Maybe there is a mundane explanation...


Temporal Novice
The mystery of UFO's (and their implications) has always been probably my favorite object of ponderance, and I'll admit I'm one of those people always looking to the sky hoping to see something. Anyways to the point - I thought I'd pass my humble experiences by you guys. Here an original report I made to the National UFO Reporting Center database a few years ago.

"I was outside on the upper deck of my friend's house in south anchorage with a couple other people as well, and I was just kinda laying in a hammock watching the sky when I noticed something odd. Two lights that looked exactly like stars started moving down the sky past the other stars. One "star" seemed to be leading the other, and they made a fairly sharp turn together before disappearing in about 15 secs or so. I was the only one who saw this. About 5 min later, I saw a single "star" make its way straight down the sky, making a couple slight changes in direction along the way.

This also lasted about 15 sec and one of my friends saw most of this. I never saw anything else that night but I was especially puzzled about the first sighting, since one light seemed to be following the other. As they made their sharpest turn it was almost like they were on a race track and one was swerving around the corner to keep up with the other. These 2 lights never went far from eachother. If you're in Anchorage, keep watching the skies. I was surprised I got a second sighting after the first, perhaps this may be seen again."

I've had plenty of satellite sightings since, and the ones that just moved across the sky seeming to change direction could have been illusion, but the "racecar" stars still perplex. A couple years ago, I also saw two stars again, one neatly following the other, this time in a straight line as if they were two lights on the same craft. Can satellites or planes or anything else appear as only faint star-like points (noiseless, flashless and colorless) on clear nights and do the things described before conveniently vanishing? I'd be interested in any insights, thanks...