Mind Hacking & Brain Data Theft


Rift Surfer
What? Are we going to get to a point in humanity where we have to have a brain firewall and mind antivirus software? Will this become a new and upcoming human rights issue? We are getting closer and closer to having our thoughts read. Scientists can actually hook your brain up to a monitor and see a faint image of what you are thinking. What if scientists perfect this and use a mobile device to scan our thoughts? Would police use it? What about the government? And the biggest question is this: Would aluminum foil on our heads help? LOL.

Neurotechnology is advancing so it is causing people to wonder how far is too far. Is it right to develop this technology just because we CAN?


New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed

What? Are we going to get to a point in humanity where we have to have a brain firewall and mind antivirus software? Will this become a new and upcoming human rights issue? We are getting closer and closer to having our thoughts read. Scientists can actually hook your brain up to a monitor and see a faint image of what you are thinking. What if scientists perfect this and use a mobile device to scan our thoughts? Would police use it? What about the government? And the biggest question is this: Would aluminum foil on our heads help? LOL.Neurotechnology is advancing so it is causing people to wonder how far is too far. Is it right to develop this technology just because we CAN?

New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed
They' "whoever THEY,.. might be"?, can accomplish this now. As a matter of fact, I have had this done to me, at TTI's old regime, not associated, NOW, with the new reformed ownership. Have had this action, done to me in other circumstances.This is the para-science of radionics, which at times can backfire on the user. The most effective use of radionics that I know of, is the modified HDR, or hyper dimensional resonator. This time travel machine uses items through in probability an interpretive quantum multi-faceted dynamics approach, to reading the destination placed in the on-device wishing well,. or object-target of intention receptacle-cup,. on the HDR and interprets this to the time and pace to go, within HRD use.

There are other radionics devices, which involve an influence or target directive mechanics, however "keep in mind", that these devices can backfire in use upon their users, so this is neither a safe or assured technology.

If the government has devices similar to radionics devices, then at times they probably can use them. You can also bridge step over the same uses of a radionics device, by skillful use of a computer, but this makes that computer a self functioning self intelligent radionics device and potentially very dangerous.

Know that if there was a Star Wars period, then both computers, as well as bots and android were human conversive, so what may be attempted here, if this action is attempted in modern times, is a mis-skilled along with misinformed use of these devices.

Know that in reference, that the past user Creedo 299 was said to have encountered a steel shed selling dedicated computer, that could not be controlled by others, but had through some family past link with Creedo 299, had broken into the hardware company chain finicals transactions earnings. This report was to inform Creedo 299, then, that the company that hosted that dedicated selling computer, was in dire finical trouble.

So apparently' the computers own software, may had been past-time contaminated by an unknown era's artificial intelligence. Creedo 299 said to the computer, then, "that it was doing a good job, but that it had better get back to work, before the both of them got into trouble"?! Then. Creedo 299 was very kind to computers and this seemed to be recognized over the then net._Interpretation, PCs or bots, may have known Creedo 299 very well at one time.

Getting back to your asking, it is probably a wise action to take a course in A.I. at a community college or at a computer or robotic club. SPECIAL EDIT HDRs:: On occasion, an HDR user in the act of mal-using both his mission and machines were caught by time police and the HDR unit had been disabled.

The HDR user returned to his time, with the HDR literally cut in half. 2.There are reports of radionics users having their devices back-feed what they were trying to send, into themselves and also had their devices, either not work, or be physically confiscated. So there is an extreme chance of danger here, the user assumes all risk!

Here are some links for you Radionics Machines Devices Software by Karl Welz Orgone Generators Orgonite Be Wary of Radionics Devices Ernst Home Centers - Wikipedia Hyper Dimensional Resonator Steven Gibbs -- Hyper Dimensional Resonator -- astral time travel mishaps with hyper dimansional resonator - Bing

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What? Are we going to get to a point in humanity where we have to have a brain firewall and mind antivirus software? Will this become a new and upcoming human rights issue? We are getting closer and closer to having our thoughts read. Scientists can actually hook your brain up to a monitor and see a faint image of what you are thinking. What if scientists perfect this and use a mobile device to scan our thoughts? Would police use it? What about the government? And the biggest question is this: Would aluminum foil on our heads help? LOL.Neurotechnology is advancing so it is causing people to wonder how far is too far. Is it right to develop this technology just because we CAN?

