Mind control is done by extraterrestrials who are also interdimensional.
These entities feed on our negative energy and enzymes secreted by human body.
Different kinds of stresses and feeling gives rise to different kinds of secretions in human body and these aliens crave for these secretions to use them for their benefit and that is the reason they are interested in humans.
With the present scenario, there is no way and absolutely no chance that humans can collaborate or co exist with the aliens.
It is advisable to try to tear apart the aliens whenever a human sees a gray or a reptilian and never give into abductions.
The bonding experiences exhibit a characteristic pattern and sequence of events that goes something like this: An abductee meets another abductee during one or more alien abductions or in very vivid dreams. The couple may interact on a verbal or physical level to initiate the bonding process. This can occur several times until a strong emotional connection occurs. The nature of the bonding exercises seems to be tailor-made to the individual.
The bonding interactions may or may not be consciously recalled by either partner. Often, only one partner will remember the experience, while the other has no memory or only a vague recall. When both partners meet in real life, there is an instant sense of recognition and the couple may fall in love. There are variations to the pattern and sequence of events, but in most cases one partner falls in love more than the other and is left feeling unrequited.
In a few cases, a bonding with an alien being or spirit guide progressed into a love obsession where it was discovered later that the spirit guide turned out to be an alien masquerading as the "lover".
Supernatural Events and Synchronicities
The relationship between the two bonded individuals is such that both persons are magnetically attracted to one another, often in unlikely situations. The love relationship set-up may include a number of bizarre synchronicities, vivid dreams, supernatural events and bonding exercises during alien encounters. The orchestrated experiences are often intimate and sexual such that one or the other develops an intense chemistry and love obsession with the targeted partner. Oftentimes, either person is married to or has an existing relationship with another mate. It makes no difference.
The emotional, passionate and even telepathic connection between the bonded pair is unlike normal relationships (whatever normal is, anyway). Some have described it as the most exhilarating love imaginable, to the point of total spiritual immersion or indwelling with their "beloved." Then the inevitable happens. It's absolutely devastating. The targeted love partner becomes "switched off" and the love-struck other half becomes painfully unrequited. The switching off is described as an emotional and sexual disinterest in their once "attractive" partner. The chosen partner may have an initial attraction or even a strong love for the other, but then loses interest, often right after an abduction or vivid dream. If one or the other abductee has a good recall of their dreams and abduction memories, they may remember being previously bonded together in one or more experiences.
Some abductees report spontaneous remote viewing images and visions of the intended partner in such a way as to elicit emotions, such as jealousy, obsessive love, yearning and grievous unrequited love pangs. The alien manipulated love obsession process is akin to a carrot being dangled just enough to get the obsessed lover into a constant cycle of love and unrequited love. This can extend from relationship to relationship and is emotionally exhausting.
end quoted
from: http://www.alienlovebite.com/articles/evelorgen/alien-orchestrated-human-bonding-dramas.html
Re: Hercules:alien orchestrated human bonding dramas
Wouldn't it be more likely that humans are using knowledge of mind control garnered through black projects to hide their own illegal and immoral activities behind a ruse of "alien" experimentation?
The first claim is not as outrageous as it may sound. Yes it sounds totally wacky...but the trouble is that there are now so many well attested cases of 'alien abduction' that it is very hard to avoid the conclusion that SOMETHING is going on. Once I began to read the increasing amount of evidence....I long since passed the 'only a weirdo believes in that' stage. Of course..it MAY all just be collective psychosis.....but as with subjects like near death experience it's happening often enough that it does deserve some proper explanation.
The second statement. Hmmm. That comes very much from ( somewhat unfounded ) accusations of some mysterious base in New Mexico where the aliens live underground and are looked after by the US military. If you've ever played Half Life.......the base in that is pretty much founded upon that whole notion.