media covering up global monetary system


Temporal Navigator
When the US senate needed to pass the 1200 page carbon tax bill w/out the public knowing what was in it....Michael Jackson died and the media could not think of anything else.

When the world leaders want get approval for their climate change conference treaty...Tiger Woods gets beat up by his wife, in a car accident, and the media finds out he had multiple "lovers".

Conspiracy Option A: celebrity dirt is used by media to distract American public from major political power grabbing events, where a new global currency in the form of carbon credits is being made and divvied up among the rich and powerful.

Conspiracy Option B: white globalists are trying to keep the black man down (MJ, TW).
As far as Conspiracy Option A :

I have seen an example of cash that was said to be printed, and will be released in time. It was said that the steps taken before the release of this stashed cash would be gradual, as not to cause "change shock" from the old cash to this new, very different cash.

Who said such a thing, and from whom did the sample orignate from...?

Good question, and glad you asked.

The source was a high ranking bank official for First Interstate Bank ( when there was such a bank ), and the sample was something he obtained from the Treasury Department during a anti-conterfeiting conference.

I have seen first few steps so far...

1) The little strip that runs top to bottom embedded within the cash.
2) The alteration of the placement and size of the historical figures on the cash.
3) The use of multiple colors on the various pieces of cash.

The steps that were going to take place in addition:

1) The multiple colors of the cash would become more defined. Not blended within the old colors of what we are used too. But absolute, like yellow, blue, reddish, etc.

2) The addition of bar codes onto the cash.

The discusssion that surrounded this "new" cash was during a segment of anti-counterfeiting procedures.

This was from a class to become a bank-teller, back the early 90's, like 90,91, dont remember the exact year.

Counterfeiting IS a problem, so obviously something has to be done to curtail the problem. That these changes to the cash is for some sort of One World confrabrication...???

As far as alternative B: I have to dis-agree. Ellen had her turns, as does Lyndzee Lohan, Britney Spears, Mylie Cyrus, and now Meredith Baxter whose names have also been splashed across the news ( too much ), dont fit into your Consiracy Option B perspective there, and MJ certianly wasn't the only major celebrity to leave us in 2009.

As I have said before" instead of becoming frazzled by these government conspiracy theories, there ARE procedures in place to make changes to "the system". It takes hard work, dedication and follow-through.

So, as a suggestion, instead of talking it up, do something. Sit down, draft up a Bill, get the required signatures to get it onto a ballot, and into the voting process. And if enough people see it your way...then it will be passed into law, and you have done something, instead of getting your undies in a bunch and being part of " the rumor mill ".

Which in my opinion actually aids and assists those whom you are pointing fingers at...

(P.S. Never did become a bank teller -- dont like jobs that involve just standing around in one spot all day )
option B was an attempt at humor.

option A has nothing to do with US cash. It has to do a global currency that all nations trade... carbon credits. Besides gold, this is the only form of money that all nations would trade. If you are alloted a certain amaount of carbon credits and don't use them, you can sell them (they are worth money). If you need more carbon credits because you drive a SUV, you must buy them (or be fined). Therefore, carbon cedits will become a globally accepted currency.

The conspiracy is who get them and how many.
A) My reply has more to it than you got out of it. My fault for not being more definitive.
B) Sorry, missed the humor in what you wrote as Option B.