What? Are we going to get to a point in humanity where we have to have a brain firewall and mind antivirus software? Will this become a new and upcoming human rights issue? We are getting closer and closer to having our thoughts read. Scientists can actually hook your brain up to a monitor and see a faint image of what you are thinking. What if scientists perfect this and use a mobile device to scan our thoughts? Would police use it? What about the government? And the biggest question is this: Would aluminum foil on our heads help? LOL. Neurotechnology is advancing so it is causing people to wonder how far is too far. Is it right to develop this technology just because we CAN?
New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed
The last elements of understanding what led to brain hacking has to do with the at one time established heira network. Simply put, there was usually a council of men with or without royalty. The steps to being approved by the heira network, was doing or performing acts which would win their approval. Sometimes this meant extra work, or going through a certain level of pain or discomfort.In this instance if we start at the latter part of the 1940s, using some levels of drug use, as a replacement for approval by the heira component, we will see how the human mind had changed from the 1940s, to the 2000nds.
The hiera component to a great extent was replaced by modernism. What this left people with, in order to say be approved of at work, which was usually heira involved at times, but also religion or training, is that since the heira started to be replaced by independent-ism, the heira meant less. So the work load and motivation was replaced by money and the feeling or less pain from having to preform acts, that would either please the heira, or were heira-like pleasing actions.
This way of thinking and behaviorism, started domestic drug and marijuana use, even though at the time of this posting, marijuana, which is technical cortisone plant female hormones, is really not a drug.
Heroine use in the U.S. as well as other places on the globe began to prosper, till other drugs were invented, such as Meth, which would allow a person to work double shifts near all of the time, but at the cost of eroding the brain.
This is sad, but people had forgotten as to why they were taking drugs, *all kinds in the first place.
The later generations based starting in the late 1990s, at times just desired the money, would do anything to get it and the status of do-gooders, was not always in that mix. These actions occurred till it was pretty common for the young to go after only the money, unless they had exceptionally strong religious training, which taught some form of humanity or consideration for other people within that society, such as the aged.
If you follow events concerning how people had developed socially and mentally from the 1940s on, you will see this divergent behaviors. Also Gang-ism, became a prominent way of thinking as well as acting, as this sort of affiliation had acted as a form of alternate economy, not dependent upon a government that it seems by the John Boehner, :said Bainer", term in government out and out said, "Don look at us, we're not going to help you"! This statement was all about money and who gets it.
There was also at this near time in history in the 20-teens, that government was worried about what it owed and in it's lawyer corporate way, told the people publically, "We're going to go off the fiscal cliff". This telling from washing to its constituents greatly upset the American public.
This seems to be a time travel at times oriented posting board, so what the observer begins to see, is a basic change in how the once common man and woman, begins to think and act. In the time to come there is a said re-engineering of mankind as we know him to be at this date and is referred to in future time, as a { Pure Human }.