What lies behind us and what lies in front of us pales in comparison to what lies within us ...
Each one of us has within the ability to create our future. More magically powerful than anything we can imagine is the power of consciousness. It is the sway of consciousness that is the voter. What we all fail to realize (by collaboration) is that our thoughts create our reality, whether by default (unconsciously) or by design (consciously).
What the Princeton Global Consciousness project is proving is that there is a measurable growth connection between the mind and events in the physical world.
In light of this election, I've come to realize that since the beginning of recorded time men have tried to dominate other men. There has never been a period of history when some individual, group or race was not planning, conspiring or actively working, to take advantage of another individual, group or race. Yet, many Americans actually ridicule the idea that an international group of very powerful placed people would "conspire" to dominate our nation's banking, media/internet and government... It remains to be seen if it is in the betterment of man kind?
It has turned into a ferocious struggle to see the world THEIR WAY! And to conform it in THEIR VIEWS! Is there really that much power in opinion, and do we really have free choice in certain matters?
We flatter ourselves by claiming to be rational and intellectual beings, but it would be a great mistake to suppose that humans are always guided by reason. We are strange inconsistent creatures, and we act quite as often, perhaps oftener, from prejudice, passion or media...
The Public is so in awe of its own opinion, that it never dares to form any, but catches up the first idle rumor, and echoes it till it is deafened with the sound of its own voice. The idea of what the public will think prevents the public from ever thinking at all, and acts as a spell on the exercise of private judgment, so that in short the public ear is at the mercy of the first impudent pretender who chooses to fill it with noisy assertion, false surmise, and secret whispers...
Creating reality with thoughts goes on whether we are aware of it or not, so let us all become aware of this and begin to redirect our thoughts in positive ways. Its really important to ignore thoughts that provoke fear, or doubt or those that limit us...
Because I sure as hell do not want to see a scenario like Titors war! If anything, Titor has had an effect by posing a worst possible scenario, thus opening our eyes/conscience to such a possibility whereby counter activating it from actually occurring.
I may not be fully behind Bush, as I find him sneaky! But in tallying up the progression to everything that has happened so far with war, I have a hunch (just looking ahead) that everything is leading to preparations with Korea.
But through the power of the mind, not if I can help it! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif