Memory or Transportation?


Temporal Novice
Hi there.

I'll get to it.

As I understand it, time travel as I've seen it is extremely difficult in that you have to be in the right place at the right time. By this, I mean that if me from right now, inexplicably went back twenty years - I would end up in the vacuum of space, right? As the planet moves around the sun, you would need to calculate the exact position in relation to the solar system, and not the planet - unless you had some method of tethering yourself to the planet. Perhaps using satellite positioning would work, but would some of the positioning data be lost in transit if you used the current satellites to move to the past? I'm just curious how one would use positioning coordinates to go back, specifically what the coordinates would be in relation to.

Moreover, and this brings me to my main point - There seems to be more than one method of going back.

Physically going back in this body and co-existing with myself back then does not interest me.

I am a man of regret.

The other method which I fear has no scientific basis is consciousness transportation. I want to go back. And I feel like I can.

There are moments wherein I can feel myself going back. I can hear, see, feel and smell being there - but it's as if there's something mechanically holding me back. I'm in a fish bowl, trying to break through. Like a safe-guard of some kind. It requires immense concentration, but I feel like I'm right there - and then something pulls me back. Someone.

Moving backwards in this form would not bring about the problem of positioning, because you would move back with the universe, rather than independently. However, simply turning everything back means you would also lose your memories if everything shifted back - like a reset. So how would one return back - with thoughts from the future? This method seems far more like make-believe fantasy as there isn't anything mechanical involved. But I can't shake these feelings. It's all just conjecture, but still...

Does anyone else have these episodes?

Edit: I'm also having trouble remembering what's what, it seems. People, faces, names and things like that are fine. However, events are troubling me.

I'm often being told about things I've done, that I've remembered doing the exact opposite of. Conversely, reminding people about things I've seen them doing results in them claiming to have done nothing of the sort. Could this have anything to do with memories from other worlds bleeding into each other? I'm legitimately concerned, and at times have been doubting myself.


Based on what you have written here, I encourage you to see your physician and relate these symptoms to him. I mean no disrespect and I do not wish to elicit any fears in you but, if you are experiencing these symptoms, your physician can rule out any serious issues.

You could be having issues with editing, or skipping around a lot for some reason. Don't buy anything that looks familiar, or you have a vague memory of. Start using a lot of pocket change, carry around 20.00 and use the money to make purchases and then keep the change in a jar where you can see it every day. Either that or go get a random item somewhere, like the 10th small object you see in a nick nack store and carry that around in your pocket.

If you have been carrying around some sort of object during this time period, or some objects during the time period, ditch them or sell them away.

@Gpa - No offence taken. I have considered it, but getting in contact with a doctor is difficult these days, and seeing the appropriate one to discuss something like this requires waiting for a long, long time.

@Hyborean - What do you mean by editing? I woke yesterday morning, and for some reason that I couldn't explain - I felt like I had to drive to a specific city, and buy a specific food item, take it home and eat it. I had a mental image burned into my mind, and a singular focus to accompany it. Of course, and I went and did it, but now I feel melancholy. I usually have a lot of pocket change, so that's easy. How would performing the actions you've described help me?


That is the kind of thing that happened to me too. You need to not do those things. I got hit with a kind of scam that involved this kind of thing, almost like I was being fed a tape recorder. It may be a way to open up things in those places that you go and visit to tampering. Like if you lived somewhere earlier, and you felt compelled to revisit it, you probably shouldn't.

A metal object failsafe works on an idea that metallic objects are grounded in certain probability dimensions, or existences and can be used to hold a person who is cruising through a lot of existence code in place, or at least slow them down. It goes back to the ideas of Roman and Northern European shamans using metal objects to affect sedir, and their use in shamanistic rituals of existence in pre-Christian society. Think of the Snettisham treasure and all those gold torcs going into the ground for some reason. The reason was to manipulate sedir. Another aspect of this is dreams where you are flying or sliding down through water.

Editing is the idea that as much as the future may expand down several different branches of probability, the past also collapses into a form of agreement, where you only remember one thing happening. The idea of multiple memories is explained by your editing not working efficiently any longer, so that your past is no longer in agreement with what it seems to be. This could also be caused by interference, where past events are being changed.
