There is no 'science' behind such a theory of 'meeting yourself' in a previous 'time period'. This of course, can not happen, and does not happen, even if you purposely attempt to 'find your previous self'. Quantum principles dictate, and are proven by experiment, to be 'uncertain'; therefore, upon 'time travel', one is probably not actually visiting a different 'time period', but instead a very similar (yet different) 'reality', in which the period visited appears accurate historically speaking, but, is in fact nothing more than an alternate version of the 'now' that very closely resembles the 'then' (time period desirable of visiting). However, it can never be known if this theory is true. It could be, certainly, that one really is traveling 'back in time'. However, current experiments and previously successful projects prove that range is limited exponentially (the further back you try to go, the less accurate the results, yet, the longer the duration). Also notable, are a lack of serious alterations of the 'future' upon return to the lab environment. (some minor changes have been noted, such as the subject remembering football uniforms differently, clothing styles slightly altered, etc.) But, these changes could very well be side effects upon the memory of the test subject, and can not be proven either pro or con. Currently, range is limited to an effective range of -135 yrs. Forward range is currently calculated as zero by our methods, and is therefore considered either impossible, or not currently possible. This idea is contrary to Einstein's theories, yet, they hold true, suggestive of serious flaws in Einstein's theories, most notably the idea that the speed of light has anything to do with 'time'. ( it does not).