Michio Kaku on The Flawed Science of John Titor

CERN never created any mini black holes as Titor claims, and mini black holes can't bend time.

Case closed as far as I'm concerned,

I don't think any more info will be released on the matter until/if the John Titor movie comes out, check johntitormovie.com, johntitorthemovie.com, when/if that page has content, the movie could be soon. Those domains have already been reserved by a hollywood guy named Charles Acosta who happens to know the webmaster of jt dot com.

--- Razimus
Re: Michio Kaku on The Flawed Science of John Tito

Well that was a waste of three years of our lives worrying about an American civil war then wasn't it. lol.
Re: Michio Kaku on The Flawed Science of John Tito

I've seen what the Z-machine can do, I am convinced mini singularities will exist at some point in the future. with a much smaller event horizon than we predict. probably only a centimeter or less. and if a blackhole can warp space then according to einstein it can warp time. all blackholes Do....
Re: Michio Kaku on The Flawed Science of John Tito

I've seen what the Z-machine can do, I am convinced mini singularities will exist at some point in the future. with a much smaller event horizon than we predict. probably only a centimeter or less. and if a blackhole can warp space then according to einstein it can warp time. all blackholes Do....

That doesnt get away from the fact that mini singularities have not been made yet, which can seemingly disprove John Titor's story. Lets hope whoever hoaxed Titor's story (if it is a hoax, I still have an open mind) will come forward and take the credit, because I would certainly say "You did a damn good job" to him/her/them.
CERN never created any mini black holes as Titor claims, and mini black holes can't bend time.

They announced they were gonna look for them right around when Titor said to expect a "discovery". And anyway, he wasn't specific that the discovery would be mini black holes.

To summarize: A guy contacted Art Bell back in 1998 and later posted on the internet back in 2001 and claimed to be a real time traveler from 2036. He claims his time machine works by using 2 mini black holes, he claims this technology was already created by CERN. Could you tell me the chances of him being for real?

I don't think that was the best way to ask the question. It doesn't sound like he was interested enough to look at how the machine works. And why would he since every other message is


RAZ:According to Michio Kaku even if mini black holes were created they would not be capable of manipulating time let alone be the core of a time travel device.

MIC:there is a small chance it might create a mini black hole, but these are sub-atomic in size and energy.

He was not informed on the part of the story that explains how the mini-black holes are manipulated.

Michio Kaku expects me to believe HE knows how people in the future will make a time machine. He knows the real future?

I bet he's the type of guy goes on TV shows and demands people listen to him about why Star Trek is fake (because he knows the REAL future).

The basic math to alter worldlines exists right now. Tipler first described a working "time machine" through his theory of massive rotating spheres. I apologize for the web site but it was the only one I could find quickly.

Certain types of black holes also exhibit the "time travel" abilities of Tipler cylinders. Kerr was one of the first to describe the dual event horizons of a rotating black hole. As with Tipler's cylinders, it was possible to travel on a "time-like" trip through a Kerr black hole and end up in a different worldline without being squished by the gravity of the singularity.

The mass and gravitational field of a microsingularity can then be manipulated by "injecting" electrons onto its surface. By rotating two electric microsigularities at high speed, it is possible to create and modify a local gravity sinusoid that replicates the affects of a Kerr black hole.
:oops:If and when John titor the movie ,comes out, who do you nominate,as the leading actor to play JT?. What about Leonardo dicaprio?.
Re: Michio Kaku on The Flawed Science of John Tito

History post, this means to thread nature only:

It was intimated earlier, in the nature of the Titor Machine, that possibly a cluster of mini black holes were formed, not a single miniblack hole.

Evaporation is a problem if you go with the singular black hole, not the cluster.

Secondly, the outer event horizon, measured some eight feet away from the console, is a hot cutting microwave sphere, held there, by a shell tensor, generate from the said console.

The mini-black hole, does not warp space and time, however the tensor of the event shell, precludes the passage of time-mass+ within the event shell, to be inline with the regular flow of time outside of the shell.

