Misc. Montauk Info, what most likely happened?


Temporal Navigator
I was one of the original posters at montaukproject.com anyway, Preston Nichols posted on there, and answered some of my questions, I can post them if anyone is interested. He appears to be a legit electronics expert, but not able to type or eloquently speak for himself, which is why he needed Peter Moon to help him write the books. I don't know the deal maybe someone can confirm, but I would suppose that his brain is not fully functional because of:

C)Born that way
D)Hit on the head
E)Brainwashing Experiment
F)Time Travel Experiment
G)Brainwashing & Time Travel Experiment

I have listed the possibilities in order of most likely, please vote. Thanks.
Of course, theres always the possibility that hes still very much a part of Montauk dis-information. Before people jump on my back about this, all major montauk players could quite easily be controlled in this way. I also don't find it viable that the private funders of projects like Montuak/ P.experiment etc would allow some one "free reign" to expose the whole thing. I know Al claims that both he, Duncan and possibly preston were safe until 2003 due to the time fields correcting themselves on this date (due tpo their time travelling). However there are many ways to shut someone up or take them out of society without killing them.

Not that i am saying this is the case, understand. Just that its a very valid possibility that most people choose not to explore. I won't commit to saying i believe this the case, however.

note: i am not questioning his ability in electronics or the validity of the montauk project's existance.
Thanks for the reply, I was joking in the post a bit though heh. I've never met Preston Nichols in person, but I have talked with him via the net, and he has answered a few of my questions. He's a horrible speller, and he claimed one of his keys on his keyboard was missing, this doesn't mean he's a quack in itself, even mathmaticians can't spell, but I found many inconsistancies in the story he told me compared to that of the book. I have extensively researched every shred of info on the entire net concerning this project, and I've read the trilogy of books. I wish they made a movie on it, even Preston said he wanted it to be a movie as well, but he said something about how the legal rights of the story were tied up somewhere, possibly with the publisher.

Out of my extensive research on this subject I did find proof that the base was open and running until 1984, even though it officially was abandoned in 1983. Tiny shreds of evidence like this are true and line up with the book's view, but of course the best lies are always mixed with some truth.
Yet at this time I think it was a hoax. I once believed it may have been true though, the story is so bizzare I consider it to be brilliant science fiction.

- Razimus
Hi Raz,

Thats quite interesting. I have never spoken to Preston via any means. I'm not really sure about Montauk - especially after i spoke with steve gibbs (he made a very large claim himself). I think that Montauk went on. But i think a hell of a lot of stuff that certain people claim went on, probably didn't.

Whats the best proof of Montauk, is that Camp Hero....IS active today, despite claims from the air base. People are kicked of sensitive [public] areas around the base. The claim is, that there are hazzardous materials lying around. Yet the same park rangers (air force security?) let children play in the same areas (potential montauk boys?) without batting an eye-lid. Also the local electricity network has had employess claiming that there is no way that the few buildings that make up the Camp hero base are using up so much power (i.e. the underground base story is most likely true). There is also a building in moutauk town (i forget the name) that Al Bielek was supposed to have gone to. People who have looked around since, Have claimed that the inside layout of the building does not match the outside. That there is 'missing' space. Also the basement area was a constant source of trouble to find out about. (access to montauk underground?). Al also said before this that the building was literally connected up to the underground base. Overall i think there are a number of testable things that suggest that this is a little more than a hoax - for me personally - though i respect your opinion.

As for the philadelphia experiement, do believe that this happened. I also believe that it is very logical that is would create many spin-off projects - and that technology would advanvce rapidly with the right funding. Add to that the CIA admitted to mind control experiments (if they can say that, then what havent they said!).

But as you said the best lies are linked with truth. So i think ultimately it comes down to individual choice as there is little to no proof for many of the more exotic montauk projects.

kind regards,