MaxwellTT from


Chrono Cadet
I'm not trying to advertise my site or anything like that.

For those who were following the Time Traveller "Maxwell" from Gavin's site , he arrived on the site that I mod . He has admitted that he and a friend hoaxed the board.

For those that have no idea what I'm talking about, Madice and Jorune have an archive of some of his chatlogs located at .

The thread he has admitted to hoaxing is located at . You must register to view it (sorry about that, but it helps to maintain the forum). Many from Gavin's site are there. All are welcome.


We are busy enough debunking our own set of crackpot wannabe timetravelers. Most recently John Titor himself came back because "something went wrong" in his timeline. lol.

ok I'm off to debate more of the physics of time travel, see ya around.
Plus the threads are never really that interesting on Time Travel Net.

I after they moved i couldn't even be bothered to re-register after all that password nonsense.
good point Olly, I tried to re-register, they sent me an email I went to the link, which sent me another email, I typed in the info and it reset my password or something and then sent me another email. I felt like I was being scammed. Only reason I ever went there was they had a Chatroom.

Hey, how come TTI doesn't have a chatroom? ok I'm making an official request.