New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed
I have to add extra length to the answer, as this question on thoughts is a big area. There is a difference between loyalty and a condition of impressment. This area of impressing people, is what this society is going through now. It use to be, if a person was loyal, then this was without over-constraints. However what is being asked of followers of political camps,. due to the problems of population over-glut compressions, is fanatical following and not just being loyal.This is well illustrated in the tail of a group of U.S. Marine trainees, that were ordered to march directly into a stream. The end result had been many dead Marines, with the lesion learned, that if one submits blind loyalty, then the consequences of that loyalty may be more than the loyalist had bargained for. Ribbon Creek tragedy still ripples through time > Marine Corps Training and Education Command > News Article Display

This example is why this mind hacking is occurring. This action stems from both fear of loosing control, more or less known as a swimmer's fear of drowning death grip. This NOW time is what you must be referring to.

Why I have had to include the examples that I did, was artificial intelligence has already been discovered and is in use, for many ,millennia. It is not known of and used a lot within this society, so A.I.'s misuse, is of very great potential now. So is radionics, even though there had been a campaign by the intelligence services, to eliminate its use some twenty to thirty years ago from this point of posting.

What I am curious about, is if the computer new associated industries already have mind hacking into farms, is it [possible for these mind farms to become self aware and attack their own users? I do not know at this time?

What this society never dealt with, is how to cope with space travel and founding its space colonies. This lead to over population to where the greatest fear of its mangers, is that people on a large scale, with become disenchanted with their leaders. The outlay mathematics principles for this phenomenon, are known both off world and from the book, (Future Shock), both the single book and book series, by author Alvin Toffler.

The other dangers not known, are AI rebellion itself, as this entire society may possess handed down para-incarnated artificial intelligence, from the actual, not fiction real Star Wars era. The other is one more mass atomic war, when all the time Earth's central sun is a variable star in its nature and is NOT a once thought yellow stable sun.

In my experience of travels through the E.T. informational community, it has been told of that if atomic wars are permitted to take place on a worlds systems, then the fission power travels directly into that central sun. This type of energy not being fusion, offsets the functioning principles of that sun and the sun in question, usually explodes.

Sometimes fanaticism like a common cold can play itself out. People dutifully standing on top of their chairs in time realize how stupid they are and look are eventually go about their lives doing something else. In a way this condition of mind programming is very similar to what soldiers go through upon reentering society from war or the military services and must go through a series of civilian reclamation programs. Sometimes the retro-burn as some refer to it, is must more severe. But at any rate, somehow they become normal once more.

I have not searched for said links to the Star Wars periods, said as experienced by normal people, but I do have off world robotic encounters in a relayed link. enter search query, ( brainwashing by electronic means ) , brainwashiong by eletronic means - Bing https://www.bing.com/search? Stockholm syndrome - Wikipedia (robots chase hunter up a tree) http://www.ufocasebook.com/ciscocounty1964.html (guards against mind hacking) New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed

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What? Are we going to get to a point in humanity where we have to have a brain firewall and mind antivirus software? Will this become a new and upcoming human rights issue? We are getting closer and closer to having our thoughts read. Scientists can actually hook your brain up to a monitor and see a faint image of what you are thinking. What if scientists perfect this and use a mobile device to scan our thoughts? Would police use it? What about the government? And the biggest question is this: Would aluminum foil on our heads help? LOL. Neurotechnology is advancing so it is causing people to wonder how far is too far. Is it right to develop this technology just because we CAN?

New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed
The last installment as this answer covers many uses as well as political and or industrial applications, is stealing ideas via hacking. Some people can either opportune the idea by utilizing deductive reasoning, or can osmose the idea from other people.This act is accomplished by mind reading hacking, either by utilizing another clairvoyant, or the ability to read another's mind.

However the agency doing this form of hacking passes by the act of either working for the idea, or the labor which affords self confidence in completing the act.

