matter vibrating

When Matter vibrates, it's usually called temperature. Speeding up the vibration will heat the object.

If you're talking about quantumn vibration, than by making it vibrate at a different frequency will draw it into another quantumn universe.

My theory is changing the amplitude of the vibration will induce time travel.
What proof do we have that the concept of "time" as we define it even exists? All of the other concepts of science that we work with manifest themselves in some form that can be perceived or detected. But for time we have nothing. What seperates now from yesterday or tomorrow that is an actual boundary? Nothing. Theories are nice, but most have some basis beyond imagination.

...~The Doctor~...
If time exist what is it? How can you build a time machine to travel through time if you don't know what you are traveling through?


What is the difference between quantum vibration and matter vibration?
How many angels can sit on the head of a pin?

Language and math is a way of manipulating information. If we have run out of information on a certain topic, no amount of talk is going to make any new facts, knowlege or understanding to work with.

Time is what ever each of us BELIEVE it to be. The definition of time is the one we are using at the moment. In the english language most of the meaning, intented to be present, is set by the pre-existing conditions..(i.e. context).

Absolute time is defined by the science of physics. Try to define physics in a page or two. Right. In the end us mere mortals are going to be dependent on highly educated geniouses speaking in the language of complex mathmatics using super computers to model a reality that includes time as subcomponent.

I'm not saying that the average person is too stupid to figure it out , I saying that we, self included , are not smart enough to do it individually. If you want to know follow the leaders, that in itself will be hard enough.
Reply to TimeMaster:

Matter vibration refers to the molecular or atomic level.

Quantumn vibration refers to, appropriatly named, the quantumn level :-) I'm not sure how far down that goes, but I think it's probably the building blocks of the fabric of space itself.
Time is not what ever we believe it to be. There is only one definition that fits all the observerd data about time. The nature of time can be explaned in easy to understand terms. It does not require complex mathematics or a super computer. This is not to say that the definition is easy to find, however with an open mind and a in depth study of the data, the definition can be found.
Ok, so explain it to me, in simple terms so even I can understand.

The main problem here is that there is two kinds of time: psychological time and physical time. Inner time and outer time respectively. The english language doesn't even contain all the vocabulary needed to discuss the subtlies of the subject. Eskimos have a dozen words for snow. We have one word for time and I'll bet that time is more complicated than snow.
A rose by any other name is still a rose.

Although defining time is difficult, measuring it is not. Here are just a few time scales.

Universal Time: The mean solar time of the meridian of Greenwich, England.

Coordinated Universal Time: The basis of legal and civil time.

Rotational Time: The apparent solar day.

Ephemeris Time: The first correct dynamical time scale.

Standard Time: Local mean solar time dependant upon longitude.

What we are looking for is the one simple underlying truth that ties all these time scales together.

If we assume that this underlying truth is complicated and can not be expresed with our current vocabulary we limit our possible solutions.

This would be an unfortunate mistake.

Temporal displacement is another way of say Time Travel.
Then try this: absolute time is the rate at wich fundamental particals vibrate on their spin axis,( ie nutation). So, if as mentioned above, the quantal state is defined by a set of 4 numbers, one being nutation, then time is just one dimention of matter.
Now if you consider this to be simple, consider that quantum "spin" is not the axial spin of common definition. Quantum spin is... er, ah, well I don't know what in hell it is.
Lets say that absolute time proceeds a some even multiple of Plank time, but you will still need a clock to measure it....WHAT is the clock measuring? I don't believe I know and to be fair I don't think ANYBODY can explain it. But we can keep trying.

What is the source of your ideal? I find no reference to the term " nutation " in quantum physics. Nutation means " to nod " this would imply a slow vibration. There is a quantum number for spin, however I can find no quantum number for the motion you describe. If this quantum motion does exist how does it relate to time?

Why would you consider quantum spin to be anything other then the common definition. What dose quantum spin have to do with time?

Your question " What is the clock measuring? " has a simple answer. " duration " This duration has many different labels. IE: seconds, minutes, hours
Going back to your own post under "Where are they" you say that the quantal state of an electron consists of four "quantum numbers". #4 was spin (Ms). Taking up from crzyricky3s' statements about nutation, I put the two together and made the off-the-cuff idea that the isotropic vibration rate of mass was the same thing as an electron rocking back and forth on its quantum spin axis, i.e. nutation. I believe that this is the basis for the fields of nuclear magnetic resonance, and electron spin resonance.

I read some where that they call property #4 "spin" for the sake of having any name for it at all. They could have named property #4 spagetti sause but it would not have sounded very scientific.

Duration my butt. Duration of WHAT? Time? So I'm still waiting for a good definition fo time. Saying that time is "that which is measured with a clock" doesn't make much of a definition, not to me anyway. You are confusing the measurment with that which is being measured.

The moderator put out as good an answer as any. He says there ain't no such thing as time. Could time be all that isn't: That is LESS than the nothingness of space?

I merely suggested that quantal vibration in the form of "spin axis nutation" might set the fundamental "clock rate" of this universe.
I never said duration was the definition of time. you made an incorrect assumption, howerver not totally unexpected give the nature of the question. Duration is the answer to your question and it is the correct answer. As for your question " Duration of WHAT? " the answer is quite generic. That is the answer depends on the person holding the watch.

I apologize for not posting a definition of time. The definition I have is no better then any other unless it can be used to answer all question about time. At this time I have not found any question I could not answer, however I am sure there are many questions I have not yet attempted to answer.
The problem with trying to define what time is is that there is no absolute measure of time. The rate of passage of time, as physics describes it, is dependant on ones velocity and your proximity to matter. If one arbitrarily defines time as the rate at which some pendulum swings back and forth, for example, this is meaningless, because even this "constant" varies depending on one's frame of reference. In the end, time can only be defined through the use of some more advanced physics.

Asking "What is time?" is equivalent to asking "What is length?"; it depends.
Time does exist..otherwise how is time dilation possible? I think a definition of time that works is what goes one between two repeating events. am i being naive by saying that?