Messgae from the crew of the Zodiac


Temporal Novice
Hello and may God bless. Firstly: We are aware that the vast majority of the claims featured on your forums are false. We may be unable to 'prove' that we are from the future, but we are open to any of your questions regarding the future and the use of time travel. The choice is yours wether to believe us or not.

My given name is Jaemes Butt. I am a member of the crew of the Zodiac, a time travelling vessel measuring two.five-three kilometres in radius. The 'ship' is a near-perfect sphere, and it and it's contents are able to break the time barrier through completing countless double-rotations at increasing superphotic speeds, while resting in a circular 'saddle' measuring one kilometre across. Because of the wear the Zodiac causes the 'saddle', a new one must be constructed every time the ship is to break time. The exact specifications of the Zodiac are unknown to me: due to the complexities of effective time travel, crew members are trained extensively in specific fields. I am not a technician, but rather one of thirty-seven consulting navigators. Should you so request, it is likely that a technician will eventually be able to arrive and adress you regarding the exact specifications of the Zodiac.

According to several sources we have found on the 'internet', the time at our current location is six hours and twenty-one minutes past noon, on 'wednesday', May the tenth, of the year two-thousand and seven 'anno domini'. If this is incorrect, we would appreciate your help in aligning the 'AD' timeline to the more familiar system used in our present. Also, our historians would appreciate information on teh significance of the week-day names in your time.

I am currently in the computer room of a home in what I am told is Montreal, a city still existing in Canada in our present. The Zodiac is far from us at the moment, in a rural area which will remain secret for the safety of our crew and prosperity of our mission. The owner of this house has been kind enough to allow three members of our crew (including myself) to remain here indefinately to conduct 'field' investigations. The rest of the crew reamins in Zodiac, which is equipped to support them for several months.
May God bless you as well, Zodiac, especially given the choice you have made to post here.

We may be unable to 'prove' that we are from the future, but we are open to any of your questions regarding the future and the use of time travel. The choice is yours wether to believe us or not.
Well, that is pretty much the "standard" setup, now isn't it? It doesn't seem that any of the new Titor wannabees wish to be imaginative on their own. Instead they copy what they think has worked in the past. C'mon people, if you are going to try for the "next great internet time travel hoax", you've got to at least outdo the previous state-of-the-art. Let's just say for now that you can classify my belief in the "not" category. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
My given name is Jaemes Butt. I am a member of the crew of the Zodiac, a time travelling vessel measuring two.five-three kilometres in radius. The 'ship' is a near-perfect sphere, and it and it's contents are able to break the time barrier through completing countless double-rotations at increasing superphotic speeds, while resting in a circular 'saddle' measuring one kilometre across.
Well, many questions could be derived from this straight away:

1) So are you telling us that this "saddle" is only a spatial metric, and not a spacetime metric? It would seem so since you tell us that this "saddle" is only measured in terms of space.
2) And it seems that this "saddle" is actually smaller in spatial breadth/depth/height than your alleged ship. So the "event horizon" of the "saddle" (for lack of a better term) actually exists inside the outer hull of your "ship? (Also you claim the "saddle" is circular... but do you really mean spherical?)
3) You say it is a "near-perfect" sphere. Can you please desribe to me which of the three axes is non-symmetrical, and why? You must of course realize that if this "ship" is executing "countless double-rotations" that any shape short of a perfect sphere will cause mass imbalance in the axis where the asymmetry occurs.

The exact specifications of the Zodiac are unknown to me
Well of course they they are for all would-be time travelers. Isn't it interesting that a pilot in our current time can certainly elucidate the means of thrust and aerodynamics that make an airplane "work", but an equivalent time traveler cannot even begin to espouse on the basic physics that make their machine work... beyond, of course, "countless double-rotations". Perhaps you'd like to give some more detailed specifics of these "double-rotations"?

I am not a technician, but rather one of thirty-seven consulting navigators.
Most people would probably prefer that you not state your anti-qualifications, but rather clearly state what your qualifications and certifications ARE. IOW, what are you trained in, and to what level is that training? Are we left to assume you have NO scientific training at all? You use the word "navigator". In our time that term literally implies you have a firm grasp on mechanics, which are the means by which one navigates from place to place.

According to several sources we have found on the 'internet', the time at our current location is six hours and twenty-one minutes past noon, on 'wednesday', May the tenth, of the year two-thousand and seven 'anno domini'. If this is incorrect, we would appreciate your help in aligning the 'AD' timeline to the more familiar system used in our present. Also, our historians would appreciate information on teh significance of the week-day names in your time.
You are a time travel "navigation consultant" and you are not sure of the time you have landed at? Sounds a bit flimsy to me. No comment on the historian remark.

I am currently in the computer room of a home in what I am told is Montreal, a city still existing in Canada in our present. The Zodiac is far from us at the moment, in a rural area which will remain secret for the safety of our crew and prosperity of our mission. The owner of this house has been kind enough to allow three members of our crew (including myself) to remain here indefinately to conduct 'field' investigations. The rest of the crew reamins in Zodiac, which is equipped to support them for several months.
So why bother divulging you are here, and capable of time travel at all? If you claim to be from the future, should you really have any need at all for inquiring with us "primitives"?

If you read a bit around here, you should be able to figure out what sort of challenge I will put to you to "prove" your ability to time travel. I'm sure there will be some "reason" why you cannot meet my challenge, but why not take a crack at figuring out what I am going to ask you to do?

I'll second pretty much all of it!

I don't get it either, how these time travel 'vessels' are all obviously 'nuts and bolts' physical objects that would require detailed maths and science in their engineering and contuction, but the pilots have no idea as to ANY specific figures or workings.

