor

Inside A Starship- (slide SHOW lecture by Douglas Taylor) Douglas Taylor was a carpenter by trade and a surfer by choice, traveling around the world searching for the perfect wave for much of his youth. In 1978 on one of his surf trips to the Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico, he experienced an incredible psychic encounter inside a UFO and telepathically communicated with its extraterrestrial occupants! On his return FROM this trip profound changes took place in his life. In a series of hundreds of beautiful communications in visions and dreams with extraterrestrial and celestial beings over the next twenty years, he became inspired to start writing, painting, and teaching. Taylor’s visionary and UFO paintings are considered to be some of the best in the world, many of which are published in his incredible new book Soulic Journeys. In addition to national radio talk shows and interviews with film and television crews FROM around the world, he has taught hundreds of classes and workshops at the Learning Light Foundation in Anaheim, California.

Robert Perala

Master of Ceremonies

Your host for the weekend is lecturer and author Robert Perala. Robert is author of the runaway best seller The Divine Blueprint, Roadmap for the New Millennium, and, his followup book - The Divine Architect - was just released in April of 2002.
Robert's encounter with extraterrestrials at age 21 led him INTO 22 years of research in the study of UFOs, spirituality, metaphysics, personal growth and earth sciences. In addition Robert has guested on over 180 radio shows including the world wide syndicated SHOW Coast to Coast AM. ORDER the Divine Blueprint FROM For more information on Robert's new book The Divine Architect visit Robert's website at

Ruben J. Uriarte

Co-host Ruben is State Director for the Northern California Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and State Director of Crop Circle Phenomenon Research International.
He is also the Research Expedition Director for Beyond Boundaries,Inc., a company specializing in leading small groups of people interested in the UFO Phenomena to areas of the world where UFO sightings and experiences are frequent.
He has traveled annually to England over the past 6 years and has photographed many crop circle formations.
This most interesting item has crossed my E-Mail in regrards to my dilligent searhings:

You wrote: Joseph,

I contacted Swerdlow. He was less than accomodating with his
response. He is is it all for business, much as I suspect are
Nichols, Moon and others who have written very popular books on the
subjects, none of which will speak with many individuals who may have
been adversely affected by being in the proximity of these
experiments when the devices were activated. Is there any credible
information anywhere to corroboate the use of the "Montauk Boys" as
test subjects, who they were, and if any others were a know to have
been affected by HAVING been at or near the Montauk light during the
times these experiments were allegedly being performed.

Curious about many things.

Daniel Laurier
Code named: Zxavier

--- In xchronicles_electronic_edition@y..., "Joseph Palermo"
<dmsllc@e...> wrote:
My understanding is that Stewart Swerdlow
was one
of the "boys of Montauk".

Is there anyone in this GROUP who has personal experiences in
of these "non existent" government experiments?


TO: Mr. Daniel E. Laurier: [email protected] or Codenamed: Zxavier: [email protected]

First, this was forwarded to me by or , and I feel if you have a local Teslan in your area, you should try to consult with him/her, as this type of territory is mainly alien, excuse the pun, for most to understand, as what I am about to impart to you has been known by more than 300,000 plus Teslans. To start this "turn of the century" ( 1900 ) journey, you must go back to that time to help you form the proper decision about what is about to be given to you as wisdom only known by "true" Teslans and the Defense Intellegance Agency, ie. the DIA ( the real "Men In Black", ie. the MIB, and dispite what the movies have presented to the public, these are not "nice people", as they will kill you if you some how interfere with their "lawless" agenda. Next, I have been a student of our lost mentor Nicola Tesla for more than 30 years, and a member of the International Tesla Society ( Colorado Springs, Colorado ) and once a member of MUFON, when I was younger and more foolish in my youth, and quit for health reasons, I strangely decided I would like to live a little bit longer, as most of us at some time meet our "friendly" ( NOT ) MIBs.

So, here is our tail of scientific superior technologies, hundreds of years a head of our 21ST Century, with the greats inventor of our time, and I am not talking about Edison, I refer to Tesla, as he had ore than a 1000 patents, greater than Edison, who criminal stealing of Tesla's historical legecy of the invention of "Electricity" ( AC ), which has never been corrected to this day in the history books, by science or the MEDIA, and Tesla also invent "Radio" ( CW, RF, etc. ) not Marconi, another theif of history. Further, the reason I am giving you this "history lesson" is to SHOW how things and facts can be twisted, to cover-up or obsure those that would try to help "humankind", and either end up dead, or discredited.

So, to answer questions today about the two Teslan projects, done by both the military and the "Black Programs" require a finess, only Teslan can generate, as these subjects are very complicated for the "general public" to understand and a great deal of scientist, who are just now beginning to comprehend who and what Tesla was and represents today in all levels of science.

Five years ago, I worked at the first Nanotechnologies corporation, at NASA, Johnson Space Center or JSC, as we call it ( home of the astronauts ), Clear lake, Texas, the Nano-Tech Research and Development Corporation ( Inc, IPO ) to help a friend of mine produce a method of manufacturing a new type of optical transistor, the Fogal "Charge Barrier" ( or Blocking, as Berden states ) Transistor, ie. CBT, Bill has been my friend ( adopted brother and a "Pain in the Ass" ) and partner since 1994, and so much so he sold me one of his very powerful original six "first prototype" transistors, of which I have conducted thousands of experiments, based on his "Pumped Phase Conjugate" ( Mirror ) or PPCM optical concept, that lead to new communication technologies, not based on Electro Magnetics, ie.EM, but Teslan longitudinal Gravitonic Scalar Bi~wave.

Such that Bill had worked with Boeing and explained how his CBT could be used to elliminate EM "noise" in their 777 jets, and that he could also dramatically decrease their fuel consumption, by using the CBT to create , as I call it, "Hydrogen nuecli" anti-drag, and NASA and Boeing are bot looking in commiting funds ( Nasa, $ 600,000, and possible a Billion dollars by Boeing, if they can get it to work ( but they are going to fail, as they are using "Super Conductivity" to accomplish "Anti-Gravity" or "Propulsionless Propulsion" as the idiots at NASA call it, they are a fraid to you the big "A-G" ) and if it does not "blow-up" on the or worse, as they do not know what they are experimenting with.

Therefore, they are starting to delve, even though they have no idea what they are doing, as Teslans have been working on these concepts for almost a hundred years hence, and this now gets back to the totally mis-understood " Montauk Project / Philadelhia Experiment" such as to have skewed Tesla's original involvement, his four "field coil" generators ( Einstein/TESLA/Gravitonic ) on the U.S.S.Eldridge at the Philadelphia Naval "proving grounds", which lead to the Montauk Project which lead to the possible controlling Space/Time ( 4th dimension ), mainly time, as the CBT has proven with test at NASA at JPL, Dr. Greg Hodewanek and Bill Ramsey, who has been experimenting with "Inter-phase" the original problem that had un-expectively developed during the final phase of the "Philadelphia Experiment".

Which was to produce "sky to water" ( Blue ) invisibility, which did work intially, but but went horroribly wrong, possibly FROM mis-calculation, as they believed that they had bent light only but in fact had created a Space/Time distortion ( Gravity Scalar Wave ), brought on by their elemental understanding of Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" or his "Special Relativity" Theory, based on Gravitonics,as the graviton is not just one particle, a photon )( or Quanta ) but has a duality counter-part, a anti-photon ( or phonon, such as Fogal's CBT possesses ), such as matter has anti-matter, or to produce "super conductivity" requires, theoritically "Cooper pairing", as the universal constant, as Greg has stated exsist as "Steady State" Physics shows, there is no "Big Bang", sorry Hawkins, an Kiku ( "String Theory" ).

Our numerous experiments has simply proven them wrong, with PPCM imperical proof, and the experiments with "Wave Probagation", proving that SETI is a big "cosmic joke" on both NASA and the US taxpayer ( it is now owned by MS Bill Gates and Paul Allen, now the "Pheonix Project" and SETI@Home ) as any advanced alien civilization, older than 500 to 1000 years would be using "Gravity Bi~Wave" to talk amongst the Stars, and these aliens would give their children the lesser "low band", in the EM Hydrogen frequency, as we do with our children, crystal radios, CB, etc.

So if ET is out there he is not going to wait 200 years, or greater, between transmit and recieve ( 400 years ) to say "hello" and then "Goodbye", as we are dealing with the speed of light ( 186,342.01 miles per sec or 300,000 meters per sec. ) and with that probagation you would not have much of a conversation, with ET, but Fogal's type of "Phase Conjugate" technology ( there is the Aspen device, also ) which, uniqually has no probagation ( 3d Space/Time ) delay, as we have demonstrated to both NASA and the military ( Augusta-Tech meeting, and I was there ) so they have known about this concept, but have never totally understood this Teslan function, PPCM.

Last, this was the "Montauk Project", as I had said the result of the "Philadelhia Experiment" lesson, finally learned, with great harm to the Eldridge naval crew, our usual practice, like the atomic bomb exposure to our miltary, so what else is new, so what if those sailors got stuck in the bulkheads, its all for science sake, and if it drove the rest crazy, that is ok, they are only sailors, ya right.....

If, you desire to continue, I will be glad to respond, but remember, the Internet has cyber eyes and ears ( FBI " the dreaded "C" ) also you may find extra information at the and look in their archieve under Tesla, they just released about 6 Meg Bytes of confiscated documents, released by the "Freedom of Information Act", so called "Open Records" Act.

Thanks for hearing me out _I

an honest corporation, ESOP......

R. A. Berman C.C.S.C. ( edu, com, gov, mil ( cc ) )
CEO WS2000 Inc. USA -Now- HOLO~TESLONIX d.b.a., an honest corporation, ESOP
Office Phone: 281.367.3123 alternate 281.367.0022 but not active yet
CTO U.L.T.R.I.U.M. - HOLIX Labs USA / Finland ( office Shut-Down )
URL / IP Address : / and now and our Holo~grams are at

E-mail : [email protected] -alternate- [email protected] - not active, now [email protected]

R. A. Berman CCSC ( edu, com, gov, mil(cc) )
E-mail: [email protected]

Still searching and always,
This is my reply to the most recent letter I posted here yetsterday:

TO: Mr. Daniel E. Laurier: [email protected] or Codenamed: Zxavier: [email protected]

>>> For all future correspondence in these things, please use only [email protected] until further notice. I will be posting in all message forums pertaining to these things only under Zxavier and Cmdr Zxavier. Thanks

First, this was forwarded to me by or , and I feel if you have a local Teslan in your area, you should try to consult with him/her, as this type of territory is mainly alien,

>>> Ok, let us park here.
1. First, what is a Teslan?
2. How would Go about locating such an one?
3. Alien, such as life forms other than EH-1's??

excuse the pun, for most to understand, as what I am about to impart to you has been known by more than 300,000 plus Teslans.

>>> Are the Teslans any relations to the Maealeans??

To start this "turn of the century" ( 1900 ) journey, you must go back to that time to help you form the proper decision about what is about to be given to you as wisdom only known by "true" Teslans and the Defense Intellegance Agency, ie. the DIA ( the real "Men In Black", ie. the MIB, and dispite what the movies have presented to the public, these are not "nice people", as they will kill you if you some how interfere with their "lawless" agenda. Next,
>>> I have heard only sketchy things about the clandestine protectors of the most 'secret' things in the government. I am aware that I have been under some for of surveillance for most of my adult life. In recent days, several different hellicopters and an occasional fixed-wing aircraft fly within electronic viewing distance, several close enough to be sniped at or by with conventional pea shooter weaponry. Could this be as a result of the serious digging I am in forbidden areas of understanding?

I have been a student of our lost mentor Nicola Tesla for more than 30 years, and a member of the International Tesla Society ( Colorado Springs, Colorado ) and once a member of MUFON, when I was younger and more foolish in my youth, and quit for health reasons, I strangely decided I would like to live a little bit longer, as most of us at some time meet our "friendly" ( NOT ) MIBs.