So the exclusivity rule takes place within the said G.E. interior event shell.

The mechanics of time distortion, does not hail from the mini-black hole, the mini black holes, are more than likely an expanded and convoluted event shell, placed off from the series of rapidly evaporating mini black hole.

This cluster of black holes, then serves as an engine and a time space scalier dysfunction spacer, not an engine of separation in themselves.

To promote either a singular black hole, or even a cluster of mini-black holes as an exclusion factor within themselves, is not how the original postulates of how the said General Electric unit would have worked.
Re: Michio Kaku on The Flawed Science of John Tito

"You did a damn good job"

I don't understand why people think a 5110 would be needed to restore order to a world plagued by another "date bug" that won't be a problem with 64 bit processors. As far as reason to time travel, lamest reason ever.

(Now to get home from the Delta Quadrant and take out the Borg, like in ST:Voyager, THAT is believable although I would have prefered a finale without TT)
Re: Michio Kaku on The Flawed Science of John Tito

What I meant was that I would praise them for taking so long for the hoax to be shown as such, these sort of thing usually last about 3 months at the most, so 3 years is "damn good".
Re: Michio Kaku on The Flawed Science of John Tito

To Newbe 0

This stile of computer had an installable read write code, that was simplistic in nature.

If destruction was as bad in the future as Titor had said, then many of the machines that would have been left, would have had their memories erased clean, via massive electrically particle influxes, due to atomic detonations.

This was said a number of times, especially by Darby of Anomalies.net.

But as the heading of this thread says, Newbe, the discussion is physics, not programmable machines or the 5100?

Off topic.
Re: Michio Kaku on The Flawed Science of John Tito

To Creedo299_O,

If destruction was as bad in the future as Titor had said, then many of the machines that would have been left, would have had their memories erased clean, via massive electrically particle influxes, due to atomic detonations.

Those machines would need to be replaced soon after the nukes, to get whats left of society running. They've been replaced and upgraded twice over by 2036. There would be no need to for something that uses APL to fix anything. JT said :

(53) I would say the biggest difference is in the reliability of the hardware and software. You can look forward to very stringent manufacturing parameters and programming discipline.

(54) I will tell you that processor speed and memory size take dramatic leaps forward.

There would be plenty of computers around in 2036 that used at least 64 bit processors so they wouldn't have this bug, linux already dominates npw and after ww3 i just don't see UNIX making a big comeback.

But as the heading of this thread says, Newbe, the discussion is physics, not programmable machines or the 5100?

Off topic.

There is no point trying to disprove his physics. He claims we will discover a way to make a "Tipler" time machine. There is no point trying to disprove this because he said it happens later on. All you can do is wait on this one.

His story is fake because of the fictional reason for returning to the past.

Re: Michio Kaku on The Flawed Science of John Tito

Creedo, I'm not "predicting" anything. Linux already dominates unix. If US was destroyed, whats left of Unix, that is owned by Caldera, goes with it. 2038 date bug cannot happen. JT said himself that programming standards get a lot better. 64 bit architecture solves the problem he said needed fixing and it's already here. I predict nothing. The reason for returning to the past is false.

It's like saying he had to return to the past to get a bunch of ink cartidges. They would have made new printers and the ink cartriges to go with them. Or at the least, an adapter could be fashioned with less risk to human safety.
Ok, you're on the fence, but your facts are wrong, JT mentioned many times that his device is powered by 2 mini black holes, or 'singularities' as he liked to call them. He specifically said various times the mini black holes or 'singularities' would be created, discovered at CERN "within a year or so" as of 2001. That would have been long past, the 'SCIENTISTS WILL CREATE A BLACK HOLE IN THE LAB WITH A SMALL CHANCE OF DESTROYING EARTH' stories were rampant, even Letterman joked about it, it was in every major newspaper in the world.

TimeTravel_0 posted 02 November 2000 01:16

The basics for time travel start at CERN in about a year and end in 2034 with the first "time machine" built by GE.

