
Travis Tremlee

Temporal Novice
The John Titor time machine comes to mind here.


By extending the event horizon of spinning micro-singularities, it may be possible to use wormhole teleportation to travel to distant events in the past or the future. The extended event horizon would effectively shield one's memory and physical age so that they may make significant jumps in time...

There is no escape from the event horizon of a black hole, unless of course you could turn the black hole off and on at will using spinning micro-singularities.

A student called Jude Prezens has written an interesting paper on Tipler Sinusoids which is also described in the many John Titor writings on the internet...


This hypothesis could be put to the test if the LHC produces mini black holes and is
able to contain them. Because these black holes would be electrically charged (positive),

their mass and angular momentum could be controlled by firing electrons at them. By

varying their masses, the geometry of the central cylinder would be altered slightly from

one end to the other causing the resulting Tipler sinusoid to be offset. I theorise that this

offset Tipler sinusoid will determine the direction taken along the CTC (i.e. forwards or

backwards). However, because of the quantum nature of the mini black holes, this idea

will need to be explored with a theory that incorporates a quantum theory of gravity, like

string theory, also providing a means of testing the theory.

Furthermore, Novikov’s self consistency principle, Everett’s many-worlds interpretation

and Hawking’s Chronology protection conjecture could also be tested experimentally.

I hope to do this at some time in the future.
In John Titor's writings, he described creating microsingularities with particle accelerators and then feeding them with electrons to keep them from evaporating via Hawking radiation. It seems that highly focused lasers would be a more plausible method of generating, maintaining, and controlling these micro-singularities.

The John Titor time machine comes to mind here.

By extending the event horizon of spinning micro-singularities, it may be possible to use wormhole teleportation to travel to distant events in the past or the future. The extended event horizon would effectively shield one's memory and physical age so that they may make significant jumps in time...

There is no escape from the event horizon of a black hole, unless of course you could turn the black hole off and on at will using spinning micro-singularities.
What if we sent DATA, information, through that worm hole? Or signals? We could develop time communication. Of course, something needs to be on the other end to capture it, but you could build a device to capture the information so that the future would have it. Then, communication with the future should immediately start working. Think about it.

What if we sent DATA, information, through that worm hole? Or signals? We could develop time communication. Of course, something needs to be on the other end to capture it, but you could build a device to capture the information so that the future would have it. Then, communication with the future should immediately start working. Think about it.
Hello PaulaJedi, the science daily article talks about how what Einstein referred to as "spooky action at a distance" or quantum entanglement might be wormholes connecting the entangled particles, that is, until the wave-function collapses, which means that the wormholes would also collapse – breaking the connection, or in the case of the many-worlds multiverse it decoheres – also breaking the connection.

Communication – or interactions between objects in the universe obeys the principle of locality. It basically means communication between things cannot occur faster than the speed of light in vacuum.

Time Traveling into the past is equivalent to going faster than the speed of light.

Inertial mass keeps increasing with the continued acceleration towards the speed of light, ultimately reaching a barrier that prevents us from attaining the speed of light, let alone surpassing it and time traveling into the past. If you could somehow eliminate inertia then there would be no barrier to impede limitless speed.

Wormhole science is still in its early stages and the science seems to be saying that it is extremely difficult keeping a wormhole open.

But your ideas got me to thinking about a possible future with quantum entangled cell phones(QE phones) that allow people from the future to communicate with people from the past, beginning with the time when QE phones are first invented. If time travel into the past is possible then that must be proof that we live in a multiverse that is similar in scope to Everett's many worlds hypothesis.

The physics of time travel into the past evokes the possibility of creating multiple copies of oneself through a process of time-looping.

What if we could expand the event horizon of a mini-black hole so that it would envelop or completely surround our time traveling vehicle. It might be much like a large bubble, then, as we moved forwards or backwards through time we would observe the world outside the event horizon or "time bubble" to be rapidly moving, but we would be experiencing normal time from our perspective.

I have thought about this and it seems that all the light(radiation) from outside the bubble would be building up on its surface due to the time dilation and it would generate much heat, possibly roasting whatever is inside of it.

John Titor said something different though. He claimed that when his time machine was activated, the outside view of his bubble went completely dark. I have yet to figure out the science of his explanation, but maybe when a time machine is activated it "shifts" into something like Michio Kaku's hyperspace realm, where there would be no radiation to fry the hopeful time travelers...