>>> Do you know if there are any Teslans or members of MUFON in the state of SC? How about MIB activity. The old Donaldson Air Base, AKA Greenvile Air Force Base here, which has officially has been closed since the 1950's is still often visited by numerous government planes supposedly to be retrofitted for other uses by the civilian cotractor that is at the industrial park now on that site, but I lived right in the glide path of that place for over 2 years and noticed many unmarked aircraft, including military appearing copters, frequenting that refuge . . . have you any information about that?

So, here is our tail of scientific superior technologies, hundreds of years a head of our 21ST Century, with the greatest inventor of our time, and I am not talking about Edison, I refer to Tesla, as he had ore than a 1000 patents, greater than Edison, who criminal stealing of Tesla's historical legecy of the invention of "Electricity" ( AC ), which has never been corrected to this day in the history books, by science or the MEDIA, and Tesla also invent "Radio" ( CW, RF, etc. ) not Marconi, another theif of history. Further, the reason I am giving you this "history lesson" is to SHOW how things and facts can be twisted, to cover-up or obsure those that would try to help "humankind", and either end up dead, or discredited.

So, to answer questions today about the two Teslan projects, done by both the military and the "Black Programs" require a finess, only Teslan can generate, as these subjects are very complicated for the "general public" to understand and a great deal of scientist, who are just now beginning to comprehend who and what Tesla was and represents today in all levels of science.

Five years ago, I worked at the first Nanotechnologies corporation, at NASA, Johnson Space Center or JSC, as we call it ( home of the astronauts ), Clear lake, Texas, the Nano-Tech Research and Development Corporation ( Inc, IPO ) to help a friend of mine produce a method of manufacturing a new type of optical transistor, the Fogal "Charge Barrier" ( or Blocking, as Berden states ) Transistor, ie. CBT, Bill has been my friend ( adopted brother and a "Pain in the Ass" ) and partner since 1994, and so much so he sold me one of his very powerful original six "first prototype" transistors, of which I have conducted thousands of experiments, based on his "Pumped Phase Conjugate" ( Mirror ) or PPCM optical concept, that lead to new communication technologies, not based on Electro Magnetics,
ie.EM, but Teslan longitudinal Gravitonic Scalar Bi~wave.

>>> I know that I have never studied anything about these transistor technologies, and yet as with some of the theorectical physics I am curretnly studying in the book "Hyperspace," some of that material was very familiar, as though somewhere I had seen it before . . . when I read your note the first time for content, it wasn't entirely strange to me..
Such that Bill had worked with Boeing and explained how his CBT could be used to elliminate EM "noise" in their 777 jets, and that he could also dramatically decrease their fuel consumption, by using the CBT to create , as I call it, "Hydrogen nuecli" anti-drag, and NASA and Boeing are both looking in commiting funds ( Nasa, $ 600,000, and possible a Billion dollars by Boeing, if they can get it to work ( but they are going to fail, as they are using "Super Conductivity" to accomplish "Anti-Gravity" or "Propulsionless Propulsion" as the idiots at NASA call it, they are afraid to you the big "A-G" ) and if it does not "blow-up" on the or worse, as they do not know what they are experimenting with.

>>> Chuckle

Therefore, they are starting to delve, even though they have no idea what they are doing, as Teslans have been working on these concepts for almost a hundred years hence,
>>> I have been absolutely persuaded for over ten years, that the technology that has billed as fictional in space sci-fi, paramilitary, law enforcement and spy vs spy
for at least three quarters of a century has been either real and functional in some rudimentary form at the time, and / or real in the future that has been sent back in the form of historical abstracts to be shown in media fiction as a stark warning of what to expect in the future if we don't get straight. How far off base am I with these wild specilations of mine>?

and this now gets back to the totally mis-understood " Montauk Project / Philadelhia Experiment" such as to have skewed Tesla's original involvement, his four "field coil" generators ( Einstein/TESLA/Gravitonic ) on the U.S.S.Eldridge at the Philadelphia Naval "proving grounds", which lead to the Montauk Project which lead to the possible controlling Space/Time ( 4th dimension ), mainly time, as the CBT has proven with test at NASA at JPL, Dr. Greg Hodewanek and Bill Ramsey, who has been experimenting with "Inter-phase" the original problem that had un-expectively developed during the final phase of the "Philadelphia Experiment".
>>> Can you tell me, what exactly did happen at Montauk? I have read three of the Nichols and Moon books in the past. My concern is that I know I was at least Montauk near the light twice between the spring of 1959 and the fall of 1960 as an eight and nine year old. I believe that I am one who is gifted with natural phase shifting abilities and these may have been maleffected by my being in the close proximity of such a powerful phase shifting rf field. Was the Montauk Light ever a part of these experiments as a transducer/traceiver in modulated light experiments?
Which was to produce "sky to water" ( Blue ) invisibility, which did work intially, but but went horroribly wrong, possibly FROM mis-calculation, as they believed that they had bent light only but in fact had created a Space/Time distortion ( Gravity Scalar Wave ), brought on by their elemental understanding of Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" or his "Special Relativity" Theory, based on Gravitonics,as the graviton is not just one particle, a photon )( or Quanta ) but has a duality counter-part, a anti-photon ( or phonon, such as Fogal's CBT possesses ), such as matter has anti-matter, or to produce "super conductivity" requires, theoritically "Cooper pairing", as the universal constant, as Greg has stated exsist as "Steady State" Physics shows, there is no "Big Bang", sorry Hawkins, an Kiku ( "String Theory" ).

Our numerous experiments has simply proven them wrong, with PPCM imperical proof, and the experiments with "Wave Probagation", proving that SETI is a big "cosmic joke" on both NASA and the US taxpayer ( it is now owned by MS Bill Gates and Paul Allen, now the "Pheonix Project" and SETI@Home ) as any advanced alien civilization, older than 500 to 1000 years would be using "Gravity Bi~Wave" to talk amongst the Stars, and these aliens would give their children the lesser "low band", in the EM Hydrogen frequency, as we do with our children, crystal radios, CB, etc.

So if ET is out there he is not going to wait 200 years, or greater, between transmit and recieve ( 400 years ) to say "hello" and then "Goodbye", as we are dealing with the speed of light ( 186,342.01 miles per sec or 300,000 meters per sec. ) and with that probagation you would not have much of a conversation, with ET, but Fogal's type of "Phase Conjugate" technology ( there is the Aspen device, also ) which, uniqually has no probagation ( 3d Space/Time ) delay, as we have demonstrated to both NASA and the military ( Augusta-Tech meeting, and I was there ) so they have known about this concept, but have never totally understood this Teslan function, PPCM.

Last, this was the "Montauk Project", as I had said the result of the "Philadelhia Experiment" lesson, finally learned, with great harm to the Eldridge naval crew, our usual practice, like the atomic bomb exposure to our miltary, so what else is new, so what if those sailors got stuck in the bulkheads, its all for science sake, and if it drove the rest crazy, that is ok, they are only sailors, ya right.....

>>> Was that a fact? Is there credible and verifiable documentation to corroborate that and anything that is published about either Philadelphia or Montauk?

If, you desire to continue, I will be glad to respond, but remember, the Internet has cyber eyes and ears ( FBI " the dreaded "C" ) also you may find extra information at the and look in their archieve under Tesla, they just released about 6 Meg Bytes of confiscated documents, released by the "Freedom of Information Act", so called "Open Records" Act.

>>> No doubt I have been marked already, especially if, as I suspect there is some direct connection between some of my current distresses and any of these previous "never happened" covert operations.
>>>>Another question for you to. In my browsing countless pages on the www about Montauk and other related topics, it was suggested that the hundreds of cell phone transmission and relay towers that are see envery, but like sentinels in the scores around every major city in North America, alre also a part of the ongoing mind control efforts of either the government or other rogue organizations and agencies. Can you enlighten at all on this topic. I have had rigning in my ears since I was about nine year of age, which has been accredited to an ear injury where one of my ear drums was punctured by aloud noise. In recent days since I have been digging INTO these things, the rigning is becoming louder, and occasionally even overbearing such as accoustic feedback, and this has happened several times in the past 10 -12 years under certain situations.

Thanks for hearing me out _I

an honest corporation, ESOP......

R. A. Berman C.C.S.C. ( edu, com, gov, mil ( cc ) )
CEO WS2000 Inc. USA -Now- HOLO~TESLONIX d.b.a., an honest corporation, ESOP
Office Phone: 281.367.3123 alternate 281.367.0022 but not active yet
CTO U.L.T.R.I.U.M. - HOLIX Labs USA / Finland ( office Shut-Down )
URL / IP Address : / and now and our Holo~grams are at

E-mail : [email protected] -alternate- [email protected] - not active, now [email protected]

R. A. Berman CCSC ( edu, com, gov, mil(cc) )
E-mail: [email protected]

I will glqadly entertain further discussioins with you or anyone else who will offer more that pe5rsonal opions and biases against others with real interest in pursuing realtime information about these things as I am finding in one of the forums I am following about Montauk. I have notices that only one individual has replied to any of the posts I have made at the Time Travel Institute forums under the new thread I began in the Montauk/PX discussion last week.

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zx
The previously posted item was E-Mailed to the addressee Monday evening, August 05, 2002. The following is the response received Tuesday, August 06, 2002 - Zx

I will be glad to answer all of your questions and try to help you with your possible exposure or DOR ( Deadly Orgonic Radiation ) which comes FROM emissions fo "Temporal Tampering" for those who do not know what they are doing or care about the harm they are causing......My associate has bee exposed to DOR and has totally recovered biologically ( he may still "inter-phase", only God knows ) so we possibly may be able to remidy your auditoral coecleric damage ( ringing in the ears, as a primitive cause, the damage ear drum, very questionable, in deed......So I will answer at the bottom of your email enquires on each response of yours, and for historical reference to requalify the enfortion and make since of the DATA I am about to supply be careful who generally see this reply, Zxavier...the HyTDRA Hacker

A now famous media "X" quote: "The truth is out there.:
----- Original Message -----
From: Zxavier
To: R. A. Berman
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 7:16 PM
Subject: Montauk, PX, etc

TO: Mr. Daniel E. Laurier: [email protected] or Codenamed: Zxavier: [email protected]

>>> For all future correspondence in these things, please use only [email protected] until further notice. I will be posting in all message forums pertaining to these things only under Zxavier and Cmdr Zxavier. Thanks

~And I will use my "old power name" in the Hyper~Hacking community ( 2600C ), the HyTDRA Hacker

First, this was forwarded to me by or , and I feel if you have a local Teslan in your area, you should try to consult with him/her, as this type of territory is mainly alien,
>>> Ok, let us park here.
1. First, what is a Teslan?
~A follower of Nicola Tesla ( professional knowledge ) and we are not aliens, but "good human beings"
2. How would Go about locating such an one?
~A follower of Nicola Tesla can not be found in the telephone directories, unless you look under Electrical Engineer, ie. EE, as I am, most, an EE knows of Tesla's invention of AC power ( not Edison ) and his dynomos at Niagra Falls power station ( the Nigra Grid, as we call it ).
3. Alien, such as life forms other than EH-1's??
~And again, we are not aliens, but "good human beings", train in the "Teslan way".
excuse the pun, for most to understand, as what I am about to impart to you has been known by more than 300,000 plus Teslans.
>>> Are the Teslans any relations to the Maealeans??
~And once again, we are not aliens, but "good human beings", trained to help humankind and do no harm to it with our or other science, like NanoTechnologies ( My E.I.N.S.T.E.I.N. Project blogger on my web site ) a credo we take very serious, following the mandate set down by Tesla himself.........."help humankind and do no harm to it with our or other science", paraphrased...

