Messages from the future?


Temporal Novice
Hi First time poster.

Has anyone ever received a message from the future?

I have had some strange experiences recently, with a person/entity claiming to be a relation from the future. These are not Telephone messages or e-mails these are full on Blackouts externally but not to me, I can't really describe the experience. Its like being crushed i feel like i am under pressure from everywhere at the same time. I can see and hear things normally but not my normal frame of referance and these locations are not the locations i have the experiences.

Any Views?

The main reason i ask is that i was told i would meet someone with very detailed descriptions and i have now meet that person and i am starting to worry.

I have been to the Docs and i have been for a scan and i have been given a great bill of health, I am under no pressure at home or work and have nice life. Also no History of mental problems in the family.

Shana 2
Well, it's hard to say really, are dreams about the future really someone/me, tapping into a possible future event. If so, then yes, I have had a message from the future. It's not one I really like though, and I hesitate to repeat it here, but I will say that it involves a war. I hope it's just one of those crazy dreams you sometimes get, but when each following dream shows just a little bit more from the last dream i do start to wonder.
Interesting topic:
Well, it's hard to say really, are dreams about the future really someone/me, tapping into a possible future event. If so, then yes, I have had a message from the future. It's not one I really like though, and I hesitate to repeat it here, but I will say that it involves a war. I hope it's just one of those crazy dreams you sometimes get, but when each following dream shows just a little bit more from the last dream i do start to wonder.
Ever hear of the subject of non-local communications? It's a hot one in physics today and over the past several years.

If non-local (Faster Than Light) communications are possible (and not only is there no theory that says they cannot be possible, but some experiments have shown that it is indeed possible), then we are just in our infancy of understanding what they are and how they might manifest to us. Dreams and other mind-based phenomenon are certainly a good candidate. Our heads could be nothing more than the tips of cosmic, physical antennas that have been finely designed and finely tuned to be able to receive non-local communications!

If you understand that we live within the "Hubble Bubble" of a physicality which is defined by the speed of light (as told by Einstein), and if you believe that there is such as thing as an "immortal" (i.e. non-physical) soul/spirit that can transcend physicality, then it is certainly reasonable to think that dreams might be one form of the future trying to reach back to us and help us make decisions on what future we CHOOSE to create.

I believe dreams are non-local communications from my future soul/spirit. It exists over all POSSIBLE futures and can therefore transmit pictures of all of these various futures. Then it becomes MY FREE WILL decision on which future I wish to Create.

At least that's how I see things when it comes to distinction between physical and non-physical.
Neat-work re Shana.

Preons are particles that come from the future tense.There are also factors, that might be part of you and from others?
Chaos is not your realm.
You sure about that? Wanna talk the finer points of chaos mathematics? They are really the same thing as closed-loop system dynamics... and I think I'm a bit more than a neophyte in those.

He has told me that it is something to do with Quantium Entanglement and that we are related, a Combined String sequence? Means nothing to me but i could see some part of the 70% or whatever of my mind that we don't understand could be at fault/resposible and could act as a communication medium.

Most interesting thing to me, is he lives on the moon. Large areas of Earth are not habitable, not due to war but its due to a colonisation experiment in the ocean to do with volcanic capping as a source of power and elements.

He has said that the moon has the largest concentration of humans in our system, Mars second and that Mars has vast quantities of water.

The last Blackout left me dizzy and with a nose bleed also seems i took a chunk out of my tongue and i was bleeding from the tongue which still has not healed totally.

Next time you see him tell him to hook up your iPod, I would love to know in what direction the music industry is going :oops:
I would say that actually if you could have someone stay with you for a few days, that it may help.
Otherwise, I would try and cancel out any negative thoughts for at least a month, by saying "Cancel, cancel" when thoughts like that come by. Just let those thoughts go, that way, and soon, those thoughts will not come anymore. I find a lack of good thoughts lately, so anyone else like some of the people I meet would say, that you can not handle the stress. Some answer, isn't it?
Well, no!

Otherwise, you are going to have to control this process by saying and thinking and saying and thinking that -- Hey, you are hurting me here, and do not do this to me, while it is happening, and again all the time while it is happening. Try self-hypnosis, until you gear your mind and brain to automatically do this if it does happen again. This will only take about a couple of days, to think this for awhile, and keep it in the forefront of your thoughts until it really sinks in. (that is the couple of days that it takes!) Not all day does this have to be done, maybe during the day in free time, and also before you go to bed, by relaxing with the way above negative thought thingy, and the just mentioned thought thingy!

Afterall, there are many people on this Planet who will not admit anything, and usually they are aggressive with their own thoughts, and do not care about others at all!

I only care for what it is that I learned from professionals in the field to try and help you out.
Otherwise, I can type sometime back to you!
Actually though, I do not get paid for any of this, so if it does become a chore, then you will actually have to try these methods, because they will work, and do work.

Unless you go off of the deep end, and get high about it, when no one is suppose to. It is a brain-programming technique that can be done by anyone, because your brain is not hard-wired, but can be and is --- soft-wired. All humans brains are, but ones who do not do this, only say that -- that is the way that they are! Well, they are the crazies on this Planet!
And you also probably will not make any money with these type of people, like I have!

In fact if I ever can get to where I can mentally abuse these non-thinking of this type people, I will also probably end up destroying their brains. Because that is what they ask other people to do, and how can I refuse!

This becomes real power and grace for brains and minds! Not the other people silly excuses for lack of communication, always stating their freedom, when it is other Rights that they trample on, and do.
Now, if you think that you are this type of person who has all this freedom to do this -- you are not religious, and also a moron who just thinks that others should not be offended by your type of thought control. It won't work with me!

I know these type of methods work, for I have done those up above methods before, but some other people rather have you or others like me -- lose their minds!
They think that they know everything, and are the real losers.
The professionals are the ones that sell this -- in that field of study, and also are the ones that also say that!
They just know that what these other people attempt will not work if the person going through these type of acts does not want those acts to occur to their brain, and mind.
Some people get aggressive back again, and usually it all goes downhill to below somewhat.

If people do not start acting better on this Planet, I do insist that it will really go downhill, and keep going downhill, because the real only thought on their type of mind is actually harming others, since they can not take rejection, but most men aside, and politicians aside, and some women aside, this attempt against the Lord will fail also!
The Lord is no dummy!
These other type of people just think that their rituals can be attached to others, when not asking, and that only they really have freedom!

Tell the ghost to go to Hell unless it quits doing to you what it is doing!
Tell that person, tell that person, tell that person, tell that person, tell that person, tell that person, tell that person, and also -- tell that person! To Stop It!
Quit it, quit it, quit it, quit it! Just stop it, stop it, stop it, just stop it! Just quit it! Just Stop It!
Beautiful!! Really!! and so elegant, but this is a forum on time travel, and I don't know about you, but if someday someone develops an actual time travel device, there will be no place for soft, and tender hearts, whether a person travels into the un-enlighted, and brutal past, or to the cold and un-empathic highly intelligent minds of the future, the traveler will need to be of the sternest stuff, and not driven by his or her's perceptions of the world, because honey!! to quote a familiar phase " You ain't in Kansas any more", and what may be every day experiences, for the local inhabitants, of some local past/future will in all likelihood, shock and confuse the traveller, so the best attitude that one may arm themselves, is humor, which has proven do be a very successful means in which human beings in all times, in all places to share something very common, but powerfully real, so when you interact with any being, that happens to cross your path try humor, even though they may not get the joke, they will understand the smile. :D