Mind Music


Temporal Novice
Hello fellow TTI users. I am thinking about creating something new. it might be made already, if so please let me know. I want to create music that can change your brainwaves. i will do this by taking any song and putting a difference in frequency between the original song and the one im going to create. the original will be played in one ear a the new one is played in the other ear. the difference in frequency of every tone will be consistent throughout the song. then the deference between the your current brain wave is compared to the song making it the difference of the two. for this though i will need to buy an E.E.G. machine to moniter brainwaves. i know its confusing. if you need clarification just ask and please give me your thoughts.

There are composers doing what you described ; using various frequencies that are designed to cause the brain to synchronize with them. Can find the compositions on YouTube as "Brain Entrainment mediation ". ( or under binaural beats and isochronic tones )

There are composers doing what you described ; using various frequencies that are designed to cause the brain to synchronize with them. Can find the compositions on YouTube as "Brain Entrainment mediation ". ( or under binaural beats and isochronic tones )
thank you very much for your information. i appreciate it verry much. if you have any other comments or ideas. i would love to hear them

I read about a device that takes your brain wave reading and creates sound from it, then plays you the sounds so you can hear your own brain activity in real time. They intended it to be a meditation shortcut.

I read about a device that takes your brain wave reading and creates sound from it, then plays you the sounds so you can hear your own brain activity in real time. They intended it to be a meditation shortcut.
Wow. That is just awsome. If you know any more about the subject or find sites and articles on it, i would love to check them out. Thanks for the help. :)

There is a lot of information out there on the dynamics of binaural beats and isochronic tones musical compositions. And what the various frequencies ( alpha, beta, delta, theta, etc. ) are intended to accomplish. Type - binaural audio meditation - into your internet browser and you'll find a ton of sites indexed that will provide information. Many of the video's on Youtube also have information about the compositions, and the use of various frequencies underneath the video's window. Have to remember that these compositions aren't about a visual experience, but an audio one. I don't even watch the video's, just listen to the compositions with a good set of headphones.

There is a lot of information out there on the dynamics of binaural beats and isochronic tones musical compositions. And what the various frequencies ( alpha, beta, delta, theta, etc. ) are intended to accomplish. Type - binaural audio meditation - into your internet browser and you'll find a ton of sites indexed that will provide information. Many of the video's on Youtube also have information about the compositions, and the use of various frequencies underneath the video's window. Have to remember that these compositions aren't about a visual experience, but an audio one. I don't even watch the video's, just listen to the compositions with a good set of headphones.
Thank you. I will certainly watch some of the videos and read some more articles. I appreciate the help. :)