To start this "turn of the century" ( 1900 ) journey, you must go back to that time to help you form the proper decision about what is about to be given to you as wisdom only known by "true" Teslans and the Defense Intellegance Agency, ie. the DIA ( the real "Men In Black", ie. the MIB, and dispite what the movies have presented to the public, these are not "nice people", as they will kill you if you some how interfere with their "lawless" agenda. Next,
>>> I have heard only sketchy things about the clandestine protectors of the most 'secret' things in the government. I am aware that I have been under some for of surveillance for most of my adult life. In recent days, several different hellicopters and an occasional fixed-wing aircraft fly within electronic viewing distance, several close enough to be sniped at or by with conventional pea shooter weaponry. Could this be as a result of the serious digging I am in forbidden areas of understanding?
~ Once apon a time, in a far off galaxy, our galaxy ( not Star Wars tm ) on a small planet called Terra ( Earth ) soon to be "evil men" took charge of the third planet in our solar system in the 1950s.....
I started this way to make a point, we are not dealing in Sci-Fi here, people and scientist have been killed by the "Evil Empire" ( and I am not talking about the old USSR )....First it was President Isenhower's GROUP known as Majestic 12 ( now it is Majestic 13 ) or MJ12 as it has gotten abrievated by the military ( their normal practice ) and UFOers which originally had a possible good agenda but "Wealthy evil" types took over the original agenda, and caused a split, now "GOOD" and "EVIL" now ran our planet.....So, there has been a constant war to control Earth, the "Good Guys" Teslans, the "Bad Guys", the "Illuninati" ( MJ12 or now MJ13 ) we are soon going to go to War ( and I am not talking about Iraq ), and the "Bad Guys" know they have lost, and will soon be defeated by the Teslans, as we possess hyper superior technology ( Fogal's Transistor is a toy ) when Illuminati finally raises their head, we Teslans will cut it off. ....Over 300,000 Teslans went under ground 3 years ago ( I have not been able to get in touch with them to join the fight, said to say ), to prepare for this soon historical making event, we will elliminate all who have united with them, in the most painful way we have at our disposal, to make an example of them to all future tyrrants, that we will always win......

~Now, to your surveillance, it is well known that those who come in contact purposely or accidentally are placed under monitoring, as I was told by "Condor" my CIA/NSA/DIA contact many years ago, sorry can not use his real name as he is still active, I worked with him in the 1980s to solve the bugging ( listenning devices ) in the Russian built American Embassy, and found the solution to neutrialize those numerous bugs, but the government did not use it.....Know the "ring in your ears" could have been a projected monitoring or possibly an implaint, when you were younger or at birth, that may have malfunctioned because of the intense EM you were exposed to, if you had any direct exposure to the "Light" ( Temporal Phasing of photons ) of both the "Montauk Project / Philadelphia Experiment" now advancing to more complex experimentation, as a resent EMP event had demonstrated in 2000-1, "frying birds", blowing power out, and knocking out a Radio Station, in those regions known for such experiments ( your area, Ky, Tn, SC, NC, etc. ), so you are not the only one who may have been exposed, and probably won't be the last, if our "mad men" have their way........Below is a non "Black Program" Tokamak EM torroidal heating device, and if they can build this monstrocity, you can image what the "Black Programmer" could build back 50 years ago....what do you thing, ha....possibly nano tech, or at least micro-tech........remember the Transistor was developed in the 1950s ( Tesla concept )....
Could this be the New concept Tocamak, size wise?
I have been a student of our lost mentor Nicola Tesla for more than 30 years, and a member of the International Tesla Society ( Colorado Springs, Colorado ) and once a member of MUFON, when I was younger and more foolish in my youth, and quit for health reasons, I strangely decided I would like to live a little bit longer, as most of us at some time meet our "friendly" ( NOT ) MIBs.
>>> Do you know if there are any Teslans or members of MUFON in the state of SC?
~Look up a Electrical Engineer, ie. EE, at one of your colleges or universities ( possible the teacher at a two year colledge ) USC.......
How about MIB activity. The old Donaldson Air Base, AKA Greenvile Air Force Base here, which has officially has been closed since the 1950's is still often visited by numerous government planes supposedly to be retrofitted for other uses by the civilian cotractor that is at the industrial park now on that site, but I lived right in the glide path of that place for over 2 years and noticed many unmarked aircraft, including military appearing copters, frequenting that refuge . . . have you any information about that?
~Black Birds ( U-2, SR-71, now the Arora ), developed by the "Skunk Works" are obviously primitive craft compare to what true "black projects" possess, however, the popular choice of today is the "Black Hawk" Heliocopter, or something like the "preditor", and the CIA at the old air base they hanger in Arizona, next to our old office HQ got bored and gave my corporate's president ( he is a pilot, "birds of a feather flock together" ) who graduated FROM Emery was shown the guts of the "Black Bird" chopper, the "Long Bow" over the horizon radar, top secret, ya, read Janes Journal.....and further they do use old "so-called" abandon
military bases, of one is yours, as we had the Arora engine test by a "so-called" secret base in our Texas "Big Thicket" State Park, which injured and finally killed the people ( two, with one still serviving, barely )
who had been exposed to it's high intense nuclear scram jet pulses, with the results of both severe radiation burns ( also burned the paint off of these 3 victims' car ) cancer later, ten years ago. It would have been covered up, except for a well trained doctor who had seen radiation burns before, as our local media reported it.
So, here is our tail of scientific superior technologies, hundreds of years a head of our 21ST Century, with the greatest inventor of our time, and I am not talking about Edison, I refer to Tesla, as he had ore than a 1000 patents, greater than Edison, who criminal stealing of Tesla's historical legecy of the invention of "Electricity" ( AC ), which has never been corrected to this day in the history books, by science or the MEDIA, and Tesla also invent "Radio" ( CW, RF, etc. ) not Marconi, another theif of history. Further, the reason I am giving you this "history lesson" is to SHOW how things and facts can be twisted, to cover-up or obsure those that would try to help "humankind", and either end up dead, or discredited.

So, to answer questions today about the two Teslan projects, done by both the military and the "Black Programs" require a finess, only Teslan can generate, as these subjects are very complicated for the "general public" to understand and a great deal of scientist, who are just now beginning to comprehend who and what Tesla was and represents today in all levels of science.

Five years ago, I worked at the first Nanotechnologies corporation, at NASA, Johnson Space Center or JSC, as we call it ( home of the astronauts ), Clear lake, Texas, the Nano-Tech Research and Development Corporation ( Inc, IPO ) to help a friend of mine produce a method of manufacturing a new type of optical transistor, the Fogal "Charge Barrier" ( or Blocking, as Berden states ) Transistor, ie. CBT, Bill has been my friend ( adopted brother and a "Pain in the Ass" ) and partner since 1994, and so much so he sold me one of his very powerful original six "first prototype" transistors, of which I have conducted thousands of experiments, based on his "Pumped Phase Conjugate" ( Mirror ) or PPCM optical concept, that lead to new communication technologies, not based on Electro Magnetics, ie.EM, but Teslan longitudinal Gravitonic Scalar Bi~wave. >>> I know that I have never studied anything about these transistor technologies, and yet as with some of the theorectical physics I am curretnly studying in the book "Hyperspace," some of that material was very familiar, as though somewhere I had seen it before . . . when I read your note the first time for content, it wasn't entirely strange to me..
~How and if I can EXPLAIN Bill's CB Transistor is both difficult and timely, however it has taken be almost every bit of six years to understand the rutimtary concepts just to make it work and produce a product, mainly Bill's fault, as he promised me a second CBT, but to this day I have but one ( powerful though ) to do my research, as Tom Berden has had four CBTs to my one, but that has not slowed me down in my experimentation one bit, I just simply found replacement technology to do some of Fogal's CBT functions.........But I do get mad at Bill some time, as he has cost me and my partner about $ 100,000 in cost.......and he still to this day has not produced new CBT units.......which Bill has promised me for years, as I taught him about Holo~graphic video, as he only new about Holo~graphic audio.......So I have accomplished it with a mix of different technologies fron different fields of science, mathematics, chaos ( Analog noise cancellation ) , Holographics ( my own VR research, ALLH ) , Nano~Tech ( NASA, JSC, Clear Lake, Texas ), and "Blue to Ultra~Violet" LEDS and Laser diodes ( PPCM ) and a number of bits and pieces FROM Vulcunology ( Gravitonic Wave Patterns )........
Such that Bill had worked with Boeing and explained how his CBT could be used to elliminate EM "noise" in their 777 jets, and that he could also dramatically decrease their fuel consumption, by using the CBT to create , as I call it, "Hydrogen nuecli" anti-drag, and NASA and Boeing are both looking in commiting funds ( Nasa, $ 600,000, and possible a Billion dollars by Boeing, if they can get it to work ( but they are going to fail, as they are using "Super Conductivity" to accomplish "Anti-Gravity" or "Propulsionless Propulsion" as the idiots at NASA call it, they are afraid to you the big "A-G" ) and if it does not "blow-up" on the or worse, as they do not know what they are experimenting with.
>>> Chuckle
~ agree, LOL........

Therefore, they are starting to delve, even though they have no idea what they are doing, as Teslans have been working on these concepts for almost a hundred years hence,
>>> I have been absolutely persuaded for over ten years, that the technology that has billed as fictional in space sci-fi, paramilitary, law enforcement and spy vs spy
for at least three quarters of a century has been either real and functional in some rudimentary form at the time, and / or real in the future that has been sent back in the form of historical abstracts to be shown in media fiction as a stark warning of what to expect in the future if we don't get straight. How far off base am I with these wild specilations of mine>?
~Right on the money, sad to say.......
and this now gets back to the totally mis-understood " Montauk Project / Philadelhia Experiment" such as to have skewed Tesla's original involvement, his four "field coil" generators ( Einstein/TESLA/Gravitonic ) on the U.S.S.Eldridge at the Philadelphia Naval "proving grounds", which lead to the Montauk Project which lead to the possible controlling Space/Time ( 4th dimension ), mainly time, as the CBT has proven with test at NASA at JPL, Dr. Greg Hodewanek and Bill Ramsey, who has been experimenting with "Inter-phase" the original problem that had un-expectively developed during the final phase of the "Philadelphia Experiment".
>>> Can you tell me, what exactly did happen at Montauk? I have read three of the Nichols and Moon books in the past. My concern is that I know I was at least Montauk near the light twice between the spring of 1959 and the fall of 1960 as an eight and nine year old. I believe that I am one who is gifted with natural phase shifting abilities and these may have been maleffected by my being in the close proximity of such a powerful phase shifting rf field. Was the Montauk Light ever a part of these experiments as a transducer/traceiver in modulated light experiments?
~That is a very long story, as only "bits and piece" sometime have "sneaked out", but it is rare to get the
"whole story" in one shot, so you will have to take my word on what I am about to tell you, and you can take it with a "grain of salt", or "ton of salt" but a lot of what I know came FROM reliable sources over the years, NASA meetings, Tesla meeting, contacts in the scientific and military communities......I had a conversation in 1982, at the Nationional Computer Conference, ie. NCC ( like Comdex, but world, very big....) and met a EE who was exploring the possiblity of using "Ionic propulsion" to levitate a car, electro~stactically ( it is no diffent when your car "Hydro-planes" over 35 miles an hour ) and he told me about that the government ( Black Programmers" ) has sucessfully built a "Time Tunnel" based on the "Unified Field Theory" and the "Phildelphia Experiment" on the Navy's U.S.S. Eldridge of Einstein and reseach done FROM first I was skeptical about such matters, and aquated it with ravings of a diranged "mad men", but he used a name I was formilar with and knew he was not a "mad men" ( name DELETE for security reasons...will EXPLAIN later...... ) we will call him Dr. M for now....Dr. M was research the way to store greats amounts of Analog ( digital, later on ) optical Holographic data, greater then magnetic could accomplish....Time, is a very strange mechanism it is the four dimension ( 4d ) but can be inter-changed by space resulting in a ( 5d ) or Hyper~Space, which each temporal fold is 90 degrees to the previous vector, finally in-folding to the point of infinity ( or Infinity - 1 ) as a un-obtainable value or function, as a singularity in a "Black Hole" or neutronic temporal worm-hole colapse ending point.....He told me that Dr. M had fould that optical and electromagnet waves could store great Analog data, greater than anybody had conceived possible....Also that they now had Analog computer technology that could do chaotic calculations in the quadrilions ( remember the year is 1982 ), just now being accomplished in 2000s but only a very primitive level of digital quantum computing.....It would take a very superior computer ( Analog ) to accomplish the super~position computations necessary to control such a "Time Tunnel" of whic in the general market was not available, even though we were working on KRAY super computer technologies in those days.....I do not believe that the 1940s EINAC could have done such a job, it would have required such a super computer in tandem ( hundreds of machines ) to do the constant temporal corrections to keep the Space/Time in sync, almost an imposible task, but remember we built the "Atomic Bomb" under the same conditions, a "Crash Program" known better as a "Black Program" today, so who knows what could come FROM throwing enough money at the problem could accomplish in a short time, remember Tesla science had already exsisted, and proof of his research lead to "particle beam weapons" and modern electronics ( diodes, transistors, Triads, Leds, etc. ).....more on that later
Which was to produce "sky to water" ( Blue ) invisibility, which did work intially, but but went horroribly wrong, possibly FROM mis-calculation, as they believed that they had bent light only but in fact had created a Space/Time distortion ( Gravity Scalar Wave ), brought on by their elemental understanding of Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" or his "Special Relativity" Theory, based on Gravitonics,as the graviton is not just one particle, a photon )( or Quanta ) but has a duality counter-part, a anti-photon ( or phonon, such as Fogal's CBT possesses ), such as matter has anti-matter, or to produce "super conductivity" requires, theoritically "Cooper pairing", as the universal constant, as Greg has stated exsist as "Steady State" Physics shows, there is no "Big Bang", sorry Hawkins, an Kiku ( "String Theory" ).

