Message from 3895


Temporal Novice
hail all. I am wgorham. the 3895 in my username is to indicate the time in which i reside. as you can tell by my name wgorham in your future all first names will be merged with last names to create one name. also you will notice that everything that i type is in lowercase. that is due to capital letters being outlawed since 2324 - i will explain later. i have been amused by this forum for some time now (ha i made a pun, get it? for some time? god im funny!) and i feel it is appropriate for me to finally reveal all the false prophets that have presented themselves. my main purpose for speaking up is to get the falsities of the revolution straight. i see people speak of the nwo creating miserable lives for you americans. any real person from the future knows that the nwa (niggas with attitudes) is the real roots to the revolution. after a brief music career in the 20th century nwa went underground. in the year 2320 nwa came from hiding to form nwapm (niggas with attitudes political movement - which is funny because they were no longer niggas with attitudes, they were kinda pale from being underground for so long, and actually very well mannered since there had been no "hoods or ghettos" since king george bush 33rd made healthcare a government responsibility and raised minimum wage to 300,000 a gorglack). the movement waged war against the ears of the rich white republicans causing a temporary collapse in government. after 3 and a half years of war nwapm was crushed in the battle of whitey. the resulting treaty between nwapm, libecrats (liberals and demecrats finally came out to reveal the secret agenda republicans suspected for years) and the republicans (rich white guys running all forms of government) set harsh rules for society. since nwapm was crushed all capital letters were outlawed (because everything that the nwapm wrote was in all capitals), because of the crazy names the fighters of nwapm had the government changed all names to first initial last name format to avoid names like "skillet head and donut and chickenhead", and finally all libecrats had to come out of the closet (this may have been the final blow [ha ha blow get it?] to the libecrats since they were all homosexual). as for there being one world government they are also wrong. there are 2; the usa is now the whole continents of north america, asia, antartica, and europe. the other world power is the middle east (after running out of oil water became the worlds most valuable commodity and the middle east had the most towels to offer the world). i will be glad to answer any legit questions that you may have. i just wanted to let you know the truth!
Ah lovely, racism and bigotry thinly veiled as time travel fiction!

We only pick on Lizard Men and Skaarans round here (and Chrono)

RE: Message from a retard.

I am not even going to respond to him, lest he feel inspired.

I agree with you, MS.

You can see how old this crap gets when you've been around as long as some of us have.

RE: Message from a retard.

The whole point is for it to be obviously ignorant - just like all the other morons that make these things up. I have been reading this forum for years and still find it amusing that these people believe thier own lies. Some of these people really believe that they are from the future.
RE: Message from a retard.

Aahhh, wgorham3895, freedom fighter of the socially impared.
You're a living oxymoron, but I like the way you come across as someone who will waste their own time (get it...another pun...) to prove a weak point. I like the way you completely sell yourself out when Rainman mocks you.
Dude, if weirdos want to create an alternate universe for themselves to live in, why stop them if their not hurting anyone? Just because they have to resort to escapism to achieve self respect should be a gateway to herrasment.