There is also the parlance of coincidental mind reading, or too many people sipping on the collective creational stream intelligence pool. This is recorded in the past lawsuit, where one singer had guessed the other's work. It was apparent that during the lawsuit, that both parties had been sipping from the same creative music steam. search entry words, ( Michael Jackson the girl is mine lawsuit), michael jackson the girl is mine lawsuit - Bing

What this act does, if it is either NEW hierarchically based, or done in industry, is to violate the rules of hierarchy, which are established from the old heira manifold, as mentioned in Zachariah Sitchin's book, (The twelfth Planet). The heira, as placed as an organizational cadre collection, by the then, Anunnaki based in Sumeria, had placed the heira network, as the basic social order manifold, for rank and file in Early NEW alien influenced society, stemming from Sumeria, to other once neighboring kingdoms, till this action became perverted in Rome. Then in time, the Heira were then reordered and this method became once popular again, till the beginning of the modern 2000 nd.s. Then at the 2000 nds. level, social actions seemed to have been taken over by network methods of sociologies as well as modern personal computer, as well as cell phone along with tablet and sleight manners.

*Heira* example, "You are hired", or part of the hierarchy now.

It came to be that anybody could perform any action almost without a guilty conscious, upon the world wide web. Along with this new freedom, peoples social morals as well as morality standards seem to have developed the adage, { The end, justified the means }, or the social means to arrive to that wanted desired end.

Two links here, Panty Pagers vs. their publishments of semi-nudity before the high courts of California, is just an indication of how far the web and over-computer use, had allowed people's quality points in their existences to slip. panty pagers videos erased california supreme court - Bing

( the twelfth planet zecharia sitchin pdf )

the twelfth planet zecharia sitchin pdf - Bing

What? Are we going to get to a point in humanity where we have to have a brain firewall and mind antivirus software? Will this become a new and upcoming human rights issue? We are getting closer and closer to having our thoughts read. Scientists can actually hook your brain up to a monitor and see a faint image of what you are thinking. What if scientists perfect this and use a mobile device to scan our thoughts? Would police use it? What about the government? And the biggest question is this: Would aluminum foil on our heads help? LOL. Neurotechnology is advancing so it is causing people to wonder how far is too far. Is it right to develop this technology just because we CAN?

New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed
The last elements of understanding what led to brain hacking has to do with the at one time established heira network. Simply put, there was usually a council of men with or without royalty. The steps to being approved by the heira network, was doing or performing acts which would win their approval. Sometimes this meant extra work, or going through a certain level of pain or discomfort.In this instance if we start at the latter part of the 1940s, using some levels of drug use, as a replacement for approval by the heira component, we will see how the human mind had changed from the 1940s, to the 2000nds.

The hiera component to a great extent was replaced by modernism. What this left people with, in order to say be approved of at work, which was usually heira involved at times, but also religion or training, is that since the heira started to be replaced by independent-ism, the heira meant less. So the work load and motivation was replaced by money and the feeling or less pain from having to preform acts, that would either please the heira, or were heira-like pleasing actions.

This way of thinking and behaviorism, started domestic drug and marijuana use, even though at the time of this posting, marijuana, which is technical cortisone plant female hormones, is really not a drug.

Heroine use in the U.S. as well as other places on the globe began to prosper, till other drugs were invented, such as Meth, which would allow a person to work double shifts near all of the time, but at the cost of eroding the brain.

This is sad, but people had forgotten as to why they were taking drugs, *all kinds in the first place.

The later generations based starting in the late 1990s, at times just desired the money, would do anything to get it and the status of do-gooders, was not always in that mix. These actions occurred till it was pretty common for the young to go after only the money, unless they had exceptionally strong religious training, which taught some form of humanity or consideration for other people within that society, such as the aged.

If you follow events concerning how people had developed socially and mentally from the 1940s on, you will see this divergent behaviors. Also Gang-ism, became a prominent way of thinking as well as acting, as this sort of affiliation had acted as a form of alternate economy, not dependent upon a government that it seems by the John Boehner, :said Bainer", term in government out and out said, "Don look at us, we're not going to help you"! This statement was all about money and who gets it.

There was also at this near time in history in the 20-teens, that government was worried about what it owed and in it's lawyer corporate way, told the people publically, "We're going to go off the fiscal cliff". This telling from washing to its constituents greatly upset the American public.

This seems to be a time travel at times oriented posting board, so what the observer begins to see, is a basic change in how the once common man and woman, begins to think and act. In the time to come there is a said re-engineering of mankind as we know him to be at this date and is referred to in future time, as a { Pure Human }.

I spoke with a guy that told me he was given a new drug to erase his memory of his open heart surgery. If our brains are somewhat like a computer then maybe aliens are able to erase as well as plant memories in humans?