Our numerous experiments has simply proven them wrong, with PPCM imperical proof, and the experiments with "Wave Probagation", proving that SETI is a big "cosmic joke" on both NASA and the US taxpayer ( it is now owned by MS Bill Gates and Paul Allen, now the "Pheonix Project" and SETI@Home ) as any advanced alien civilization, older than 500 to 1000 years would be using "Gravity Bi~Wave" to talk amongst the Stars, and these aliens would give their children the lesser "low band", in the EM Hydrogen frequency, as we do with our children, crystal radios, CB, etc.

So if ET is out there he is not going to wait 200 years, or greater, between transmit and recieve ( 400 years ) to say "hello" and then "Goodbye", as we are dealing with the speed of light ( 186,342.01 miles per sec or 300,000 meters per sec. ) and with that probagation you would not have much of a conversation, with ET, but Fogal's type of "Phase Conjugate" technology ( there is the Aspen device, also ) which, uniqually has no probagation ( 3d Space/Time ) delay, as we have demonstrated to both NASA and the military ( Augusta-Tech meeting, and I was there ) so they have known about this concept, but have never totally understood this Teslan function, PPCM.

Last, this was the "Montauk Project", as I had said the result of the "Philadelhia Experiment" lesson, finally learned, with great harm to the Eldridge naval crew, our usual practice, like the atomic bomb exposure to our miltary, so what else is new, so what if those sailors got stuck in the bulkheads, its all for science sake, and if it drove the rest crazy, that is ok, they are only sailors, ya right.....
>>> Was that a fact? Is there credible and verifiable documentation to corroborate that and anything that is published about either Philadelphia or Montauk?

If, you desire to continue, I will be glad to respond, but remember, the Internet has cyber eyes and ears ( FBI " the dreaded "C" ) also you may find extra information at the and look in their archieve under Tesla, they just released about 6 Meg Bytes of confiscated documents, released by the "Freedom of Information Act", so called "Open Records" Act.
>>> No doubt I have been marked already, especially if, as I suspect there is some direct connection between some of my current distresses and any of these previous "never happened" covert operations..
>>>>Another question for you to. In my browsing countless pages on the www about Montauk and other related topics, it was suggested that the hundreds of cell phone transmission and relay towers that are see envery, but like sentinels in the scores around every major city in North America, alre also a part of the ongoing mind control efforts of either the government or other rogue organizations and agencies. Can you enlighten at all on this topic. I have had rigning in my ears since I was about nine year of age, which has been accredited to an ear injury where one of my ear drums was punctured by aloud noise. In recent days since I have been digging INTO these things, the rigning is becoming louder, and occasionally even overbearing such as accoustic feedback, and this has happened several times in the past 10 -12 years under certain situations.
~You can either stay on the course you have taken already, as the damage has been you have nothing to loss, or you can just float...either way the "bad guys" have lost....we just have to fix the mess that has been left, and I have a way of helping you with your "Inter~phase" disease ( DOR ), so I will get back to you soon....
the HyTDRA Hacker

Thanks for hearing me out _I

an honest corporation, ESOP......

R. A. Berman C.C.S.C. ( edu, com, gov, mil ( cc ) )
CEO WS2000 Inc. USA -Now- HOLO~TESLONIX d.b.a., an honest corporation, ESOP
Office Phone: 281.367.3123 alternate 281.367.0022 but not active yet
CTO U.L.T.R.I.U.M. - HOLIX Labs USA / Finland ( office Shut-Down )
URL / IP Address : / and now and our Holo~grams are at

E-mail : [email protected] -alternate- [email protected] - not active, now [email protected]

R. A. Berman CCSC ( edu, com, gov, mil(cc) )
E-mail: [email protected]

I will glqadly entertain further discussioins with you or anyone else who will offer more that pe5rsonal opions and biases against others with real interest in pursuing realtime information about these things as I am finding in one of the forums I am following about Montauk. I have notices that only one individual has replied to any of the posts I have made at the Time Travel Institute forums under the new thread I began in the Montauk/PX discussion last week.


<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zx
This is my reply FROM HyTDRA Hacker Mon Aug 5 22:31:30 2002.

I will be glad to answer all of your questions and try to help you with your possible exposure or DOR ( Deadly Orgonic Radiation ) which comes FROM emissions fo "Temporal Tampering" for those who do not know what they are doing or care about the harm they are causing......My associate has bee exposed to DOR and has totally recovered biologically ( he may still "inter-phase", only God knows ) so we possibly may be able to remidy your auditoral coecleric damage ( ringing in the ears, as a primitive cause, the damage ear drum, very questionable, in deed......So I will answer at the bottom of your email enquires on each response of yours, and for historical reference to requalify the enfortion and make since of the DATA I am about to supply be careful who generally see this reply, Zxavier...the HyTDRA Hacker

----- Original Message -----
From: Zxavier
To: R. A. Berman
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 7:16 PM
Subject: Montauk, PX, etc

TO: Mr. Daniel E. Laurier: [email protected] or Codenamed: Zxavier: [email protected]

>>> For all future correspondence in these things, please use only [email protected] until further notice. I will be posting in all message forums pertaining to these things only under Zxavier and Cmdr Zxavier. Thanks

~And I will use my "old power name" in the Hyper~Hacking community ( 2600C ), the HyTDRA Hacker

First, this was forwarded to me by or , and I feel if you have a local Teslan in your area, you should try to consult with him/her, as this type of territory is mainly alien,

>>> Ok, let us park here.

1. First, what is a Teslan?
~A follower of Nicola Tesla ( professional knowledge ) and we are not aliens, but "good human beings"

2. How would Go about locating such an one?
~A follower of Nicola Tesla can not be found in the telephone directories, unless you look under Electrical Engineer, ie. EE, as I am, most, an EE knows of Tesla's invention of AC power ( not Edison ) and his dynomos at Niagra Falls power station ( the Nigra Grid, as we call it ).

3. Alien, such as life forms other than EH-1's??
~And again, we are not aliens, but "good human beings", train in the "Teslan way".

excuse the pun, for most to understand, as what I am about to impart to you has been known by more than 300,000 plus Teslans.

>>> Are the Teslans any relations to the Maealeans??

~And once again, we are not aliens, but "good human beings", trained to help humankind and do no harm to it with our or other science, like NanoTechnologies ( My E.I.N.S.T.E.I.N. Project blogger on my web site ) a credo we take very serious, following the mandate set down by Tesla himself.........."help humankind and do no harm to it with our or other science", paraphrased...

To start this "turn of the century" ( 1900 ) journey, you must go back to that time to help you form the proper decision about what is about to be given to you as wisdom only known by "true" Teslans and the Defense Intellegance Agency, ie. the DIA ( the real "Men In Black", ie. the MIB, and dispite what the movies have presented to the public, these are not "nice people", as they will kill you if you some how interfere with their "lawless" agenda. Next,

>>> I have heard only sketchy things about the clandestine protectors of the most 'secret' things in the government. I am aware that I have been under some for of surveillance for most of my adult life. In recent days, several different hellicopters and an occasional fixed-wing aircraft fly within electronic viewing distance, several close enough to be sniped at or by with conventional pea shooter weaponry. Could this be as a result of the serious digging I am in forbidden areas of understanding?

~ Once apon a time, in a far off galaxy, our galaxy ( not Star Wars tm ) on a small planet called Terra ( Earth ) soon to be "evil men" took charge of the third planet in our solar system in the 1950s.....

I started this way to make a point, we are not dealing in Sci-Fi here, people and scientist have been killed by the "Evil Empire" ( and I am not talking about the old USSR )....First it was President Isenhower's GROUP known as Majestic 12 ( now it is Majestic 13 ) or MJ12 as it has gotten abrievated by the military ( their normal practice ) and UFOers which originally had a possible good agenda but "Wealthy evil" types took over the original agenda, and caused a split, now "GOOD" and "EVIL" now ran our planet.....So, there has been a constant war to control Earth, the "Good Guys" Teslans, the "Bad Guys", the "Illuninati" ( MJ12 or now MJ13 ) we are soon going to go to War ( and I am not talking about Iraq ), and the "Bad Guys" know they have lost, and will soon be defeated by the Teslans, as we possess hyper superior technology ( Fogal's Transistor is a toy ) when Illuminati finally raises their head, we Teslans will cut it off. ....Over 300,000 Teslans went under ground 3 years ago ( I have not been able to get in touch with them to join the fight, said to say ), to prepare for this soon historical making event, we will elliminate all who have united with them, in the most painful way we have at our disposal, to make an example of them to all future tyrrants, that we will always win......

~Now, to your surveillance, it is well known that those who come in contact purposely or accidentally are placed under monitoring, as I was told by "Condor" my CIA/NSA/DIA contact many years ago, sorry can not use his real name as he is still active, I worked with him in the 1980s to solve the bugging ( listenning devices ) in the Russian built American Embassy, and found the solution to neutrialize those numerous bugs, but the government did not use it.....Know the "ring in your ears" could have been a projected monitoring or possibly an implaint, when you were younger or at birth, that may have malfunctioned because of the intense EM you were exposed to, if you had any direct exposure to the "Light" ( Temporal Phasing of photons ) of both the "Montauk Project / Philadelphia Experiment" now advancing to more complex experimentation, as a resent EMP event had demonstrated in 2000-1, "frying birds", blowing power out, and knocking out a Radio Station, in those regions known for such experiments ( your area, Ky, Tn, SC, NC, etc. ), so you are not the only one who may have been exposed, and probably won't be the last, if our "mad men" have their way........Below is a non "Black Program" Tokamak EM torroidal heating device, and if they can build this monstrocity, you can image what the "Black Programmer" could build back 50 years ago....what do you thing, ha....possibly nano tech, or at least micro-tech........remember the Transistor was developed in the 1950s ( Tesla concept )....

