Mind Reading for Dummies


Temporal Novice
Earlier I read in a reply to Pladius' post by Pamela that "Thoughts have a frequency" and Pladius responded with the question "any idea of what Range?"

Thoughts do have a frequency which is very low, much like Elephants can communicate over great distances with other Elephants;
using low rumbles.
A Human could not easily hear these sounds or pick up the patterns in an Elephants communication, but there is research that supports the fact and research being done to understand more about the patterns in thier communication.

When I was 7, I took an IQ Test, I did poorly in math but excelled in comprehensive questions.
At the time I was told that my IQ was 120 and that I had the Comprehention of a 22 year old.

As my left brain developed (The left brain controls planning, problem solving and logic and does not fully develope in Males till the age of 25)
I became more and more aware of how people felt, and how those feelings manifested themselves in facial expressions, hand jestures and other forms of body language.

Now I am a tender 24 and will be 25 as of august 28th 2007.
I have become more sensitive in my awareness of Animal expression and Body language.
I can usually tell what people are thinking just by looking at them.
However, when I am not looking at someone, sometimes, and more often than not
I can still feel what they are thinking;
I see an image in my mind of that person
doing exactly what's on thier mind.

Since thoughts travel at different frequencies, in order to pick up on someone's thoughts you'd have to "Tune in"
to they're frequency, which is usually to low for the average person to pick up on.

Bob feels sad, Sally feels good,
but Bobs sadness makes Sally feel more and more sadness
as she spends more time with Bob.
Sally begins to understand why Bob is sad.

All of this can happen within a second or an hour depending on the comprehention of the people involved.

If Bob doesn't understand why he is sad, than Sally almost certainly won't.

I believe the more brain power we use the better we'll understand this
and henceforth be able to utilize it to our advantage,
but I guess that goes without saying.

PS; I highly reccomend looking up "Cold Reading" or anything written by Darren Brown.
Here is a counter point that challenges psychic abillities but also supports evidence for comprehensive mind reading and future observation.

13 point guide to cold reading - Study them well, then amaze your friends with your new found psychic powers!

1. Remember that the key ingredient of a successful character reading is confidence.

If you look and act as if you believe in what you are doing, you will be able to sell even a bad reading to most subjects. One danger of playing the role of reader is that you may actually begin to believe that you really are divining your subject's true character!

2. Make creative use of the latest statistical abstracts, polls and surveys.

These can provide you with much information about what various subclasses in our society believe, do, want , worry about etc. For example, if you can ascertain a subject's place of origin, educational level, and his/her parents' religion and vocations, you have gained information which should allow you to predict with high probability his/her voting preferences and attitudes to many subjects.

3. Set the stage for your reading.

Profess a modesty about your talents. Make no excessive claims. You will then catch your subject off guard. You are not challenging them to a battle of wits - You can read his/her character, whether he/she believes you or not.

4. Gain the subject's cooperation in advance.

Emphasise that the success of the reading depends as much on the subject's cooperation as on your efforts. (After all, you imply, you already have a successful career at character reading - You are not on trial, your subject is!) State that due to difficulties of language and communication, you may not always convey the meaning you intend. In these cases, the subject must strive to fit the reading to his/her own life. You accomplish two valuable ends with this dodge - Firstly, you have an alibi in case the reading doesn't click; it's the subject's fault, not yours! Secondly, your subject will strive to fit your generalities to his/her specific life circumstances. Later, when the subject recalls the reading, you will be credited with much more detail than you actually provided! This is crucial. Your reading will only succeed to the degree that the subject is made an active participant in the reading. The good reader is the one who , deliberately or unwittingly, forces the subject to search his/her mind to make sense of your statements.

5. Use a gimmick, such as Tarot cards, crystal ball, palm reading etc.

Use of props serves two valuable purposes. Firstly, it lends atmosphere to the reading. Secondly, (and more importantly) it gives you time to formulate your next question/statement. Instead of just sitting there, thinking of something to say, you can be intently studying the cards /crystal ball etc. You may opt to hold hands with your subject - This will help you feel the subject's reactions to your statements. If you are using , say, palmistry (the reading of hands) it will help if you have studied some manuals, and have learned the terminology. This will allow you to more quickly zero in on your subject's chief concerns - "do you wish to concentrate on the heart line or the wealth line?"

6. Have a list of stock phrases at the tip of your tongue.

Even during a cold reading, a liberal sprinkling of stock phrases will add body to the reading and will help you fill in time while you formulate more precise characterisations. Use them to start your readings. Palmistry, tarot and other fortune telling manuals are a key source of good phrases.

7. Keep your eyes open!

Use your other senses as well. Size the subject up by observing his/her clothes, jewellery, mannerisms and speech. Even a crude classification based on these can provide the basis for a good reading. Also, watch carefully for your subject's response to your statements - You will soon learn when you are hitting the mark!

8. Use the technique of fishing.

This is simply a device to get the subject to tell you about his/herself. Then you rephrase what you have been told and feed it back to the subject.

One way of fishing is to phrase each statement as question, then wait for the reply. If the reply or reaction is positive, then you turn the statement into a positive assertion. Often the subject will respond by answering the implied question and then some. Later, the subject will forget that he/she was the source of the information! By making your statements into questions, you also force the subject to search his/her memory to retrieve specific instances to fit your general statement.

9. Learn to be a good listener.

During the course of a reading your client will be bursting to talk about incidents that are brought up. The good reader allows the client to talk at will. On one occasion I observed a tealeaf reader. The client actually spent 75% of the time talking. Afterward when I questioned the client about the reading she vehemently insisted that she had not uttered a single word during the course of the reading. The client praised the reader for having astutely told her what in fact she herself had spoken.

Another value of listening is that most clients that seek the services of a reader actually want someone to listen to their problems. In addition, many clients have already made up their minds about what choices they are going to make. They merely want support to carry out their decision.

10. Dramatise your reading.

Give back what little information you do have or pick up a little bit at a time. Make it seem more than it is. Build word pictures around each divulgence. Don't be afraid of hamming it up.

11. Always give the impression that you know more than you are saying.

The successful reader, like the family doctor, always acts as if he/she knows much more. Once you have persuaded the subject that you know one item of information that you couldn't possibly have known (through normal channels) the subject will assume that you know all! At this point, the subject will open up and confide in you.

12. Don't be afraid to flatter your subject at every opportunity.

An occasional subject will protest, but will still lap it up. In such cases, you can add, "You are always suspicious of those who flatter you. You just can't believe that someone will say something good about you without an ulterior motive".

13. Remember the Golden Rule - always tell the subject what he/she wants to hear
what I know about human brain waves...

there are distinct sets of frequencies (traditional). they are Delta (REM sleep) less than 2 cycles per sec., theta waves (sleep) 4-8 hrtz, alpha waves (drowsy)8-12 Hrtz, Beta (awake) 12-25 hrtz, and Gamma (awake and alert) 26-70 Hrtz. These are cycles per second that the neurons launch electrons through the synapses. Cool huh?

If you and another person are in close proximity to each other and on the same wave length, than you can often "hear" the thoughts of the other person. I think physical shape and size of brain portions has alot to do with it which is why this is not more commonly noticed, or it could be rare because the frequencies have to be so exact, such as 22.1285 Hrtz.

Drugs alter brainwaves. Cool huh? Alcohol lowers them, cocaine raises them, LSD ...can go either way or both, maryjane lowers them, etc. There is actually a doctorate thesis from the 1990's at either the UC Berkeley or UCSD library that researched this to some extent. I forget which, as it was a long time ago.

There are many ways besides drugs that can alter brainwaves. Meditation even works to some extent.