Its like someone asking an astronaut how his shuttle works - and him replying; "Its round and tube-like in parts and uses some sort of 'thrust' to make it go. Not to sure really, i just fly the damn thing, try asking me something about space though...".

Just as i would not ask this rather uniformed Astronaut about 'space'. I would not ask you about the 'future'.

kind regards,
Again, we do not expect belief, our involvement in this 'forum' is solely an experiment in past interaction, and is meant only to benefit those who have questions.

The 'saddle' is indeed smaller in radius than the actual vessel. The lower portion of the sphere (which is only microscopically imperfect and whose faults are compensated for by the 'saddle') rests in the center of the hollow cylindrical 'saddle'. The saddle is indeed only a three dimensional spatial, and acts only as a means to contain the vessel while it breaks time.

Aeroplane pilots and cosmonauts deal in spatial travel, not time travel. Also, my job as a navigation consultant is to chart chronospatial distance, not to 'pilot' the vessel. Unfortunately, time travel has not yet been refined to the point where a navigator can accurately determine his arrival point down to the year, due to the speeds dealt with when in chronospace.
The Bracketing Begins!

I smell the same thing, nitescott! (BTW, back on the Gold Coast today...flying out on the morrow!)

rests in the center of the hollow cylindrical 'saddle'.
Mmmmm....OK, so the "saddle" is cylindrical then. But then why not call it a "cylinder"...IOW, why call it a "saddle" if it is not "saddle-shaped"?

The saddle is indeed only a three dimensional spatial, and acts only as a means to contain the vessel while it breaks time. you do realize that this "technology" contradicts our current understanding of physics (thanks to Einstein) which tells us that SpaceTime is an integrated fabric, and that you cannot really discuss "Space" as separate and distinct from "Time". IOW, your ship (per our current understanding of physics) could only travel through SpaceTime.

(Yes....I know... don't tell me... this is where you will now tell me that our current understanding is incorrect, and that somehow "advancements" in science will take us BACK to a pre-Einsteinien view of Space as separate from Time.)

acts only as a means to contain the vessel
OK, so you do realize that it does not really "contain" the vessel, since it is smaller than the overall vessel? IOW, I am telling you that you are technically inaccurate in making this statement. And how does the rest of the ship (which is outside the "saddle") travel through time if it is not contained within the "saddle"?

Also, my job as a navigation consultant is to chart chronospatial distance, not to 'pilot' the vessel.
Yeah, well I (and I am sure others here) would still like to know your level of educational training. It sure sounds like your position would require a good deal of science... at least what we would call in this time a Bachelor's of Science degree at an accredited university. Establishing your credentials in this area will help myself (and other forum members) better gauge the types of questions you should be able to answer (Darby... sharpen your pencil and get ready, mate!)

Unfortunately, time travel has not yet been refined to the point where a navigator can accurately determine his arrival point down to the year
Well, that could very well be true. But it doesn't explain one thing: Why would you need to come on this forum to ask "when" you were in time? I mean, you have pretty much told us you have found a friendly person or persons there in Montreal who are letting you stay with them. It would certainly not be an unusual question for you to ask them "what day is today" and/or "what time is it". Why didn't you just ask them? (Oh...could be because you thought this would make your story more plausible to us here....right!)

due to the speeds dealt with when in chronospace
Well...this certainly opens up a great avenue for questions! I mean certainly you, as a chronospace navigation expert should be able to talk about how you measure "speed" in chronospace, right? And I'd especially like to know how you measure speed independent of the integrated fabric of SpaceTime. So could you please explain?

You just let us know when you've had enough. You do realize, I am sure, that the deeper this goes the harder it will be to deny your hoax? The more information I get out of you, the easier it will be to prove to yourself (even if you don't believe it) that you are a hoaxer.

who wins the NBA championship this year, who wins the World Series, Who's the next President of these United States, where's my nice-looking pen?
I'd like to add how unimpressed I am that supposed time travellers would use such an archaic greeting as 'God bless' as well - are we really to understand that an enlightened future civilisation still tows the line to the unproven and scientifically unsubstantiated Christian God? Particularly evidenced in that you use the term 'anno domini' whereas 'CE' or 'Common Era' is now used as well to denote no allegiance to a particular invisible creator deity.

Well, that could very well be true. But it doesn't explain one thing: Why would you need to come on this forum to ask "when" you were in time? I mean, you have pretty much told us you have found a friendly person or persons there in Montreal who are letting you stay with them. It would certainly not be an unusual question for you to ask them "what day is today" and/or "what time is it". Why didn't you just ask them? (Oh...could be because you thought this would make your story more plausible to us here....right!)

or better yet, buy a newspaper!
If you guys are in Montreal, stop by here with something cool and futuristic. In return, I'll explain the weekday names. I'll private message the adress.

Aeroplane pilots and cosmonauts deal in spatial travel, not time travel. Also, my job as a navigation consultant is to chart chronospatial distance, not to 'pilot' the vessel.

Can you state for us the proper 4D math equation for "chronospatial" (spacetime) seperation of two events? This should be an easy one for a time travel navigator.

You can use the simple differential equation. If you do, tell us why that equation is based solely on first principles in an idealized environment, what assumption is made that does not necessarily conform to a "real world" situation and what might be missing from the equation.

The owner of this house has been kind enough to allow three members of our crew (including myself) to remain here indefinately to conduct 'field' investigations.

This "kind" person could'nt provide you with the year you are in?

Maybe its time to pass over the torch (the sacred TTI Lugers - with gold plated holsters). It seems you may be able to wield them far better then I!!