Note: There was an HTM image here that did not transfer. Anyone wishing to see it please E-Mail me at [email protected]. Thanks. ZX

Could this be the New concept Tocamak, size wise?
I have been a student of our lost mentor Nicola Tesla for more than 30 years, and a member of the International Tesla Society ( Colorado Springs, Colorado ) and once a member of MUFON, when I was younger and more foolish in my youth, and quit for health reasons, I strangely decided I would like to live a little bit longer, as most of us at some time meet our "friendly" ( NOT ) MIBs.

>>> Do you know if there are any Teslans or members of MUFON in the state of SC?

~Look up a Electrical Engineer, ie. EE, at one of your colleges or universities ( possible the teacher at a two year colledge ) USC.......

How about MIB activity. The old Donaldson Air Base, AKA Greenvile Air Force Base here, which has officially has been closed since the 1950's is still often visited by numerous government planes supposedly to be retrofitted for other uses by the civilian cotractor that is at the industrial park now on that site, but I lived right in the glide path of that place for over 2 years and noticed many unmarked aircraft, including military appearing copters, frequenting that refuge . . . have you any information about that?

~Black Birds ( U-2, SR-71, now the Arora ), developed by the "Skunk Works" are obviously primitive craft compare to what true "black projects" possess, however, the popular choice of today is the "Black Hawk" Heliocopter, or something like the "preditor", and the CIA at the old air base they hanger in Arizona, next to our old office HQ got bored and gave my corporate's president ( he is a pilot, "birds of a feather flock together" ) who graduated FROM Emery was shown the guts of the "Black Bird" chopper, the "Long Bow" over the horizon radar, top secret, ya, read Janes Journal.....and further they do use old "so-called" abandon
military bases, of one is yours, as we had the Arora engine test by a "so-called" secret base in our Texas "Big Thicket" State Park, which injured and finally killed the people ( two, with one still serviving, barely ) who had been exposed to it's high intense nuclear scram jet pulses, with the results of both severe radiation burns ( also burned the paint off of these 3 victims' car ) cancer later, ten years ago. It would have been covered up, except for a well trained doctor who had seen radiation burns before, as our local media reported it.
So, here is our tail of scientific superior technologies, hundreds of years a head of our 21ST Century, with the greatest inventor of our time, and I am not talking about Edison, I refer to Tesla, as he had ore than a 1000 patents, greater than Edison, who criminal stealing of Tesla's historical legecy of the invention of "Electricity" ( AC ), which has never been corrected to this day in the history books, by science or the MEDIA, and Tesla also invent "Radio" ( CW, RF, etc. ) not Marconi, another theif of history. Further, the reason I am giving you this "history lesson" is to SHOW how things and facts can be twisted, to cover-up or obsure those that would try to help "humankind", and either end up dead, or discredited.

So, to answer questions today about the two Teslan projects, done by both the military and the "Black Programs" require a finess, only Teslan can generate, as these subjects are very complicated for the "general public" to understand and a great deal of scientist, who are just now beginning to comprehend who and what Tesla was and represents today in all levels of science.

Five years ago, I worked at the first Nanotechnologies corporation, at NASA, Johnson Space Center or JSC, as we call it ( home of the astronauts ), Clear lake, Texas, the Nano-Tech Research and Development Corporation ( Inc, IPO ) to help a friend of mine produce a method of manufacturing a new type of optical transistor, the Fogal "Charge Barrier" ( or Blocking, as Berden states ) Transistor, ie. CBT, Bill has been my friend ( adopted brother and a "Pain in the Ass" ) and partner since 1994, and so much so he sold me one of his very powerful original six "first prototype" transistors, of which I have conducted thousands of experiments, based on his "Pumped Phase Conjugate" ( Mirror ) or PPCM optical concept, that lead to new communication technologies, not based on Electro Magnetics, ie.EM, but Teslan longitudinal Gravitonic Scalar Bi~wave. >>> I know that I have never studied anything about these transistor technologies, and yet as with some of the theorectical physics I am curretnly studying in the book "Hyperspace," some of that material was very familiar, as though somewhere I had seen it before . . . when I read your note the first time for content, it wasn't entirely strange to me..

~How and if I can EXPLAIN Bill's CB Transistor is both difficult and timely, however it has taken be almost every bit of six years to understand the rutimtary concepts just to make it work and produce a product, mainly Bill's fault, as he promised me a second CBT, but to this day I have but one ( powerful though ) to do my research, as Tom Berden has had four CBTs to my one, but that has not slowed me down in my experimentation one bit, I just simply found replacement technology to do some of Fogal's CBT functions.........But I do get mad at Bill some time, as he has cost me and my partner about $ 100,000 in cost.......and he still to this day has not produced new CBT units.......which Bill has promised me for years, as I taught him about Holo~graphic video, as he only new about Holo~graphic audio.......So I have accomplished it with a mix of different technologies fron different fields of science, mathematics, chaos ( Analog noise cancellation ) , Holographics ( my own VR research, ALLH ) , Nano~Tech ( NASA, JSC, Clear Lake, Texas ), and "Blue to Ultra~Violet" LEDS and Laser diodes ( PPCM ) and a number of bits and pieces FROM Vulcunology ( Gravitonic Wave Patterns )........

Such that Bill had worked with Boeing and explained how his CBT could be used to elliminate EM "noise" in their 777 jets, and that he could also dramatically decrease their fuel consumption, by using the CBT to create , as I call it, "Hydrogen nuecli" anti-drag, and NASA and Boeing are both looking in commiting funds ( Nasa, $ 600,000, and possible a Billion dollars by Boeing, if they can get it to work ( but they are going to fail, as they are using "Super Conductivity" to accomplish "Anti-Gravity" or "Propulsionless Propulsion" as the idiots at NASA call it, they are afraid to you the big "A-G" ) and if it does not "blow-up" on the or worse, as they do not know what they are experimenting with.

>>> Chuckle

~ agree, LOL........

Therefore, they are starting to delve, even though they have no idea what they are doing, as Teslans have been working on these concepts for almost a hundred years hence,

>>> I have been absolutely persuaded for over ten years, that the technology that has billed as fictional in space sci-fi, paramilitary, law enforcement and spy vs spy
for at least three quarters of a century has been either real and functional in some rudimentary form at the time, and / or real in the future that has been sent back in the form of historical abstracts to be shown in media fiction as a stark warning of what to expect in the future if we don't get straight. How far off base am I with these wild specilations of mine>?

~Right on the money, sad to say....... and this now gets back to the totally mis-understood " Montauk Project / Philadelhia Eexperiment" such as to have skewed Tesla's original iinvolvement, his four "field coil" generators ( Einstein/TESLA/Gravitonic ) on the U.S.S.Eldridge at the Philadelphia Naval "proving grounds", which lead to the Montauk Project which lead to the possible controlling Space/Time ( 4th dimension ), mainly time, as the CBT has proven with test at NASA at JPL, Dr. Greg Hodewanek and Bill Ramsey, who has been experimenting with "Inter-phase" the original problem that had un-expectively developed during the final phase of the "Philadelphia Experiment".

>>> Can you tell me, what exactly did happen at Montauk? I have read three of the Nichols and Moon books in the past. My concern is that I know I was at least Montauk near the light twice between the spring of 1959 and the fall of 1960 as an eight and nine year old. I believe that I am one who is gifted with natural phase shifting abilities and these may have been maleffected by my being in the close proximity of such a powerful phase shifting rf field. Was the Montauk Light ever a part of these experiments as a transducer/traceiver in modulated light experiments?

~That is a very long story, as only "bits and piece" sometime have "sneaked out", but it is rare to get the "whole story" in one shot, so you will have to take my word on what I am about to tell you, and you can take it with a "grain of salt", or "ton of salt" but a lot of what I know came FROM reliable sources over the years, NASA meetings, Tesla meeting, contacts in the scientific and military communities......I had a conversation in 1982, at the Nationional Computer Conference, ie. NCC ( like Comdex, but world, very big....) and met a EE who was exploring the possiblity of using "Ionic propulsion" to levitate a car, electro~stactically ( it is no diffent when your car "Hydro-planes" over 35 miles an hour ) and he told me about that the government ( Black Programmers" ) has sucessfully built a "Time Tunnel" based on the "Unified Field Theory" and the "Phildelphia Experiment" on the Navy's U.S.S. Eldridge of Einstein and reseach done FROM first I was skeptical about such matters, and aquated it with ravings of a diranged "mad men", but he used a name I was formilar with and knew he was not a "mad men" ( name DELETE for security reasons...will EXPLAIN later...... ) we will call him Dr. M for now....Dr. M was research the way to store greats amounts of Analog ( digital, later on ) optical Holographic data, greater then magnetic could accomplish....Time, is a very strange mechanism it is the four dimension ( 4d ) but can be inter-changed by space resulting in a ( 5d ) or Hyper~Space, which each temporal fold is 90 degrees to the previous vector, finally in-folding to the point of infinity ( or Infinity - 1 ) as a un-obtainable value or function, as a singularity in a "Black Hole" or neutronic temporal worm-hole colapse ending point.....He told me that Dr. M had fould that optical and electromagnet waves could store great Analog data, greater than anybody had conceived possible....Also that they now had Analog computer technology that could do chaotic calculations in the quadrilions ( remember the year is 1982 ), just now being accomplished in 2000s but only a very primitive level of digital quantum computing.....It would take a very superior computer ( Analog ) to accomplish the super~position computations necessary to control such a "Time Tunnel" of whic in the general market was not available, even though we were working on KRAY super computer technologies in those days.....I do not believe that the 1940s EINAC could have done such a job, it would have required such a super computer in tandem ( hundreds of machines ) to do the constant temporal corrections to keep the Space/Time in sync, almost an imposible task, but remember we built the "Atomic Bomb" under the same conditions, a "Crash Program" known better as a "Black Program" today, so who knows what could come FROM throwing enough money at the problem could accomplish in a short time, remember Tesla science had already exsisted, and proof of his research lead to "particle beam weapons" and modern electronics ( diodes, transistors, Triads, Leds, etc. ).....more on that later
Which was to produce "sky to water" ( Blue ) invisibility, which did work intially, but but went horroribly wrong, possibly FROM mis-calculation, as they believed that they had bent light only but in fact had created a Space/Time distortion ( Gravity Scalar Wave ), brought on by their elemental understanding of Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" or his "Special Relativity" Theory, based on Gravitonics,as the graviton is not just one particle, a photon )( or Quanta ) but has a duality counter-part, a anti-photon ( or phonon, such as Fogal's CBT possesses ), such as matter has anti-matter, or to produce "super conductivity" requires, theoritically "Cooper pairing", as the universal constant, as Greg has stated exsist as "Steady State" Physics shows, there is no "Big Bang", sorry Hawkins, an Kiku ( "String Theory" ).

Our numerous experiments has simply proven them wrong, with PPCM imperical proof, and the experiments with "Wave Probagation", proving that SETI is a big "cosmic joke" on both NASA and the US taxpayer ( it is now owned by MS Bill Gates and Paul Allen, now the "Pheonix Project" and SETI@Home ) as any advanced alien civilization, older than 500 to 1000 years would be using "Gravity Bi~Wave" to talk amongst the Stars, and these aliens would give their children the lesser "low band", in the EM Hydrogen frequency, as we do with our children, crystal radios, CB, etc.

So if ET is out there he is not going to wait 200 years, or greater, between transmit and recieve ( 400 years ) to say "hello" and then "Goodbye", as we are dealing with the speed of light ( 186,342.01 miles per sec or 300,000 meters per sec. ) and with that probagation you would not have much of a conversation, with ET, but Fogal's type of "Phase Conjugate" technology ( there is the Aspen device, also ) which, uniqually has no probagation ( 3d Space/Time ) delay, as we have demonstrated to both NASA and the military ( Augusta-Tech meeting, and I was there ) so they have known about this concept, but have never totally understood this Teslan function, PPCM.