Posted by John Titor on 02-01-2001 08:36 AM

The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online. Perhaps it would have been clearer to state that the math has been around since 1970. I would urge you to examine the properties of Kerr black holes and Tipler cylinders.

Posted by John Titor on 02-15-2001 12:07 PM

When I first started posting online a few months ago, I said that major breakthroughs in particle physics were around your corner. Soon, CERN will bring their big machine on line and they will be smashing very fast and high-energy particles together. One of the more odd and potentially
dangerous items produced from this incease in energy will be microsingularities a fraction of the size of an electron.

TimeTravel_0 posted 30 December 2000 10:28

I’m pretty sure they have a number of experiments going on at the same time at CERN. The one I’m referring to involves very high energies using protons. From my historical perspective on my worldline, I do recall the issue was a point of contention about 18 months ago or so. There were some scientists who thought the experiments were too dangerous to try.

One of MANY articles on the CERN experiment concerning mini black holes.

June 7, 2000


--- Razimus
Ok, you're on the fence

All I know is JT has screwed up my head for 2 years and this will be the best new years ever. And I'm going to scream louder than I've ever screamed when I see a Canadian going for gold at the next Olympics. I would like to hug the author, then kick him in the bag.

JT mentioned many times that his device is powered by 2 mini black holes, or 'singularities' as he liked to call them. He specifically said various times the mini black holes or 'singularities' would be created, discovered at CERN "within a year or so" as of 2001.

When I first started posting online a few months ago, I said that major breakthroughs in particle physics were around your corner. Soon, CERN will bring their big machine on line and they will be smashing very fast and high-energy particles together. One of the more odd and potentially
dangerous items produced from this incease in energy will be microsingularities a fraction of the size of an electron.

He says a 'breakthrough' which could have been the annoucement they were going to try. And "Soon" is an example of his infamous abiguity. 2007 is soon if your from 2036 isn't it? And maybe before 2007 Cern finds a way to make microsingularties in a different way - all because they were initially going to attempt it with LHC.

I ask you, if someone was trying to fake it, and they knew CERN was talking about this already, and they knew the LHC was going to be completed in 2007, wouldn't they have used the 2007 date to make the "mass-audience" even more scared??
Apparently you went through those 4 quotes and picked the one you liked, but all 4 quotes are on the same subject, you can't convienently ignore the others. He said, "in about a year", "within a year or so", "around your corner". Anyway, I don't need to dispute what he said, it's common knowledge among anyone who is familliar with his posts that his claim was exactly as I stated.

--- Razimus
Apparently you went through those 4 quotes and picked the one you liked

Well you are 100% correct Raz, I stand corrected. JT did say that dual microsingularities powered his machine and that CERN would figure them out. You read da story guud.

The earliest "controversy" about mini black holes that I can find is from around 1999 and it's about the RHIC. I reference "WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SCIENCE COLLIDES WITH CITIZENSHIP AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT?" by "Tom Atlee". He lists a number of articles were people complain about the RHIC's potential to create a black hole.


A little more reading on the RHIC and I found this from Jan 10, 2005 :

We argue that the fireball observed at RHIC is (the analog of) a dual black hole.

Why would he make up a fake date for LHC's completion when it was public knowledge it was going to be ready in 2006? Why name "CERN" when it was RHIC publicly trying to create black holes at the exact same time he started posting. If he was trying to spread a hoax, why not use RHIC or at least get the date right for LHC completion?? PERHAPS, Is it the RHIC that stumbles upon dual-micro singularities first and he dropped CERN as a "gem" about Yellowstone?

Yellowstone Calerda area covers approx 27km, same circumference as the LHC.

As far as evidence goes, I have however decided to try an experiment with you that may be more convincing. It involves the travel of information at faster than light. In fact, I have dropped at least three little gems like this that no one else has picked up on.

I also haven't heard anyone take me up on my "information experiment" on the IBM 5100 or check out the information I've given you about the UNIX failure in 2038. With all due respect, I find it hard to take some of you seriously.