Misleading Arguments Against Time Travel


Temporal Novice
A lot of people on this board have been addressing the issue of religion in regards to time travel. The popular argument is that because Christian doctrine is not conducive to time travel then it is impossible. This argument is extremely misleading because of the fact that one must prove Christian doctrine as true in order to set up this particular argument. I would also be extremely careful with an argument of this structure because of the fact that if time travel is proved possible in the future (and most likely will) then Christian doctrine (based on the argument presented) will be proven false.
I am just curious how everybody else feels about people on this board finding us ignorant because of our scientific views not correlating with those views contained in their religious doctrine.
"The popular argument is that because Christian doctrine is not conducive to time travel then it is impossible." Science Specs
More people have said that Christian doctrine does not contradict the idea of time travel. It is just that the people who feel they must argue to the contrary are alot louder about it. The squeaky wheel if you will.
"one must prove Christian doctrine as true in order to set up this particular argument." Science Specs
I wish this were the case, but in modern science that is just not how things work. People base theories off of the Theory of Relativity and the Theory of Evolution all the time. There is just so much that we can not prove, that if we are to progress in any way we must declare some things "accepted" theories. Science has successive steps starting at opinion and ending with law.
Accepted Theory
"I am just curious how everybody else feels about people on this board finding us ignorant because of our scientific views not correlating with those views contained in their religious doctrine." Science Specs
I believe the real ignorant people are the people who refuse to consider anothers point of veiw because it contradicts theirs. I think it is completely wrong for people to claim you are ignorant, just because you do not believe as they do. This kind of thinking is noncondusive to learning, and gets in the way of progression.
"People base theories off of the Theory of Relativity and the Theory of Evolution all the time." John
Be careful of your logic John, you said "people base theories" which is exactly what they are-- theories. I am addressing the issue of when people write religious doctrine as an absolute, such as "time travel is 'impossible' because the Bible tells me so."

By the way, thank you for writing the successive scientific steps regarding the transformation of an opinion into a law, I never learned them in any of my physics or quantum theory classes.

I am not going to get into the subject of ignorance; however, I do believe the most intelligent people are those who are in continual search of knowledge.
No' where this goes is to the office of Steven Gibbs, as he has said that unless one uses pure copper within their time travel device, that they may end up in a differing type of reality, to where this reality is not beneficial?

This dictates that by Gibbe's say alone, that all wiring on time travel machines must be copper.

I understand that soul transfer through time travel must assure that arrival, just as in birth must be a spiritually accompanied affair.

This is why God is the proviso of said time travel for certain types of people.

However there is an unclear point, when a person of another religion wants to travel and is not Christian by faith.

I feel and have felt for a few years via Pentagon information, on remote viewing that there is a type of God's union, where not one, however a number of gods are present by Earth.

This one issue really clouds the issue of time travel for other faithed individuals who also want to experience time travel, as all the gods in this gods union are not the same.
"By the way, thank you for writing the successive scientific steps regarding the transformation of an opinion into a law, I never learned them in any of my physics or quantum theory classes," ScienceSpecs

You're welcome, don't feel bad about it though, many people get that far in science and are never taught the basics. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif And even sometimes when they learn them they refuse to apply them, but watcha gonna do? The important thing is that now you know it, and any others who have been cheated out of that knowledge also know it. This is a very good thing.
I wasn't being serious. I learned that information in elementary school but it is true that you have probably educated most of the people on this board.