Last, this was the "Montauk Project", as I had said the result of the "Philadelhia Experiment" lesson, finally learned, with great harm to the Eldridge naval crew, our usual practice, like the atomic bomb exposure to our miltary, so what else is new, so what if those sailors got stuck in the bulkheads, its all for science sake, and if it drove the rest crazy, that is ok, they are only sailors, ya right.....
>>> Was that a fact? Is there credible and verifiable documentation to corroborate that and anything that is published about either Philadelphia or Montauk?

If, you desire to continue, I will be glad to respond, but remember, the Internet has cyber eyes and ears ( FBI " the dreaded "C" ) also you may find extra information at the and look in their archieve under Tesla, they just released about 6 Meg Bytes of confiscated documents, released by the "Freedom of Information Act", so called "Open Records" Act.

>>> No doubt I have been marked already, especially if, as I suspect there is some direct connection between some of my current distresses and any of these previous "never happened" covert operations..

>>>>Another question for you to. In my browsing countless pages on the www about Montauk and other related topics, it was suggested that the hundreds of cell phone transmission and relay towers that are see envery, but like sentinels in the scores around every major city in North America, alre also a part of the ongoing mind control efforts of either the government or other rogue organizations and agencies. Can you enlighten at all on this topic. I have had rigning in my ears since I was about nine year of age, which has been accredited to an ear injury where one of my ear drums was punctured by aloud noise. In recent days since I have been digging INTO these things, the rigning is becoming louder, and occasionally even overbearing such as accoustic feedback, and this has happened several times in the past 10 -12 years under certain situations.
~You can either stay on the course you have taken already, as the damage has been you have nothing to loss, or you can just float...either way the "bad guys" have lost....we just have to fix the mess that has been left, and I have a way of helping you with your "Inter~phase" disease ( DOR ), so I will get back to you soon....
the HyTDRA Hacker

Thanks for hearing me out _I

an honest corporation, ESOP......

R. A. Berman C.C.S.C. ( edu, com, gov, mil ( cc ) )
CEO WS2000 Inc. USA -Now- HOLO~TESLONIX d.b.a., an honest corporation, ESOP
Office Phone: 281.367.3123 alternate 281.367.0022 but not active yet
CTO U.L.T.R.I.U.M. - HOLIX Labs USA / Finland ( office Shut-Down )
URL / IP Address : / and now and our Holo~grams are at

E-mail : [email protected] -alternate- [email protected] - not active, now [email protected]

R. A. Berman CCSC ( edu, com, gov, mil(cc) )
E-mail: [email protected]

I will glqadly entertain further discussioins with you or anyone else who will offer more that personal opions and biases against others with real interest in pursuing realtime information about these things as I am finding in one of the forums I am following about Montauk. I have notices that only one individual has replied to any of the posts I have made at the Time Travel Institute forums under the new thread I began in the Montauk/PX discussion last week.


<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zx
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 14:22:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Zxavier" <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: Montauk, PX, etc...I will be glad to answer all of your questions and try to help you with your possible exposure or DOR ( Deadly Orgonic Radiation ) which comes FROM emissions fo "Temporal Tampering" for those who do not know what they are doing or caring

To: "R. A. Berman C.C.S.C." <[email protected]>

"R. A. Berman C.C.S.C." wrote:

I will be glad to answer all of your questions and try to help you with your possible exposure or DOR ( Deadly Orgonic Radiation ) which comes FROM emissions fo "Temporal Tampering" for those who do not know what they are doing or care about the harm they are causing......My associate has bee exposed to DOR and has totally recovered biologically ( he may still "inter-phase", only God knows )

>>> Please describe the known manifestations of 'interphase.'

so we possibly may be able to remidy your auditoral coecleric damage ( ringing in the ears, as a primitive cause, the damage ear drum, very questionable, in deed......So I will answer at the bottom of your email enquires on each response of yours, and for historical reference to requalify the enfortion and make since of the DATA I am about to supply be careful who generally see this reply, Zxavier...the HyTDRA Hacker

Is this an acronym or pseudonym? HyTDRA Hacker, that is ??

----- Original Message -----
From: Zxavier
To: R. A. Berman
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 7:16 PM
Subject: Montauk, PX, etc

TO: Mr. Daniel E. Laurier: [email protected] or Codenamed: Zxavier: [email protected]

>>> For all future correspondence in these things, please use only [email protected] until further notice. I will be posting in all message forums pertaining to these things only under Zxavier and Cmdr Zxavier. Thanks

~And I will use my "old power name" in the Hyper~Hacking community ( 2600C ), the HyTDRA Hacker

>>>> That's fine with me . . . .

First, this was forwarded to me by or , and I feel if you have a local Teslan in your area, you should try to consult with him/her, as this type of territory is mainly alien,

>>> Ok, let us park here.
1. First, what is a Teslan?

~A follower of Nicola Tesla ( professional knowledge ) and we are not aliens, but "good human beings"

>>> To your knowledge are there other intelligent life humanoid forms on this time line's good ol' Earth besides ours? I tend to believe that there are.

2. How would Go about locating such an one?

~A follower of Nicola Tesla can not be found in the telephone directories, unless you look under Electrical Engineer, ie. EE, as I am, most, an EE knows of Tesla's invention of AC power ( not Edison ) and his dynomos at Niagra Falls power station ( the Nigra Grid, as we call it ).

>>> Might there be one in the Greenville, SC area that you could direct and refer me to for further assistance in these careful matters?

3. Alien, such as life forms other than EH-1's??

~And again, we are not aliens, but "good human beings", train in the "Teslan way".
excuse the pun, for most to understand, as what I am about to impart to you has been known by more than 300,000 plus Teslans.

>>> Are the Teslans any relations to the Maealeans??

~And once again, we are not aliens, but "good human beings", trained to help humankind and do no harm to it with our or other science, like NanoTechnologies ( My E.I.N.S.T.E.I.N. Project blogger on my web site ) a credo we take very serious, following the mandate set down by Tesla himself.........."help humankind and do no harm to it with our or other science", paraphrased...

To start this "turn of the century" ( 1900 ) journey, you must go back to that time to help you form the proper decision about what is about to be given to you as wisdom only known by "true" Teslans and the Defense Intellegance Agency, ie. the DIA ( the real "Men In Black", ie. the MIB, and dispite what the movies have presented to the public, these are not "nice people", as they will kill you if you some how interfere with their "lawless" agenda. Next,

>>> I have heard only sketchy things about the clandestine protectors of the most 'secret' things in the government. I am aware that I have been under some for of surveillance for most of my adult life. In recent days, several different hellicopters and an occasional fixed-wing aircraft fly within electronic viewing distance, several close enough to be sniped at or by with conventional pea shooter weaponry. Could this be as a result of the serious digging I am in forbidden areas of understanding?

>>> All but one of the three different choppers bore the insignia of local television stations, but that doesn't mean anything at all, the fixed wing aircraft last week had no other markings besides the registration number.

~ Once apon a time, in a far off galaxy, our galaxy ( not Star Wars tm ) on a small planet called Terra ( Earth ) soon to be "evil men" took charge of the third planet in our solar system in the 1950s.....
I started this way to make a point, we are not dealing in Sci-Fi here,

>>> Neither am I, no not at all . . .

people and scientist have been killed by the "Evil Empire" ( and I am not talking about the old USSR )....First it was President Isenhower's GROUP known as Majestic 12

>>> I have seen some of the hollywood plays on this, knowing it was only a scratch on the surface . . .

( now it is Majestic 13 ) or MJ12 as it has gotten abrievated by the military ( their normal practice ) and UFOers which originally had a possible good agenda but "Wealthy evil" types took over the original agenda, and caused a split, now "GOOD" and "EVIL" now ran our planet.....So, there has been a constant war to control Earth, the "Good Guys" Teslans, the "Bad Guys", the "Illuninati" ( MJ12 or now MJ13 ) we are soon going to go to War ( and I am not talking about Iraq ), and the "Bad Guys" know they have lost, and will soon be defeated by the Teslans, as we possess hyper superior technology ( Fogal's Transistor is a toy ) when Illuminati finally raises their head, we Teslans will cut it off. ....Over 300,000 Teslans went under ground 3 years ago ( I have not been able to get in touch with them to join the fight, said to say ), to prepare for this soon historical making event, we will elliminate all who have united with them, in the most painful way we have at our disposal, to make an example of them to all future tyrrants, that we will always win......

>>>Perchance have you ever heard of the USIS and/or the PTF, or the YMC?

~Now, to your surveillance, it is well known that those who come in contact purposely or accidentally are placed under monitoring, as I was told by "Condor" my CIA/NSA/DIA contact many years ago, sorry can not use his real name as he is still active, I worked with him in the 1980s to solve the bugging ( listenning devices ) in the Russian built American Embassy, and found the solution to neutrialize those numerous bugs, but the government did not use it.....

I started reading, but did not finish the reading the book "Spy catcher," written by one of the former insiders of I Think it was M15 during and after WWII, who helpend unbug that bugging system and worked in the techmnbology to make it further useful for the British and US governments.

Know the "ring in your ears" could have been a projected monitoring or possibly an implaint, when you were younger or at birth,

In the early 1990's I was led in a sort of Alice In Wonderland type story where I was alleged to have been a part of an elaborate underground covert researh and developement project. let me see if I can get all the terminology was purported to be a paramilitary/quasigovernment/eugenics and cybernetics research and developement project with all sorts of bizarre cloning, implantation of cybernetics and micronics devices . . . it was really wild. This occurred while I was incarcerated for a felony offense that I actually committed . . . some of this wild scenaro included my HAVING been swapped in and out of at least one other lifestyle across a grey zone and on and on. The individual that led me through this I have since lost contact with and is being protected by someone . . . I have tried to dismiss this, but now wonder if this could have actually happened on another time line that I was phasing back and forth over many times in my life.
I said all of the in regards to the "Punkin Patch and Presidential Task Force Scenario, because this is when I first had the feedback problems with my ears . . .although I had noticed for many years that certain ring frequencies in my ears would become more intense aoften when around high tension power lines . . .

that may have malfunctioned because of the intense EM you were exposed to, if you had any direct exposure to the "Light" ( Temporal Phasing of photons ) of both the "Montauk Project / Philadelphia Experiment"

>>> Back to a previous question . . . was the Montauk Light House itself used as a part of those experiments?

>>> One other question one of the Nichols / Moon books on Montauk, they made extensive mention of the Earth's Morphogenic Grid. I did some rearch on that and everywhere I have lived for most of my life, even while moving around in the USAF as mircrowave radio manitenance technician, I was on or very near a major node of this grid, and even now today in Greenville, SC . . . do you have any comments as to this item?

now advancing to more complex experimentation, as a resent EMP event had demonstrated in 2000-1, "frying birds", blowing power out, and knocking out a Radio Station, in those regions known for such experiments ( your area, Ky, Tn, SC, NC, etc. ), so you are not the only one who may have been exposed, and probably won't be the last, if our "mad men" have their way........

>>> COuld this be something that is being done at the Donaldson Industrial Center outside of Greenville?

Below is a non "Black Program" Tokamak EM torroidal heating device, and if they can build this monstrocity, you can image what the "Black Programmer" could build back 50 years ago....what do you thing, ha....possibly nano tech, or at least micro-tech........remember the Transistor was developed in the 1950s ( Tesla concept )....

>>>> The picture did not come throught at all. Is there a link I could follow to view that, if you please,thanks.


Zx note: I have the picture for anyone who is interested for a personal E-Mail to [email protected].


Could this be the New concept Tocamak, size wise?

I have been a student of our lost mentor Nicola Tesla for more than 30 years, and a member of the International Tesla Society ( Colorado Springs, Colorado ) and once a member of MUFON, when I was younger and more foolish in my youth, and quit for health reasons, I strangely decided I would like to live a little bit longer, as most of us at some time meet our "friendly" ( NOT ) MIBs.

>>> Do you know if there are any Teslans or members of MUFON in the state of SC?

~Look up a Electrical Engineer, ie. EE, at one of your colleges or universities ( possible the teacher at a two year colledge ) USC.......

>>>I must close for now. I will continue this later in the evening.

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zx
RE: Phas Shifting

<<ME . But that was along time ago... If you can read through some of my old old posts, I mention how I was constantly feeling shifted and phased (bleeding through) other realities. I haven't been getting these feelings as great in frequency as in the beginning (but more in other ways and means). I am more grounded (dull) and more human (reasonable) now then ever not to mention those responsible know better then to make me an even bigger adversary .


Would you care to elaborate more on this? What did you sense in these times? What triggered them, as you would suppose? Ae you implying that this was deliberately caused, and if so why and by whom?

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zx
From [email protected] Thu Aug 1 16:51:45 2002
X-Apparently-To: [email protected]

Hello Zxavier - I just wanted to make you aware that Al Bielek will make a rare appearance at the 4th Annual Bay Area UFO Expo., Sept 14 - 15, at the Santa Clara Marriot Hotel.

I will be there. My name is Larry Jamison, host of "The Larry Jamison Show." heard here in San Luis Obispo on KGLW, 1340 AM.,

Al Bielek will give his free lecture 2:00 to 2:45 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14 and his workshop is 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. that same day. I will be at the David Icke workshop which over-laps Al, so I will have to buy the tape FROM his presentation. I hope to see you there.

best always, Larry Jamison, host, "The Larry Jamison Show"

Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 12:39:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Zxavier"
Subject: Re: Montauk Project / Philadelhia Experiment
To: [email protected]


Yes, I received the big blurb you sent to my personal E-Mail address with the X-Chronicles. I would be thrilled to be there, however, this is not a possibility short of a miracle or two. I am across the country in Greenville, SC, and living in a homeless shelter on top of that, with no expense monies for the rare oportunity of speaking with another who might be able to give me some reliable information about Motauk, PX and other related topics.

If you are Following my posts at the X-Chronicles, you are aware that I am in detailed exchanges with R. A. Berman CCSC ( edu, com, gov, mil(cc) ),
E-mail: [email protected], "~And I will use my "old power name" in the Hyper~Hacking community ( 2600C ), the HyTDRA Hacker," as well as posting a Montauk Forum at,, and at www.SAFe-mail.Net. My current flurry of activity is as a direct result of my firm belief that I was inadvertantly exposed to Deadly Orgonic Radiation in possibly two diferent forms as a child while visiting Montauk Point at an overnight stay on the beach between the ages of eight and nine.

Still digging for the truth,


PS I am using only my screen name Zxavier in these discussions and [email protected] or [email protected]. Thanks

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zx
From Zxavier Tue Aug 6 16:05:07 2002
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 16:05:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Zxavier" <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: Montauk, PX, etc...I will be glad to answer all of your questions and try to help you with your possible exposure or DOR ( Deadly Orgonic Radiation ) which comes FROM emissions fo "Temporal Tampering" for those who do not know what they are doing or care

To: "R. A. Berman C.C.S.C." <[email protected]>

Round #2 Part 2

I am somewhat handicapped by HAVING to use public Web Termainals at the local library through their WAN, at which I must submit to hour long blocks of access time, plus I live in a homeless whelter which has certain restrictions of comings and goings day and night. This is getting to be a much greater hassle with this ongoing research project.

"R. A. Berman C.C.S.C." wrote:

How about MIB activity. The old Donaldson Air Base, AKA Greenvile Air Force Base here, which has officially has been closed since the 1950's is still often visited by numerous government planes supposedly to be retrofitted for other uses by the civilian cotractor that is at the industrial park now on that site, but I lived right in the glide path of that place for over 2 years and noticed many unmarked aircraft, including military appearing copters, frequenting that refuge . . . have you any information about that?

>>> I must also note that while in the Air Force between May 1971 and December 1980, I was at the following locations that I am certain of HAVING been There are other possibilities if the PP & PTF Scenario have any crdibility at all: In ORDER FROM Baisc Traning: Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX, May - June 1971, Keesler AFB, Biloxi, MS, June 1971 - April 1972, Kadena Air Base, Okinawa Jima, Japan April 1972 - May 1973, Shaw AFB, Sumter, SC, June 1973 - April 1977, Lajes Field, Terceira, Azores, May 1977 - January 1981. I also passed through Travis AFB, CA coming and going to and FROM Kadena, and Mc Guire AFB, Wrightstown, NJ coming and going to and FROM Lajes. I can elablrate a little more on some of that, but most is verry foggy at this point. This does not surprise me at all since Ihave reason to believe the fact of my visible military activies were just a cover anyway . . .

>>> I was also assigned TDY and Nellis AFB, Las Vegas for a short period of time, and at several others during so-called "war games" in the 1970's. While at Nellis I almost "fried," I suppose what would be called a nervous breakdown, for no apparent reason. this occurrred several times while I was on active duty in the Air Force, at least once at Shaw AFB, proper, once while TDY at Nellis, and at least once while I was at Lajes Field. Actually, I believe I may have undergone a complete phase split and lost it during reintergratiion. I say this assuming that you believe there is such a thing as natural phase shifting and splitting. More on this supposition later in another dirge.

~Black Birds ( U-2, SR-71, now the Arora ),

>>> The SR-71 "Habu" was a pretty bird to watch taking off INTO the early morning as they did daily FROM Kadena while I was stationed there. It was a stock joke about their "going to watch the sun over Korea every day. I haven't seen anything like that locally, but some very strange looking birds do fly out of Donaldson and that quite oft.

developed by the "Skunk Works" are obviously primitive craft compare to what true "black projects" possess, however, the popular choice of today is the "Black Hawk" Heliocopter, or something like the "preditor", and the CIA at the old air base they hanger in Arizona, next to our old office HQ got bored and gave my corporate's president ( he is a pilot, "birds of a feather flock together" ) who graduated FROM Emery was shown the guts of the "Black Bird" chopper, the "Long Bow" over the horizon radar, top secret, ya, read Janes Journal.....and further they do use old "so-called" abandoned military bases, of one is yours, as we had the Arora engine test by a "so-called" secret base

>>> You're corroborating my suspicioins about the Donaldson Air Base still being used covertly by rogue factions of the government and/or others ????

in our Texas "Big Thicket" State Park, which injured and finally killed the people ( two, with one still serviving, barely ) who had been exposed to it's high intense nuclear scram jet pulses, with the results of both severe radiation burns ( also burned the paint off of these 3 victims' car ) cancer later, ten years ago. It would have been covered up, except for a well trained doctor who had seen radiation burns before, as our local media reported it.

>>> Just prior to my moving to the Rescue Mission in downtown Greenville, FROM the neighborhood only on the edge of the Donalson Industrial Park, I started noticing an irritation on my right hand, I thought at first to be an allergy or perhaps FROM a insect or spider bite one of the fingers. This has now become a burning itching mess that is spreading gradually up the entire upper portion of my right hand. It has several different phases including dry scalls, open sore, and larger red lumps that resemble blind boils that never take a head. Some times, this aches all the way INTO the bones of my hand. Could this be the result of some form of narrow beam radiation poisoning? I am certain there were many covert radiation experiments happening at Donaldson, since ofter other RF devices just refused to workproperly if at all in that area.

So, here is o?ur tail of scientific superior technologies, hundreds of years a head of our 21ST Century, with the greatest inventor of our time, and I am not talking about Edison, I refer to Tesla, as he had ore than a 1000 patents, greater than Edison, who criminal stealing of Tesla's historical legecy of the invention of "Electricity" ( AC ), which has never been corrected to this day in the history books, by science or the MEDIA, and Tesla also invent "Radio" ( CW, RF, etc. ) not Marconi, another theif of history. Further, the reason I am giving you this "history lesson" is to SHOW how things and facts can be twisted, to cover-up or obsure those that would try to help "humankind", and either end up dead, or discredited.

>>> I have no problems with that. This is only in agreement with the author of "HyperSpace."

So, to answer questions today about the two Teslan projects, done by both the military and the "Black Programs" require a finess, only Teslan can generate, as these subjects are very complicated for the "general public" to understand and a great deal of scientist, who are just now beginning to comprehend who and what Tesla was and represents today in all levels of science.

Five years ago, I worked at the first Nanotechnologies corporation, at NASA, Johnson Space Center or JSC, as we call it ( home of the astronauts ), Clear lake, Texas, the Nano-Tech Research and Development Corporation ( Inc, IPO ) to help a friend of mine produce a method of manufacturing a new type of optical transistor, the Fogal "Charge Barrier" ( or Blocking, as Berden states ) Transistor, ie. CBT, Bill has been my friend ( adopted brother and a "Pain in the Ass" ) and partner since 1994, and so much so he sold me one of his very powerful original six "first prototype" transistors, of which I have conducted thousands of experiments, based on his "Pumped Phase Conjugate" ( Mirror ) or PPCM optical concept, that lead to new communication technologies, not based on Electro Magnetics, ie.EM, but Teslan longitudinal Gravitonic Scalar Bi~wave.

>>> I know that I have never studied anything about these transistor technologies, and yet as with some of the theorectical physics I am curretnly studying in the book "Hyperspace," some of that material was very familiar, as though somewhere I had seen it before . . . when I read your note the first time for content, it wasn't entirely strange to me..

>>> And it wasn't something I read studying basic electronics in the Air Force or anything for my Amateur Radio Lcence, WA4YXJ . .. but I know I have seen these things before in more than just reading casually.

~How and if I can EXPLAIN Bill's CB Transistor is both difficult and timely, however it has taken be almost every bit of six years to understand the rutimtary concepts just to make it work and produce a product, mainly Bill's fault, as he promised me a second CBT, but to this day I have but one ( powerful though ) to do my research, as Tom Berden has had four CBTs to my one, but that has not slowed me down in my experimentation one bit, I just simply found replacement technology to do some of Fogal's CBT functions.........But I do get mad at Bill some time, as he has cost me and my partner about $ 100,000 in cost.......and he still to this day has not produced new CBT units.......which Bill has promised me for years, as I taught him about Holo~graphic video, as he only new about Holo~graphic audio.......So I have accomplished it with a mix of different technologies fron different fields of science, mathematics, chaos ( Analog noise cancellation ) , Holographics ( my own VR research, ALLH ) , Nano~Tech ( NASA, JSC, Clear Lake, Texas ), and "Blue to Ultra~Violet" LEDS and Laser diodes ( PPCM ) and a number of bits and pieces FROM Vulcunology ( Gravitonic Wave Patterns )........
Such that Bill had worked with Boeing and explained how his CBT could be used to elliminate EM "noise" in their 777 jets, and that he could also dramatically decrease their fuel consumption, by using the CBT to create , as I call it, "Hydrogen nuecli" anti-drag, and NASA and Boeing are both looking in commiting funds ( Nasa, $ 600,000, and possible a Billion dollars by Boeing, if they can get it to work ( but they are going to fail, as they are using "Super Conductivity" to accomplish "Anti-Gravity" or "Propulsionless Propulsion" as the idiots at NASA call it, they are afraid to you the big "A-G" ) and if it does not "blow-up" on the or worse, as they do not know what they are experimenting with.

>>> Chuckle

~ agree, LOL........

Therefore, they are starting to delve, even though they have no idea what they are doing, as Teslans have been working on these concepts for almost a hundred years hence,
>>> I have been absolutely persuaded for over ten years, that the technology that has billed as fictional in space sci-fi, paramilitary, law enforcement and spy vs spy
for at least three quarters of a century has been either real and functional in some rudimentary form at the time, and / or real in the future that has been sent back in the form of historical abstracts to be shown in media fiction as a stark warning of what to expect in the future if we don't get straight. How far off base am I with these wild specilations of mine>?

~Right on the money, sad to say.......

>>> In other words concerning transporter & teleporation, the technology did exist at the time of the first "Star Trek" Series in the late 1960'S? How about Warp Drive engines?
Would you believe that I am out of time again? I must relog on to the system or lose this item without sending it.

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zx
4th Annual Bay Area UFO Expo., Sept 14 - 15

Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 11:19:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Zxavier" <[email protected]> Subject: Re:
To: "Larry Jamison" <[email protected]>

Subject: 4th Annual Bay Area UFO Expo., Sept 14 - 15

Larry Jamison wrote:

Cmdr Zxavier - I appreciate your prompt reply. Because you access the message boards, I will post back to xchronicles after I meet Al Bielek. I have been asked to give him the phone number and address of Dennis Bossack, owner of DNA Live Radio in Deming, N.M. Dennis told me that Al had talked of moving to Deming himself soon, so I have this feeling that we will have more exchanges down the road.

Dennis has decided to re-broadcast my radio program archives Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m. Moutain time and Thurs, 7-8 p.m. Mountain time. Maybe you cannot listen to audio files on a public computer, but I thought I would give you the information just the same.

Click the hyperlink "DNA LIVE RADIO" and on that page click the radio program banner further down the page.

Thanks for writing well, Larry J.


Thank you so very much for responding personally. For some reason my correspondence with the other previously mentioned party has abruptly ended, as suddenly as it began. I am trusting that this is a temporary situation and that my intense line of questioning over unsecured internet E-Mails has not jeapordized him.

It seems that any detailed discussions of the Montauk Project, Philadelphia Eaperiment or any other such related topics of noe-existent quaisi-government operations, almost immediately draws the attention of similarly none existen quaisi-government (deliberately misspelled quaisi- Zx) watchdogs, to make things difficult.

Do you suppose that Al Bielek would entertain any personal corrspondence with myself at any point? Do you have a valid E-Mail address for him, that you are at liberty to give out for those need ing more serious investigation INTO these things? There appears to be none to be found at his site, or anwwhere else. Likewise for any of the other reported key operatives in the Montauk Project.

Any and all assistance you can and will provide in my search for the truth that is out there is greatly appreciated.

Still digging fervently,


[email protected]

[email protected]
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zx
From: "Zxavier" <[email protected]> |
Subject: Re: Montauk, PX, etc...Round #2 Part #3
To: "R. A. Berman C.C.S.C." <[email protected]>

>>> Hopefully, I can finish up in this hour block. This is becoming quite a time consuming investigation and tiring also.

>>> Can you tell me, what exactly did happen at Montauk? I have read three of the Nichols and Moon books in the past. My concern is that I know I was at least Montauk near the light twice between the spring of 1959 and the fall of 1960 as an eight and nine year old. I believe that I am one who is gifted with natural phase shifting abilities and these may have been maleffected by my being in the close proximity of such a powerful phase shifting rf field. Was the Montauk Light ever a part of these experiments as a transducer/traceiver in modulated light experiments?

~That is a very long story, as only "bits and piece" sometime have "sneaked out", but it is rare to get the
"whole story" in one shot, so you will have to take my word on what I am about to tell you, and you can take it with a "grain of salt", or "ton of salt" but a lot of what I know came FROM reliable sources over the years, NASA meetings, Tesla meeting, contacts in the scientific and military communities......I had a conversation in 1982, at the Nationional Computer Conference, ie. NCC ( like Comdex, but world, very big....) and met a EE who was exploring the possiblity of using "Ionic propulsion" to levitate a car, electro~stactically ( it is no diffent when your car "Hydro-planes" over 35 miles an hour ) and he told me about that the government ( Black Programmers" ) has sucessfully built a "Time Tunnel" based on the "Unified Field Theory" and the "Phildelphia Experiment" on the Navy's U.S.S. Eldridge of Einstein and reseach done FROM first I was skeptical about such matters, and aquated it with ravings of a diranged "mad men", but he used a name I was formilar with and knew he was not a "mad men" ( name DELETE for security reasons...will EXPLAIN later...... ) we will call him Dr. M for now....Dr. M

>>> That wasn't Maxwell or Miller was it? When I was young living in Montvale, NJ, our Family doctor was Dr. George Miller. He was a somewaht eccentric person, one of the first in the 60's to have a deisel powered car . . . I relocated FROM NNJ with my family to Walton, NY in October 1962, soon afterwards Dr. Miller resigned his medical practice to take a commission in the US Navy. I was only partially paying attention as a teenager, howver, I ebeleve that my father told my he was a Admiral with his own shit by the time I was in my early teens....that is very rapid progression if you ask me. This "Family Physician," as he later was referred to in the "Punkin Patch and Presidential Task Force" scenario, had his practice adjacent to his own home, including the X-Ray equipment.

>>>Another interesting note as well. My Uncle Eugene James Laurier, my father's older brother was alledge to have been killed in 1943 in a plane crash dyuring a training flight in Florida. My father never spoke much of his brother as I was growing up, and Uncle James came up in the scenario as a key player also. I have for the past 11 plus years had the gnawing inner persuasion that Uncle James was not really killed in that reported accident but this was only another of many reidentifcation devises the government uses when operatives get too hot and must disappear for a fashion, even as my staying in prsion was supposed to be a cool down when the orginal Plan A failed and I admitted I was guilty. Am I a aving maniac....I don't believe so . . . You're welcomed to embrace that if you wish. I am merely attempting to ravel some major mysteries that all my be a part of the same ugly knot!!

~ was research the way to store greats amounts of Analog ( digital, later on ) optical Holographic data, greater then magnetic could accomplish....Time, is a very strange mechanism it is the four dimension ( 4d ) but can be inter-changed by space resulting in a ( 5d ) or Hyper~Space, which each temporal fold is 90 degrees to the previous vector, finally in-folding to the point of infinity

>>> Is it possible for us "normally," what even this "normal" is, to sense phase shfits in the space/time contiuum? In the past several days, the elements themselves bespeak of a major phase disturbance..... This isn't really something you can quantify, only sense, I believe . . . .

( or Infinity - 1 ) as a un-obtainable value or function, as a singularity in a "Black Hole" or neutronic temporal worm-hole colapse ending point.....He told me that Dr. M had fould that optical and electromagnet waves could store great Analog data, greater than anybody had conceived possible....Also that they now had Analog computer technology that could do chaotic calculations in the quadrilions ( remember the year is 1982 ), just now being accomplished in 2000s but only a very primitive level of digital quantum computing.....It would take a very superior computer ( Analog ) to accomplish the super~position computations necessary to control such a "Time Tunnel" of whic in the general market was not available, even though we were working on KRAY super computer technologies in those days.....I do not believe that the 1940s EINAC could have done such a job,

>>>> Most doubtful ...

it would have required such a super computer in tandem ( hundreds of machines ) to do the constant temporal corrections to keep the Space/Time in sync, almost an imposible task, but remember we built the "Atomic Bomb" under the same conditions, a "Crash Program" known better as a "Black Program" today, so who knows what could come FROM throwing enough money at the problem could accomplish in a short time, remember Tesla science had already exsisted, and proof of his research lead to "particle beam weapons" and modern electronics ( diodes, transistors, Triads, Leds, etc. ).....more on that later

>>> Great deal !!!

Which was to produce "sky to water" ( Blue ) invisibility, which did work intially, but but went horroribly wrong, possibly FROM mis-calculation, as they believed that they had bent light only but in fact had created a Space/Time distortion ( Gravity Scalar Wave ),

>>> When was this event?

brought on by their elemental understanding of Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" or his "Special Relativity" Theory, based on Gravitonics,as the graviton is not just one particle, a photon )( or Quanta ) but has a duality counter-part, a anti-photon ( or phonon, such as Fogal's CBT possesses ), such as matter has anti-matter, or to produce "super conductivity" requires, theoritically "Cooper pairing", as the universal constant, as Greg has stated exsist as "Steady State" Physics shows, there is no "Big Bang", sorry Hawkins, an Kiku ( "String Theory" ).

Our numerous experiments has simply proven them wrong, with PPCM imperical proof, and the experiments with "Wave Probagation", proving that SETI

>>> Please forgive my ignorance, or did I miss something, but what is SETI?

is a big "cosmic joke" on both NASA and the US taxpayer ( it is now owned by MS Bill Gates and Paul Allen, now the "Pheonix Project" and SETI@Home ) as any advanced alien civilization, older than 500 to 1000 years would be using "Gravity Bi~Wave" to talk amongst the Stars, and these aliens would give their children the lesser "low band", in the EM Hydrogen frequency, as we do with our children, crystal radios, CB, etc.

So if ET is out there he is not going to wait 200 years, or greater, between transmit and recieve ( 400 years ) to say "hello" and then "Goodbye", as we are dealing with the speed of light ( 186,342.01 miles per sec or 300,000 meters per sec. ) and with that probagation you would not have much of a conversation, with ET, but Fogal's type of "Phase Conjugate" technology ( there is the Aspen device, also ) which, uniqually has no probagation ( 3d Space/Time ) delay, as we have demonstrated to both NASA and the military ( Augusta-Tech meeting, and I was there ) so they have known about this concept, but have never totally understood this Teslan function, PPCM.

Last, this was the "Montauk Project", as I had said the result of the "Philadelhia Experiment" lesson, finally learned, with great harm to the Eldridge naval crew, our usual practice, like the atomic bomb exposure to our miltary, so what else is new, so what if those sailors got stuck in the bulkheads, its all for science sake, and if it drove the rest crazy, that is ok, they are only sailors, ya right.....
>>> Was that a fact? Is there credible and verifiable documentation to corroborate that and anything that is published about either Philadelphia or Montauk?


If, you desire to continue, I will be glad to respond, but remember, the Internet has cyber eyes and ears ( FBI " the dreaded "C" ) also you may find extra information at the and look in their archieve under Tesla, they just released about 6 Meg Bytes of confiscated documents, released by the "Freedom of Information Act", so called "Open Records" Act.

>>> No doubt I have been marked already, especially if, as I suspect there is some direct connection between some of my current distresses and any of these previous "never happened" covert operations..
>>>>Another question for you to. In my browsing countless pages on the www about Montauk and other related topics, it was suggested that the hundreds of cell phone transmission and relay towers that are see envery, but like sentinels in the scores around every major city in North America, alre also a part of the ongoing mind control efforts of either the government or other rogue organizations and agencies. Can you enlighten at all on this topic. I have had rigning in my ears since I was about nine year of age, which has been accredited to an ear injury where one of my ear drums was punctured by aloud noise. In recent days since I have been digging INTO these things, the rigning is becoming louder, and occasionally even overbearing such as accoustic feedback, and this has happened several times in the past 10 -12 years under certain situations.

~You can either stay on the course you have taken already, as the damage has been you have nothing to loss, or you can just float...either way the "bad guys" have lost....we just have to fix the mess that has been left, and I have a way of helping you with your "Inter~phase" disease ( DOR ), so I will get back to you soon....

>>> Inter~phase" disease ( DOR ), = Please EXPLAIN this,

the HyTDRA Hacker

Thanks for hearing me out _I

an honest corporation, ESOP......

>>> Rather, thank you. I await further interaction and I can get me gone

at the pervervbial DROP of a hat . . .

The Truth is out their.

Still Digging,

Zx Note: I have heard no further FROM this colleague since a mail sent to me Wednesday evening, August 07, 2002.

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Zx
RE: Montauk: Additional Places to Go

The Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment

Important note: I have been most careless in my sharing of trademarked and copywrited materials in the forums. The end results I don not know, however, I can say this I am henceforth being much more discrete in my posts. Zx

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Mr. Daniel E. Lauirer

aka: Commander Zxavier